>For my courses, I used MATLAB because our uni has a licence. It's a piece of closed source shit through.
In my degree, there was a course called Statistical and Numerical Methods which basically taught us to write just that in MATLAB. Nobody liked the course because the professors were garbage, and I didn't exactly like MATLAB either, so I wouldn't be giddy about having to use that again. As a matter of fact, I remember tinkering with Octave to practice a bit on my own, but I didn't really dig it.
>Depending on what level of calculations you'll be doing, you should try to find out what you need.
I will be studying quantum field theories, so if I end up doing something bleeding edge I might need something performant. I suppose that beside all the basics and some more, I'll need to figure out multithreading, right? Actually, might even have to suck up to Nvidia, I think there's a bunch of calculations that can be quite a bit parallelized, since it's nothing but matrices sometimes...
>I'd also recommend figuring out how to self-host.
Selfhosting the Jupyter server, you mean? I already figured how to run it locally a while ago, honestly do not understand why they don't make it more simple for a man to just do that instead of having to run something in the c l o u d. Didn't figure out how to let people access the server though.
>At this stage, Python with Numpy and SciKit is the de facto standard for scientific computing.
SciKit and not Scipy? Scipy might just bundle a few libraries and provide constants, but it did have an ODR package that saved my ass countless times. Haven't found anything similar in SciKit. I did see SciKit being used heavily in machine learning and probably statistics.
>However, if you do need to write a high-performance model to crunch a lot of numbers (common in astrophysics and the like) then many physicists are still using FORTRAN. You can also get away with MATLAB, which is (or used to be, at least) a clever frontend for FORTRAN.
>However, I'd recommend using Octave. It's GNU, offers a few more features, and the syntax is identical excepting those few extra features.
I heard Octave's slower than MATLAB though. Is Octave sort of a clever Fortran frontend as well? Or does it at least use the GSL?
Thanks for the feedback. I'll keep hammering away at C and start looking at Fortran. I only have a cursory understanding of Python's syntax, I really only chained together packages to do my bidding. I suppose I'll look how it goes when I need to do something with it.