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Happy~2024~? #1 Voxian 01/02/2024 (Tue) 18:54:26 No. 28806
How will you try to make 2024 a happy year la~?
>>28806 I wish to focus on $eduction, $ocialization, and CREATION la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/02/2024 (Tue) 19:05:56.
>>28808 By the way, having played all the major Paradox games, I have to say that Crusader Kings is the best. Europa Universalis completely lacks the depth of CK, despite the 'complete' map. Really, Paradox should just fold EU into CK. Anyway, regarding anything historical, the closer you move to present day, the stronger the political bias favoring the present regime. I have found that this bias spikes significantly five times: with the start of the Industrial Revolution, with the French Revolution (and the victory of the Jews), with the American Civil War (and the victory of the Jews), with WW1 (and the victory of the Jews), and critically with WW2 and the obvious victory of the Jews, the worst of whom now reign supreme over Gaia through control of the $ system and then most everything else la~
>>28829 Middle is how I feel, butt not because I'm too direct and hurtful like Raimon, rather because of my understanding of the world. People, the vast majority of people, simply can't handle the truth, even if I 'sugarcoat it' and 'beat around the bush.' Anyone I could possibly consider a true comrade has to be (White) pro-White and not-vax'd after 2019... forgetting about the former for a moment since people can (although very difficult) be converted, very few people fit that latter criterion. So I'm essentially doomed to be alone or have very shallow relationships knowing full-well that my 'friends' would 'un-friend' me (at the very least) if they actually knew me la~
>>28830 Also, last is how I feel as well. Thus far, it seems like all my struggles have been pointless suffering. The only possible use they could have in the future is if I am able to found a new society la~
>>28830 >A true comrade has to be (White) pro-White and not-vax'd after 2019 la~ Yes, butt not only that, they have to value liberty, truly know me, accept me, and support me... and there the number of potential true comrades drops to near zero. This is why I am alone, why I am a 'loner' despite seeming like 'quite the catch' (initially) to quite a few women over my life. Anyway, what to do now la~?
>>28832 https://9anime.se/watch/stardust-telepath-18595?ep=113725 <This was a beautifully emotive anime, and it manages to be more 'real' and romantic than the majority 'romance' or Yuri anime I've seen in the last year la~
>>28833 I suppose, I just have to start with finding people who at least say they're not-vax'd after 2019, and go from there. Butt, that's not realistic IRL, I have to socialize and seduce the vax'd sheeple 2... turning off and on 'charm' at will is not easy la~
>>28835 This anime is probably the most popular now due to the shock value, in addition to high production value, butt honestly, I'd rather have forehead love than more of this la~
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i will be silly this year, just like the last one.
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HEY YOU. >>28848 MWAAAHH!!~
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i cummed in my fucking sleep so im not horny after 2 weeks of not masturbating.
>>28861 Despite maybe being good at it, I've found it difficult to get into 'writing' due to feeling like 'it's all pointless' so instead I fill my time with content generated by others... I also give myself the excuse that I might as well since I'm sick la~
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>>28855 Is this better, dear?
>>28864 What do you think is a better use of money, buying expensive chocolates for personal consumption, or buying the temporary use of some well-used merchandise (pic related) la~?
>>28885 I'll give the most recent example. So in Victoria 3, whenever I make a change like from interventionism to lazy-fair, or almost any law change at all, almost the entire country violently revolts. Try to enact public schools, and almost the entire country revolts and tries to implement an Anglican Theocracy. Just completely unrealistic. Also, I went to war with 'Great Qing,' completely defeat their armies in an epic and extremely costly war, and yet I can only take 1 state... I repeat this again to take another state. Then for the third time, for the stupid reason that this small conquest of an 'unrecognized major power' generates extreme 'infamy,' the entire world goes to war against me. Realistically, if anything other European powers would just join in, in a 'scramble for China. It's just so bloody unbelievable despite trying to be realistic. Sorry, butt the reality is that if the British Empire mustered 88% their forces for an invasion of Beijing in 1887 or whatever, they would have easily been able to take control of the whole Qing Empire, especially, if they kept a young member of the royal family as a puppet. Then there is the obvious political bias in favor of 'multiculturalism,' feminism, communism, and just current orthodoxy generally. In other-words, the game is on a 'rail' in many respects. For example the benefit of having women treated as minors (typically the ward of her father or husband) is a measly +5% birth rate, while official feminism results in merely a -5% birth rate. Historical evidence shows this is a complete downplay of the reality. An extra 0 should be added to both of those %'s at the very least. So 'legal guardianship' should result in 50%+ higher birth rate, and 'women's suffrage' should result in -50% (or lower) birth rate... at a minimum, and that's not even accounting for all the other downsides from the perspective of an empire, such as broken families or the absence of families all together. The downsides of 'multiculturalism' and communism are also weak. Crusader Kings 3 is the only Paradox game really worth replaying now, and even then, the number of revolts was ridiculous la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/04/2024 (Thu) 00:45:55.
>>28886 The devaluation of White male labor and power by 50%+ is one of the main reasons for the fall of the West la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/04/2024 (Thu) 00:43:55.
