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zzzchan Anonymous 08/18/2020 (Tue) 11:47:27 No. 2179 [Reply] [Last]
>type url >hello please wait 5 seconds >oops look like it's broken, reload >hello please wait 5 seconds again >now do this captcha as well >oops fail to load again, reload site >try to make a post >please do a captcha please >send you indecipherable mess >nigger dick spamming >do nothing for an hour Genius at work. Site will be dead in 2 weeks.
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>>4840 (me) Also quest: brain's journey, and, though I hate this, shantae gayme was on it but the gba makes her look more white. Some things are too obvious. Megaman xtreme if autistic enough to not just play the snes game too... Actually, the wario games were remade for the gba were they not? Even wario does not count......but by that logic Zelda LA does not count as the gbc dx is there..... /blog
>>2179 Mark Mann being interviewed by some old Gamergator, hilarity ensues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvltTiO92Is
>>4924 >that censorious jewtube >caring >that censorious faggot >caring >games when they censor too >caring

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Ceo of Cognent is forcing customers to censor websites Ceo of Cognent is forcing customers to censor websites NullRoute 10/26/2023 (Thu) 16:40:40 No. 4912 [Reply]
Polish companies have been the predominant source of our recent uptime. However, Cogent's CEO seems directly invested in shutting us down. I have had multiple run ins with Cogent and this is their most aggressive. Usually the Tier 1 ISPs have censored the Kiwi Farms by simply refusing to broadcast my IP addresses. However, since Liz Fong-Jones has been successful in censoring the Internet this way, I no longer even try using my IPs. This time, Cogent has directly instructed a customer of theirs to stop providing us - by name, through the customer's own IP addresses - networking infrastructure. No company has done this until now. This is the most invasive, direct actioning from any ISP thus far. If you are in the industry you need to make it absolutely clear to Cogent that you intend to move your business elsewhere. Just to confirm, Cogent's CEO is directly forcing two customers to drop us, not just one. There is now precedent for this to be done to ANY WEBSITE that some unelected fatcat deems unpopular.
Explain clearly this gay bullshit, anon.
>>4913 Big rich guy calls your company. He isn't even your company's big rich guy. "Stop giving these guys your business" "Why?" "I'm rich and I say so" They never tell you WHY. They never respond to questions. There is no appeal. You would need to have elon musk money to sue them.

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zzzchan + 8chan DMZ Anonymous 01/08/2023 (Sun) 20:22:33 No. 4534 [Reply] [Last]
Given the recent doxing of Eden and the perpetual state of flux and dramafaggotry the webring is inebriated in, the purpose of this thread is to serve as neutral territory for the anons of zzzchan and 8chan to talk with each other. I still believe, despite all evidence to the contrary, that both sites can make amends. We are splintered enough as it is, and both sides have bad actors that false flag, false-false flag, etc., to try and drive the other away, when in reality it is most likely just a handful (if that) of retards that are determined to wage war against the two sites for reasons that can only be explained as astronomically-sized autism and egos the size of the sun. In the end, anons of both sites still enjoy shitposting, hate jews and 3DPD, and just want to play video games. With that being said, this thread seeks to answer the following questions: >what site you primarily frequent/"belong" to >why you use that site and not the other >what you really think about "the others" >if you really think the gap between user bases is too large to be overcome at this point, and why or why not >what you would like to do to solve it Obvious bait that drags the thread off-topic or tries to bring the war to this neutral territory should be ignored, reported, and hidden. PLEASE restrain yourselves from replying to such obvious bait.
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>>4678 Give me the sauce then
I am extremely sorry for the OP, he had good intentions with the thread but it became Q tier
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>>4680 It's niggerpill posting. Not totally wrong (most humans are in fact oxygen thieves, and you should be getting as much long distance killing potential as you can afford for your own protection) so it can worm into your brain better. The fact is that merely being alive and a person is pissing off the demonic forces of of the world. There will always be people in the world, no matter what niggerpill says. Your job is to find them.

/late/ Anonymous 10/11/2022 (Tue) 09:46:37 No. 4286 [Reply]
What happened to /late/? For the past week late.city has been giving 502 Bad Gateway errors.
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>>4557 >Besides, its dead. I don't have any other issues with the site, but that's a problem.
Just in case you're wondering we know have a dedicated temporary bunker thanks to anon.cafe staff. >>>/late/ >>>/late/ >>>/late/
So, what happened to it?

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tvch down due to DDOS attack Gahoole 07/17/2020 (Fri) 12:51:39 No. 1922 [Reply] [Last]
To any anons wondering what is going on, the site is currently down to a large scale DDOS attack causing issues with our server. I have no idea when the site will be back up again, could be as long as 24 hours. Hopefully it won't take that long, but I'll keep everyone updated however I can.
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>>3854 im at a lack of words, yet my boner speaks for itself
>>4578 kys vol 3. You lose.
>>4578 What did you do hardware id ban me? All my VPN return unknown error occured. kek you suck fatass. Imagine being this butthurt at lolis and soyjaks. kys

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sportschan Anonymous 06/10/2020 (Wed) 02:29:54 No. 1374 [Reply]
Anyone know what the fuck happened?
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is dudr kill? he's been absent for several days nao and the board keeps getting spammed
>>4572 I think he said something like he has to wage 16 hours a day. Maybe that's why it takes long to delete.

/jenny/ Anonymous 10/17/2020 (Sat) 10:11:04 No. 2571 [Reply]
Anyone know what happened to this board? Did it just get wiped by Julay?
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I liked the BO. He never got angry with me posting Jenny.
I know it got removed by Julay. Last I heard the BO was having trouble moving it but idk to where.
>>2571 Anyone know the best place for jenny these days in general?

