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/b/ 404's Anonymous 06/28/2021 (Mon) 22:12:08 Id: 547847 No. 3171
When typing it into the URL bar it brings up a 404 page. This doesn't happen when clicking on a link from elsewhere on the site (only works when there is a referrer header?). And the 404 page is different to the one shown when you go to a board that doesn't exist. Pic related.
>>3171 yeah, that seems to be deliberate
>>3172 Why?
>>3172 >>3173 It must be to stop people linking it. But why? If it's to stop newfags from entering then why not other boards as well?
>>3175 b, loli, sm, tot, & delicious are all unable to be directly linked to. non cute/funny and similarly focused boards are accessible just fine, like cb, 404, pol. I assume global mods just don't want the more questionable boards public on search engines
>>3177 Fair enough. Its very inconvenient though.
>>3175 It's because of the time the fucking (((Russian Government))) demanded 8chan remove boards such as /loli/ or they would kill every Russian site using the host 8chan used to have.

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