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Take Over /jp/ Anonymous 08/05/2020 (Wed) 21:18:15 No. 723
Does anyone want to take over /jp/? Now that /japan/ exists and has taken the place of a board for Japanese culture, I was thinking of making /jp/ into a place for Japanese-speakers, such as like /de/, however I don't know enough Japanese to have a full conversation in one, let alone run and moderate a board in Japanese. So if anyone wants to take it over for the purpose of this, I'd be willing to hand it over. Just share your username here or email me at NekoNyuh@cock.li if you want it. Also, if possible, please provide some proof that you can actually speak and read Japanese.
>>723 私は日本語を話しませんにゃ〜
>>723 Bump >>728 Don't know enough to hold a conversation, can still read that though.
foreign language boards seem to be a staple of 8chan spinoffs.
>>723 /librejp/ exists, but they have a home at Sportschan and a bunker at Endchan.

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