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Goddess~of~the~Cathouse #1 Voxian 02/07/2024 (Wed) 05:33:57 No. 29591
Welcome to the Cathouse nya~
>>29593 Yikes, that was a close call, forgot to fully close and lock the door nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/07/2024 (Wed) 06:02:43.
>>29594 It's funny-sad how my tyrant-daddy expects to be loved when he's always oppressed me and never supported me nor done anything of any significance for me nya~
>>29595 He says goodnight, and I reply goodnight, and then he waits by the door for me to open it and give him a hug. Butt he has never deserved any affection from me since he is ultimately the cause of my 99%+ of my home social-life suffering. Just recently, he again threatened me with yet another draconian measure 'for my own good' and I angrily shut him down with logic. He never said he was sorry, butt just expects me to forget yet another one of his assaults on me. Hell, the Jew-slave that he is would have kicked me out of the house for not paying rent years ago if not for my mother. There is very little about him to love and a fucking great deal to hate. I have constantly suppressed my hate for him, and extended the 'olive branch' and all it has earned me is a suffocating place to stay... butt at least I don't have to pay thousands of dollar in rent... my life is a tragedy nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/07/2024 (Wed) 06:20:27.
>>29596 In many ways, I'm tired, weary, of giving the 'time of day' to people that would never accept me let alone be my ally... I've always been alone in the end nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/07/2024 (Wed) 06:20:39.
>>29597 Butt enough about this, honesty I'm sick of living in fear and loathing. I'm weary of even thinking about it nya~
>>29602 I'm glad to see you energetic and healthy as ever, la~ And I'm here as usual to talk with you, la~ Just much more busier than usual, unfortunately... >>23738 >>26337 >>27213
>>29603 I don't know about that, I've been sick for a month and a half with this 'dark' winter's variant that (((they))) released from their lab, it seems to attack the ears so I haven't been able to do much, butt, I hopefully have some ivermectin coming from India... are you busy with work nya~?
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/07/2024 (Wed) 19:45:41.
>>29609 Heh, are there any national 'leaders' in the formerly White or Western lands that have not prostrated themselves before the Jews? Any leaders of any importance at all that have not sold out nya~?
>>29611 Honestly, the 'non-J(ew)WO-GMO' requirement is proving another layer of extremely difficult, and it was already extremely difficult to get bitches. Butt, I honestly cannot respect at all a JWO-GMO bitch, nor could invest myself in having children with such a bitch. Butt, at a certain point I just need to 'get some' and fucking live what is left of what has been, thus far, a largely miserable loveless life nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/07/2024 (Wed) 21:33:41.
>>29614 I'll just think of my own basic desires, since my higher desires seem impossible. If a bitch is pleased due to my fulfilling these base desire, good for her nya~
>>29623 https://9anime.se/watch/classroom-of-the-elite-iii-18880?ep=119800 <Oh~ she's gonna sell herself to protect 'her class' LOL I can understand when a woman does that to protect her real family, butt a high-school class? You've got to be joking nya~
>>29625 Sadly I've never met such a bitch. Probably because they get taken early, like high school or even earlier nya~
>>29629 I think I've aged out of anime, all I really enjoy is CGDT = CUTE GIRLS DOING THINGS with few exceptions la~
>>29637 Ah~ my body hurts and wow, organizing stuff digitally eats my time... didn't even get down to my primary work... grrr~ nya~
>>29644 >Thinking what happens after death is somehow different from what happened before birth... NGMI... death is no mystery at all, the whole 'well, no one really knows what happens after hehe' is the dumbest bullshit scam ever. You've already been dead for a very long time and you know precisely how it is, everything else is copium nya~
>>29647 >Why is it so hard to dedicate myself to anything creative? <My creativity was crushed by tyranny my whole life and almost nothing I care to do creatively is something I could show my parents, so they will just think I've been 'gaming' or whatever the whole day. Again, my parents are 90%+ at fault for ruining my personal life and always having been a source of oppression far more often than support. This is especially true of my father, the only (petty) tyrant I know personally. My father's legacy for me is, in the end, only one of tyranny and denying me my mother's love. There is no one I know personally that I hate more since he is responsible for so much of what I hate. Even the goblina bitch is someone he let into this family since he could have easily dissuaded my brother from marrying her by demanding that he move out, or you know, he could have actually made it possible to 'date.' I hate the White 'boomers' as a generation and personally. Granted, their parents were good goy scum as well, unless they happened to be German nya~
