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If we were in minecraft, I would say the following:
The Rothschild family controls almost all central banks in the world and is a Zionist, which supports the breeding and trafficing of humans across the globe.
He needs to be Jihaded or something.
Trump is also a Zionist Satanist, whos real name is Trumpstein.
But aas we all know, politics are just theater for the public, so he believe they have a say in any of what those people are doing, and do legitimize their power and authority.
I'm not saying Freemasonry is a satanic pyramid scheme for people striving for knowledge, which at the top is a sex cult of jesters. (This is where the stereotyoe of the maniac villain comes from, who just wants to see the world burn for his enjoyment.)
If you haven't noticed, Michele Obama is a tranny and as Obama also a part of that twisted sex cult. (figured as much, when he' s banging another feminized man.)
The Simpsons even made a joke about her lifting an airplane, because of her upper body strength and broad shoulders.
Nazi stands for "National Zionist", of which Hitler was a part. He and his swiss funding lizard elites subverted the national socialist movement. Just look at all the symbolism Hitler used. The eagle, the left swirling swastika as a sign of turning towards an satanic direction.
I'm not saying that Hitler was evil though. He really tried his best for the german people and the world, but got manipulated by the black magicians seated in switzerland and modern day Is-Ra-El
Btw, if your nation has an eagle as a coat of arms, it's part of this "elite" cult.
Nations I can list from my head are: The current United States of America empire, The Roman empire, The federal republic of germany which is continuing the third reich, Poland, and more.
I'm also not saying that these psychopaths at the top want to create a hyperreality using Corona vaccines, naanobots and 5G towers. (If you want to summon glownigers like Beetlejuice, just use the following words in one post. You'll be amazed by the results.
5G tower
corona virus
It's also neat that the vaccine kills old people, because they are useless eaters, who are a burdon on the state. Work and then die if you're no longer able to work or pay for chemo therapy or expensive surgery. That's the best slave.
Also the elites (including Hillary and Trumpstein use aborted fetal matter - meaning the stem cells - to keep themselves young. Please abort more children. Best would be children of European descent.
Shapeshifting lizard people are not looking the way you imagine. ETs do though.
People will be killed in masses using Chanels smart guillotines to reach the limit of 500million people on earth.
Order out of chaos
divide and conquer
in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king
The square and compass is a man fucking a women in the missionary position.
This sex cults dates back as far as the egyptian pharaos who were also cooperating with ETs.
Those little grey ones with the big black eyes. They also get high on adrenochrome and suck out the blood of animals, inclusing cows and humans. It's a disgustingly viscious and unimaginably painful procedure their victims go through.
Hollywood was created by those people, who call themselves "Jews" as a cover up.
Major parts of the cult are the Chabad and the country of switzerland, where all our politicians are trained.
The swiss cross is a simplified version of the iron cross(or however you want to call it). Which is a squashed down pyramid, which is again masonic satanist symbolism rooted in ancient religions.
Jehowa will win in the end, but it's still painful to watch the process.
That's what I would say in an alternate minecraft universe.
All that shit might be wrong and I'm happy to listens to alternate views on reality. I'm very limited and not God.
I recommend listening to Jiddhu Krishnamurti.
peace (I don't mean the inverted Algis rune though.)