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There should be hashtags instead of boards and only global mods/rules Anonymous 08/29/2022 (Mon) 17:05:28 Id: 82b4fc No. 6638
No one should own boards here, especially imageboard-distinctive names like v, b, pol, etc. Instead of posting to /b/, users post to #b. All hashtags are moderated by the same globals mods against the same global rules. No one can be banned from posting to a hashtag. This means Jews like Mark will an hero when he can no longer remove vidoe gaem posts that he doesn't like. The overall aesthetic of the platform would not change, and I'd argue there would be no very little change to the data model as well. Users could still browse an individual hashtag's posts in a catalog or a single feed view like they can now. As for the data model, instead of each post having a FK reference back to the board table, it's just a FK reference to a hashtag table. Currently, BOs can ban users, but, with my proposal, users just hide content they don't want to see. If a user is spamming a hashtag, I mute them with a content filter. I can mute them globally or just for that hashtag. I can also choose to mute posts made through proxies or TOR. This way, the user becomes their own moderator rather than rely on a BO to do all their thinking for them. This design also solves the issue of board dominance/monopolization. No single person should be able to own b, v, pol, or any board. When certain boards reach critical mass and become the defacto board for a given topic, alternate boards do not stand a chance at claiming any of that share. This is why, on the old 8chan, dysnomia and Mark were able to do anything they liked while alternatives to their boards like /vg/, /bbbb/, and /b2/ failed. It wasn't until dysnomia had gone entirely rogue and fucked up his board intentionally that /b2/ finally found success. I would be interested in hearing arguments against this proposed design.
Users could also post to multiple hashtags. If I want to shitpost, I post to #b. If I want to make a serious vidoe gaem post, I post to #v. If I want to shitpost about vidoe gaem, I post to #b #v. If it also involves politics, I post to #b #v #pol. It's actually a brilliant idea.
The overboard would basically just be a giant feed with posts from all hashtags. By default, single-tag posts are sorted to the top to disincentivize cross-tag spamming, but users will be given control of this with a robust filter. You could even browse multiple hashtags at once and even combine them in a catalog view. I am erect as fuck over this idea. Board owners hate it, though, because they would lost their ability to control. I hope to see them seethe in this post.
>>6638 >This way, the user becomes their own moderator rather than rely on a BO to do all their thinking for them. Here's the first problem: users collectively would rather have a mod fix a spam problem. As a general principle, loading the end user with responsibilities will not work because people are fucking lazy and go for whatever's convenient; hoping for anything else is the opposite of sound design, sucks as it may. It is also more economical if only a single person has to press some buttons instead of everyone doing that for themselves. So a simple suggestion is that a mod "flags" bad content, and the those posts are hidden from user by default, although the user can change that (it's like, Iunno, unsubscribing from an adblocker list, for god's sake; you could maybe subscribe to individual vols instead of them all sharing a single "bad post" stamp). That 's also similar to the Blockchan idea for fighting cp spam and the like: you can't remove anything posted at all, but you are by default configured to ignore anything flagged by maintainers as bad content.
>>6644 >you could maybe subscribe to individual vols instead of them all sharing a single "bad post" stamp) On other social media platforms, I've suggested shared mute lists. You can sub to any user's visibility filters if you trust their judgement. >>6644 >users collectively would rather have a mod fix a spam problem Spam is easily addressed if you mute the user. Also, spam, in my experience, really isn't a constant problem. It was never a problem on the old 8chan, either, except for those rare occasions where someone would wipe out the catalog. Re: spam: Mods/BOs tend to broaden the definition of spam as a means to remove the content that they, personally, do not like. This is powerfagging to the highest degree and constitutes most removed content which is actually not spam at all by any reasonable definition. Mark is a perfect example of this. But content visibility filters would have so many other metrics to filter on. The platform could calculate a user's average post per hour and allow users to automatically filter out any value they like (filter out users with > 20 posts/hour for example). You could even filter out users who have been muted by X other users. All of these content filters could apply globally, per user, per hashtag, per whatever. There are a ton of creative ways to implement these options, and the coding/data model is not that difficult.
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>>6638 OP is a faggot nigger straight out of Twitter.
>>6648 You would actually barely even notice a design change. It's mostly an architectural change to decentralize the boards into a public square where no one controls the flow of discourse.
what makes you think this suggestion would be appealing to anyone in charge of this site when cronyism is the basis for its existence? if it weren't for cakekike literally paying for the privilege of being /v/s BO before the site was even up in order to hold onto the last scrap of relevancy he'll ever have in his life then this site wouldn't exist in the first place. you may as well be advocating for a ban on lolicon.
>>6648 That's what OP's hashtag suggestion got me thinking. Why bother using ib?
>>6674 You act as if replacing board names with hashtags instantly turns the site into a Twatter clone. Like I said just above, you wouldn't even notice much of a change at all. It would still be an image board. Posts would still get pruned. The main difference is that it decentralizes the boards into a public square where no one controls the flow of discourse. Wouldn't you love to see Mark have the existential crisis of his life because he lost his to control? The Jew in him would simply be unable to cope.

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