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autism thread Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 08:10:40 Id: 79659c No. 7004
Share your owotism stories I'll start >first day of work >drink 4 cups of free coffee at 10:30 to cope with my autism >feel tummy rumbling... o god its coming >run for the washroom >don't know what to do and lock the door in a state of panick >10 minutrs later... washing my hands >>*knock* *knock* >>who's in there? open the door >social anxiety kicks in >realize theres a separate lock for the toilet room and I locked the entire washroom instead >quickly dry my hands and get out of there >5 people standing in a queue outside >they all staring at me like they saw a serial public gooner >say "haha, sorry" and run away
>>7004 >drink 4 cups of free coffee I knew there would be a shit story coming right after i read that. But genuine question, does cofee really make you "energetic" or is it just a meme? I once just ate a lot of dry coffee powder to test and it didn't do anything; except the bitter taste it left.
>>7004 >guy says something to someone behind me >I answer instead >>7005 >does cofee really make you "energetic" or is it just a meme? no chai no coffee ever does it for me I just drink kadak chai for the lulz only things that have worked so far are energy drinks someone i know says it's only black coffee which does the trick idk >once just ate a lot of dry coffee powder to test and it didn't do anything; except the bitter taste it left. kek thanks for your contribution to the autism stories thread
>>7005 it doesnt work for me as well I started with occasionally drink coffee after seeing all the memes about it. i dont feel any different. but its something that my body craves when in panick. i think its not even coffee at this points but the sugar in it that does it for me. >I once just ate a lot of dry coffee powder to test and it didn't do anything; except the bitter taste it left. literally why. who told you to do this? >>7006 >guy says something to someone behind me >I answer instead happens with me a lot of times. sometimes i cant seem to make a sense of what or who a person is saying to. >no chai no coffee ever does it for me I just drink kadak chai for the lulz >only things that have worked so far are energy drinks I used to drink a shitton of energy drinks before but the sugar starts showing its effects pretty quick and they are really really bad. my teeths were pristine ever since my childood. never went to the dentist. they never yellowed, my mouth never smelled, no cavities, no plaque, they were clean. because i never ate/drank any sweet food. fast forward 20 years later, i start drinking coffee/tea atleast twice a day. i start binging on soft drinks and energy drinks, i start eating biscuuits and chocolate and despite taking the same care as before, my teeth have become slightly yellow and im seeing early sign of cavities. sugar fucks up your teeth and health. i have reduced everything to just 2 cups a day.
>>7006 >thanks for your contribution to the autism stories thread wtf haha I didn't even realise it, anyway here's a recent one >mom tells me to deliver something at a relative's place and buy some fruits on the way back >do as i was told >later that night >had to go to the same relative's place for a different reason >on the way back >autismopilot kicks in >go to the same shop again >wait for the crowd to clear >shopkeeper asks me what I'm looking for >realise I wasn't supposed to buy anything >leave awkwardly
>>7004 >owotism I have a very embarrassing one, from the time when I was lean and handsome(pre lockdown) >be me, minding my own business in an autorickshaw ride >solid 7/10 qt hops on, and sits right next to me despite the auto being barren >initiates a conversation with small talk >brushes her hands on my dick, mid convo, without breaking eye contact >wtf.png <blurt out "why are you touching me inappropriately" despite enjoying it >she says sorry and is quiet till she gets off >mfw I never felt the touch of a woman after the lockdown >mfw my autism cost me my best chance to rail a good looking girl
>>7009 This sounds like a setup for some kind of scam
>>7010 now that I think about it, it definitely seems sus
>>7009 This happens in Bombay Abd Bangalore when a prostitue is sharing a ride with you. Happened to me once
>>7012 one thing, I don't know why it doesn't even matter how hard you try keep that in mind I designed this rhyme to remind myself
>>7010 Yes kid of but scamsters rarely shut up they're very persistent she'd have kept on trying till they got off >>7012 >>7013
(863.97 KB 350x206 chill.gif)

>>7014 Based WEBM. And yes. They don't shut up till they get off on their stop. Its less of autism and more or growing up in a decent surrounding if you don't know thisl
>>7014 nice webM, bumping for easy access
(1.91 MB 498x498 autism girl.gif)

>go to park late evening >go to the pull up bar >just as I'm about to jump to grab it some guy comes and stands in front of the bar as though he wanted to use it >goes back onto the jogging track and starts walking after seeing that the pull up bar is busy >jump and do a couple of pull ups >jump down and call the guy >"Aaiye bhaisaab", energetically, pointing to the single bar thinking he wanted to do pull ups >turns back but doesn't come back >I start walking in the opposite direction >turn back once more to see if he finally got it >he is walking backward facing me, and I can make out a thoroughly confused expression on his face under the dim light >walk away I really thought he wanted to use the pull up bar. I guess he was looking at someone/something behind me, people were playing cricket and shit. Reminded me of the time I was walking with my friend and there was this girl in front of us (we weren't stalking her or anything) she looked to be some 13-15, some old ojisan came from the opposite direction, leaned in and saied something to her and kept on walking. The girl, who had stopped, kept looking at the guy, looked ahead, and then looked back at the guy again with a thoroughly confused expression, you know, like when people tilt their heads and narrow their brows. I didn't want to seem like a creep myself else I would of asked her what was said.
>>7183 fuck you necrofag
>>7004 Was half drunk today and wanted to experience the blind life so i closed my eyes right after I entered the bathroom and didn't open it until i finished bathing. This included picking and placing the soap at the right spot, washing my underwear, tithing on/off the shower, masturbating, drying myself and wearing my clothes. This was an exhilarating experience. I might make this a regular routine. Only opened my eyes to check if my jizz was still left somewhere.

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