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We're All Gonna Make It!

(414.78 KB 2500x2500 2023promptlist.jpg)

Inktober 2023 Anonymous 10/01/2023 (Sun) 20:37:33 No. 6494
It's October, and it's time for Inktober! The challenge is to make one drawing each day based on the prompts in the image. While Inktober is traditionally meant for inking, other forms of art such as rough sketches, digital artwork, and anything else are all fine and encouraged. As long as you make something. Most people do the daily challenge and aim for consistency, so don't worry about being a perfectionist. Others choose which prompts they like and only post for those days, so they can spend more time on a particular prompt. Some people even use a different set of prompts such as a Pokemon themed set. If you however choose to do so I would share which prompts you're using. That being said, don't over think this and make sure you end up drawing something. The only goal here is to encourage anons to share their art with each other, no matter how trash it might be. We are all trying to help each other become better artists, so feel free to ask for bullying constructive criticism too. Good luck!
(28.17 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 dream.png)

October already? Damn, the time really flies by. Just trying to get back into the habit of drawing, this is probably the best I'll be able to crank out without spending a few more hours on it. My goal this year is to just get as many sketches as I can done instead of sticking to a specific guideline or experimenting with brushes or settings or anything in particular.
(888.87 KB 1512x2016 IMG_1339.JPG)

it's been a while since I've drawn... wasn't as bad as I remembered.
>>6494 GLAD you fellas are still around. What was the site the og loomis anons migrated tp?
>>6497 I think it was artga.in, but it died pretty suddenly. I think the drawpile still happens so the community is not completely dead, but I'm not sure what they do outside of that unfortunately.
(4.14 MB 5400x3100 InK23_1_Sueño.png)

(30.84 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 spiders.png)

I got some spiders for you, fresh out of the liquor cabinet. Originally I wanted to make a bottle full of balled up spiders but after drawing two next to each other I realized that was going to be way too complicated, so I simplified the idea.
(1.05 MB 2016x1512 IMG_1340 - Copy.JPG)

(4.38 MB 4100x3200 InK23_2_Arañas.png)

the spider that lives in the corner of my room
>>6502 Lookin' cute, anon!
(30.06 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 path.png)

Phew, just got it done. Had to rush this one a bit too since I forgot I'm staying over at another place (without the means to draw) tonight.
(877.26 KB 2016x1512 IMG_1341 - Copy 2.JPG)

>>6501 Knew I would struggle with this one given what I chose to draw, but it turned out worse than I thought. I wasn't patient once I realized I fucked up adding the bike, but I'm happy I went out of my comfort zone a bit.
(4.05 MB 5200x3600 InK23_3_camino.png)

>>6503 thanks anon! I had planned to draw only pretty girls in this challenge
(23.86 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 dodge.png)

It's already the 5th here but here's my submission for the fourth prompt. My excuse being I've been out of the house since 9 this morning and had company over until midnight.
(1.06 MB 1512x2016 IMG_1343.JPG)

(5.47 MB 5100x4000 InK23_4_esquivar.png)

I don't know if the joke is understood in English but in Spanish the word "Esquivar" / "Esquivo" is also used to refer to people who try not to put themselves in embarrassing situations or situations in which someone shows them affection.
(20.25 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 map.png)

Actually had a bit of fun with this one, and I got it in just before midnight this time, too! Or at least I did, before I made some really minor changes.
(908.11 KB 1512x2016 IMG_1344.JPG)

(2.31 MB 4500x3900 InK23_5_mapa.png)

Looking at the next themes to draw, I don't know how to continue adding girls.
>>6522 >Looking at the next themes to draw Cooking
(24.04 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 golden.png)

This one might be cutting it a bit close to "maybe." Lots of implied form and half-assed lighting but whatever, I still like it. Could have gone for something simpler like a coin or a big treasure chest full of stuff but I think this is a bit more creative. Here's a little exercise: draw in your own king/prince/queen/princess and see how well the jewelry lines up!
(1011.16 KB 2016x1512 IMG_1345.JPG)

(1.52 MB 4000x3000 InK23_6_dorado.png)

(20.35 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 drip.png)

>>6529 Neat, I had almost the same idea for the next prompt. Actually getting this one in before midnight my time for once.
(819.12 KB 1512x2016 IMG_E1346.JPG)

