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Anonymous 09/17/2022 (Sat) 15:30:36 Id: f8ebab No. 6942
Who is the admin of this site? Who runs things? Is this place ran by JEWS (/cow/ BO?) Can someone please fill me in? I've been out of the loop pretty much ever since hotwheels left the scene/infinity next drama
/v/ is the only board that matters, and it's run by Mark Kern, a fat Jewish ex-vidja game dev. But he's one of the good Jews, we I swear! The site is run by Joshua Moon, a.k.a. Acid, a.k.a. Nool, the king of /cow/ards. Other sites Jersh owns are 8kunny, kiwifarms, and alogspace.
>>6943 Is a butthurt nigger, ignore everything he has said.
>>6943 >/v/ is the only board that matters Well, in a way >>>/hispachan/ is also important since its chan closed a few months ago and it is the main meeting point of its community. Although lately it has been filled with incels, coomers, traps, shitposters and weeping pedophiles, and of 10 threads at most only one or two are worth it. Luckily it's not the only board in Spanish around here, as along with /hispachan/ the following ones have also been opened that are not so shitty, so it's a good idea taking a look at them: >>>/arepa/, >>>/mex/, >>>/col/ and >>>/pe/ (boards about third world countries, they say that /arepa/ is the most decent among all the regional ones) >>>/hisrol/ (autistic role-playing games, although it opened in March 2021, before that it was part of Hispachan) >>>/av/ (a clusterfuck of anime, manga, video games, hentai, eroges and JAVs) >>>/hispol/ (equivalent to /pol/) >>>/ac/ (equivalent to /co/, but with a nicer atmosphere) >>>/arte/ (equivalent to >>>/loomis/ + >>>/draw/) >>>/vt/ (vtubers, exists for some reason) There are a few more that I didn't include in the previous list because their level of activity is not constant or relevant enough as they have less than 5 users.
>>6948 Le estás respondiendo a un autista con el ano rajado con Acid, pedazo de subormal. El equivalente de tomar seriamente a un juanjoposter
It has all the same problems that 8chan had after hotwheels left, so if you stopped coming to 8chan because of that then you have no reason to come back. It's why the only people still here are the handful of anons that stuck with jim the entire time. Everyone else sees this site for exactly what it is and stays far away.
>>6942 >Who is the admin of this site? Acid >Who runs things? Codex >Is this place ran by JEWS (/cow/ BO?) Only /v/
>>6951 JEWS is not Mark you fucking retard.
>>6942 >Who is the admin of this site? There are three, Acid, Codexx, and Parias. >Who runs things? Acid maintains the computers, Codexx maintains the site, and Parias takes care of mods and board owners. >Is this place ran by JEWS? No see the above.
>>6942 >The site is run by Joshua Moon Wait, hold up. The same Josh that ran 9chan into the ground due to sheer incompetence? The guy that couldn't even fix basic net problems? Then gave up and gifted 9chan to endchan? Then endchan shut it down later because the code within 9chan was so utter shit. The very same Josh? Jesus fucking christ...
>>8467 Who? Do I know him? Should I visit 9chan?
ok shizo
>>8467 I'll give him one thing, the repurposing of the classic 8chan logo is clever.

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