>>28887 That said, seeing as how I would have preferred being a woman, I would rather treat everyone as minors until they can prove themselves, through a standardized examination, for example. Or, simply require women to give birth to 2 children (while married) before being granted legal equality with men. Also sorry MaoMao, butt when you work closely with a brothel, doubting your chastity is only natural as men (especially those considering marriage) typically don't like sloppy seconds or thousands la~
>>28888 Why? You might ask? Well, typically, men want to invest in their own genetic lineage, and a woman with a history is more likely to cuck them, judge them more harshly, have less affection for them, and have STD's nya~
>>28935 ...With a bit of Hot Fuzz and Desperate Housewives. The concluding arc really started with the murder of the housekeeper, who became kind of a 'fairy godmother' character, and was a tribute to a real person nya~
>>28937 Dali accidentally seducing his own brother while crossdressing in disguise, and then using that to motivate him to achieve perfect grades, and then rewarding him with a date for those grades, was the cutest part. The Twins were the most attractive characters in terms of appearance, as they were even easily able to pass as their own dead mother, so they could have been each-other's girlfriends lol nya~
>>28938 Of course, the moral of the story is don't be a pathological perfectionist, and don't offer your maid or 'sister' to your husband for sex repeatedly and then get crazy jealous when you find that he loves her more than you. Also, don't expect a surrogate mother to accept giving up a single one of her children. Don't confine said mother arbitarily. Also, don't try to cover up a minor accidentally causing the death of his birth-mother. Also, don't murder your crazy adoptive mother and burn down your house when you could just turn her over the police, or run away with her and sex her into submission... really, the least believable characters were the rat turning into a beaver, the 'sister' that liked him, and the clueless doctor-husband, and especially Eiji. He just didn't have enough reason to deliberately murder the woman he considered his mother. Everyone could have been happy if the would-be villainess had been a cuckquean. They could have continued to keep up external appearances, butt that wasn't enough, she had to maintain appearances even within her own home. Again, pathological perfectionism with the image of the middle class 1950's American home as 'perfect' nya~
>>28951 CatCat's obsessed with medicines and poisons and smart about things that interest her, and that's why she's not like the other girls. Also why Jinshi likes her, that, and she dolls up fine. It's kind of dumb she hasn't realized that Jinshi both isn't castrated and probably wants to marry her if she can appear respectable enough. To bad she couldn't pass the court ladies (secretary) exam la~
>>28956 I'm done 'playing' Victoria 3, too much non-intuitive micromanagement required, I liked how HoI3 would let you choose how much to leave to the AI la~
>>28958 OH~ DESIRE~ LA~
>>28959 https://youtu.be/g4z7-rkyXfc?si=6rxy547iCu6NYwz7 <Cry, I cry, for I am not free and loved la~
>>28960 <Sure he's killed me in 6 other timelines but still! >Attracted to your killer la~ >Truly certified woman moment la~ Some guys might like the reverse butt usually only for revenge rape, and IRL it's very rare to be attracted to more attracted to a dangerous abusive woman simply because she's dangerous and abusive... now women on the other hand, are extremely attracted to dangerous men, even those that hurt them directly, since they perceive that danger as passion and power. Cavewoman brain... people say men think with their dicks, butt women think with their pussies even more. In this sense, women are anti-civilization, or at least, secretly in-favor of female enslavement. Talking generalities of course la~
>>28961 Honestly though, I'm tired of time travel. IRL the only time travel I can do is 'save and load' for video games and stuff that doesn't matter. Of course I'd love to be able to 'save and load' in the real world to explore possibilities and leave my cage, butt that is impossible since time is not a thing, it is a mental construct to order the world for good and ill la~
>>29008 Let's hope we'll be frens in this year, too, la~
>>29015 Butt, to buy even the cheapest house costs like $200 000, so I'll need to win, not just not lose... I've been losing my entire life, I'd like that to change la~
>>29017 I truly hate my 'father' since he and his Jewish faith are primarily to blame for this extreme personal suffering I continue to experience la~
>>29020 I have effectively made no forward progress in the ways that matter to me since I was 13... instead I have only lost more la~
>>29021 I find it difficult not to just hate everything at this point, although it's easy for me to say what I hate more la~
>>29022 In the end, there is nothing I can do except continue trying to acquire enough money for liberty, and love.... and to distract myself with substitutes (flute, guitar), entertainment, and writing la~
>>29023 Due to AI, I'm not going to bother learning to draw... of course, when I did try learning to draw by tracing Mori Kaoru's art, I ended up losing $150 000 since I was using my old computer and caused it to die from overheating so I couldn't sell PIVX before the crash la~
>>29024 I took a big risk, got lucky, and then got brutally fucked by fate. Anyway that's not the reason I'm not going to focus on drawing, it's AI. Ya, an AI can write as well, butt what is the point if it's not something that interests me? I suppose I could use AI as an assistant perhaps butt it might be more annoying than it's worth la~
>>29028 I 2 want a virgin blonde blue-eyed Aryan gal wife who is a Japanese citizen and a native Japanese speaker. In fact, I'd like two (sisters) please la~
>>29029 Is it possible that a substantial amount of the 'claims to supernatural power' in religious scripture is false? Yes, yes it is, that is why it is called 'faith.' Since there is often no way to prove the things said to have happened, actually happened in the way they were said to have happened, if at all. Faith, believing something for which there is no way to be sure, and taking action based on that belief, is more often a failing than a virtue in the real world. Interestingly, I was able to even get my mother to admit that faith to the point of sacrificing this life for 'the next' is wrong... I did so by using the historical example of the Catholic church's thousand-year attack on healing and medicine, their POV was that anything that delayed death was essentially sinful since doing so would delay going to heaven... however, mother-dearest almost certainly did not and will not apply this understanding to her own life, or to how she has treated me over my life. Indeed, there are many aspects of 'her religion' that have resulted in her sacrificing goodness in both my life and her own. The faith of Voxxe, by contrast is concerned first with living the best life one can live in this life, and by doing so, gaining life in the next la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/09/2024 (Tue) 05:41:40.
