/gts/ - Giant Women

Giant girls (and boys and futas) of all sizes welcome!

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Suggestions/Communications thread: Talk with me and help me make this board great! Tiny Board owner 09/02/2020 (Wed) 19:10:46 No. 2767 [Reply]
Just a thread for anons to tell me what they want fixed or changed about this board, like merging or fixing threads, creating or cleaning up certain threads, enacting suggestions where possible I can't do everything, for example anything that would involve censoring anons, I might be loath to touch it unless its spammy or something. A reminder you can hide people's posts or threads if it bothers you. But otherwise, I'm here and ready to help and do my best for this place. Please, feel free to post whatever's on your minds here!
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>>3769 There is not enough underwear entrapment, what I'd fucking give to be dropped into a cheeky sho's undies he's been wearing for days
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traps and futas Trap/futa thread 01/24/2019 (Thu) 00:55:49 No. 1931 [Reply] [Last]
because i like my traps
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>>3595 Sauce?
>>3622 half a year Late but https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/104603596 if you look at the filename sometimes you are able to discern what website it's from and pixiv is very easy because of the p(number here) at the end

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Giantessbooru closing down Tiny 12/12/2023 (Tue) 04:22:46 No. 3686 [Reply]
I saved all I wanted. RIP in piece. The site was honestly never fixed, either
OooOoo yeah i know but malgam youshebe bghdiri lolpaysta http://jdiaokdkdk.anonblogd4pcarck2ff6qlseyawjljaatp6wjq6rqpet2wfuoom42kyd.onion/

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Gore Anonymous 07/14/2017 (Fri) 16:27:15 No. 1066 [Reply]
Crushing, macerating, ripping, and other tortuous, messy fates for unfortunate tiny people!
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Giantess butt stuff. Tiny 10/07/2020 (Wed) 23:22:55 No. 2774 [Reply]
Post butt stuff involving big girls. including shidding and fjarding
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>>2774 someone post the new kazo images, I'd do it but I'm in bed being comfy
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>>3227 what the fuck anon i cant believe your being comfy in bed without inviting me
i wAnted to just stick a little backup in heRe to help ensUre some of these old works doN't vAnish fRom the internet. especially becaUse they DOn't even allow supporters to get previous support period's works. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl3REVMRVRFX1RIRVNFX0ZPVVJfV09SRFNhWGhsYkdSeVlXbHVMbU52YlM5MUx6WklNWGN4ZGpGWg== Careful though, these big bottoms are pretty gross~

PoterColusGTS threads Tiny 01/12/2024 (Fri) 09:31:02 No. 3740 [Reply]
Anyone have the milk of growth series?

Loli thread Tiny 06/01/2015 (Mon) 04:07:23 No. 227 [Reply] [Last]
Post what you got Considering how many of these images are getting deleted from other sites we gotta put em somewhere, right?
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>>3816 I made these two as a part of a set im too lazy to finish. The world needs more mini-giant lolis

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>>3820 Nice. Does anyone have that loli giantess SFM video with the "lollipop" music?
>>3821 I dont have it; all I can do is remember it was a Walking Dead giantess vid with a the girl in a yelow dress sucking on a lollipop with Clem on it as the song plays. I think at the end Clem is stuck to the screen?

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Steamboat giantess Tiny 01/02/2024 (Tue) 18:15:20 No. 3725 [Reply]
Steamboat willy (giantess edition) thread

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irl wwyd Anonymous 03/20/2020 (Fri) 20:32:39 No. 2492 [Reply]
Any of you ever considered who you would grow giant or shrink tiny if you had the option ? honestly id be tempted to just shrink people at parties. gf has tall af heels even tho she is tiny so seeing her unaware squish people while dancing drunk sounds hilarious.
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imagine how huge the inside of her stomach would be at that size
Id love to shrink, and fap my little brains out to a girl that was standing above me. That looming energy alone is enough to drive me so crazy..
I imagen a loli wanting to impress daddy as she would grow everything she wore rips With side effect more she grows the more horny she feels Scream for bigger

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Tiny 10/29/2020 (Thu) 19:50:59 No. 2820 [Reply]
Youre a big girl
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What is Terry looking at? it's a mock-up with the giantess hologram scene, I though it'd be fitting here
>>3034 There's no sign in your gifs they are giants- not calling you a liar, just that I'd hope this gacha would have something more going for the giant/ess theme it supposedly has than a few gifs of them in an empty space performing the same idle animation over and over.
>>3034 Oh fuck me I'm retarded, I didn't see that post was made back in 2021, fuck this board is dead

Vivian size content Tiny 03/13/2015 (Fri) 09:12:27 No. 82 [Reply]
Since this board started with her I'll post the rest of what I've got.

There's a thread for it over at >>>/vivian/1129 as well with a couple of greentext stories that look like they've been abandoned.
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Its GG's 6th anniversary, anyone got any new art of them?
Who was the faggot who made the banner of the two anons requesting Vivian picking anon's out of her pubes getting flamed? Seriously, that was a good request

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nyom87 Tiny 10/27/2023 (Fri) 19:17:08 No. 3665 [Reply]
Why is this dude's stuff so hard to find? He's clearly still very active on patreon, yet his most recent works listed on sadpanda are literally from over 2 years ago. You can't even find them on the sussy K2C download sites. And it's not like he's a niche artist either, he's been hugely popular for like 10 years. I get a nigga gotta make a buck, but how does a fetish comic artist apparently have tighter DRM than AAA gaming studios?
The only way to get Nyom's comics is through his Patreon. You pledge $10 and get the two comics he's releasing that month. Every $5 you pledge extra lets you ask him for an extra previous release, which he sends out manually. There's no other option to buy individual issues. This means if you want one specific comic, you're paying $15 minimum.

Anonymous 07/23/2018 (Mon) 23:54:46 No. 1637 [Reply]
giantess candy chiu from gravity falls vs giga bowser

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Gts Katelyn Tiny 02/10/2015 (Tue) 17:40:43 No. 68 [Reply]
Anybody want to share movies from Gts Katelyn site? or any sites where her movies can be watched for free?
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to be clear, suck my balls now tell me where to find crush stuff, but bugs only. i never said shit about animals you sick wacko
long time to see :(
>>3552 holy crap, you are a god anon, i will archive and share these with many sizefags

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Translation Request Thread Tiny 02/25/2016 (Thu) 23:58:38 No. 632 [Reply]
Any anons able to translate this?
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>>3616 DeepL?
>>3426 bump
>>3426 Bump

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