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Giantess "Colossal CYOA" Brit 05/19/2017 (Fri) 20:36:40 No. 822
A thread where I will be regularly posting a story I'm writing using the Colossal CYOA. I'm going to write what I want, but if people get interested and want to help choose our hero's path, that would be great! Any comments, or suggestions on improving would be greatly appreciated. Without further ado: I’ll be honest, when I figured out what had happened a year ago, I was a little bit excited. When the rift tore open above the Alps, permanently disfiguring them for all of history and tearing the ruined mountains from their foundations; we were all scared. Terrified in fact. Was it the end of the world? Alien invaders? Rapture? Days rolled on and all was quiet. Soon armies and scientist descended upon the rift and began studying it. Turns out it was Aliens. Well, when I say aliens I mean creatures from another dimension. So, this rift was a portal to a parallel world much like earth, but where magic is commonplace. The natives of this world are gigantic humans called Colossals. In addition to their sheer size and strength, most of them seem to have supernatural powers or were in possession of magical artefacts. Of course, as soon as we made contact and found out the nature of these beings, the world leaders immediately thought the worst. Realising the new threat, they dropped all previous notions and prejudices as Earth needed to work together. Any one nation that tried to sway anything in their specific favour were soon brought into line by those who could see the clear and present danger. We as a species came together to fight for our very survival. Surprisingly it was a very short lived “All for one!” as we were informed that not only were the Colossals peaceful, but were actively willing to trade with us in exchange for their ability to come to planet Earth. The nations divided again, each offering the Colossals land to settle on and citizenship in exchange for Trading Rights with the Colossals home world Metra. Those with the greatest number of guests received greater economic benefits. There were some teething problems as the larger, more dangerous Colossals took to this new world with reckless abandon. So a new system was brought in; Moderators. A Moderator’s job was to keep an eye on their Colossal and make sure they obey all the laws and don’t cause anyone any trouble. This of course is a 24/7 job, meaning that they had to live with their wards. Most of our visitors decided to import materials from their world to build houses to their scale. The governing power of the moderator’s country provide modifications to their home to make it accessible for the Moderator. It was a highly-rewarded role, a 6-figure salary sweetened the deal due to the unique nature of the job. At first many volunteered for the opportunity, but the hazardous nature and exuberant personalities of the Colossals very quickly turned many away.
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>>822 (Messed up the spacing.) This is where I come in. My name is Anon, 25, single and employed. My job was a dead end unless any of the higher ups dropped dead. That’s what I was hoping for anyway. Today was a typical Monday, busy but not enough to cause any major trouble. As I was driving home I was listening to the radio’s news. “As the continuing shortage of Moderators deepens, we are being assured that the positions are being filled as quickly as they open by the heads of the Moderator Foundation…*KIHSST*” I flipped over to a music channel and carried on. Parking up to my apartment and trudging in I dropped my bags and flopped onto the bed. I had seriously considered applying to be a Moderator when they first came through, but it was made clear at the start; only the finest, most well qualified citizen could be liaisons to these alternate beings. There was no point in wasting my time nor wasting the £150 application fee either. I spent a couple of hours playing on my games and another few ironing the ever-growing pile of freshly washed clothing. Once it had got dark on this Summer’s evening I headed to bed. Sleep found me quickly and I expected to be next woken up by my alarm. What actually happened was the feeling of someone else being in the room. I tend to sleep like the dead when people just move around as normal, but the moment someone tries to be quiet, I wake up immediately and am fully awake. I always daydreamed about waking up to find an intruder and how I would heroically protect my home. Unfortunately, I hadn’t ever put it into actual practise before. Feeling someone creep into my room I immediately woke up and stood up to grab the baseball bat I kept on the windowsill behind my headboard. Grabbing a hold, I valiantly gave a threatening swing whilst shouting and demanding who the intruder was. What happened according to the later reports was that I blearily jumped up, fumbled with the bat and launched it at the trio of soldiers in my bedroom. Apparently, what I said, didn’t actually make sense, it was just mostly syllables at high volume. It was then I decided to dive at the closest shadowy shape and promptly got acquainted with my own floor boards. I felt a quick sharp sting in my buttock and sleep took over again. I awoke in a hospital bed. I didn’t know what time it was as there were no windows to my room. I had been stripped of my pyjamas and left with a paper gown. It was a remarkably bare room, the only indication of where I was, was the bed; it looked exactly like the ones from any of the medical TV dramas. Folded up at the bottom of the bed, were clothes that looked remarkably like mine. A plain grey t-shirt, jeans, underwear, socks and my plain black trainers. Quickly dressing and surveying the room, the only other object in the almost impossibly white cell was the door that now swung open. I slipped the final garb over my head and a sharply dressed man filled the doorway. “Ah, Anon; you’re awake. My name’s Gary, glad to meet you!” The overly chirpy man strode into the room grinning from ear to ear. His finely greased back hair and immaculately groomed beard matched the almost perfectly fitted suit that hugged his lean body. The man lived and breathed a certain ability to sell ice to Eskimos or sand to desert dwellers. “I’m glad you don’t seem any none worse for wear! I know sometime our retrieval department can be a tad rough sometimes.” Gary confidently strolled deeper into the room as if he owned it, I made a point of standing there like a rabbit in the head lights, unable to find any suitable words for the odd set of events that seemed to have only just happened to me. “It’s your lucky day Anon, I have a fantastic offer for you. I’m aware that you aren’t happy in your current job and am offering a change of a life time!” He spouted.
