It doesn't work that way. The only way to get love and affection from a woman is if you aren't a loser. Girls don't love losers, it's that simple. Real life isn't some cuckold fantasy where a woman comes home to you to cuddle you while she gets her sex elsewhere. In real life, sex and affection always go together. If she doesn't want to get brutally fucked by you, then she WILL NEVER LOVE YOU, and she will never cuddle you (which is also why the cuckold fetish is such a dangerous fetish that is destroying relationships left and right).
That all being said though, most men, even the losers, have the potential to become attractive enough to actually get a women to love them. As a man, attraction is much more than pure looks. You have the option to become attractive, if you grow a backbone, become ambitious, go to the gym, become confident, etc. But this is hard and requires you to leave your comfort bubble of fapping to online porn and video games, so you'll probably never do it.