/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Princess: the hopeful Anonymous 08/19/2021 (Thu) 10:24:00 No. 371
So get out your d10s. We are doing this world of darkness sailor moon style. This game is a fanmade system for the new world of darkness. That being said it mostly seems to act as a new hunter supplement, as opposed to a new gameline. At it's core it's the rules for being a superhero in the wod. But more than that it provides the narratives and in game allegiances to run a sailor moon campaign in this grimdark world. Looks fairly interesting. I haven't played any nwod games though, and so can't speak for how it actually plays out on the game table.
Can I be a pretty waifu?
>>372 Yes! You can anon.
>>377 Ok I'll be the pink haired Genki Girl and you be the blue haired Shrieking Violet. Now we need a red haired Tsundere.
>>378 Now your talking anon. I'm actually interested in this.
>>379 Is it just two us?
>>381 Unfortunately yes.
>>382 So did you homos wind up making out?
>>837 No. :(
>>838 Damnit the new BO added fucking IDs. Now everyone saw me samefag. :(
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>>837 >>838 >>841 >samefagging Lmao
>>371 >WoD >PRINCESS: THE HOPEFUL How sad and unfortunate.
>>994 Doesn't have to be. With the power of friendship anything is possible!
>>371 I haven't played PtH, but I have played ExWoD
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