(2.56 MB 3300x3800 InK23_7_goteo.png)

I don't know if gray tones can be used for the challenge but here I go >>6530 I don't know how many days of the challenge I will be able to do but Knowing that all of you make an effort to upload your drawings, I feel like I can't stay behind.
(25.03 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 toad.png)

Behold, a toad. Not incredibly creative with this one though given more time I would have tried drawing Toad from Frog and Toad or maybe Mr. Toad from The Wind in the Willows. Ended up fixing this one a bit too after I posted it. >>6533 Nice! Usually I end up getting into Inktober late and just skip the earlier days but props for going back to do them. >>6534 I wouldn't worry too much about using gray tones, unless you have a specific rule set for yourself just drawing something in general is good. It's nice seeing you guys participating too, last year there wasn't even a thread for it.
(1.05 MB 2016x1512 IMG_1350.JPG)

>>6531 >>6533 I should have given more of a heads up in September, but honestly I wasn't sure whether I was gonna do this. But thanks for posting, even if you needed to start late. To all the lurkers out there, it's never too late. >>6534 Anything goes really. Most days my shit's just line art anyways, and different styles helps with variety. >>6536 I ws also considering frog and toad too , but I went with am even simpler toad. >last year there wasn't even a thread for it. It was on artgain but I'm not sure anybody even finished it there. I tried herding people from other imageboards too but it didn't really catch on.
(2.70 MB 5100x4000 InK23_8_sapo.png)

I'll have to start making simpler drawings during the week if I want to last the rest of the month. >>6536 >>6537 I wanted to draw her leggings in a different tone, I didn't really like how they looked if I drew them in black. Maybe I will go a little outside the rules in the future, although I will try to stick as much as I can to drawing in black.
(20.81 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 bounce.png)

Yeah, wasn't really sure what to do for this one. A soccer ball or basketball bouncing? Someone look at a ball bouncing up into/off their face? A pogo stick? It's something, at least.
(1000.61 KB 1512x2016 IMG_1351.JPG)

>>6537 it's a trace, but I feel like the shading / inking was good practice.drawing with "white" lines is weird.
(1.52 MB 3100x3600 InK23_9_rebote.png)

Boin Boin Boin!
(1019.96 KB 1512x2016 IMG_1352.JPG)

>>6540 Actually finished before midnight. Think lines in the hair was a mistake, but oh well
(2.29 MB 4100x3600 InK23_10_fortuna.png)

I don't think I'll be able to do anything more elaborate until Friday.
(41.37 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 fortune.png)

(23.46 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 wander.png)

Late getting one of these in, but I got it in. Felt unsure about both of these until I started drawing them, then as more detail came into being I felt more comfortable with how they came along. Wanted to have something reflected in the crystal ball like a face or a figure or something but curvilinear perspective isn't my strongest skill so I just went with something more abstract.
(984.80 KB 1512x2016 IMG_1356 - wander.JPG)

(2.38 MB 4000x3300 InK23_11_divagar.png)

I'm going to try to create a little story with these two
(978.90 KB 2016x1512 IMG_1357 - spicy.JPG)

(1.81 MB 3400x3600 InK23_12_picante.png)

(2.67 MB 3900x3200 InK23_13_Subida.png)

>>6547 continuation of the story
(1.07 MB 2016x1512 IMG_1359 - rise.JPG)

>>6548 might come back to this, since the ground near the hand has no detail.
(31.87 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 spicey.png)

Really wanted to get more done but here's my piece for "Spicey." Took about an hour working on this one, longer than I expected and I've got to get to bed soon. Been busy lately so I'll be playing catch up for a little while, maybe tomorrow I'll take a good three hours out of my night so I'm not trailing behind. >>6549 >>6547 That's a neat idea. I know some people have themed their Inktober drawings so they fit together but I wonder if anyone's merged them all into one big linear story before? >>6550 Nice, I like the detailing on the hand.
(1.16 MB 2016x1512 IMG_1361 - Castle.JPG)

