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New random thread मित्र 06/11/2024 (Tue) 02:56:08 Id: e29535 No. 6959
>>4349 How easy it is to fall into the wagecucking spiral. >>6902 Very good advice yaro. I feel the need to interact with people less and less as I get older. Once a week for some, once a month for others, and once a year for most. Thankfully, some I never have to interact with. I already have a bit of pride in the fact that I haven't already become something I would secretly loathe. So many people coping with their mediocrity and they're only in the their mid 20s, having given up on themselves entirely. Part of me feels sad, but I was also there when they were making bad decision after bad decision. > Thailand, camp etc. Yep, hoping to do as good as I can there. I feel like I have a decent amount of potential, but we shall soon see. Even if the euro crashes it will still do well in the third world. Very dark times ahead for Thailand, so many issues will keep it stuck where it is now. A warning for India and so many other thirdies on the cost of being an American ally.
>>6959 > How easy it is to fall into the wagecucking spiral. I am a wagie. My job kills my best time, ideas and inspiration. I should be doing so much more with my time, resources and brain.
There are very few things with absolute value. You can think about money as value and the value of something in money, but then you go around in circles. Most common answer is gold or some kind of physical asset. But that is still a circular answer. One that references to another and offers no absolute value. The only thing with an absolute value would be time. Time once passed cannot be reclaimed (atleast in the laws of physics we know of). The easiest way to make a decision is to give your time a monetary value and decide how much you lose or gain with it. Making decisions with this , for me atleast, helps me keep it objective. Will the new ultra pro max super phone save me any time ? How much time ? Is the worth of that time more than the cost of the phone ? Will investing in hobby be worth it ? I love time spent on hobby more than I do the alternative (not working on hobby, passively watching something etc). How to think about savings ? Is my present saving costing me my future ? As in, is the amount of money saved causing me to miss something in present that I would like ? But why insist on present and not future ? Because the value cannot be determined for certain. Money changes value. Things change and what you think had value, may not anymore. The present on the other hand does have value.
>>6959 > Wagecucking https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/charles-bukowski-anger-letter-9-to-5-work/ I needed money for insurance, for decent food etc. I was eating canned food and living very frugally. Paying off family loans and paying for relatives mistakes. Along came a job, that offered me decency in return for killing my brain for a project. So I took it. It is very easy to lose oneself in ones job. You spend 8 hours with work and workmates. They influence you more than your family. It is easy to think you are defined by your job. I do something that I fundamentally disagree with at a personal level. But it pays well, so I sell my time and values. But it is not me. Maybe someday I will escape it ? Maybe not. Every choice has a price. But the limits of our lives are decided at our birth or in the formative years itself. The rest is negotiating what is possible within these limits. I cannot give you an answer because I don't know the initial conditions of your life. You know that maybe (though most people these days don't) .
>>6959 > Social life / Work on oneself For me its 1/7. Once a week I meet a good friend. I try to meet other friends once a month or once in two month. I meet family once a year. More only if there is something urgent like a death. I avoid online chatting like meaningless Watsapp 100%. Some friends share memes or political news. But online conversations are very meaningless in my opinion. If you guys have better answers, I am all ears. > Euro crashes 50-60% value wiped . Europoors don't have disposable spendable money anymore. Without its status as a high end Market, Europe has nothing to offer.
The course for Maths uptil 12th is a lot or atleast used to be for me. One could pass ofcourse. But it was in my opinion impossible to remember it all and understand it too. So I had to use flashcards to not forget what I already knew. Now I feel the same way about everything. - Lessons from books I read - Lessons from experiences I had - Languages I know (after the 4th one, its really hard) and their vocabulary - Maths and physics Do I need to remember all this ? NOPE. NOT AT ALL
>>6969 I will find some program like anki or something to remember stuff. Formulae, facts, vocab etc. To keep my working memory healthy. Even shudh Hindu/sanskrit/mantra etc.
Accidentally said, "You too," after someone said thanks. God, it still hurts. And that was only the first botched social interaction today.
>>6970 Anki is good for that. I used it to expand English vocab awhile back, although that fell through as I realized I already have a broader vocab than most people. Was using words nobody understood, and so in trying to seem smart I just appeared retarded.
>>6980 You and everyone else should practice not caring . It is an essential ingredient in success
Fucking Delhi fags Yaaar Bhaiiiii Broooo Fucking useless assholes came to my neighbourhood. This is not noida and yet. These cunts dont imrpove. Putting punjabi after 12.
>>6970 Memories are often a curse. I have to practice detachment from myself. Not being a reaction to your own past is a superpower. At each new stage, I pretend I am a new person. This is not possible with all habits. I still judge cars from their mileage lol. But still.
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There is a rise in self pity and self victimisation these days. From popular books to TV's, there is this idea, that success, fame, companionship is owed to people. Hence you see lonely Jap authors in book stores and Tiktoks making the dumbest shit look like a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions. Except it is not. Your actions do not lead to rewards beyond a very small and immediate extent. Sure, waking up, exercising and eating well will make you feel good or even prevent cancer to some extent. But you are not the hero of your story. There is no story and you are no hero. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=RaZ0LnkMITw
I had a dream that I wanted to give entrance exams again. I have passed engineering already, I already work. And still, that part of my brain thinks that getting a higher rank in a meme exam will solve my life's problems.

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