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nntp and p2p Anonymous 10/31/2022 (Mon) 11:29:08 No. 10442
Could you explain me please.. I don't get why alt.bin is sill being used. Why torrents didn't prevail? Is it better speed? Better privacy? Lesser probability your ISP reports to legal authorities? More content? Better structured search? The only benefit I see is that you don't have to seed, i.e. you don't provide a single piece of content which is copyrighted. I believe that point really depends on country where you reside. So it's not only tech stuff, but could be social or cultural too.
Better question is why not? Most people don't know what USENET is or how to use it, so it inherently caters to a specialty crow. And NNTP allows for things to be propagated and mirrored out to a more local network so it's like a crude approximation of a cloud or a torrent. Remember direct downloads over IRC? Same idea. There's enough bandwidth to spare by sharing the load, and it's less annoying than having to get caught up in the right IRC and navigating all the attendant drama to get access to the right XDCC bot.
>>10443 > allows for things to be propagated and mirrored out to a more local network Well, technically yes, but actually for bin newsnet that doesn't work. I would say ~20 providers host alt.bin. I can safely assume you won't have 100+tb host in your local network. >over IRC? I guess telegram channels have taken over that role. I'm not good with telegram, use it only as a messenger. But my wife managed to get some rare book there. > Better question is why not? Please don't get me wrong, I'm happy when things are diverse and one has an option to choose from. It just looks strange to me that decentralized technology used for content piracy tends to be less popular than centralized one. For some particular cases. And I'm trying to understand what are those cases.
>>10444 >my wife super gross Why do people use dead chans? Maybe some people like them. There's your answer.

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