>>29648 Yeah, I think if I meet a girl (virgin), it will be through teaching. I'm old and broken nya~
>>29668 https://www.amren.com/features/2024/02/legitimate-preference-a-guide-for-our-people/ <I will once again call attention to the fact that our opposition should not be called liberal(s). Liberal should not be conflated with leftist. Our enemies are anti-Whites: leftists, traitors, and racially foreign invaders. A real liberal would have no problem with Whites voluntarily forming their own exclusive communities, although, they might object to White Nationalism in favor of Empire nya~
>>29682 https://mangadex.org/title/ce9e089e-b085-4e16-b41b-4a3343317572/torima-minshuku-yadori-teki-na <If there were a sexy older woman that was that forward with me when I was in university, I would have at least have gone for a kiss like 3 times by now, and that is coming from the timid virgin that I am. If a woman acts like that for you she does want sex with you. I also wouldn't be thinking of 'love' before we even had sex. I learned that lesson when I was 13, when my 14 year old 'GF' dumped and ditched me (because I was sick) after inviting me on a week-long hike with her. Then again, I'm Hana's age now not MC's age. If I were a woman, I too would tempt cuteboys into 'raping' me for fun, especially if I were somehow single... I really don't think that would be likely though, I wanted to get married and leave my tyrannical parents when I was 16 nya~
>>29683 ARGH! I did something really stupid damit... let's try to be not so stupid in the future OK nya~?
>>29734 My type? I like big tall Aryan girls and mothers (with only daughters if the her kids aren't mine). That time I was by the casion I saw this total bombshell probble escort. I just wanted to continue looking at her, or hell, ask for her number on the spot, butt I was with 'family.' Another time I was at the ferry terminal, and saw an even more beautiful woman, she stood out like a goddess among mortals... and I was eating a hotdog. In both cases, even if I was 'free' I don't think I could have done any better than, 'you're my beautiful or you're just my type... I'll buy you a drink or what's your number... alas nya~
>>29735 So I'm going to work to eliminate my image posting, or at least restrict it to Saturday only. Actually, I might retrict my posting entirely to Saturdays only. I'm done speaking into the void... unless, I really have to vent. I'm going to invest the time I'll save into work (trying to aquire $ or improve chances of making $), my passions (music, creative writting [and religion], AI art, and seduction), and trying to connect with real people. Hell, I don't even have a single friend that I meet IRL (at least once a month), let alone a lover that would celebrate my birthday with sex at the top of a mountain, by the river, or at the beach. I don't have anyone that would give me chocolates and love on Valentine's day. On that note, it was suggested that I do voice and video chats to connect with women who naturally prefer that more intimate communication. That feels awkward since I'm still staying with my parents, and at least on WD, I have expressed 'things' that I'd very much rather they not know about. I suppose I should also look again at dance and yoga classes. I've just been sick for about two months out of the last three with the covid variant (((they))) released again for this winter. Life really has passed me by thanks to the tyranny of my (((father))), (((society))), and my own weakness and illness. Still, I must quit or at least restrict to Saturday those things that do not appear to bring me closer to my ideals of beauty, love, and legacy. I must change since I am extremely displeased with how the entirety of my adult life (and more) has turned out. My only real accomplishment visible to the external eye has been acquiring a BA degree. I cannot continue to live such an unfulfilling 'life' or else I shall not live long and prosper nya~
>>29736 What I'm looking for, in people, is equivalent to a SSR in GBF, or really, even further beyond to UR. If I were to pledge myself to a monogamous marriage, she'd have to be UR in both looks and personality. Let's be honest, only to a GODDESS of Wisdom, Beauty, and Love, could I fully devote myself in monogamous marriage. So, essentially, unless I receive DIVINE LOVE, it's discreet lovers and/or polygamy for me nya~
>>29737 Hestia is the only Goddess that actually swore an oath of virginity. If one of three remaining virgin Goddesses: Astraea, Athena, or Artemis asked me to marry her, I would say yes. If Rhea(Demeter), Aphrodite, Ana, Andraste, or Freyja asked me to marry her I'd also say yes nya~
>>29767 Finally configure the PC to DL torrents, leave it on to DL over night.... sleep settings were set to sleep after 1 hour... alas nya~
>>29768 What are you downloading, la~?