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>>823 “Wait… Wait a minute, how did you know about my job? I’ve never said anything to anyone there before!” Gary walked past me, as if to look out of a non-existent window. “Ah well, we well have access to anything you’ve typed or said regardless of where. So, when you mentioned to your friend about your career predicament we thought this an invitation to welcome you to your true calling!” He continued turning back to look at me. “But how we came across this information isn’t important Anon! What’s important is that you are perfect for what we need you for!” “Don’t ignore what opportunity has just appeared in front of you!” His voice swelling towards the end of his speech, almost letting emotion seep in. “Alright, I’ll bite… What do you want me to do?” I warily enquired. “I’m glad you’ve seen the light. Come with me and let me explain everything!” His grin never faltered from the moment he marched in to the moment he marched out. With no other option, I followed. The room led out into a corridor, this had more details then my cell, but only enough to tell me that I had I had the option of following ‘Gary’ or running the opposite way, which lead to two very armed guards blocking a set of double doors. “So, I don’t know if you’re aware, but we have visitors from another dimension.” “I think heard that mentioned on the news…” “Well to keep track of our guests and to maintain good relations we need to keep in contact with these giants at all times. The problem is; is that they don’t like having an entire surveillance team follow them and monitor them, at all times. As such, we’ve come to an agreement.” He drawled. “The Moderators?” I supplied. “The Moderators! They said you were a quick one! Yes, the moderators were our answer. We can keep track of them and they can survive one measly human looking after them. In fact, some of them actively enjoy having their own personal companion.” He beamed, occasionally looking over his shoulder at me, his stride never slowed as he rounded corner and through already open doors.
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>>824 “However, we’ve had some teething problems.” his brow creasing. “At first, we wanted our best and brightest to look after our esteemed guests, but it seems that our best and brightest aren’t necessarily suited for the job.” His voice had taken a concerned tone, but by the way it had flipped almost as if a switch had been effortlessly turned on, I was curious as to whether he was being genuine. “It turns out some of us aren’t suited to dealing with people larger than ourselves. Something that seems to upset us on an emotion or mental level. So, we looked into personal tastes. We tried hiring people who had relationships with taller folk, but they weren’t any better by anyone’s standard. But! The eggheads have come up with a new plan; you!” He stopped suddenly, turning on his heel. “Me?” “Yes, according to your internet history you love this stuff!” He said excitedly. The blood drained from my face as I realised he meant the media I had browsed in my spare time. Size differences, giantesses, documented Colossals. All of these a closely guarded secret. “I.. I don’t know what you mean.” Gary didn’t reply, his grin just seemed to go wider as he did his best to impersonate the Joker, before continuing. “We’ve done our research Anon, you’re exactly what we’re looking for.” He once again said excitedly thankfully taking the conversation away from my embarrassment. He flung open a set of double doors and marched into what looked like a surveillance room. Rows of seating on one side, facing a wide clear window. “I’ll be honest Anon, you don’t have a choice; you are doing this. So, it’s best you get to meet your new responsibilities and accept them with enthusiasm and vigour!” He concluded, punctuating the fact I didn’t have a choice in the matter. He extended his arm out, gesturing towards the windows. Taking my que, I cautiously moved up to the window and peered through.
