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What Program is Best for Decrypting Opera Login Data Files? Anonymous 10/18/2023 (Wed) 17:02:45 No. 13390
So at the beginning of this year my laptop started to fail and I had to send it into PC world for repair. Not long before I did so I was made to change the password for my Google account. I have always relied on web browsers to remember my passwords for some stupid reason. I was able to copy the contents of my C Drive before I did so and so I thought that I would be able to recover my passwords and such easily. Yet I found that opera now encrypts you passwords based on you dapai code and login details. This was never the case before and it seems stupidly paranoid that go to such lengths. I know them all except the one that has been changed yet that password is pretty vital. So I have spent months looking into this, first I thought that the keys hadn’t copied over but they were hidden and I do have the DPAPI master keys and CREDHIST, I also have found a way to view the encrypted passwords and the ones that are the same are encrypted in similar way so that should also make the password easier to find. Yet I still have not found a program that I could use. Windows password recovery program tells me that I entered my password wrong even though I entered it in right, DataProtectionDecryptor gives me “Failed to extract the encryption key” and mimikatz gives me Error kull_m_dpapi_unprotect_blob ; CryptDecrypt(0x80090005), I also found a bunch of linux and python troon programs that claim to be able to do what I am looking for but they require so many addon programs to be installed that you loose track. What am I doing wrong here? What is the best program that can do what I am looking for?
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>>13390 Update: I have found a lot of my problems seem to stem from the fact that the SAM file is seemingly missing. Though according to my teracopy logs that file did transfer over as no error messages are given for it on the logs. Yet it is not showing in the system32/config folder despite having set hidden files to display and un-ticked the option that hides system files. So what be causing the file not to appear?
>>13792 Further update I have been trying to decrypt the login data with Windows Password Recovery but it tells me that the device is TPM-protected which very strange because I never activated TPM or Bitlocker on my previous computer. Moreover I am able to view and edit most of the files on the C-Drive back ups and I also looked at the drive with DiskGenius and it is unable to find any traces of Bitlocker. Is this a problem with program or was TPM somehow enabled on my previous computer without my knowing?
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>>13390 Have you ever considered writing your password down on paper and keeping it in a safe? Like, in a gun safe, with a gun, to kill yourself with? >>13792 If I were programming the Windows kernel, I would probably prevent you from copying the SAM file. Look, dude, this is all TLA shit. Stop acting like a glownigger.
>>13893 >Have you ever considered writing your password down on paper and keeping it in a safe? Like, in a gun safe, with a gun, to kill yourself with? I wish had of but it’s too late for that now and truth be told I never expected to be in this situation. I have been able to extract passwords from login data with no problem including other versions of Windows 10. >If I were programming the Windows kernel, I would probably prevent you from copying the SAM file. Look, dude, this is all TLA shit. Stop acting like a glownigger. According to my teracopy logs the sam file did copy over but it is still not viewable, which is very strange. Plus I have an old version of the sam file from a Windows.old folder from a previous update but it doesn’t except that either. This is very genuine I assure you I would even link you to the account I am attempting to reaccess except I don’t want to dox myself.
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>>13912 Another possibility is that the master keys are encrypted with my Microsoft encryption password which can be extracted with MadPassExt. However I have tried using this program and despite entering my Microsoft account password exactly right it still says “Failed to decrypt Microsoft account cache file with the specified password.”, What am doing wrong here? Nirsoft themselves give very little advice on such matters.
>>13390 I probably could get into my Google if I could get into my Yahoo Account but Yahoo are forcing me to verify that it’s me which requires that they either email the Google account I’m locked out of or text a code to a discontinued phone number. I had the phone number with Asda but they discontinued it and sold it to T-Moblie is there a way I could get that exact number back so I can get into my account or at least simulate it somehow? I don’t know why Yahoo are even forcing their users to do this it’s like their coming up with an excuse to purge old accounts so they create a condition where a lot of people are going to be locked out of them so they can purge them for disuse. I even phoned them up and they were no use to me saying that their system can’t verify it’s me.
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So does anyone have any possible solutions? Because I need a solution and is the point in a tech board if nobody provides any help with issues such as this?
>>14834 How long does it take for numbers to be recycled anyway? It’s been months now and this number is still inactive surely someone would have picked up it by now.
The Number is accordingly owned by EE but I have tried ringing them but was told that they do not have it on their system.
I don’t know why my number hasn’t been recycled by now as there is a limited amount of numbers available in the UK. >Because of the huge number of mobile subscribers, UK networks are facing increasing pressure to acquire new numbers to allocate to new subscribers. Since there is a fixed pool of 11-digit combinations that begin with an 07 prefix, mobile phone service providers must recycle mobile number to meet customer demand. https://www.synergy-mobile.co.uk/2019/04/09/have-you-ever-wondered-what-happens-to-your-old-mobile-phone-number/
My number should have been recycled by now I have no idea why it isn’t does anyone know how long it takes for numbers to be reused? https://www.standard.co.uk/news/tech/mobile-phone-number-afterlife-a4110131.html
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I have been trying to guess my password for my Google account but I have so far been unsuccessful despite knowing the basis of the kind of password I would have used and trying many combinations. I know the kind of password I used for my Google account but I think I must have put some extra entropy on top of it that’s made it almost impossible to remember and for a human to guess. Like the meme said it would probably very easy for a machine to guess but I have yet to find a program that would be able to this. I’m not tying to find a way to hack my account merely a way to automate the guessing process that I’ve been attempting and come up with suggestions based on the type of passwords that I know I would have used perhaps even utilising AI do this.
I absolutely hate the state of online accounts now, this two factor bullshit is going to lock me out of every account I've had for years. I'm already permanently locked out of several yahoo accounts because I never even knew they were implementing 2FA, now that they have I have no way back in without paying for premium support, they paywalled my fucking accounts. Worse yet is how many accounts on other websites I used those addresses for. All gone. Because of automatic opt-out enforcement of 2FA bullshit. And can we talk about how much of a fucking joke 2FA is? All it does is protect accounts from the fucking owner, the majority of security breaches are always because of exploits and flawed setups on the SERVER side, nothing to do with bad opsec of the end users. so these services continue to build a personally identifiable profile on the user by grabbing your phone number or forcing you to use proprietary phone apps or hardware keys that I'm convinced can be used to de-anonymize since now you have a trail from the key back to whatever company you bought the hardware key from. The fucking irony is that years ago it was always consider poor security to write down a password instead of using one you could just remember, now with hardware keys you have to create a backup of the secret code in case your key breaks or you lose it so you can recover with a second hardware key, which I've heard several "security tubers" advocate for writing down. In spite of the known security issues with SMS for 2FA, businesses like banks continue to only offer SMS, and google makes sure to block virtual numbers. We live in a fucking INSANE ASYLUM. >>15200 it wouldn't be hard to write a python script that takes things you know are in your password and shuffle them around while also adding numbers/special characters, even without threading you could end up generating a thousand possible combinations within a few seconds
>>15309 There's a bit of a problem with that idea, at least if you're talking about an automated I-forgot-my-password-but-I-think-it-contained-this-string bot. If it doesn't guess right in the first three tries, your account is locked for one hour. Set up a bot to do this. It will not achieve one thousand iterations/sec. It will be limited to 72 iterations/day. Bring a lunch.
>>15359 yeah, to actually try each password will take literally forever because websites block you after so many failed attempts, but if all you wanted was to get every possible combination and hand pick the ones you think might be right, that process alone wouldn't take hardly any time

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