>>29770 The new GBF RPG nya~
>>29937 https://www1.kickassanime.mx/hokkaido-gals-are-super-adorable-1532/ep-6-019f5b <MC literally has the most beautiful girls falling over him, yup pure wish fulfillment, although tempered by the strict grandmother routine. I do find parents that intentionally sabotage their sons reproductive opportunities interesting... how could that possibly be evolutionarily adaptive nya~?
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/16/2024 (Fri) 23:36:31.
>>29938 So I've only ever had one pseudo-date from 'online dating.' It has been a massive waste of life. Not only that butt, the girls that are at all worth any time (16-20) are not looking for damaged weak old men like me. In fact, no one is... that said, when I faked my age to be 10 years younger I didn't get any matches either although there were more girls to 'swipe on' nya~
>>29940 Quite honestly, I don't give a fuck about anyone that I'm not fucking. At the moment, that means I don't give a fuck about anyone. The only exceptions are my online frens here, that seem to have disappeared. I can't blame them though. Image boards in general are dying especially since the death of the first 8chan and the rise of TikTok. Old anons age out, and there are no new anons to replace them nya~
>>29973 I have to stop damaging myself... butt that's far easier said than done nya~
>>29986 There are a couple characters that are purely unforgivable, due to being betrayers in Star Rail... Ruan Mei and Black Swan for-example, yet you're expected to just forgive them for being lying backstabbers, and not just to others, as they backstabbed you personally. Yeah, no, they deserve rape nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/18/2024 (Sun) 07:16:23.
>>29987 Another annoying thing, is that you can't change costume. Like the costume for the FMC is seriously lame. Butt, whatever, I'm only playing it for the main storyline nya~
>>29990 I truly hate my father, to the end he was an oppressor, an abuser who gave me nothing of significance. In his will, he values me at precisely $0. If I ever have children, they will know nothing of my father or his cursed Jewish religion nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/19/2024 (Mon) 00:40:55.
>>29992 Logically, I am 100% done with the family I was born into. They have never listened to me and always oppressed me. They have never actually loved me. I never felt safe to actually express myself in their presence. Now, I truly am all alone nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/19/2024 (Mon) 00:48:16.
>>29993 My only options going forward are to rent in this state and find gig work to pay for food, or move to Japan and work as an (English) teacher nya~
>>29998 I'm just going to focus on work from now on, since all my attempts to find friendship and love have failed miserably. Also, any good excuse to get out of this suffocating house nya~
>>30022 Right before I woke up, I had a dream I was attending the 2/3 First Grade Mage exam, and I decided to follow Frieren and Fern when I saw the proctor, Sense-sensei follow them nya~
>>30024 For #2 nya~ >Gets pregnant by both nya~ >Her daughters (half-sisters) become lovers nya~ For #3 nya~ >You will never become a school teacher and get a lolitah GF nya~ >You are only allowed to marry rotten bitches nya~ >Society nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/20/2024 (Tue) 01:10:23.
>>30026 Wow, gluten induced coma hits hard. It's past five and I haven't done anything butt post here and browse 4/cuck/a/biz nya~
>>30029 So my Dad told me my brother impulse married the ugly divorced Aztec since he didn't want to be an (((incel)))... yeah, Dad, you shouldn't have made it so difficult for your sons to meet and play with girls should you. Butt you'll never admit you were wrong. Neither of my parents ever admit they were wrong, and they'd certainly never admit anything the did 'for Jewsus' was wrong nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/20/2024 (Tue) 23:03:02.
