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lightwieght linux for old processor Anonymous 06/06/2021 (Sun) 04:55:17 No. 4355
Really glad to see this board taking off. I want a linux distro that I can rice for my x41 tablet thinkpad. It's a pentium m, 2 gigs of ram, 1024x768 screen. I've heard some suggestions >void linux >puppy linux >debian I'm a linux noob so I don't know what I'm doing, but I'd like to learn. as far as usage I want to shitpost and maybe doodle some. I've heard some say that my browser is more important than distro as far as snappiness goes. What browser would you suggest that still has 32 bit support.
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>>4355 Why not skip linux and go full retro with BeOS (now Haiku) or OS/2 (now ArcaOS). Snappier than modern linux for sure and the x41 is compatible for sure.
tinycore + icecat runs on anything
>>4356 Haiku is pozzed.
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>>4358 How so and how much?
Give Slitaz Linux a try.
I also need something like this but for an old laptop with just 500MB ram. I've looked up which distros I could use for this once but I came up with names I had never heard before and I didn't go through with it. >>4355 I've run Debian on VMs with 2gb of ram just fine, though I imagine there are better alternatives for something you're going to be using constantly with multiple programs concurrently. I was just interested in running one or two programs and then shutting it down.
Try lubuntu, i bought an old piece of shit laptop with 1gb of ram and a core 2 duo that i use exclusively to burn ps1/ps2 games to disc, and the thing fucking flies with said distro.
1)compile gentoo generic on your desktop 2)make a stage4 3)put it on laptop 4)when it comes to updating just pass -G and put the needed binaries in DISTFILES 5)????? 6)profit
>>4355 browse / advanced search of distrowatch.com Avoid SystemD where possible. Glownigger developed tentacle-ware goes against the trend of open transparent software. Most distros are pozzed because of it. When you are no longer noob, try buildroot and brew your own kernel.
>>4357 isn't it a bit counter productive to use it as a daily driver because you'd have to load so many extra modules to get it working. I thought tinycore was just a recovery live usb? >>4355 I'd have recommended antiX gnu/linux but their website now says "proudly anti-fascist", with no extra explanation, whatever that means. But I used to use it a lot for older hardware because it doesn't use system d as its inint system and it comes out the box with a bunch of programs so noob friendly.
I resurrected an old early model Toughbook with a 1.2ghz processor and 2GB of RAM using basic bitch Debian 9 (CD .iso that leaves out all their extra packages and shit). It runs like greased lightning and does everything I need it to do.
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>>4577 >proudly anti-fascist
>>4577 >I'd have recommended antiX gnu/linux but their website now says "proudly anti-fascist", with no extra explanation, whatever that means It means they want non-lefty people to stop using their software, and judging by your reaction to it, they've succeeded. Deciding not to use or recommend tools because the devs don't align with your politics is retarded when lefties do it and its retarded when righties do it.
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>>4644 >muh alignment Pragmatism is the way forward, not dogmatic thinking
>>4644 No, it's only retarded when lefties do it, because the right isn't trying to obstruct your God-given rights, like the left have been doing for a least 120 years in the US. When you refuse to a service because the creator is a leftist, you have a potential myriad of good reasons for it: they support abortion (the murder of children), CRT (anti-"white" racism), the loss for your self-defense to be legally defendable (allowing criminals to assault you/rob you/etc.) If you refuse to use a service because the creator is on the right, you have very little reason to do, most of them are simply fabrications and delusions that leftists perpetuate and/or believe, even when there seems to be obvious instances to the contrary. *In general,* "political tribalism" is one of the most ethically defensible forms of tribalism, aside from religious tribalism, and even then they are defensible for similar reasons; religion and politics are a matter of life and death, a lot of the time in overlapping ways. And again, the right is generally not trying to obstruct your rights. The left is. Refusing a leftist's service is nowhere near the same as refusing a "rightist's" service. >>4652 National-socialism is still socialism, i.e. a bad idea for any nation. If there's at least one thing in modern politics, it's that the West has a distaste for national-socialism; it would be best if this extended to *all* forms of socialism, but this is very much better to the populace having at least two forms of socialism pushed onto them.
>>4702 Slight amendment to my first statement; refusing a service due to the creator's politics is an understandable thing to do for any political alignment, but the most dangerous one in the West are the liberals/the left, and the political alignment that generally opposes them are the convervatives/the right, and they generally do not want people's God-given rights to be legally obstructed. To oppose the conservatives in the US would be like actively fighting against someone who's trying to save you from drowning; to oppose the liberals in the West would be like trying to fight off someone who's trying to drown you. Again, they are not anb equal force in this scenario; cyou have much more reason to oppose the liberals in the US, instead of the conservatives. And yes, I'm aware that this is oversimplified, even in the US' context due to RINOs.
>>4355 I have an old t60 (with a new ssd, gotta buy some more ram and probably a new cpu if it isn't soldered in already) running manjaro with a XFCE DE. Runs perfectly and boots up very quickly. So my advice would be to run a distribution on it with either no DE or a lightweight one and it should be perfectly fine.