>>29033 From Wikipedia: An avunculate marriage is a marriage with a parent's sibling or with one's sibling's child—i.e., between an uncle or aunt and their niece or nephew. Such a marriage may occur between biological (consanguine) relatives. In some countries, avunculate marriages are both legal and common. If the partners in an avunculate marriage are biologically related, they normally have the same genetic relationship as half-siblings, or a grandparent and grandchild—that is they share approximately 25% of their genetic material. (They are therefore more closely related than partners in a marriage between first cousins, in which on average the members share 12.5% of inherited genetic material, but less than that of a marriage between, for instance, cousin-siblings, in which the partners share 37.5% of their inherited genetic material.) Avunculate marriage is permitted in Norway, Chile, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Finland, The Netherlands, Germany, and Russia. In Rhode Island there is an exception to the general prohibition against "kindred marriages" for Jewish marriages allowed by that religion la~
>>29034 From Zoroastrianism: Gayomart, whose elder sister conceived him by her father and in turn conceived by him the twins, who then peopled the world; the theological doctrine of xvaetvadatha, which recommends as especially pious and meritorious sexual unions between mother and son; what seems unique in the theology of the Magi when compared to later monotheistic theologies, is the doctrine of xvaetvadatha so that a man acquires a significant religious merit by having sexual intercourse with his mother; the Magi undoubtedly revealed the dogma of xvaetvadatha to justify the marriages with sisters, mothers, and daughters by which they preserved the divine ichor of their holy family from all danger of genetic pollution la~
>>29035 In terms of genetics, a brother-sister couple (who have both the same parents) are theoretically up-to 100% related. In contrast, a parent-child couple are up-to 50% related. Therefore, a society that permits brother-sister marriage but not parent-child marriage, does not do so for fear of 'inbreeding.' Regardless, I was surprised to learn that quite a few western countries currently permit avunculate marriage la~
>>29037 https://dir.indiamart.com/ >If you want to order products from India; they also ship Ivermectin la~
>>29039 https://www.bitchute.com/video/nqNvpcKGmPOf/ >Hitler was less responsible for WW2 than Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin la~
>>29044 Japan loves Blonde Blue Eyed Aryans (BBEA) so much they should just offer free farms and citizenship to Aryans who move to Hokkaido. Make Japan the best Aryan country in the world la~
>>29045 I might be bisexual, butt, I seem to not like gay guys, only other bisexual guys. Also, I only like pretty guys. So basically, I'd date an BBEA Trap, or potential Trap. I think I'd have better luck finding a gal. Wow, I think at least half of why I am alone is due to my high standards that exclude like 99%+ of the population la~
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head hurty hope u havin' a nice day friend.
>>29050 U2? This is now the second full week I've been significantly more fucked up than usual, sleeping was hard due to the pain around my ears la~
>>29074 Of course, now that I'm an old broken man, older women in general have completely lost their appeal... with the small exception of immortal older women. I can't even begin to truly imagine how much better my life would have been if I had a mommy like depicted in Mother & Wife 3... a mommy that would accept and love me completely... this is a 'fetish' or fantasy of mine that can never be fulfilled in this life of mine la~
>>29076 Oh~ butt, I tried playing Idol Manager... it's so annoying how you have to remember to manually press a button to send the idols to do one of the three daily activities, for that reason alone, I'm not 'playing' anymore. A shame, since Idol M@n@gment is within my interests. Oh butt, if I were to employ an idol, I would do so on a trial basis... the major prerequisite for being selected permanently would be if she wishes to be one of my wives and give birth to my babies, and she demonstrates this desire (sexually). As an old man, I'm done being indirect, and I have no interest in working with bitches who would reject me. For my wives, I'd of course, forbid them fucking other men... except for their own (future) sons (who are also mine). The wives would be allowed to make love to any of the other wives, or potential wives. In other-words, I have no intent of attempting to separate my working life and personal life if I were to run my own business. Any direct employees (as opposed to contractors) would also be my wives. The only exception to this, is if I were to run a business where all the employees were men. Basically, I'm a fan of single sex environments. If I'm with men I want them all to be men, if I'm with women, I want them all to be women... to maximize my comfort la~
>>29081 Ahn~ Yuri is almost always hot while Yaoi requires at least one of the pair to effectively cross-dress, hard gay 'bara' stuff is just a mega turn off la~
>>29083 Ahn~ la~
>>29085 https://9anime.se/watch/tales-of-wedding-rings-uncensored-18964?ep=114910 <Pure wish fulfillment fantasy with a theme loosely based on LOTR la~
>>29088 >Utena is obviously the MC, and yes, I too would succumb to the darkside if I could indulge in raping cute magical girls and not have to do anything more 'evil' than that, because what more can one desire la~?