>>30031 To have the smartest most beautiful (White) girl show that that much interest in you, yeah, butt... where are the 'gals' nya~?
>>30030 Why are parents sometimes so upstuck, la~? I just want to have peace of mind sometimes without more added bullshit of yours simply you were jealous of other children, la~
>>30030 Aah, the narcissistic parents never wanting to admit that they have done anything wrong, la~ >>30033 I'm happy knowing that you are still okay, la~ And I feel that you are one of my best friends online, la~
>>30034 It is really beyond my understanding, all I can say is that they live in a small mental world chained to a book called 'bible,' and that they have never accepted me, listened to me, respected me, nor actually loved me. I know that if I ever become a parent, I will at least not mutilate and oppress my children. I will not hate my children through my actions or inactions while calling it 'love.' I will also not deny my children their mother's love nya~ >>30035 >narcissistic parents never wanting to admit that they have done anything wrong, la~ Alas, meanwhile, I'm always in the wrong, and when I very right they just ignore me or still consider me in the wrong. Even when my advice could have saved themselves a great deal of suffering. Oh~ and now they're in the 'push them out of the nest' mode, as if my lack of independence, a good job, and a wife, isn't due to so many factors out of my control, especially the regime and themselves. Yes, my own parents and brothers have 99%+ been obstacles in my life, rather than supports, and that is especially true of my 'father' who is very ill now due to completely ignoring my logical health advice nya~ >I'm happy knowing that you are still okay, la~ I'm living, not thriving, so I wouldn't say I'm 'okay,' butt I'm still here nya~ >I feel that you are one of my best friends online, la~ La~san, you are my best net-fren AKA online friend nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/20/2024 (Tue) 23:24:04.
>>30084 Ah~ my life is so depressing and stressful and 'no fun allowed' nya~
>>30086 I have never had anyone IRL who would really support me, I've been struggling all alone since forever nya~
>>30102 If I knew I wouldn't get an STD, I'd probably see a sex seller maybe once a month, especially one that said no niggers nya~
i'm fucking gooning i can't stop fucking gooning i'm gooning so fucking hard rn i'm goon king hi btw have a nic day
>>30137 I am the boner of my penis. Steel is my body and cum is my blood. I have created over a thousand goons. Unknown to Porn, Nor known to Nofap. Have withstood edges to create many cummies. Yet, those hands will never hold titties. So as I fap, Unlimited Goon Works."
>>30137 >>30138 Hey, are you the bleached coomer fren from commiefornia? Since I'm (((cut))), old, and broken now, I've been trying not to cum, and so I haven't fap'd for a few weeks now. I did cum though, I tuck my penis and balls back behind my legs and massage my mons pubis, I feel really feminine and when I cum it feels much better. I imagine it's closer to how a girl feels when she cums from masturbating without penetration nya~
>>30139 >In human anatomy, and in mammals in general, the mons pubis or pubic mound (also known simply as the mons /mɒnz/, and known specifically in females as the mons Venus or mons veneris) is a rounded mass of fatty tissue found over the pubic symphysis of the pubic bones nya~ >For females, the mons pubis forms the anterior portion of the vulva. It divides into the labia majora (literally "larger lips"), on either side of the furrow known as the pudendal cleft, that surrounds the labia minora, clitoris, urinary meatus, vaginal opening, and other structures of the vulval vestibule nya~ >Although present in both men and women, the mons pubis tends to be larger in women. Its fatty tissue is sensitive to estrogen, causing a distinct mound to form with the onset of female puberty. This pushes the forward portion of the labia majora out and away from the pubic bone. The mound also becomes covered with pubic hair. It often becomes less prominent with the decrease in bodily estrogen experienced during menopause.nya~
