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Anonymous 12/07/2021 (Tue) 17:02:50 Id: 207d09 No. 4524
Form inputs on this site autocomplete data that I've entered into other websites like usernames, email addresses, etc. This poses a risk to accidentally partially doxing myself. The issue is that the autocomplete attribute on form inputs is set to "none" when it should be set to "off". I had to write a userscript to add the proper attribute and now it's no longer auto-completing. It also prevents the captcha from trying to autocomplete which was really annoying.
This was a very old bug in LynxChan that we were the first site to fix. I can't imagine how it came back all of a sudden, but we'll look into it.
>>4524 Which browser do you use, and what version? We will try to replicate. >he issue is that the autocomplete attribute on form inputs is set to "none" when it should be set to "off". Unfortunately, this is not a straightforward solution. While this is how the spec says it should work, major browsers deliberately ignore this setting and will attempt to detect and autofill forms with particular names. The response from developers has been rather condescending; Chrome's team in particular feels that "users want autofill" even if a website explicitly says it should not be used somewhere.
>>4527 Latest Brave Windows 7. Like I mentioned in OP, I wrote a userscript to change the attribute and it stopped autofilling. Perhaps different browsers honor different attribute values. I am sure a user agent check could help determine which value to use.

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