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Suggestion to make the site TOR and redchannit only for a week after sunday Anonymous 03/15/2021 (Mon) 11:42:58 Id: 927650 No. 2097
Mark's a fuckup and he'll be doing an interview on Q within a documentary thatll be releasing on Sunday. I suggest laying low for a bit and placing the site for TOR only to avoid glowniggers/hotwheels fucking up the place over loli and newfags/spam flooding all the boards. Disconnecting from the webring for a bit might also be a good idea to minimize damages.
>>2097 I hate to say it but I agree on all counts, just for safety's sake.
Sounds pretty funny, go for it. Be sure to make a good fake image so we send people to like sportschan or some shit.
>>2099 Taking a page out of /animu/'s book and placing a "Go away" would be a better idea.
>>2100 That's not nearly mischievous enough.
It'd be a good test to see if all the lazy fuckers really backed up the alternate connection paths and fallback instructions while also having actual purpose. Having said that I believe that like it or not if we don't put the site out there and somehow get more users the community will continue to slowly crawl to its death so this might need to be addressed in a different way.
I wouldn't panic just yet. We don't know what he said or what they'll use. Journalists are already aware of this site and have been probing people with questions. Thankfully, most people have the sense to deflect. I get the sense they just don't know what to make of this place: they're digging for a QAnon narrative, and we have nothing to offer them. Nobody has reached out to Acid or myself for comment. I would assume that, if they were going to feature the site prominently, they'd give us that courtesy. We can prepare a homepage redirect in case things get bad. Tor-only is too extreme, even with redchannit maturing, and disconnecting from the webring can cause a stir. The other admins know how to reach me if they have concerns, and I'd be happy to address them. >>2102 I definitely recommend everyone keep the fallback plan handy. We've got three clearnet URLs with two active at any given time, two clearnet Tor portals, and the .onion. If shit hits the fan, we'll be ready to roll up our sleeves. But there's no reason to overreact preemptively.
>>2103 >Thankfully, most people have the sense to deflect. I get the sense they just don't know what to make of this place: they're digging for a QAnon narrative, and we have nothing to offer them. This in specific, is the real problem, the trailer despite 2k likes, 300 dislikes, seems to be mostly Q tards in the comments. The big problem, and pay attention here: Is Q Boomers moving in on this site, and roping in the worst of the normalfag sphere with them. The moment this happens we skip from a fairly stable 8chan, to 2018 mode, with zero guarantee that anything of quality will follow if we get 200 pph or some shit on the main boards without being taken down in the best case scenario. Worst case scenario is this roping in the FBI again and killing this site in the worst way possible like original 8chan, All it takes is one boomer finding this place, starting up a q tard board, inviting friends from Kikebook over, and then regularly pph jerk until it overrules all other boards. Now listen up: The way to gauge how badly this meme documentary has an effect of is simple since you should have access to this info, pay attention to how much the pph skyrockets after it comes out. If there's a drastic change, do whatever it takes to take action. Demote Mark to a mod for being a sell out. >Disconnecting from the ring can cause a stir Multiple sites including bunker, /x/'s back up, and more all left without any announcement, it's not, and especially not if everyone knows it's because you need to cut loses yourself for a storm or risk sinking more ships.
>>2104 If a colony takes root here then we'll figure something out. I have a feeling they wouldn't be comfortable here, and there's dozens of auxiliary Q sites (many of which are affiliated with Jim and VanwaTech) launched last year intended as vessels in case of an exodus. There's plenty of time to talk with everyone and reach a consensus. We'll figure out what steps need to be taken to prepare. Don't let the panic be worse than any actual fallout, especially if it ends up being nothing at all. I will speak to Mark and get his full side of the story. Then we'll figure out if there was any violation of site rules.
>>2103 >We don't know what he said or what they'll use. Then he should bloody well say what he replied to them, at least to you/in private if he's got a non disclosure agreement going. >>2104 I suggest removing board creation and tempbanning whomever uses Q terms in the coming weeks after the interview drops.
>>2099 No just send them to 8kun or even better 9chan
>>2105 Can you just drop the webring for a while to minimize damages and newfag flood then? Most users worth their salt already know of the other sites are and the plugin's faulty on this site's end and needs to be fixed. Then once the worst has come to pass or if this leads to fucking nothing, we can go back to business as usual. >>2105 Tell Mark to remove the link and any mention of this site from his twitter. Also take the "Go away" suggestion into account, newfags get incredibly filtered by the front page not being available.
>>2107 If you want to be needlessly cruel send them to the deleted /r/The_Donald subreddit and give them ptsd. >>2106 >I suggest removing board creation and tempbanning whomever uses Q terms in the coming weeks after the interview drops. If we want a tempban do the following: Preemptively set up an unlisted board for q containment, ban them from all other boards, explain why they can't be allowed to compromise the rest of the site (again) and tell them that if they want they can use that board but not to bother with any form of spam or more than the original qtards did, and in addition have to bend to everyone else's will not theirs, Jim isn't here to let them suck off his teat now. If they don't like it there's always 8kun.
>>2106 >>2113 Would the Qfags even come here? Wouldn't they consider Mark and Acid traitors to the cause or something? Personally I'm more concerned about bad faith actors of one sort or another DDOS the place or trying to deplatform it.
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>>2114 If they do they're gonna find out that we're not Jim. We don't shill for shekels or try to make ad money here, so their retarded activity has zero value. Not to mention what they already cost us once. Free speech means free speech, so they could theoretically have their board but they won't have any red carpet special treatment like they got on 8kun, and without which I'm pretty confident that anons would take care of the rest.
>>2103 >I get the sense they just don't know what to make of this place: they're digging for a QAnon narrative, and we have nothing to offer them. It's been proposed before and as a definitely not secret journalist trying to probe you have you taken a stance on a Qnigger ban as the one exception to free and open board creation?
>>2097 >faggot refuses to have a rational argument >instead opts to act like a defensive faggot and get beaten by a superior shitposter from the promised land >get blown the fuck out when he realizes his entire argument is collapsing on out of itself >failed highschool physics so opted to go to bdsm community to get abused How does that make you feel?

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