Threadly reminder to visit other boards, you digital recluses.
Visit the following boards to discuss hobbies and interest:
>>>/a/ - Anime, manga, and Japanese media general
>>>/ai/ - Anime and other media for young girls, prichan, aikatsu, cocotama, precure, shining star
>>>/bane/ - Baneposting
>>>/c/ - Cute, comfy and blog posting
>>>/ck/ - Culinart arts, cooking tips, and general home cooking
>>>/co/ - Comics and cartoons of western origin
>>>/cool/ - It's the cool kid's club, baby
>>>/comfy/ - Even more comfyposting
>>>/cyoa/ - Choose Your Own Adventures and roleplay
>>>/fast/ - SFW Sonic the Hedgehog discussion
>>>/fit/ - Fitness, health, and general body improvement
>>>/from/ - Talk about games made by From Software
>>>/g/ - Everything about Gondola
>>>/k/ - Weapons, equipment, tactics, experiences, stories, and more
>>>/lit/ - Read and write fine literature and/or pulp trash
>>>/loomis/ - Art Gains for practice and improvement
>>>/liberty/ - Discussion of private property norms, Austrian-school economics, and natural rights
>>>/monarchy/ - Discussion about the past, present and future of monarchism
>>>/mu/ - Music discussion and Generals
>>>/pol/ - Politics and political incorrectness
>>>/polarchive/ - Redpill archive and dumping ground
>>>/s/ - Collaborative storitelling
>>>/t/ - SFW discussion of technology and software
>>>/tg/ - Tabletop and Card game related discussion
>>>/tw/ - Let's all love Lain
>>>/vapour/ - Aesthetic appeal and nostalgia
>>>/vb/ - Anything goes as long as it's vidya related
>>>/vg/ - Video Game discussions and generals
>>>/vhs/ - Discussion of movies and cinema, plus weekly movie nights
>>>/vr/ - Retro video gaming
>>>/vyt/ - Virtual youtuber generals and discussions
>>>/wooo/ - Professional wrestling and combat sports
>>>/x/ - Paranormal, occult, and conspiracy
Visit the following boards to discuss lewds:
>>>/cb/ - 2D and real life gay porn
>>>/delicious/ - Western and cartoon-style lolicon, although anime-style lolis are allowed too
>>>/fur/ - All things furry related
>>>/gts/ - Gigantism and other fetishes involving size difference
>>>/h/ - Hentai of all kinds
>>>/hyper/ - Girls with hyper proportions
>>>/lb/ - Ladyboys and shemales of Asian origin
>>>/loli/ - Japanese/anime and high-quality western lolicon
>>>/rule34/ - Self-explanatory at this point
>>>/sm/ - Gay and straight shotacon of all kinds
[Expand Post]
>>>/ss/ - 2D ara/boy love
>>>/tot/ - Toddlercon and babycon
>>>/trapshota/ - Share your love and interest for trap and crossdressing shota
>>>/u/ - Yuri of all kinds, including futa, zoo, and real life lesbian porn and discussions
>>>/u2/ - Yuri, 2D anime/cartoon only, no futa or "extreme" fetishes like zoo
Visit non-English boards to talk about their cultures and hobbies:
>>>/de/ - German board for topics of general interest to Germany
>>>/hisrol/ - Spanish board for "Choose Your Own Adventure" stories
>>>/ita/ - Italian board for topics of general interest to Italy