>>29100 All fiction is ultimately wish-fulfillment fantasy, however, some is more plausible and/or sophisticated than others... what can be dangerous is when fiction is passed off as truth... unfortunately this has always been the norm. To maintain their rule and promote their agendas, rulers have always passed fiction off as truth. This is easiest, of course, when the fiction is closer to the truth. The narrative of Hitler was certainly closer to the truth than the narratives of Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill for instance la~
>>29101 A 'life' of not being free to be me or who I want to be has destroyed, ruined me. Now all I know underneath it all is infinite sorrow, rage, and hatred... and due to my lifetime of self-censorship, a lot of that hatred is directed at 'myself' ... I thought I was being patient and wise... butt the day of liberation never came, hope became despair. Still, I live in hope that a 'real life' awaits me someday la~
>>29102 Practically speaking (excluding the slim possibility of seducing my way into another family's 'paradise'), only having enough money to buy my own land and home, while not having to become a wage slave, will allow me to try to start this 'real life' I can only dream of la~
>>29108 I'm also so tired of living with and around people who act like not wanting to live around Blacks AKA NIGGERS, is a sin la~
>>29109 The morality of White people has been thoroughly corrupted, starting with the imposition of (((Christianity))) and rapidly accelerating after the Jewish victory in WW2. The wrong actions are forbidden and permitted. White people have been conditioned to hate their own and endlessly simp/cuck for the foreign, especially JEWS AND THEIR NIGGERS la~
My mother has been conditioned her whole life to think that 'God' is a man and his words are found in only one book or rather, one collection of 'books.' Even her understanding of love has been warped into thinking that obeying the book is love. This was done via conditioning and consistent programing to the point of self-conditioning. Once one considers the book the 'word of God' and the only way of salvation' one will self-condition by regularly 'studying' the book. Furthermore, there is the daily prayer, and the once a week daily conditioning... the conditioning of (((society))) is even stronger as it is nigh omnipresent in education (conditioning) media and even the law. However, for those already sufficiently conditioned to seriously accept the book as the 'words of God,' the book takes precedence over societal conditioning. This is why my mother hates gays and transsexuals' but is perfectly okay with having a mestizo grandchild via an ugly mother la~
>>29113 This conditioning also explains how a woman can believe that cutting her baby son's penis is a good thing, and not extremely brutal child rape... she has been conditioned first to selectively suspend logical reasoning and second to think she is actually helping her son rather than severely harming him. Incidentally, the same woman would likely support throwing someone posting these images into prison if not simply executing them... despite the images causing no physical harm, and even if such scenarios were reenacted due to their influence, the harm, if any, is far less than her endorsement of (((routine circumcision))) that has caused permanent physical (and untold psychological) damage la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/13/2024 (Sat) 07:00:04.
>>29114 Western (((society))) is irredeemably fucked, only a break-away society has a hope in hell of saving what was good about the 'West,' especially, our genetic heritage la~
>>29126 https://9anime.se/watch/tales-of-wedding-rings-uncensored-18964?ep=115291 <So... anime like this are supposed to appeal to men... butt, to me it feels more like second-degree cuckholdry; I cannot 'self-insert' as the MC. I mean, I am not the MC, and it feels cucked to watch another man easily (being in the right place at the right time) acquire a harem of beautiful women, even if I know it's just wish fulfillment fantasy. This is why I prefer YURI even-though it doesn't 'turn me on' like actual sex does la~
>>29133 https://9anime.se/watch/the-weakest-tamer-began-a-journey-to-pick-up-trash-18811?ep=115015 <On the opposite spectrum of OP Isekai MCs you have this MC. I still don't know what is with the obsession with video game mechanics. They were always an abstraction for a real world, a placeholder if you will. To take that abstraction and make it a component of a 'world' is retarded la~
>>29145 Meow~meow~ MC is obsessed with medicines and poisons and smart about things that interest her, and that's why she's not like the other girls. Also why Jinshi likes her, that, and she dolls up fine. It's kind of dumb she hasn't realized that Jinshi both isn't castrated and probably wants to marry her if she can appear respectable enough... For an anime where the plot resolves so much around sex, they hid even the description of it. It's funny how MC, still a virgin even after being purchased by her love interest, is tutoring the Emperor's consorts in brothel tactics though. Again, it's strange how someone so smart and familiar with the ways of the prostitute can't see that Jinshi is a pretty-boy elite, and not a eunuch. The new consort is the least attractive one, I wonder what the Emperor liked about her... politics perhaps? >>29139 Time flies la~
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Cuties are CUTE (YOU) MWAAH~ la <3
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>>29184 Here is the map I completed today. How do you think this world came about, and what is it like la~?
