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voteban wapplewtwo 09/04/2021 (Sat) 18:34:49 Id: 265606 No. 3962
Please create an experimental board. The purpose of which will be to test the concept of Democratic Automoderation. >2 reports = 2 hours ban >3 reports = 3 days ban >10 reports = 10 days ban The Net has never been safer!
>>3962 Create it yourself you lazy piece of shit namefag nigger.
>>3963 I haven't had a response like this in ages. Really reminds of how much the net has changed. I've truly missed this. Anyway, can't. Am retarded. Too stupid to handle liability.
There's a similar feature on Futaba Channel (the Japanese imageboard that inspired moot to make 4chan) that allows users to self-govern. Every post has a "del" button, and different results occur depending on how many times the del button is clicked by the other users (only one del per unique IP is counted). The del'd post's hostname may be revealed, the thread may be quarantined (if it's the OP), and at a certain point the post will be deleted entirely. The threshold for how many dels are required before any action occurs is different depending the individual board's configuration, and I think it may even dynamically adjust depending on the board's overall activity level. In addition to the del function, some of Futaba's boards allow OPs to moderate their own threads, to enable IDs on all posts in their thread, and to force sage for all posts in the thread by using sage in the OP. I've even seen this OP empowerment taken a step further on Open2ch (a 2ch clone for those who don't like Jim and/or 5ch), where OPs can assign other posters to be mods in their thread.
>>3962 I'd like if 4chan have feature like downvote. There is always a contrarian nobody likes in thread. Thats's why I make a board here. Since I have no volunteers, having vote system sounds attractive.
name suggestion: Reddit mode
>>4149 This sounds like way too much work for just mods or regular posters. I see now why Democratic Automoderation would fail. Putting the burden of maintaining the health of a website on it's posters could exhaust anyone. >>4162 backreplies are votes backreplies are loosh backreplies are "doomscrolling" the backreplies fuel cringe which kills the volunteers solve the backreplies, salve the good Samaritan the backreplies themselves embody Visible Democratic Automoderation >>4244 exactly my point all the XFF stuff is necessary all of it except for the backreplies

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