>>6550 >>6551 Thanks. The way you shade things actually inspired me to try something more complicated with more blacks. Though I still haven't figured out how to do stuff with more complicated lighting / shadows. And somedays like today I don't try to do that much.
>>6552 I don't blame you. A month worth of drawings is a tall order, even for professional illustrators. Like I said in my first post, getting as many drawings done is my main goal. I'm a big proponent of practice over perfection and spending a whole 31 days drawing something different each day is difficult, challenging, and far more rewarding than finishing a few incredibly complex and labor-intensive drawings instead. Here's something that may help you if you're looking to improve your skill at cast shadows. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=SLZdcMTXWjc My advice is generally imagine every form as a 3D model, and try to visualize the shadows being cast from a single direction for simplicity. 'll admit I'm taking a lot of shortcuts with my drawings this year, but again my goal is quantity first and foremost.
(2.28 MB 4200x3500 InK23_14_castillo.png)

(2.93 MB 5000x3600 InK23_15_daga.png)

>>6549 When I post these drawings on my Twitter, I add a small explanatory text, I don't know if the meaning of the story is lost a little if I post them without them >>6551 Last year I tried to do something similar. I managed to lengthen the story for about 8 days. Now I plan to arrive until day number 20, I have already planned how to make the story coincide with the days I have left.
(999.89 KB 2016x1512 IMG_1366 - dagger.JPG)

>>6552 man, and I thought my drawing yesterday was bad...
(23.25 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 rise.png)

(28.94 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 castle.png)

Two more down, catching back up. At this pace I'll be back to the current prompt in a day or two. Felt a little uninspired with the first one, originally I wanted to do something grander with more detail on the island and land visible deep below it but it was hard trying to fit all the detail into what I had. The second one came along really easily once I got into it, it just started as a simple thumbnail but adding detail through negative space was enjoyable and came surprisingly easily. Might come back to it and add chains, which I envisioned but didn't get around to drawing for the "drawbridge."
(372.81 KB 1240x1754 Paraball.jpg)

Working on the previous prompts, but I really need to SPEED UP. Here's the 16th's, at least.
(1.27 MB 2016x1512 IMG_1368 - angel.JPG)

(623.85 KB 897x505 DAY 17!.png)

(318.42 KB 962x1446 Bad Trip.jpg)

(1.98 MB 3100x3600 InK23_16_angel.png)

(3.29 MB 3500x3900 InK23_17_demonio.png)

>>6554 I already notice the fatigue of drawing every day
(1019.26 KB 1512x2016 IMG_1369 - demon.JPG)

>>6560 I'm probably going to work on faces after this. Might correct this one too, as I forgot hair in back. Also forgot the file when posting the first time, but I deleted that. maybe that's a sign I should correct it now, but I need to go to bed
(17.33 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 dagger.png)

(17.44 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 angel.png)

Two more done tonight. That's a pace I think I can keep up with. The dagger felt pretty plain and a little lacking until I added little nicks and damage to the blade, overall not super happy with it and might go for a more exotic shape next time. The angel figure on the other hand turned out better than I expected, though I'm still using full silhouettes to get around actually shading and providing complete, proper construction to the anatomy, it's all just eyeballed. I did try adding wings but ended up going with something else just to get rid of some negative space.
(940.31 KB 2016x1512 IMG_1372 - saddle.JPG)

(968.63 KB 1512x2016 IMG_1374 - plump.JPG)

(1.09 MB 1512x2016 IMG_1378 - frost.JPG)

>>6567 started late, finished late, forgot to upload.
(21.13 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 demon.png)

(36.28 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 saddle.png)

(23.37 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 plump.png)

(25.97 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 wump.png)

Finally, had some time tonight to get some drawing done. Took more than one sitting to finish the demon, as it stands I really like how it turned out. White on black has always had a certain appeal to me. For the saddle drawing I decided to go more freehand instead of my usual heavy inking style. Let myself take a few seconds to look at a horse picture then just tried to draw something that looked recognizable, ended up far more exaggerated like a cartoon figure instead. Finally with the plump drawing I tried to do something a little different to spice things up and so I could add a certain someone into frame.
>>6539 That looks good, what were your brush settings?
(2.46 MB 3600x3800 InK23_18_sillin.png)

(2.75 MB 4400x3500 InK23_19_regordete.png)

(1.83 MB 4500x3100 InK23_20_congelado.png)