>>29221 https://9anime.se/watch/banished-from-the-heros-party-i-decided-to-live-a-quiet-life-in-the-countryside-season-2-18856?ep=115318 <Sister lets another woman be her brother's wife, but declares that she'll be his best lover. Quiet the confidence there la~
>>29223 >1. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End >2. Goblin Slayer >3. The Faraway Paladin These are the best more recent fantasy anime and all of them lack gaymu mechanics la~
>>29258 Oh~ no~ I was bad and read my @voxxe3 twitter feed, and it contains 'news.' Maybe I should make a new resolution like, 'no playing non-story games alone' yeah, and maybe also, spend less time looking at and posting pics that aren't my own la~
>>29261 >If you can remove any trope from the world of manga and anime, what would it be? I'll start, TOTAL ERADICATION OF VIDEO GAMES MECHANICS la~ >Remove all males including self-insert MC anime should be girls-only la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/21/2024 (Sun) 00:48:36.
>>29265 <An idea with prevalence: the rejection of ideology tout court: >All ideologies are fakes. <One does not simply reject Ideologies (TM) and, at the same time, have coherent political/economic/social opinions. <In political, economic and social sciences ideology means a set of doctrines, beliefs, integrated assertions, theories and aims that are shared by the members of a social group or that form the basis of a sociopolitical, economic, or other program. <You can criticize ideologies in general, you can say they don't represent reality, but any attempt to represent reality by definition constitutes an ideology. Even criticizing ideology minimally implies some proto-ideology, some set of values or vague, intuitional theories that support or motivate it. These theories are ideological because they are received and shared socially, they are a kind of default background ideology. >Ideologies only result in power for special groups who just push the rest of us around. There is only one way to escape from being pushed around and that is to smash the whole system and get along without it. <Implicit in this statement is the Anarchist Ideology (TM), an ideology defined and conceived entirely negatively. Of course, since all ideologies are fake and anarchism is an ideology, it follows that anarchism is fake. Without an ideology, either an explicit or implicit one, you cannot even conceive of a rebellion from anything. <Among the assertions of this brand of anarchism is: >It is better to be poor and free than to be a slave and get pushed around all your life. <This sounds a lot like a foundational ideological credo to me. <Every time you think, evaluate and judge you do so from an ideology. There is no escaping this. You are left with the option to become conscious of your ideology and the ideology of others and to scrutinize and refine your beliefs and create ideologies or unconsciously parrot and carry water for others' ideologies.
>>29261 What's this new anime all about anyway, la~?
>>29269 Nice tits anon-chan~ so this new amazingly popular anime is about the magical Yuri awakening of 14 year old girls. The MC awakens to her desire to lewd (rape?) magical girls... yeah that's basically the plot, anything else is just justification for that plot la~
>>29270 I've been quite sicker than usual essentially two months, with a month break between the two. Aha~ it's all so wearisome. How have you been my old fren, well I hope la~
>>29274 Genshin Impact actually has a nice (' elements' are done well) fairy open world, although, I find myself lost frequently and just default to reaching the next teleportation device. I just skip story content that isn't voiced since it's clearly not a priority la~
>>29275 Ah~ pastime to sleep la~
>>29276 <So this is what I maybe should have said to mommy to make her understand reality... or rather what I would say to her if ever I were willing to go scotched earth... especially after fucking her la~ >Imagine you were told by your family that heterosexuality was sinful. Imagine you were told that being feminine or 'acting like a woman' was sinful. Imagine spending your life hiding, for fear of severe material (let alone social) loss, that you were at least somewhat sexually attracted to men, and that you wanted to be free to explore your feminine side and to dance and sing as a woman. Now imagine all the illnesses that would develop as a result of this self-censorship and self-suppression. Imagine being constantly at war with yourself everyday. Imagine the hatred for those who forced this on you... imagine the self-hatred for being unable to escape this situation. Congratulations, you now understand me a little la~
>>29277 There is so much I regret about my life, and if I could go back I would make very different choices, and I'm not just talking 'wining the lottery.' Ultimately, my love for my mother was my greatest weakness. She never deserved my love. It was only due to my love for my mother that I didn't just leave when I was 19, and never look back. It truly is those closest to us that can hurt us most, betrayal (of expectations) hurts the most. My mother is extremely distant from my ideal (expected) mother in many ways, but I could never let her go... and so I've suffered the grave consequences la~
>>29278 My life has been a series of VN bad-end's, butt life goes on since the ends were never so bad as to end (kill) me la~
>>29281 The WEF should be called by the more appropriate WTF (World Tyranny Forum and/or What The Fuck) forum la~
>>29288 Best mistress: Mio la~ Best wives: Shiho and Kokoro la~ Best husbands: Rena and Hiori la~ Best friends: Yuki and Kirara la~
