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Banner ad in Krita. Anonymous 10/13/2023 (Fri) 07:57:19 No. 13333
I just opened Krita after a long time and i got a banner ad. Does anyone know what is going on?
>>13333 Probably just trying to raise extra money to take on the other big art software suites. KDE has quite a bit of money and while Krita and Kdenlive have quite a following among free software afficianados, they're still lacking features normalfags care about.
>>13333 Can you read English and use common sense, furfag retard? It's asking for donations.
>>13385 I was not complaining about the banner, i just wanted to know why it was there. As long as Krita does not spy on me, installs things without my permission, or interrupts me while i'm in the middle of something, everything is okay. I would donate if i was not broke right now.
>>13445 So, no, I can't read English, nor can I use common sense, is what you meant to say htere. I get it.
>>13463 Kek, you could have been less aggressive anon. A simple "I think you know what's going on" would have been sufficiently communicative and snarky for your needs.
>>13445 I know what you mean. How far are they going to go with this sort of thing? Is the next version going to look like a 1990s geocities page? You can say "obviously they don't want to get forked for pushing too hard" and probably they'll avoid going off the deep end, but it's not like there aren't precedents of well-used FOSS becoming adware, exploitative, etc. >10/13/2023 Oh, well. I wonder how this all turned out.

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