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Arch User Repository Anonymous 10/05/2021 (Tue) 06:19:45 No. 5597
Is it just me or does the fact the AUR is shilled so hard kind of retarded? It seems like an insanely insecure method of distributing software. Any random fuck being able to upload shit. Sure some of the packages are managed by the official developers, most most are just binaries packaged by random dipshits. All it takes is one popular package to get orphaned and a malicious actor to take over and you suddenly can distribute malware to fucktons of people. It seems like such a bizarre thing that everyone has accepted and even actively pushes as a "noob" friendly method to get any and all software they want easily on Linux. Now with the Steam Dick around the corner the platform will be a much greater target for attacks. I suspect all these previously unexploited vectors to get much more sketchy in the coming years. Linux security has been entirely dependent on the competency of the individual user and that's a recipe for disaster in the hands of the average consumer. But I also find it very irresponsible that the discussion around Linux hasn't really highlighted how fucking insecure the AUR really is, but instead highlights the convenience of it.
>>5597 Still better than windows
(22.45 KB 1374x400 yay_windows.png)

>>5764 I would love to agree with you but then we would be both wrong.
>>5597 True, an effort should be made to extend the community repo with more software
>>5597 >how fucking insecure the AUR really is >Linux security has been entirely dependent on the competency of the individual user AUR is not insecure by itself as long as you know how to use it securely. I wouldn't recommend this method for newcommers for sure. AUR is good for people who have the time and the understanding to dig in the source code, review the shit in detail... For sure not for your average user. I, myself use Linux distros since some years and cannot pretend to use AUR and being absolutely secure minded because I have simply NOT the time to mess around and constantly watching if a new update will not fuck my config, if the source code is clean... But hey it just werks frendos!

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