>>30145 Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency! Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key. Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network. If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly. XMR Redpill: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wq6w03E2DS4 XMR Stats: moneroj.net USE Monero: https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/ OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org WHERE TO GET MONERO? >KYC: Kraken Bitfinex >Non KYC: LocalMonero Morphtoken Bisq Tradeogre Crypto ATMs see: kycnot.me >Mining archive.is/TWOah HOW TO STORE MONERO? >Desktop Official Gui/Cli Feather >Mobile IOS: Cakewallet Android: Monerujo
>>30146 START MINING IN P2POOL >START MINING IN P2POOL P2Pool combines the advantages of pool and solo mining; you still fully control your Monero node and what it mines, but you get frequent payouts like on a regular pool. P2Pool has no central server that can be shut down/blocked because it uses a separate blockchain to merge mine with Monero. There's no pool admin that can control what your hashrate is used for or decide who can mine on the pool and who can't. It's permissionless! Decentralized pool mining (P2Pool) is pretty much the ultimate way to secure a PoW coin against 51% attacks. Once P2Pool reaches & maintains 51%+ of the total network hashrate, Monero will be essentially invulnerable to such attacks. Although many inexperienced miners think that bigger pools give better profits, this is absolutely NOT the case. Your profits in the long run depend ONLY on your hashrate, NOT on the pool's hashrate. >YOU CAN NOW MINE IN P2POOL FASTER & EASIER THAN EVER BEFORE WITH THE GUPAX GUI. USES TRUSTED REMOTE NODES BY DEFAULT!!!! 1. Download the *bundled* version of Gupax for your OS here: https://gupax.io/downloads/ 2. Extract somewhere (Desktop, Documents, etc) 3. Launch Gupax 4. Input your Monero address in the [P2Pool] tab. USE A SEPARATE MINING-ONLY WALLET! 5. Select a Community Monero Node that you trust, although you can and should run your own node if possible. 6. Start P2Pool 7. Start XMRig VIDEO GUIDE: https://gupax.io/guide/ You are now mining to your own instance of P2Pool, welcome to the world of decentralized peer-to-peer mining! >NOTE THAT DUE TO BOTNET SHENANIGANS XMRIG IS AUTO-FLAGGED AS MALWARE BY MOST ANTI-VIRUSES, SO DON'T FREAK OUT!!! OLD GUIDE FOR P2POOL MINING FROM THE MONERO GUI WALLET: https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/eecbe https://www.reddit.com/r/MoneroMining https://web.xmrpool.eu/xmr-monero-easy-mining-guide.html https://monero.hashvault.pro/en/getting-started https://www.supportxmr.com
>>30147 */XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump* >*/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump* Learn more about Monero's key features and excellent future prospects, have some common misconceptions dispelled and discover the cold hard facts about Bitcoin, Zcash and PirateChain. Also featured is a noob-friendly buying, storage and wallet guide. >Monero: it's what new Bitcoin users think they bought. Every feature, explained https://moneroinfodump.neocities.org >Why Monero is so untraceable: a rundown of the powerful stealth tech Monero utilizes https://moneroinfodump.neocities.org#MoneroIsUntraceable >The Writing on the Wall: Monero replacing Bitcoin as the new standard https://moneroinfodump.neocities.org#MoneroReplacingBitcoin >Breaking News: no, Monero still isn't traceable https://moneroinfodump.neocities.org/#RecognizingTraceabilityFUD >Vaporware: why nobody is worried about CipherTrace's magic crystal ball https://moneroinfodump.neocities.org#CipherTraceFail >Very Clever Math: how we can verify that the XMR supply isn't being inflated https://moneroinfodump.neocities.org/#MuhInflationBug >Pssst, wanna buy some Monero? Follow these simple how-to guides https://moneroinfodump.neocities.org#BuyAndStoreMonero >Bitcoin: The Original Non-Fungible Token https://moneroinfodump.neocities.org#BitcoinBlackpill >Why Monero is Better than Zcash: the "privacy coin" criminals won't touch https://moneroinfodump.neocities.org#ZcashBlackpill >The Lowdown on PirateChain: why this Zcash clone is considered a scam https://moneroinfodump.neocities.org#PirateChainBlackpill
