To many appreciators of this fetish, the problem will eventually present itself that the fetish seems self-destructing; interracial sex and procreation leads to the dissolution at least one race, and will eventually destroy the possibility of the act itself over time. The white side of this in particular is quite existentially threatened, which calls for a sustainable solution to preserve the existence of pure white women and pure black men to pleasure each other.
The sole practical answer is a reinstitution of slavery, with a more honest approach to the sexual dimension. Such an element was always present, and is inherent to the system as an aspect of human nature. It is unreasonable to expect that white teenage girls watching sweaty black men work in the sun would find it unappealing, and nowadays we've come to see a certain beauty in this ourselves that we don't want to deny from the world. Both parties will be rather satisfied with this arrangement.
For one, it is obvious that we should selectively breed the niggers to be as large and strong as possible, to be both more effective at physical work and optimal for sex. Their intelligence should be kept to a minimum, and hormones should be used to achieve the desired effects, including maximal genital size. Shock collars and other methods like implants can easily keep them in line with current technology, so that we don't need to have any concerns about their disobedience. However, motivation is a factor - they will be incentivized to work the hardest they can with the reward of white pussy. It will be ensured that they are as horny and sexualized as possible, with white women being encouraged to tease and provoke them while working.
The highest reward that the top specimens will receive is the opportunity to freely impregnate one or several white women, ideally their mistresses or daughters of their owning family. These incidents are strictly controlled to prevent the emergence of a permanent mixed population, and to not harm the demographics of either race, seeing to it that the top nigger bloodlines are perfectly assimilated into the white population over time without degrading their purity.
If the black population should exceed acceptable levels, the men can be compelled to eliminate each other with the guarantee of white wombs for the winners to breed. No matter what suffering the slaves should experience under this system, the feeling of Aryan pussies around their Nigger cocks and the sound of white girls moaning into their ears will have them perfectly at peace when all is said and done. The white female population will obviously be very happy with it as well, and much social tension that might stem from their sexual frustration with limited access to black men will be solved. None of it will be excessively publicized; society will mostly refrain from discussing these things, but they will do much to enhance many people's private lives.
The suggestion might seem extreme, but it is really just a formalization of what has always taken place in societies that held nigger slaves, and a recognition of the things negroes can do for our women. There is little reason not to implement a system like this when it can be done safely. It is obvious that the passionate coupling of African beasts with Nordic princesses is the most ideal form of sex, and to remove it from the world would be absolutely criminal. Rather, it should be celebrated and controlled, so that we can continue to admire it for the ages. The beauty of the white Aryan woman mating with niggers must not perish from the Earth.
Further ideas or improvements are welcome.
57 posts and 50 images omitted.