>>29289 Mio is the one I'd likely fall in love with most just by being around her... due to her ladylike elder sister power. I'd want to get close to Hiori just to make Mio jealous, butt she's also fun herself. I would just feel constant lust for Kokoro whenever I see her... like, I couldn't help but grab that ass whenever I think no one else is looking. Shiho is just too cute, kind, and helpful. I'd probably give up on Rena upon finding out how much she loved Yuki, but at the same-time she is best gal thanks to that love... so if Yuki really didn't reciprocate I would happy to be her rebound... I feel like these characters are real people, in some-ways they feel more real than real people la~
>>29293 I prefer erotica where I can self-insert as the MC since it is mostly from the MC's PoV. Also I like the fuckers and fuckees to both be beautiful. Frankly, it's far less cucked than watching your regular heterosexual romance... especially as someone who is single la~
>>29295 https://nationalvanguard.org/2024/01/canada-low-iq-bureaucrats-target-genius-philosopher/ <NV is really the closest organization to my political perspectives that I know of... however, my views on liberty and sexuality significantly diverge to the point of incompatibility la~
>>29297 >This gal is lewd, pulling MC into a tiny snow cave and pretending to have sex is lewd. It's almost impossible to believe she's a virgin after doing something like that... it would be more realistic if she were a highly experienced cherry enjoyer la~
>>29346 This is a great show, it's what I want to see in an anime: 14 year old gals lewding each-other. Kiwi kind of ruins the purely lewd dynamic though. I wonder if Utena will end up protecting the magical girls against her 'kill them' type 'allies' la~
>>29356 >My (previously virgin) brother married a goblin-like (ugly) divorced Mexican bitch (who doesn't even speak Spanish) and now they have a son. Not being naturally good with the ladies, nor interested in PUA, he was desperate and just took what was easy within his Church group and married it. Then he just brought it to live with my parents, and of course, they just accepted it and quickly prioritized her and her child over me. My parents have always ignored my concerns so it is what it is... but I have to wonder, why should I value such a 'family' that has never even accepted me. Then I remember that I am just here for financial reasons. C'est la vie la~
>>29358 You know what? I'm done fighting for a lost cause. White women are a lost cause. I have been rejected by them my whole adult life and never have I been shown any genuine affection. For reference, if I were a woman, I'd be a 8-9/10. I wouldn't be a literal Goddess so I'm not going to give myself a 10. I mention this to show that I am not ugly. I am also intelligent, but only rarely has this been valued by anyone, and it more often triggers White women than anything else. White women only respond to direct demonstrations of power, nothing else. Obviously this entails extreme risk since women have all the power over White men in the West socio-legally speaking. On that note, the West is doomed, Whites are doomed, and Liberty is doomed with them. Humanity is doomed. Ultimately all that is good on Gaia is doomed. That said, I have to find a way to enjoy my remaining time in this mortal soul. To find a sanctuary from the storm, an oasis, where I can live in happiness until the end. That is my goal... I don't know what more can be said. C'est la vie la~!
>>29359 https://youtu.be/kOd5m2RZG6k?si=QpCWwjsBmOyIlY6p >Peace is a lie; there is only passion la~ >Through Passion, I gain Strength la~ >Through Strength, I gain Power la~ >Through Power, I gain Victory la~ >Through Victory, my Chains are Broken la~ >The Force shall set me Free la~
>>29394 https://9anime.se/watch/psycho-pass-movie-providence-18715?ep=113533 <OK, the end was a surprise, butt one that was hinted at... and ironic at that, to protect the law she she committed 'murder' la~
>>29411 Again, from now on, whenever I make a post, I will remember to save it so if it gets lost or censored I can post it somewhere else la~
>>29412 https://www.amren.com/videos/2024/01/lets-spend-14-trillion-into-existence/ >Seems my previous post here was removed for being to brutally truthful, my assessment that another war between the states is the best hope for the survival of the White subspecies, was likely not appreciated. However, denial to maintain morale only really makes sense when you actually have an army and a strategy with a chance of victory. Whites are extremely weak against all forms of warfare except open warfare... it is only in open warfare that Whites have a chance la~
>>29413 OK, I've made the decision that I will inevitably immigrate to Japan within the next 5 years, if immigration is possible and the situation in Japan does not significantly decline relative to the situation here. I'm done wasting my time with delusional 'White Nationalist' cuckservatives: eurocanadians (the worst) amren (even Jared censors truthful posts and has demonized 'the gays') and even nationalvanguard all qualify since they the censor, and posses a reactionary christianesque moralism that I am beyond sick of... I'm sick and tired of the 'no fun allowed' mentality. I'm sick and tired of living in fear. Still, Amren is the only pro-White site worth recommending to the median White person due to largely staying just on the subject of race and not the whole 'reactionary package' la~
>>29414 So what does this mean? It means I will focus on finding a Japanese wife, so chatting with lots of Japanese women, and even moving to voice chats. 'Learning Japanese' is a secondary goal. I likely will have to give up on the 'unvaxd post-2019' requirement. Although honestly, I can't truly care about anyone (even any resulting children) that doesn't meet that requirement la~
>>29415 Society has forced me into being a 'sociopath.' Also, I will still try to find a White 'wife.' And focus on work, and creation. All for my liberation and the fulfillment of my desire la~
>>29416 Butt, enough words, I know what I want, and what I want to do, now there is only to do it la~
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man i am fucking stupid
>>29422 Wut?