> light weight linux distro? void is lightweight and simple to install, as far as im aware its a pretty good distrobution and should server for what you're looking for. > arch linux (with a window manager or xfce) > artix (arch linux without systemd, a piece of software that many consider to be "bloated") > if you have some extra time, you could look at gentoo, Gentoo can be really well optimized, because it is so customizable, rather than downloading pre-compiled programs to install gentoo allows you to set "flags" and compile your software the way you want. (may take a long time to compile software)
you can have your os run on very little ram even less than me, less than 100MB u need to compile your kernel right and install minimalist software. check out suckless software.
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>>4702 >National-socialism is still socialism, i.e. a bad idea for any nation. Socialism is simply the generalization of friendship. Friendship with certain people is, indeed, a terrible idea because they will abuse your trust. Even with non-malignant people stupidity or complacency can destroy you if you don't remain vigilant. And even among trustworthy, competent people; sometimes two good people just aren't a compatible match. And yet, if you choose carefully and both parties INVEST sincerely, friendship is magic. >>4703 >refusing a service due to the creator's politics is an understandable thing to do Refusing to INVEST in a hostile service is a wise thing to do. Matthew 7:24-27 and all that. But just because you shouldn't build a house upon sand does not mean you should refuse to ever walk across it, or to camp there for a while as a necessary tribulation of a journey.
>>4355 Put that old POS in a wood chipper.
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>>4806 >magic words i know a word with the power to make all black people lose their sanity and become raging barbarians.
>>4702 So it worked. They just put 3 letters on their banners and it effectively made you seethe
>>4702 >>4703 How is refusing to use "lefty-made" open source software for all eternity going to rob you of your rights? You know exactly what they are doing with it (because it's open source) and therefore you can just stop using it or fork it if and when they start obstructing your rights. Also, if you think the political right doesn't obstruct anyone's rights, I'm sorry to say it but you are delusional. For most of history they have been forcing their religion and views on marriage down everyone's throats. It's only recently that the left has taken their place.
>>4880 >i know a word with the power to make all black people lose their sanity and become raging barbarians black people >>4916 >For most of history they have been forcing their religion and views on marriage down everyone's throats. found the faggot
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>>4577 >I'd have recommended antiX gnu/linux but their website now says "proudly anti-fascist"
>>5531 >found the faggot sorry that the world isn't as black and white as "righty good lefty bad" but it insulting people who say things you don't like doesn't make them wrong. In the real world, ethics is a big sea of grey.
>>4355 So, from the other answers, I guess that it is something that is in both these lists: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light-weight_Linux_distribution https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Linux_distributions_without_systemd >>4766 I`m a novice that is still using one of those super beginner friendly distros (and one that includes systemd) and was attracted by things I heard about void. How much knowledge is needed to actually take advantage of its features? Would it be ok to switch to it now, or maybe go for something easier like MX, Alpine, or the already mentioned artix?
>>5531 >its okay when we do it
>>4577 >I'd have recommended antiX gnu/linux but their website now says "proudly anti-fascist", with no extra explanation, whatever that means. But I used to use it a lot for older hardware because it doesn't use system d as its inint system and it comes out the box with a bunch of programs so noob friendly. I use it too on old hardware. The antifascism is cringe but as long as they do not include any spyware to enforce their ideals - and they do not, for now - i'm fine wit hti. It really is a nice lightweight systemd-free debian-based distro.
It's wrong to use a faggot's software because you're being a willing participant in the expansion of mindshare for that project. Several lurkers here will see your posts and think "Oh, so there's nothing wrong with using that?". There will be more victims for the time when the devs do sneak something in there. The faggots declaring "proudly anti-fascist" are easily roped into anti-meritocracy. You should check their opinions on meritocracy, and maybe push them towards either extreme to become certain of their intents with the project. I wouldn't camp on a minefield. That's why I should get off my ass and remove systemD from RPiOS here. Too bad all tutorials use only that.
>>4355 Bit late to the party OP, I'd suggest Q4os. >requires 300mghz CPU >needs less than half a gig of ram >based on plebian Its a good baby distro if you want to take a tiny step away from Ubuntu and its little flavors
>>4355 Use a lightweight browser like Falkon or Midori. And if possible, replace the hard drive with an SSD.
>>4577 >but their website now says "proudly anti-fascist", with no extra explanation, whatever that means. Anti-fascist means anyone who opposes communism.
>>12733 Oops, I wrote the opposite of what I meant. So, in their minds, communism is glorious and good for all people (despite reality proving it wrong again and again). So anyone who opposes it is an evil fascist.
>>4355 >I'm a linux noob so I don't know what I'm doing, but I'd like to learn Then you could complete this questionnaire: https://distrochooser.de/ >What browser would you suggest that still has 32 bit support. Pale Moon. >>7327 >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light-weight_Linux_distribution Another option could be https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_netbook-oriented_Linux_distributions >>7364 >really is a nice lightweight systemd-free debian-based distro. There is also Devuan (although before installing it, it might be better to wait until Daedalus is released as stable).
>>4355 I've installed and used debian xfce on netbook 2gb ram and goes fine, but firmware for video and audio doesn't work the same as windows manufacture firmware drivers they restrict capacity for linux drivers, now only use windows but with opensource programs
>>12748 >it might be better to wait until Daedalus is released as stable It just did.

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