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>>825 It was a normal waiting room. Sofas, a side table with literature on it. Non-threatening beige walls and red brick coloured carpet. But, it was odd, the point of view was too low and made the room seem massive. Suddenly, the entire window went dark, replaced with a pair of magnificent green eyes and finely kept eyebrows. “HEY THERE!” a voice boomed. Regardless of the fact it was a feminine voice, the walls shook and I could feel my ribcage shake within me as well. The pale green eyes squinted in an unmistakable display of smiling as a massive hand swept by the window repeatedly. I recognised this as waving and gave a small wave back at the colossal presence in front of me. The face receded as quickly as it appeared as instead a pair of legs took up centre stage and walked away to a waiting couch across the vast plain that was this ‘waiting room’. “That’s Merelyn, she’s one of the more ‘adventurous’ types. But she’s lovely I assure you.” Gary explained. I hastily took a seat and bent over, putting my head between my knees. I had become light headed. Dizzy and nauseous, trying to comprehend the sheer size of creature that wasn’t 2 meters away from my face a moment ago. I was no bigger than her entire face, smaller even! I was 5’7’’ or 1.7meters. I was average! I wasn’t short by any measurement, but I would barely be up to this creature’s ankle! I may have had fantasies about this very scenario, but real life is different. Real life giantesses were dangerous! “Don’t worry about it Anon a common reaction even among those who are successful in this organisation. And we aren’t going unleash you on any of them just yet. We want you to meet a lady called ‘Rosynth’ first. She’s probably the most important as she’s the Colossal home world’s royalty.”
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>>826 I turned to look up at him and blinked. “You want me to meet their royalty?! How big is she?!” Gary simply grinned; “Oh, don’t worry, she’s lovely and certainly not as imposing as some of the others. Now; get it together!” He patted me twice on the back before marching towards the far door, opposite to the one we had entered through. He waited there holding the door open expectantly. I was still light headed and could feel my heartbeat pounding in my ears. This was insane, it was dangerous. It was my fantasy. At best, I could meet this ‘Rosynth’ in person so I could at least experience first-hand contact. Looking through the looking glass again the giantess was now sat on a blue fabric sofa miles away. From here it looked like she was normal size, but I knew better. “Alright… lets go.” I said quietly as I assured myself rather than to Gary. He quickly led me through more corridors, the ever-growing presence of guards didn’t help ease my tension, but the crisply dressed man soon stopped in front of set of double doors. “Alright, you wait in here and I’ll let them know you’re on board for now.” He pushed a door open, gestured for me to enter. Inside was a well-furnished room with high ceilings, nothing nearly tall enough to accommodate for the Colossal in the other room, so I wasn’t too worried. “Okay, wait here and I’ll let them know you’re on board for now.” He said with his ever-annoying grin plastered to his face. He swiftly left the room with the door closing and a resounding click as it closed.
>>827 Great. I was alone in the room, no guards or cameras that I could see. The walls weren’t the drab white metal or plaster that was the rest of the facility, they were a warm golden sandstone. Punctuated by red accents. Red curtains, red carpets. A couple of the walls were dominated by bookcases reaching most of the way up to the ceiling. In one corner a massive piano sat, a grand piano defiantly, but something about the perspective was off. The next thing to catch my eye were the two white sofas sat in the middle of room. It didn’t click at first till I realised; they were huge! I stood at a respectable 5’7’’ and the seat cushions came up to my shoulders! I’d have to actively climb just to get onto this. Then it twigged; the piano, it wasn’t my imagination. I walked over, my trainers not making a noise on the plush red carpet. It too, was larger than normal. The piano itself was taller than I was and the bench; again; I’d have to climb onto it just to sit down. Was it real? I reached up and gently pressed on one of keys. A high pitched ‘plink’ echoed into the room. “Do you play?” a quiet voice from behind me asked. I leapt out of my skin and whipped round, a feeling of being caught doing something I shouldn’t welling up. In front of me was a figure of beauty: a deep purple hair, that flowed all the way down her back to the top of her hips, turning into lazy curls at the bottom. It was shorter around her face, framing it perfectly. Her eyes were sparkling, filled with concern at this moment. I was entranced by them, a purple that matched her hair. Her mocha skin was flawless, a light brown that didn’t have a single blemish on it. She had a full figure, an hourglass shape to her. The woman wore an elegant, yet functional strapless dress that hugged her body as well as allowing her more generous assets to be seen though it seemed that the dress was only being held on by the impressively large bosom that seemed to keep the dress taut. Pale pink and white were the colours, but it wasn’t just her painfully beautiful form that held my attention. She stood easily past 3 meters tall.