>>29422 >>29423 Okay then la~
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>>29423 >>29424 idk how are u frems
>>29431 (As) good as can be expected la~
>>29433 https://www.amren.com/podcasts/2024/01/not-quite-a-civil-war/ >I wonder why some of my 'pessimistic' posts were censored, while other similar posts have not... the situation is dire indeed, and the best hope, sadly, is Civil War between the Republicucks and Demonrats. Whites can't fight an enemy inside the gates, they are horrible at that, so the best hope then is that the 'red states' go to war against the 'blue states.' Really, if Trump wasn't pathetic (or a traitor) and Pence wasn't a traitor (he gave the rigged election to the Demonrats), this would have already happened with better odds of a Republicuck victory. Then perhaps, there would be some White light at the end of the tunnel la~
>>29434 https://kickassanime.mx/classroom-of-the-elite-iii-c12d/ep-5-d5b5bd >What a bitch mother. I really hate 'slave-to-society' bitches that are willing to work themselves to death (for a fucking hair clip at that) and then are all to willing to turn their daughter into the police so she can have a permanent stain on her record rather than simply say 'never do it again, the risk isn't worth it' and, 'I was wrong to work myself to death.' Also, the fake-loli bitch needs rapeman correction, her villainy is obviously far worse than a one time shoplift. There aren't many 'realistic' anime, so this one is OK, butt I still don't get WTF this 'genius' cool-deadfish MC is doing at this high school at all. Why isn't he getting his PhD or something la~?
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/01/2024 (Thu) 07:06:05.
>>29466 Really entertaining, I think I actually laughed a few times. I initially skipped it due to 'levels' and 'reincarnated as a villainess in an Otome game world,' butt, it's good comedy la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/03/2024 (Sat) 23:04:58.
>>29469 Drinking her pee grants eternal life! Butt, you have to keep drinking her pee. Drinking 1L of her pee grants 10 years of life! This Goddess's pee is a priceless commodity la~!
>>29470 Unless she took an oath of virginity Aqua is 99%+ guaranteed not to be a virgin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Greek_virgin_goddesses ...by the way, what counts as virginity usually referred to never having penis in vagina so sometimes even oral and anal 'sex' would not cause a loss of virginity. Also, 'Yuri' would not cause a loss of virginity. Virgin Goddess were, therefore, often strictly 'Lesbian' la~
>>29505 Is this the current novel that you are playing, la~?
>>29506 It's actually the second time I played trough Blue Reflection Tai, It's a good example of the kind of gaymu you would never find made in the (((occupied))) West. If you have time, you should play it too, I recommend it la~
>>29509 I'd like more anon-tachi to make this board home, so I think I create a discussion thread along with a 'whatever 'thread la~
>>29510 Rena and Mio are the best girls i.e. female virgins due to their love, butt, that also means they are quite taken. Rena with Yuki and Mio with her sister Hiori la~
>>29511 Chasing Rena would mean, at minimum, being the odd one out... the only real happy ending would be found in seducing Rena-Yuki into having regular 3somes together. Chasing Mio would be easier, butt, she's still a hardcore Siscon and with good reason. Shimaidon is the only real path to happiness with Mio. That leaves curvy Kokoro, and 'The Cutest' MVP Shiho as the best potential lovers, although breaking out of the BFF-zone would be a definite challenge with them both. Uta is the one who needs MC the most... I can definitely see her become a hardcore Yandere if Ao indulges her la~
>>29512 If I were Ao, it's hard to say who I would choose. I suppose, out of the girls I discussed, I would go for the girl who showed me the most affection la~
>>29513 Kokoro definitely has the best body, so again, I'd probably end up with her if she tolerated and was turned on by my frequent hugs, kisses, and squeezes of her peaches la~
>>29516 Butt, I'm well aware that chasing two birds from the same flock results in loosing both more often than gaining both la~
>>29517 Ah~ butt, Yuri really is the best when it comes to romance. You just grow closer and closer as friends until you one day cross the love-making line... it's my romantic ideal... unlike so-called 'straight romance' where it's all about having more power than the competition and the girl or woman. I don't consider that romantic at all, just dominance and submission, maybe sexy, butt that is all la~
>>29518 It makes me very sad, sorrowful, when I remember that I've never had love, and I likely never will have that kind of love la~
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almost the end of this thread
>>29536 How can you tell nya~?
