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Resource Thread Anonymous 09/27/2020 (Sun) 15:38:27 No. 16
PDFs, websites, books and channels you regularly use or just enjoy reading/watching.
> Explosions and Fire (2nd: Extractions and Ire) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVovvq34gd0ps5cVYNZrc7A OP WEBM related. shitposting chemistry channel from an aussie who likes energetics and weird compounds. Does experiments in his shed and produces great results. Quite meme-oriented and edited in a somewhat millennial-attractive manner, but the science is great and probably draws in many viewers. > ChemicalForce https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqONNjBkukcc2yXbmHL8niQ An American apparently, with a super thick accent. Basically, everything that Periodic Videos wishes to be. Guy has a seemingly unending amount of chemical compounds with which he demonstrates all kinds of different properties. Physical and many chemical reactions are included. Does a lot of stuff with compounds most would not touch with a 10 feet pole. Straightforward demonstrations, no fluffing at all. > NileRed (2nd: NileBlue) Leaf who has a home lab and does many different kinds of both easy and tricky syntheses and experiments. Videos are structured as a research, with a setup, goal, procedure and results explained and laid out very professionally. His second channel is somewhat more relaxed, with waste treatment videos, updates and his failures. Both very much worth checking out. > Cody'sLab https://www.youtube.com/user/theCodyReeder American dude with a massive amount of old equipment and land at his disposal. Very irregular uploads, but very comfortable vlog-type videos which document his progress in all kinds of chemical, physical and agricultural (even some astrophysical) experiments. Varies wildly in content and style, but his channel feels like a brother or an uncle who is happy just fucking around.
> Andrew Dotson https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnFmWQbVW_YbqPQZGNuq8sA American who makes a lot of Pewdiepie-type videos about physics. Includes topics like physical math, university and graduate life but no hard experiments or research. Pass for most, but might get your Gen-Z nephew into physics. >Tibees https://www.youtube.com/user/tibees/videos Somewhat of a hybrid between maths and physics. Makes a lot of paper/exam review videos that go into great detail concerning explanations and stuff. She makes soft-spoken and relaxing videos, but not very difficult or research-oriented. Does some meme videos as well, but not a lot. > minutephysics https://www.youtube.com/user/minutephysics Channel à la XKCD, with less of the unbearable tone. Makes animated videos about the nature of the universe, particles and relativity but shills here and there and has some weird trips to social issues. His particle videos are great and explain things to great detail. Simple styles, but somewhat difficult topics.
> TMPchem https://www.youtube.com/user/TMPChem Very important, how did I forget this one. LEARNING, LECTURES AND KNOWLEDGE. Pure tutorials of quantum chemistry, physical chemistry and analytical chemistry. Covers everything that a masters course has to offer. If you are confused about a topic, you'll likely find it here. I should also mention Thunderf00t ( https://www.youtube.com/user/Thunderf00t ) here real quick: massively butthurt after Brexit, but the research he does is really interesting and his "Busted" videos are amusing. Guy did discoveries about why alkali metals and alloys explode so violently in water.
> 3Blue1Brown https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYO_jab_esuFRV4b17AJtAw Pure mathematics, Olympiad problems, statistics and some computer science. Makes gorgeous Python animations which convey mathematical concepts absolutely brilliantly. Also has some vlog-type videos, but also does a lot of basic calculus concepts and tutorials. > Numberphile https://www.youtube.com/user/numberphile British channel that hosts many different professors and lecturers about simple to difficult math problems. Classic sharpie on brown paper, and they have some rather diverse topics like geometry, set theory and sequences. > Mathologer https://www.youtube.com/c/Mathologer/videos Aussie prof explaining a lot of topics about pure mathematics and how certain topics are used and applied. Very detailed and professional, but with a good flow in his explanations. > Stand-up Maths https://www.youtube.com/user/standupmaths/videos Many videos about math problems, statistics, puzzles and every-day questions concerning maths. > CodeParade https://www.youtube.com/c/CodeParade/ Channel mainly invested in programming, but using these programs to explain different kinds of concepts that could not be explained in the real world, like evolving fractals or hyperbolic geometry. Everything is open-source and has even turned some apps into games. > Ben Eater https://www.youtube.com/c/BenEater/videos More computer science. Even wanna know how to build your own computer? Here you go. Detailed computer science with electrical engineering. > Flammable Maths https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtAIs1VCQrymlAnw3mGonhw Have you ever heard of MEMES? This guy has got you covered, along with just intermediate videos of calculus-level integrals and some bilingual (German) tutorials. Does a lot of one-problem videos. Massive weeb and likes Pewdiepie-style videos a little too much. Again, great theory, but more something for your Gen-Z nephew.
>>21 Love 3B1B. Had the pleasure of meeting the guy in person and he's exactly how he seems on video, if ill-prepared to handle some of the autism from his audience. His eye really looks like that, although it comes across poorly on camera. Not a fan of Numberphile, though. The "pop science" take on math is infuriating and it spreads misinformation. Thankfully it doesn't matter, because it's not like misleading math trivia is harmful to most people, but it does lead to my friends who watch it saying some pretty stupid shit without understanding the rules behind it. Look forward to checking out your other suggestions, though.