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>>828 A Colossal. A real one and beautiful one at that. As she stood there holding my gaze, she gave off this vibe – an aura of royalty and nobility. Was this the one Gary was talking about? She blinked and broke the trance. “Are you okay?” She asked as she swept towards me. She didn’t walk it seemed, her dress flared out, covered her feet so it seemed that she glided, perfectly crossing the room as if never moving her legs. It wasn’t until she was upon me that I truly realised just how much bigger she was. The piano stool next to me was the perfect size for her, but I only just came up to her hips, not even to where her belly button would be! “I err…” I stammered as she approached, looming over me. My words failed me, caught in my throat as this goddess of beauty towered over me, intimidating beyond anything I’d experienced before now. She reached out, the frills of her dress around her wrists rustled as she took my face in her hands. “Are you alright? I hope I haven’t startled you.” She asked, with sincerity in her voice. Her eyes locked onto mine and I fell in, I only wanted to please her in this moment. I cleared my throat and blinked. “I’m, I’m fine thank you. Sorry about that.” I blurted out. As soon as I came to my senses, prompted by her such soft, yet dwarfing hands cupping my face; she released me, as if sensing that was the right moment. “Would you mind if I had a go?” She smiled as she moved to take a seat at the instrument. “I’ve been trying to learn a bit while I’ve been here, but I haven’t had much time to be honest. Your world has so many wonderful things to see and hear.” Her voice was rich as if the sound itself were coated in honey. She placed her fingers against the ivory, and began to play. I didn’t recognise the tune, but the melody seemed flawless, she only played a couple of bars as far as I could tell before she stopped and turned her head to look down at me. Even sat down she was taller than me. “You’re very good.” I grinned stupidly. She smiled and stood up to her full height again. “I can tell you’re feeling a bit nervous; please don’t. I’m Rosynth!”
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>>829 Her smile was warm and sincere. Reaching her eyes easily. “There’s nothing to worry about with me.” her voice sang; “Come; sit with me! Tell me who you are!” As if sensing my loss of words, she reached down, took my hand and bouned toward the large sofas. Was this the royalty? She wasn’t anything I expected royalty to be. After all; I was British. I knew what a royal was supposed to be like, stuffy and serious, but she was anything but that. She knew exactly what to say or do to dispel any notion or worry I had about her. The sudden force on my arm jolted me back. She dragged me toward the sofas; she didn’t even slow as she made her way across the velvet carpet essentiality pulling my full weight behind her. It was as if she was a force a nature, comparable to a crashing wave that I had no hope of resisting. Rosynth, as she revealed herself to be, released my hand and sat back on to the sofa. “I want you to understand something: I know they’ve told you who I am back home, but I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable; I want you to be at ease around me. Okay? You aren’t my subject so you must treat me like anyone else, understood?” The commanding tone in her voice was a change, the honey dipped words were the same, but the firmness made it clear there was to be no argument. “Alright?” I replied, it was slightly comforting to know she didn’t want me to stand to attention for her. “So, who are you? What’s your name?” “I’m Anon, I’ve lived in England all my 25 years and they told me today; they want me to be a Moderator.” I explained as I looked at the sofa in front of me. It was almost as tall as I was! The room’s main furniture was obviously more suited for Rosynth’s stature then my own. Rosynth clapped her hands together and exclaimed: “Oh! That’s wonderful news! When I had heard, they weren’t having luck finding people who ‘clicked’ with my subjects, I was worried that we may not be able to stay!” I grabbed a hold of the edge of the sofa and gave a testing tug to get a measure of the slack.