[Expand Post]>LATEST UPDATES - added Proof-of-Stake update to Zcash Blackpill - added list of available desktop/mobile wallets - expanded all sections with more relevant info, graphics & videos - added easily linkable headers and sub-headers (link icon to the far right) - added a new section about traceability FUD
>>30148 Never forget what this is ultimately all about. https://anarkio.codeberg.page/agorism/ https://freedomcells.org/ >Help grow the circular Monero economy: buy/sell goods & services with/for XMR! https://monerica.com/ https://moneromarket.io/ https://www.reddit.com/r/moneromarket/new/ https://kycnot.me/services >Live off XMR with Cake Pay (now available in 140+ countries!) https://cakepay.com/ >or with CoinCards (currently US & CA only, UK, EU & AUS coming soon) https://coincards.com/ >Monero stickers for guerilla marketing http://monerosupplies.com/ >Monero-only VPS hosting https://kyun.host/ >Monero-only bullion shop https://monerometals.com/ >Win XMR! https://monero.win/ Say buh-bye to Bitcoin and support the growing number of Monero-only darknet markets/vendors. # = recently launched, exercise caution >Alias Market # >Archetyp >Asur Market >Calypso # >Candy Haven # >Chimera Market >Cloud Market >Cypher Market >Dark Matter >DrugHub # >Drugula #
[Expand Post]>FilthyFellas >Gofish Market # >Gramazon # >Hectate Market # >Mercury Market # >Pygmalion's Refuge >Retro Market >Smackers >Sonanza Market # >Squid Market >SuperMarket # >Tribe Seuss >Wizard's Palace # >World Trade Center # Links: https://pastebin.com/raw/yjn3DPmn >LocalMonero is now available on I2P http://lm.i2p/nojs/ Anonymously exchange BTC for XMR using a reputable darknet service >Majestic Bank >Infinity Project https://pastebin.com/raw/75mVpfED or a reputable clearnet service https://trocador.app/en/ | I2P: http://trocador.i2p/en/ https://xmrswap.me/ https://unstoppableswap.net/ >Want to support further development? Donate to the Monero General Fund or MAGIC Monero Fund https://ccs.getmonero.org/donate/ https://monerofund.org/ >Have a particular set of skills? Join a Monero Workgroup and (potentially) earn XMR!!! https://www.getmonero.org/community/workgroups/ >Want more Monero-chan? Donate to the Community Art Fund https://www.monerochan.art/
>>30149 >What is I2P? I2P is an anonymized P2P overlay network akin to the Tor network but with several key advantages over it. I2P is now replacing Tor as the go-to darknet and will play a pivotal role in growing the Monerocentric economy. >Why should I care? Why should I run a node? Increasing shadow economy adoption and the proliferation of an XMR-only standard are what guarantee that XMR will have a floor and won't also crash to zero when the Crypto Casino finally implodes. XMR's long-term outlook is therefore *strongly* correlated with the darknet, you may have already noticed how the number of TXs begins to drop whenever the glowies attack & cripple the Tor network, which underscores just how critical it is that the darknet wins this war against the State. Make no mistake: if the darknet is allowed to die XMR will take a devastating hit as well. So by running an I2P node you are helping to make the network Monero thrives in that much more robust while also enraging glowies in the process. Win-win! >OK, but how difficult is it? Do I have to store GBs worth of data like when running an XMR node? It is literally as easy as installing an Android app and no, there are no storage requirements, the node only consumes some bandwidth. >Cool, I'm sold. What do? If you have no interest in browsing the darknet yourself then the simplest solution is to install & run the I2Pd Android app on any compatible (Android 4.1+) device, ideally a TV box since they don't require recharging and are permanently online. But any old phone or tablet is fine too. Make sure you activate "start on boot" in the settings. https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd-android/releases/latest Otherwise just install the appropriate desktop client and leave it running. https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd/releases/latest The console is accessed via or the menu in Android.