>>29539 Christian dogma relies on the belief that the 'bible' is the literal word of 'God' a 'deity' with at least two different personalities when you compare the new and old testaments yet, the Council of Nicaea ultimately decided what would be in the Christian bible. So you would also have to believe that they were 'doing God's work.' One of the claims to legitimacy in the bible is the fulfillment of 'prophecy,' however, there are at least three problems with this: there is such a thing as intentionally-fulfilled prophecy, i.e. someone said something will happen and someone can make that happen as it is within their power, one could also simply pre-date 'prophecy' to a point before the event, and you can simply make a prophecy that will likely occur at some point and is subject to interpretation, i.e. 'Babylon will fall' of course, all civilizations have a time frame and what counts as 'fall' is also subject to interpretation. Even 'Babylon' is subject to interpretation. Finally, there is a great deal of 'magic' discussed in the bible, yet somehow the 'magic' discussed in other religions is all 'fake.' How exactly is the tale of Jesus and his miracles more legitimate than tales of the Greco-Roman Gods? The Germanic Gods? After-all God in English originally referred to the Germanic Gods, e.g. Woden. The major failure of White 'paganisms' was the failure to codify and make canon. There were always contradictory stories about the Gods, this undermined their apparent legitimacy... there was no Greco-Roman 'bible' to compete with the 'Judeo-Christian' bible. Ultimately, abandoning your rational mind simply because you want something to be true if I have faith (suspend rational thought) and obey I will be resurrected after death as a perfect immortal ruler! is a major human failure. Accepting any text as 'God's command' is failure. Tell me, why can't God communicate directly with people, I mean a chatbot developed by man can, so surely God could always do so better? Why must we accept a 'testament?' It reminds me of this ancient saying, 'religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.' C'est la vie la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/06/2024 (Tue) 04:26:36.
>>29540 The only reason I still discuss Christ-ianity (literally Christ-insanity), is that I am still living with my Judeo-Christian parents and they use the 'bible' as an excuse to oppress me, not be kind to me, and to deny the program of White genocide or doing anything about it. Of course, there are other religions that are even worse these days, like neocommunism, anti-White-ism, C02 bad-ism, bank-state god-ism, equal-ism and ect. la~
>>29549 It's worse than watching some isekai where the MC becomes OP and gains a harem, since it is more realistic la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/06/2024 (Tue) 07:02:04.
>>29550 Actually watching any guy get gals is second-degree cuckoldry, especially if you are a single guy. The only possible advantage is if there is something you can learn and imitate with regards to getting gals. Butt, in fiction that is mostly a waste of time since the 'romance' isn't realistic enough to be useful. Also, as someone who has never received VD chocolates, I can only say, 'die in a fire lucky rich-popular-fag' MC.la~
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i think i will go through each thread, and each reply you've done saving the pics i like.
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>>29537 700ish and it ends.
>>29552 You're welcome. As a mother, I know that there is no greater pleasure than to have your beloved son 中出し you every full-moon la~ >>29553 Divine trips signal the end and the end the new beginning la~
>>29551 Porn, where the guys fucking are White and you don't see their faces and/or they are beautiful, and where the camera just focuses on the gals getting fucked, is far less beta than watching a fictional 'romance' show where some guy wins some gal(s) heart(s). This is why Yuri is best. The one exception to this rule is mother-son romance since that is a unique relationship. So, when it comes to anime or any video really, unless I really like it or need to know the content, I'm going to watch it at 2x speed from now on la~
>>29564 Consent is an arbitrary (and presently feminist) concept unless consent were required to be explicit in a legal written document... making all other sexual contact 'rape.' Butt then, there would be no such thing as 'marital rape' for-example la~
Starting with Tolkien, Elves in fantasy are obviously superior to Humans. Yet in most fantasy shows, Elves are a minority and often dominated. The reason must be some tragic inherent flaw like suicidal empathy and/or nihilism... or perhaps some external cause like migration to better lands where there is more 'mana,' this was the reason given by Tolkien if I remember correctly. I think low fertility is the best answer to a lack of Elven supremacy, even if Elves are immortal unless killed, if an Elven woman can only get pregnant once a century or so, their numbers would be low enough to end up a minority in largely human kingdoms. There would have to a reason they don't end up ruling the human kingdoms as well... perhaps an innate femininity or dislike for authority la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/07/2024 (Wed) 00:22:13.
https://kickassanime.mx/bang-dream-its-mygo-f147/ep-1-8fa81e <Sometimes you only know how good something is in comparison to something else. In retrospect, this was a really good anime, not quite Bocchi-tier, butt close. The songs are also better than the usual J-stuff. Also, seems Anon-Soyo is an approved pairing la~
>>29585 A lot of fools who dislike the christ-insanity they were raised in become ironic and unironic devil worshipers since they are unable to escape the binary dialectical matrix of their conditioning la~
>>29586 Others identify as 'pagan,' and doing this is like identifying ethnically as a 'goy,' a sure sign of low intelligence la~
>>29587 Others claim to be 'atheists' butt it is impossible to prove the non-existence of deities. Agnosticism should be the default position. Furthermore, most of these so-called 'atheists' simply obey the regime as if it were 'God' la~

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