>>6562 The little story I was making ends. got a little behind with the days I've done some more drawings, apart from the inktober ones, so I've been a little fatigued lately.
>>6575 Nothing special, just a normal pixel brush of differing sizes in Krita with a little stabilization. >>6577 Cute! A happy ending. :)
(2.77 MB 4032x3024 IMG_1379 - scratchy.JPG)

>>6568 still need to do chain...
(1.04 MB 1512x2016 IMG_1380 - Chain.JPG)

>>6579 I think it would have looked better if I kept the iris light, but I'd already colored in one eye.
(23.93 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 frost.png)

'Tis the season. I'm only, what, four days behind now?
(1.05 MB 2016x1512 IMG_1382 - Celestial.JPG)

>>6581 >>6582 I don't think anyone's caught up, but at least you're over half way there. We're gonna make it...somehow
(27.04 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 chains.png)

Not a lot of time tonight either, so just keeping up with another late one completed. Should have a lot more time tomorrow to get a few more done. Also while making this one I realized somewhere around here >>6569 I changed the ink color to a lighter gray somehow. Oopsie, not that it really matters much. >>6583 Thanks bro, we're both gonna make it.
(1.16 MB 1512x2016 IMG_1388 - shallow.JPG)

>>6583 Forgot to upload this last night. If I had more of plan when it came to shading the scales I think it would have turned out nicer.
(20.18 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 scratchy.png)

(26.11 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 celestial.png)

Not dead, just busy. Here are two more I managed to complete tonight for "Scratchy" and "Celestial." Will I be able to get the remainder done before Halloween? Who knows!
(2.31 MB 3100x3600 InK23_21_cadenas.png)

(1.04 MB 4100x4600 InK23_22_aspero.png)

(1.17 MB 3100x3000 InK23_23_celestial.png)

(1.02 MB 4000x3100 InK23_24_superficial.png)

>>6577 I decided to finish making all the drawings for the challenge last week. I wanted to try to prepare some drawings for Halloween and I wasn't going to be able to do it with so many pending drawings. I think I am satisfied with the challenge. I gave everything I could, I had never drawn so much in a month and I think that is the final purpose of this challenge I greet you for next year, if you are still here see you anons
(684.62 KB 3100x2500 InK23_27_bestia.png)

(908.13 KB 3700x3600 InK23_25_peligro.png)

(1.14 MB 5300x3600 InK23_26_eliminar.png)

(1.90 MB 3700x4200 InK23_28_brillante.png)

(1.65 MB 3100x2900 InK23_29_enorme.png)

(2.64 MB 4500x4600 InK23_30_prisa.png)

(1.34 MB 3700x3600 InK23_31_fuego.png)

(19.14 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 shallow.png)

(30.59 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 dangerous.png)

(26.16 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 remove.png)

(15.38 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 beast.png)

Got a ton of stuff done today. Barring the other two I've pretty much completed, I've only got two more to actually work on. Have to call it a night at some point though, so here's the next four I've been meaning to submit.
(26.29 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 sparkle.png)

(36.48 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 massive.png)

(34.45 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 rush.png)

(26.84 KB 800x800 inktober 2023 fire.png)

And that does it, the first Inktober I've actually fully completed! Not one every day mind you, but still every prompt drawn. I think I definitely learned a bit from keeping with it (not the least how hard it is to actually consistently draw on a more regular schedule) but more importantly what I actually enjoy drawing. It used to be geometric and more abstract forms were my go-to because I felt weak trying to depict a specific subject but with so many different prompts I definitely found it enjoyable throwing anatomy and organic shapes and forms in for variety, and those are things I'd like to focus on improving more (I've only studied plants and animals a small amount and my human anatomy is still really rough). I tried experimenting with line weight and spent more time on each piece way more in the first half of the month, and while I'd like to have kept that up I sort of had to rush to get the rest of these done and so resorted to more freehand 1px sketching, which I've done a lot of in the past. All in all I'm happy with way more of these than I was expecting and it's a relief to finally be done with them all. Thanks to all you other guys for participating! It's pretty engaging seeing what other people come up with for each prompt, and I hope I helped motivate you each to draw more the same way this all motivated me. Happy Inktober!
>>6592 >>6594 Congrats everyone! Glad you were able to finish! I'm still behind unfortunately since I didn't catch up this weekend, but even though I missed the deadline I'm still gonna finish it.
>>6595 I believe in you, anon!

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