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WHAT TO DO Anonymous 05/25/2023 (Thu) 23:27:36 No. 12203
Hi, I am 18. I use linux for 4 years. I run gentoo on my main pc, Void on my x200, and OpenBSD on my x60. I have good experience with security and networks. I like to configure servers and do network programming. I code in C, Lisp, and pure POSIX Shell. I have several servers hosted (with 0% JS, it's evil). What do you think? Am I ready for a sysadmin job or something similar, 'cause I fucking hate employee programming? I don't want to code what I don't fucking want. Please help me! PLEASE HELP MEEEEE!
>>12203 Sure fam go for it, you might want some kind of certs or to paraphrase and maybe link to some of the stuff you've done on a blog, but it's better to apply and ask what lack of skills you were turned down for than to not apply ever and try to be the perfect wagie. Also look up applying for sysadmin on youtube since its probably what recruiters and other job applicants did, so you don't miss something dumb.
Also you probably would be asked if you know things like containers.
Have you tried getting some pussy?
>>12203 based linux user
>>12203 godspeed in getting a job anon. it seems like they all suck nowadays cause of late stage capitalism
>>12203 > I have several servers hosted (with 0% JS, it's evil) Based.
Bro. Just apply for the job. Thats the only way. State your experience. And you are golden.
>>12203 So you really care what you are coding if it pays enough? Have you considered freelancing
>>12670 >late stage capitalism i think technofeudalism is more apt https://youtube.com/watch?v=Q9lJQONTC7Y capitalism did work for a while as a tool to facilitate increased personal liberty (rather than cronyism and oligarchy that has come to dominate severly today) possibly tangentioally related: I hope ziggers get absolutely mauled for what they did and are doing to ukraine
>>12670 >>13268 Did this board get linked on reddit or something?

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