>>30150 >Bitcoin's price = NOT the result of organic real-world supply & demand = NOT sustainable Wash trading has been artificially driving BTC's insane price action since the first major spike in 2013. >Wash Trading 101 1. create/maintain the illusion of high volume 2. wait for poor unsuspecting fools to FOMO in 3. dump at a fat profit and leave them holding the bag When the supply of gullible fools finally runs out, the entire scheme implodes. TL;DR: exciting price action means nothing in an unregulated market rife with such manipulation, real-world utilization is the ONLY reliable metric of actual value. >No tail emission = Bitcoin is fucked Right now, at the current hashrate, miners break even on energy expenses at a BTC price of $22K. Post 2024 halving, that break even point, at the current hashrate, goes up to $44K. If BTC does not go to $44K, miners will be unprofitable and hashrate will have to drop (miners going out of business) to reduce the cost of securing the network, also reducing the security. If you know anything about the power of 2, you already know that things get very big, very fast. If we’re 3 halvings into 32 total halvings, then the estimated break even point for miners at current hashrate going into the last halving would be: $22,000 * (2^27) = $2,952,790,016,000 per BTC $2,952,790,016,000 per BTC * 21 Million total BTC = $62,008,590,336,000,000,000 BTC Market Cap The block rewards shrink so fast that after enough halvings BTC would eventually require a $2.95 trillion price per BTC and a $62 quintillion market cap to sustain the current cost of $7.15 billion/year. Even if these numbers were somehow realistic, can you imagine securing a $62 quintillion market cap on only $7.15 billion/year of hashrate? LOL So basically BTC mining will eventually become so unprofitable the hashrate (network security) will shrivel up UNLESS it is subsidized by BTC transaction fees. https://cryptostackers.substack.com/p/bitcoin-is-not-a-store-of-value
>>30154 >I wish I had a way to see the future so I could rape the girls who would like it in the end (so it wouldn't be rape) nya~
>>30170 Powerful, raw, the lyrics resonated with me... after all, I've always been a trapped bird in a cage, all alone in the end nya~
>>30139 No i am stupid dumb Romanian from Romania i am a boy i am... the last time i checked I am not from Commiefornia so you are safe with me . And cum as much as you want idk lol
>>30269 Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ >ToaruOS: https://toaruos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Archive.org-Downloader: https://github.com/MiniGlome/Archive.org-Downloader >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gelbooru: https://gelbooru.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/14270 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ >Library Genesis: http://libgen.rs/ >Ourobooru: https://ourobooru.art/ >Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ >Waybacl Machine Downloader: https://github.com/hartator/wayback-machine-downloader Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ >Librepay: https://liberapay.com/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li: https://cock.li/ >Fedora Email: https://fedora.email/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://www.cachep2p.com/
[Expand Post]>Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Dat Ecosystem: https://dat-ecosystem.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://www.holochain.org/ >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://www.ethswarm.org/ >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Cromite: https://github.com/uazo/cromite >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >Mercari: https://www.mercari.com/ >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Mwmbl: https://codeberg.org/mwmbl/mwmbl >searchmysite.net: https://searchmysite.net/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Nostr: https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nostr >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ >The Federation: https://the-federation.info/ >Volatile: http://volatile.bz/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://8chan.tv/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video editing and download >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg (Can be paired with Nadeshiko on Linux: https://codeberg.org/deterenkelt/Nadeshiko ): https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >VSDC: https://www.videosoftdev.com/ >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >yt-dlp (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability; guide: >>>/t/5546): https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/rsPc3 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >BreezeWiki: https://breezewiki.com/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ >>30269