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>>830 Briefly looking across to the amazon sat to one side, who simply smiled and patted the sofa next to her, challenging me wordlessly to join her. Steeling my face, I made a point to do this as smoothly as I could. I jumped and lifted myself up, swinging a leg up onto the sofa and dragging myself the rest of the way. I had succeeded in getting onto a basic piece of furniture. Now I was stood up straight whilst she sat down, did I reach the top of her head. She was incredible. I couldn’t stop being drawn in by her femininity. “Well I must say, not only am I glad to have such a strapping young man to be our future escort, but it’s certainly a bonus that he’s a cute one!” She teased, looking you up and down unashamedly. “But tell me about yourself, I need to know more before I let you prey upon my poor unsuspecting people.” Taking a seat on a red velvet cushion that had been propped up on one of the sofa’s arms I cleared my throat. “Well, I err… I’m Anon, 25… I work at an office. I’m customer service, so I just help people with any problems they have. I like reading, playing on games.” I felt like I was rambling I never really had any great accomplishments, but each time I looked up; Rosynth was in avid concentration, listening to every word. “There’s not much else really, I haven’t done much with my life just yet.” She smiled knowingly; “Oh, I think that’s going to change very soon, I can tell you’ve only got other people’s wellbeing at heart. Even before you start looking after us, I know all of them will love you and you, them.” It was odd, I was worried, panicked that this was all going to go wrong or that I was dreaming, but when she said those words they felt truthful. Yes, I had a thing for Giantesses, but these Colossals were here and needed someone just as much as we needed a significant other so we weren’t alone. A sense of purpose blossomed inside, spurred on by Rosynth’s kind words. An ember turning into a flame. “I’ll do my best.” I said, oddly meaning it more than I had intended. There was a moment; a moment where we were both looking into each other’s eyes. Then the moment was gone as a rather serious looking woman in Earth military gear opened the two double doors that until now had gone unnoticed. The solider snapped to attention. “Ma’am Rosynth! A level 16 Colossal has taken offence to something and is currently pacing the Mojave Desert in a threatening manner. We need your assistance immediately to calm the situation!” Rosynth didn’t seem irritated about the interruption. However, whilst she showed immediate concern for what seemed an oddly undramatic statement, she didn’t forget to turn around; to reach out and shake my hand whilst smiling. “I’m glad you agreed to consider the Moderator position. It would be lovely to have you on board Anon.” With that, she gave my tiny hand a gentle squeeze and strode out the room with purpose and determination.
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>>831 As the doors closed behind her, I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “Wow…” “I know, right?” Gary and his stupid grin had materialised from somewhere. “So, there’s a few papers for you to sign, then we can assign you to your first Colossal!” He walked up to the sofa I was standing on looking up at me, grinning like a Cheshire cat. I now knew that the grin was probably because he knew that all I had to do was meet that wonderful amazon to get me to agree to his terms. “Let’s go then.” I muttered climbing down from the sofa. It was more irritation that he was right over anything else. “Excellent!” He marched through the same double doors as Rosynth just did, my stomach fluttered for a moment, maybe we were going to the same place? Quickly catching up I didn’t catch any sign of her and as we progressed into more administration parts of this maze-like facility, it didn’t seem likely she had come this way due to the low roofs. “So, for every Colossal, they have what we call a ‘Challenge Rating’. We understand that you’re going to be dealing with remarkably larger people then you’ve previously managed, so using these ratings we can supply you with tools that will make your life certainly easier.” Gary walked into what I could only assume was his office. The entire thing said, “power play” from the executive toy on his desk, to the desk it’s self a huge mahogany monstrosity. He sat down in the high backed black leather chair and produced a thick file. “In here is the names and challenge ratings of each of the Colossals that you will have the option of caring for. Using the challenge rating you can also request some equipment to help you. For example, with the help of our new benefactors we have created a suit, which is not only subtle enough to be worn under your clothes, almost to the point you couldn’t tell you were wearing it, but tough enough to survive 10,000 tons of pressure.” He grinned knowingly; “It’s a favourite of our current staff.” Looking down at the file, I began to leaf through it.
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>>832 So! Who would be your choice? - Why? What items / Specials would you get using your rating? - Why?
>>833 Talei
>>822 wait our recruiter is litteraly Gary?? the size fetish zone video guy?
>>833 Kurasa, i like her elegance, charm , and calm beauty, she seems so soothing and peaceful. I could happily live in the middle of nowhere with her with no worries, I like the possibility of living isolated in a secret garden/jungle paradise with a giant gf who can provide for our needs via nature. She certainly "could" arrange something like that but only if she wanted to. Just gotta talk her into it.
>>1075 Less RIP, more than due to delay in response I ended up rewriting/ tweaking it. If you got a better way of sharing up to date versions let me know rather than me just reposting whatever I’ve done. And whilst yes, I fully agree with the above choices, you can't merely pick your girl without taking responsibilities. What items would you choose for your adventure/life with your wards?
Im going with Tyanor, he seems like hed be my bro, as his moderator, id give him everything he needs and do everything he can't, in exchange, he'd be my friend and give me one entertaining show. Together, we'd create an unstoppable alliance of giants and humans spanning across the two realms, where the giants are worshipped and served like gods, and which has a social darwinist ideology which values merit and power above all else. Anyone who stands in our way, human, giant, or otherwise, shall be removed by any means necassary (prisoners have more utility than corpses, so casualties will be minimized, and more glory shall be given to those that take the enemy alive and well than those who simply slay them).
>>833 Nershi nershi nershi

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