Biology > The Thought Emporium https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV5vCi3jPJdURZwAOO_FNfQ Absolute maniac, treated himself with his self-modified vira to treat his lactose-intolerance. Does a lot of videos about genetics, peptide synthesis and gene modifications. Also does physics, maths and chemistry, with equal amounts of skill and insanity. Well laid out videos that have a lot of documentation of both successes and failures. Not as extensive as some other channels, but certainly worth a watch. Engineering > Applied Science Guy who makes his own electron microscope, ultrasonicator, mass spectrometer and so much more. Detailed construction of all kinds of scientific and construction equipment. Mainly posts oneshots that cover another one of his projects. Amazingly skilled. >AvE https://www.youtube.com/c/arduinoversusevil2025/featured Canuck dad who does a lot of design and tool reviews. Not strictly science, but more of an applied type of physics, chemistry and electronics. Does science experiments in the sense of pressure/shear testing and more. Some vlogging, but it's your cool uncle.
>>22 Dude, nice. I watch Numberphile sometimes because of their intimate viewer/professor relationship. I think the misinformation is a little overkill, but they do make some huge leaps in reason sometimes. Most videos are relatively approachable.
>>23 AS: https://www.youtube.com/user/bkraz333 > Practical Engineering https://www.youtube.com/user/gradyhillhouse Civil engineering with a lot of demonstrations about hydrodynamics, drainage, city planning and more. Simple theory but the action and effects are immediate.
I couldn't get /v/ out of my veins even if I wanted to. > 8-bit Music Theory https://www.youtube.com/c/8bitMusicTheory/featured Sound is physics, alright? Deconstruction of video game music with a lot of demonstrations and interesting soundtracks. > The 8-bit Guy https://www.youtube.com/user/adric22 Middle-aged nerd from Texas with an undying love for retro PCs,contains a lot of repairs, demonstrations of old computers and troubleshooting. Forgotten technology and obscure, failed products also pass the revue. > danooct1 https://www.youtube.com/user/danooct1 Very quiet channel that covers computer bugs. Not a lot of explanations, just demos. Amusing nonetheless. > Retro Game Mechanics Explained https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwRqWnW5ZkVaP_lZF7caZ-g NES/SNES obsessed dude who deconstructs bugs, workings and hardware of old game mechanics and programming. > Video Game Animation Study https://www.youtube.com/user/rootay Channel focused on animation, programming tricks and more about video games. Mainly design focused, but contains some mathematical and programming techniques not often covered.
Alright, that's my channel recommendation list for now, anyone is welcome to add or crack down on the channels I just posted. I am more of a "separate craft from the person" guy, but let's hear the criticism.
>>27 I'll go through my YouTube subscriptions tonight and see if there's any you didn't post. I mostly have a lot of engineering stuff that's probably better for /t/ech but I'll probably post it here anyways.
Here is a small list of handy websites every academic should know: > Library Genesis http://gen.lib.rus.ec/ Every book you'd like. > Forensically https://29a.ch/photo-forensics/#forensic-magnifier Neat tool for discovering edited photos. > Sci-Hub Use a search engine for the latest URL. Nearly every paper that you might need is available here. Get around shitty publishers too. > Alternativeto https://alternativeto.net/ Great site to check of if a popular tool you use has an open-source alternative. > AIST https://sdbs.db.aist.go.jp/sdbs/cgi-bin/cre_index.cgi Nip database for all of the NMR, IR, GC-MS spectra of the desired compound. Slow and annoying but powerful search engine. > ptable https://ptable.com Instant periodic table with many options and data available. > fxSolver https://www.fxsolver.com/ All the formulae for all the sciences, ready to fill in and convert. > Symbolab https://www.symbolab.com/ Algebraic solver, calculator and all-round mathematical replacement for Wolfram Alpha. > Desmos https://www.desmos.com/calculator Online graphing calculator. > Overleaf https://www.overleaf.com/ Work on a shared LaTeX document that is backed up for you. Free service is already amazing, backup on the cloud and and OK typesetter. If you have a campus license, you can work with up to 10 people on one document. > WebQC https://www.webqc.org/ A lot of tools for Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics like formulae, calculators, point group tables, simple drawing tools and some more. Has some other things what the others don't. You might need a Campus VPN / session key for these > Reaxys Fill in a chemical reaction and get the reaction conditions and scheme to make it.
[Expand Post]> Chemwatch MSDSs, compound data and physical parameters > HCPonline http://hbcponline.com/faces/contents/ContentsSearch.xhtml Detailed list of a lot of basic chemical and physical constants, as well as data and property tables of chemicals.
>>29 Going off on a tangent here but, is there some sort of free and open source program that lets me edit text collaboratively with people? Maybe with features making LaTeX edition easier? I know there's Google Docs, Overleaf which you mention here and maybe a few more propietary/SaaS options, but I want something open. I think VS Code has an extension that allows this, but the distribution terms are murky, and it's developed by Microsoft. I also recall hearing that Atom had something similar, but as you might know, that was developed by GitHub, and GitHub was bought by Microsoft, so it's probably very dead by now.
>>52 LyX is a thing apparently? It uses Git, so it should be open source. I have never seen an out-of-the-box solution for what you are referring to though, since you'd need a central server anyways.
>>53 Well, I mean something more like Google Docs, where changes to a document are recieved and seen by the user in real time. You don't need a central server though, I think Etherpad or some such is P2P. Atom as well.

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