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Anonymous 02/15/2022 (Tue) 09:55:30 No. 3827 [Reply]
ACHTUNG Mark's pedochan has been added to the webring again. For the third time. The usual suspects are deleting posts exposing them. https://archive.is/lVLas https://archive.is/EFTTQ https://archive.is/lVLas https://archive.is/RC2T9
>>3827 8chan is not administered by Mark
>>3827 Is 8ch down for everyone else too?
Marc Jacobs???? ??? Jewish we need to scan sites report and police

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Anonymous 09/29/2022 (Thu) 00:51:23 No. 4264 [Reply]
Does anybody know where the freech herd crowd currently hangs out?
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/japan/ and /k/ mostly as far as I can tell re: the identityfags, they're all either in whatever streaming service/discord and while also haunting, generally speaking, the latest patchchan
>>4394 >/japan/ and /k/ what do /japan/ and /k/ have to do with the herdniggers?
>>4403 Nothing.

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Anonymous 03/11/2021 (Thu) 04:36:34 No. 3261 [Reply]
/xomy/ is down. Is it permanently or temporarily?
I don’t know

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9chan is probably dead Andre Arsto 09/13/2022 (Tue) 02:47:53 No. 4211 [Reply]
use this thread to talk about your frustration with that website good things/bad things i havent posted there enough to know moderation, but i thought /bestpol/ was decent database.
>9chan /who/

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/christian/ refugees oldvol 08/05/2022 (Fri) 07:50:43 No. 3911 [Reply] [Last]
/christian/ is in a sorry state. the BO is staying silent while a ridiculous lolcow namefag moderator antichrist shits up the board, as other anons have pointed out there are major issues going on. -the namefag mod seems to be very terminally online, making many many posts, most threads he shows up, he's very vocal and has left many users uncomfortable with hearing him go on and on about his masturbation habits, what kind of pornography he watches while he abuses himself, the list goes on. he doesn't use his trip most of the time, compounding the issue of his antagonism of the userbase, leading to him being impersonated many times, instead of sweeping these lengthy off topic posts he leaves them in threads. -the mod and BO nearly got the entire board banned, just like /fascist/, lolcow mod antichrist was active in threads where users are discussing raiding other boards and posting cp. instead of banning them antichrist encouraged them to go ahead with the raid, leading to the global mods intervening. - post 1 in /meta/ states that discussion of the boards themselves should be posted in the relevant board's meta thread, however antichrist has decided that anybody who points out these flaws in his moderation style is simply too much for his persecution complex to handle, and has chosen to ban users who simply asked for the BO to step in, as they disagree with his judgement. after previously being warned about distrupting other boards antichrist left ban messages to users directing them to the /christian/ thread on the /meta/ board, earning himself yet another admonishment from the global mods for shitting up their board and getting the thread locked. but let's hear from antichrist, straight from the lolcow's mouth: what excuses does this swine offer for his piss poor moderation? -namefagging > i namefag as a joke lol. >to combat other namefags >want to namefag even harder just to piss you off why does this pathetic swine want to be part of an anonymous imageboard where everyone except him remains anonymous? dont like me namefagging on the board i moderate? Then filter my posts, plain and simple. (but if you bring it up i'll ban you)

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>>4201 Moo moo moo raid nigger
>>4203 Moo moo moo
This thread has degenerated beyond use; it has clearly ceased to be a bona fide refugee/shelter thread and will therefore be locked as a nuisance.

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Anonymous 01/10/2021 (Sun) 07:56:51 No. 3046 [Reply]
ACHTUNG! ACHTUNG! THIS IS NOT A DRILL Though pic related could be just shitposting, let's be honest here, something like this will likely be happening soon anyway. I doubt the webring is in any immediate danger because of it's obscurity and decentralized nature, but the menace of mass cuckchan rapefugee influx is a very real threat if it does go down. Everyone is advised to hold down to their butts, duck and cover and be prepared.
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>>3103 Fuck off mark
>>3104 This kind of gaslighting has been here (and everywhere but blacked.mark) for about a year now, and obviously still going on even at this stage. Subversive little shit.
cant access 4chan. cloudflare is blocking. anyone else?

Annuncio per gli utenti di /ita/ Anonymous 05/13/2020 (Wed) 08:33:17 No. 784 [Reply]
Per ora siamo sia su rita.null che sul fossato di 8kun.top Venite lì se avete problemi a raggiungere julay, che dobbiamo discutere sul futuro
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>>1118 I can't access rita.null via tor, can I?
>>1173 change your dns to an opennic one
>>784 Been on /ita/ on both Alogs and 8chan, but they're both ghost towns. What happened to the /ita/bros???

8chan.moe bunker Anonymous 05/14/2020 (Thu) 23:45:01 No. 1030 [Reply] [Last]
Is 8chan.moe down for anyone else?
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>>3399 >legal liability Not in the US it isn't They just did it to have a good justification to delete the spam/old man poison posts anons did on the q boards
>>3401 Section 1466A is a thing, anon.
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8kun coup de grace Anonymous 11/08/2020 (Sun) 14:39:25 No. 2609 [Reply]
8kun (previously known as 8chan) Possible Happenings: >posting issues, almost all boards broken >Admin Ron Watkins suddenly resigned Nov. 3rd https://nitter.snopyta.org/CodeMonkeyZ >Qanon AWOL since Nov. 3rd [check any update feed] >Jim Watkin's known to host CP https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/10/jim-watkins-child-pornography-domains/ >Jim Watkins alleged to have been arrested for CP production [no good source yet] Imagine trusting a plan.
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>>2624 He never gave a real reason. It could have been that he had been playing the part of Q and wanted out.
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don't mind me just putting this here because tvch is a broken retard site run by a fat retard
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cdn? fastly? 8kun.top - site not configured

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