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Bypassing bot detection on betting sites Anonymous 12/19/2022 (Mon) 00:39:14 No. 11041
Sup /t/, I dont really frequent chans so apologies in advance if I'm not following the proper etiquette. I'm trying to set up a script which does arbitrage across sportsbooks if it identifies a big enough spread in the odds. While this part isn't so difficult, the real issue is that apparently most sportsbooks will ban you if they catch you doing arbitrage. Is there a way which I can write my bots so that they interact with websites close enough to how a human would where they don't get my accounts banned? Do I even need to worry about this? If anyone has any tips/ experience that would be great. tl;dr how do i not get banned off of sportsbetting sites for botting
why would a jewish atheist wear a crucifix
>>11049 >jewish >atheist pick two
>>11051 It sucks that the only religions nobody calls jewish are all larper bullshit like pagan, buddhist, etc.
this entire thread is just random jewish bullshit instead of answers...
>>11116 That's imageboards in general
>>11059 Why do you care what random retards on a traditional Austrian painting forum think is "Jewish"? Are you a {{{goy}}}?
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>>11041 >I can write my bots so that they interact with websites close enough to how a human would where they don't get my accounts banned? Maybe with userscripts, but it depends a lot on the site and what you mean by "close enough to how a human would". >>12836 >do you guys think it is real? Not quite, the original image is this and apparently it comes from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1nBJKtSs4E
>>11051 >>11059 >>12863 to be fair: "jewish" has also remained a racial thing on top of the nominal religious thing it's why jews are racist in israel

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