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Cyberpunk 2020 & Red OP 03/30/2022 (Wed) 23:08:22 No. 457
Let's bring some activity to this place. Cyberpunk 2020, created by Mick Pondsmith in 1988. A role-playing game that brings you to the dark world of 2020. Where America went to hell. Where now big corporations run the world and control everything. Meanwhile, Cyberpunk Red ; its sequel takes place 25 years later. In what is known as the "Red" period because the sky is dyed that color due to radiation and other chemicals on the planet. So I begin the talk about this wonderful game that has created a whole genre within punk.
Why did you spoiler the cover?
>>515 I didnt make this one. So good question... A mistake perhaps?
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>Hey, Pondsmith, this is a world filled with technology, right? <Yes. >And there's all sorts of crazy enhancements and mech-suits and weapons too, right? <Absolutely. I even advice game masters to run one-shots when players want to try out something crazy, like the mech-suits and whatnot. >There must be a big demand for techies then. <You bet. >Wow, I bet techies are dime a dozen and easy to spec into <LOLNO ALL TECH SKILLS ARE X2 FOR COST AND JURY RIGGING MAKES NO SENSE, I DON'T EVEN TOUCH UPON THE SKILL IN "LISTEN UP YOU PRIMITIVE SCREWHEADS" UNLIKE ALL THE OTHER CLASS SKILLS Pondsmith is a dickless nigger with no respect for technology. Why do people like this game? It's shit. And while I'm at it, to hell with the humanity/essence mechanic, it's fake and gay. "Oh whoops, I lost an arm protecting the most important person in my life while living in this dangerous shithole, I'm gonna get a new arm that's even better at protecting my wife WOOPS EXTERMINATE.EXE HAS BEEN INSTALLED TOTAL BRAINDEATH IMMINENT" go to hell with that shit. If I want tank threads or horse legs, let me. Fuck it, if I want to be a brain in a box, on tiny little wheels, let me. That one dude in GITS 2nd GIG did that, and he wasn't just fine, he was LIVING IT! It's a "roleplaying game" about metal dudes and chicks with three boobs, if you didn't want me to copy Adam Smasher, THEN YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE WRITTEN HIM IN IN THE FIRST PLACE, YOU MONGREL! URGH! And don't even get me started on RED, it's even gayer. WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S "ILLEGAL" TO OWN A LIGHT MACHINE GUN IN THE US OF FUCKING A AND "COPS WILL BE ON ME FOR IT"???? Feel free to try to convince me I'm wrong, but seriously, this game just makes me angry whenever I sit down with it and try to make a character.
>>654 >WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S "ILLEGAL" TO OWN A LIGHT MACHINE GUN IN THE US OF FUCKING A AND "COPS WILL BE ON ME FOR IT"???? Hey its an dystopian future version of America where everything went to shit.
>>655 I mean right now it is illegal to own a machine gun personally. You need a class three NFA license, and the gun is stock of your personal shop. You do not own it. Ot is merchandise on your property for resale only. Legally anyway. In practice if you pay enough money you can get the license even if your shop is your basement, but again legally it isnt really yours. Oh and even then you can never actually use it except in certain states.
>>655 This is why I prefer sci-fi trpgs where we can own spaceships and travel to exotic locals to fuck xeno-bitches, because nobody is gonna complain when you bring a wall of lead to a planet filled with murderous four-armed killer-lizards. Well, maybe your accountant or whoever has the party purse, but whatever, you get what I mean. I really need to get around to homebrewing Starfinder.
>>656 Sounds like a bunch of bullshit bureaucracy. >>657 Se this guy knows whats up. I too want to be a space cowboy.
>>654 Complex skills of all kinds, not just those related to technology, cost more as a rule and the skill being easy to find information on or mentors for doesn't change that. It is why Brawling costs less than Martial Arts. Also, Jury Rigging is vague so that you can even make the attempt, it is why the chart in the skills section of the core rules presents modifiers for not having parts and tools while working on something complex when realistically you should not even be permitted to roll. If getting your cyber-arm pushed you below 0 Humanity then you definitely didn't lose the original meat doing what you described because people at at 1 Empathy don't have other folks that are important to them. Also, it is mentioned in Ghost in the Shell that the character you're referring to is probably a sociopath who is faking his accent and other character traits to grift. Adam Smasher is a Cyber Psycho and an NPC. If you make a character like him, you will be making a Cyber Psycho NPC. If you want to borg out like that with losing it max EMP at the start (you're going to replace your physical stats anyway) and pay for therapy like Shaitan does from Solo of Fortune 2. Finally, if you're afraid about doing something illegal you're not really a punk now are you? Sage due to performative posting, this is not conducive to sustained board growth.
>>656 Just to clarify you can own machine guns in the US, but they have to have been made and registered prior to 1986 which is when the NFA went into effect, and you have to then have it transferred to you on a form 4 with the ATF and pay $200. You're right though on modern machine guns, the most straighforward way is to have an FFL02 license with an SOT 3 (license to deal fire arms in general, and an additional special tag that allows you to sell machineguns), and to be honest it looks like a pretty low bar to get: IE just paying the tri-yearly fee ($700 initial, i think $590 every three years). As for Cyberpunk, After running a game with a bunch of people who played D&D 5E, I noticed that CP2020 is just a slower but more intimate game. Its harder in my opinion to have large numbers of baddies without seriously bogging the game down, because each roll has a lot going on. Not to mention the rule books suck ass in both layout and consistency. like the rules on throwing are nearly non-existent, and there really are a lot of holes in what it actually means to fire your gun or defend melee attacks. For those of you who run CP2020, how do you guys handle the ROF rule?
>>673 >Sage due to performative posting, this is not conducive to sustained board growth I am not sure what you're talking about, Your post is exactly what I want. You're actually discussing the system and giving your opinion, how is that not good?
>>673 >Complex skills of all kinds, not just those related to technology, cost more as a rule and the skill being easy to find information on or mentors for doesn't change that. Oh wonderful, so they got even lazier with manuals and books in the Cyberpunks universe than in our world, beautiful. Brilliant. I'll just never play Cyberpunk then, fucking shit system. How did this ever get as popular as it supposedly was? At least Shadowrun lets me build the character I want without charging me extra for it unless you take metahumans into account. >Also, Jury Rigging is vague so that you can even make the attempt So I can make a one-shot railgun out of a battery, some copper wires, two pieces of steel and an appropriate projectile? >complex when realistically you should not even be permitted to roll. Hey, guess what, it's not realistic that people who get chromed up will go full on terminator either, even though we can't get chromed up in reality. Empathy is a gayass stat, I'm shocked WoD doesn't have it. I don't play trpgs to emulate reality, I play them to GET AWAY from reality. To hell with your realism and gimme the controls to that spidertank. As for the machine gun bit, I was referring to how owning an automatic weapon is a criminal offense in the Cyberpunk universe. As in "MaxTac will get on your ass" illegal.
>>686 For the machinegun, is there a flavor text that explains that? a quick look at the rules show a ton of SMGs and assault rifles as common IE: "can be found most anywhere". The heavy weapons in the core sourcebook are rare/prohibited, but those are like, 20mm autocannons and missile launchers. I'm probably overlooking something. I think the ultimate answer though is basically "run the game how you want to", which kind of sucks because like with the ROF rule, I want to play as the author intended it.
>>687 Looking through the Night City books, there is also a few comments about firearms, specifically that there are several areas where its a free for all, and in general armed self defense is the norm. Pages 32 and 34 note that you can "...see more guns than briefcases" in some areas. Also, this was written in 1990. its like playing the equivalent of any movie that tried to predict what current year looked like in the 80s.

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