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MTG Anonymous 08/11/2022 (Thu) 03:12:13 No. 483
Gathering just like middle school
https://www.hipstersofthecoast.com/2022/07/design-of-a-card-jeskai-elder/ "there’s this illusion among players that balance is an inherently good thing. When you zoom out, you want there to be a dynamic balance among archetypes in Limited or Constructed format, but only at that macro level. On an individual level, you want there to be power imbalances. " Zach Barash, Design of a Card: Jeskai Elder
it kills me that the boards finally getting life again. But its all YugiOh. Surely you guys have seen some 40k stuff yeah?
>>491 The collab with mtg? Between D&D and Balduer gate I can't remember which one character background mechanic came from
There are people who play Llanowar Elf longer than I lived
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Does thoughtseize still matter?
>>491 I saw it I bought it I like it >vehicles all kinda do some cool stuff but crewing vehicles is pretty meh >cryptothrall is a good option but it's not very cost effective >canoptek scarabs are all kinda weird and don't synergize very well >Szarekh puts himself on the line just for the potential to put a creature into your hand >Anrakyr is good, but primarily best for getting artifacts that you can't return very well, much better cards can do what he does >Imotekh is cheep, easy to put down, and has a relatively nice ability set that plays well with most of the cards no matter what you choose to keep or swap >Trazyn is godly when you have a full grave, which the deck is great at, but is way too expensive for early game, meaning he is best suited to be a secondary win con After I thought about his ability a bit more, he has a lot of synergy potential as long as you can keep your grave in play, which is actually fairly easy all told >pili-pala means he untaps for infinite mana if you have a mana source artifact in your graveyard that taps for more than one mana >golem artisan makes it so everything can be haste trample fliers with as many +1/+1s as you desire >endless atlas means infinite drawing >elixr of immortality as a safe, quick way to delete your graveyard if you need to subvert an exodus >scarecrone and skeleton shard return artifact creatures to your field or hand respectively, causing commander stormlord to make necron creatures two by one >bolas's citadel can be used in conjunction with all the aforementioned abilities to tap, sac 10 creatures, 4 of which should be non-tokens, do 10 damage to all opponents, 2+untap generate 1 mana, pull 4 creatures from your grave, generate 8 necron tokens, and do it all over again until your opponent is out of life >if they have some sort of lich card or an ability that prevents them from dying due to life loss or are unable to lose the game otherwise the deck needs some removal to satisfy those conditions, many of which exist as creature cards in the deck, such as a creature that forces players to sac when it enters the battlefield, which if you're using the above method, should just be a necron token All in all it's a pretty strong precon and it doesn't take a whole lot to tinker with it's basically a fun necromancy deck with artifacts instead of dead, and since it's got a monocolor commander you can use some of the stronger monocolor spells black offers. The only problems are the general pitfalls of artifacts, but since this deck has a lot of options for restoring your numbers.
>>502 I feel like your still talking about yugioh. Whatever close enough.
>>491 >>504 kill yourself asshole you don't contribute more
remind me of dota's captain
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>>1021 Reminds me of Fur hire.
https://youtube.com/shorts/em8Iwuntz64?si=HWFi53HEBynV8NYQ I hate mtg lingo. 1 itbdoesnt state it is once per turn 2 the variable effect is continously checking unlike Sandayu
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Not content with using AI they are now just ripping off other peoples work directly.
Yugioh player here. I heard Mtg spoiler season never end for the past year. We do get weekly spoiler/ card preview but this year there is a 1 month period of preview drought from early February this year.
>>1100 Blatant plagiarism like this in the internet era confuses me. You're gonna get caught and you're gonna get a very public shaming. Especially for something so high profile. Surely they've seen plagiarists getting caught themselves, do people think they're magically immune?
>>1178 It is doubly confusing since he did so much to try and hide it. Like he could have put all that effort towards just drawing some stairs.

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