>>30330 ...and I feel I should quit this pseudo-addiction... I'm not going to take a bazillion screenshots anymore, only the juiciest bits nya~
>>30336 So when I am unable or too tired to do anything about the unruly hair, I tend to also ignore other dirty things nya~
>>30337 My 'family' is so tiresome. So draining. So wearisome. They claim to love me butt their actions frequently tell the opposite. I'm going to focus on my own affairs, (especially stuff that might improve my lot) as much as possible from now on... and yes this feels like an infinite 8 episode nya~
>>30338 My mother, especially, claims to love me and then frequently pushes me away. Even despite these years of abuse, she's still far more important to me than I am to her. I come after her jewish g-d, her my jew loving nigger-embracing father, her activism for her jewish g-d, and the family as a whole. So I am at most 5th in importance. Meanwhile, for much of my life, she was 1st. This imbalance is a problem, and it just hits home that in any relationship, 'the one who loves more loses' and I hate it. I'm so done being humiliated by her, by them nya~
>>30341 AI will completely ruin video evidence. Even the video of Biden talking about his handlers' diverse voter fraud team is now considered fake and AI nya~
>>30342 I'm so tired of not being free to even sing freely, FOR FUCKING DECADES. Yet I have to listen to people who never had any of my problems, and put on a happy, or at least, stoic face. I HATE IT, I'VE ALWAYS HATED IT YET I WAS PATIENT THINKING THAT SOMEDAY I'D BE IN THE RIGHT POSTION TO START BEING ME. YEAH, RIGHT. FUCK YOU NYA~
>>30343 I'm also BEYOND tired of abstract academic BS, yet I'm still struggling through it. Butt yeah, once I finish this certification, never again. I'm so fucking done with academia. FUCKING WASTE OF LIFE nya~
>>30344 Someday I'll write a epic hard metal song that expresses my decades of extreme humiliation, hatred, and suffering nya~
>>30355 It never ceases to amaze me how much time adults waste on infants, not in caring for them, but discussing them.... when there are far more important things that could be done. They just blah blah blah nya~
>>30358 Nevermind, it's already 7, see, my mother has time to listen to the goblin bitch for hours about BS but no time to help me in her area of professional expertise. I'm so done nya~
>>30359 My parents selfishly brought me into this world only to torture, humiliate, and abandon me... AND I BLOODY FUCKING HATE THEM NYA~
>>30365 >Majestic Bank http://dreadytofatroptsdj6io7l3xptbet6onoyno2yv7jicoxknyazubrad.onion/d/MajesticBank >Infinity Project http://dreadytofatroptsdj6io7l3xptbet6onoyno2yv7jicoxknyazubrad.onion/d/InfinityProject >Relevant commentary http://dreadytofatroptsdj6io7l3xptbet6onoyno2yv7jicoxknyazubrad.onion/post/5ce3e567e81c39b27375 http://dreadytofatroptsdj6io7l3xptbet6onoyno2yv7jicoxknyazubrad.onion/post/0843e7191fd5763f2ca6 http://dreadytofatroptsdj6io7l3xptbet6onoyno2yv7jicoxknyazubrad.onion/post/2b49ffdb010203037615 >Alias (recently launched, exercise caution) http://aliasn4nebbuuev4i2qr6pgpseo53rfppdw7o46jsv53dpholvuctpid.onion >Archetyp http://archepcuerhcldksitlrhumnsdhsp5zi6vhzvybuyo4tznygqtayv7qd.onion >Asur Market http://asuradsh6gbnppvmsqyfumjdux7iwwo54w5tkgcdspjsnvcm6oepxvqd.onion >Calypso (recently launched, exercise caution) http://calypsohga4riy6u5genphbslprioqrdshx3muf7wv4xmvo3ltxsuvad.onion >Candy Haven (recently launched, exercise caution) http://hhj6ndnr6sglncwjh4z57y2wzioc7vdxjj6btltfwemege6loerwmhid.onion >Chimera Market http://chimera4sbuapqzajx2d3sptk3sazz5gc5pzstaistvasegw3nepv3qd.onion >Cloud Market http://cloudfyy4q5qdgupqe4ne2pkccpy7xkizpntlaeopensdpy53ywswkad.onion >Cypher Market http://6c5qaeiibh6ggmobsrv6vuilgb5uzjejpt2n3inoz2kv2sgzocymdvyd.onion >Dark Matter http://darkmat3kdxestusl437urshpsravq7oqb7t3m36u2l62vnmmldzdmid.onion >DrugHub (recently launched, exercise caution) http://drughubb7lmqymhpq24wmhihloii3dlp3xlqhz356dqdvhmkv2ngf4id.onion >Drugula (recently launched, exercise caution) http://drugula44brpin5w2xk6j3adll35pp3zdihqqkndhg336j55pwdtufyd.onion >FilthyFellas http://ffellasiobucssxcjasovui3ropogkgtxtifkwhsswtx6qzideky3eqd.onion
[Expand Post] >Gofish Market (recently launched, exercise caution) http://gofish4u4oxk3mxf3d252jvmvbkepczrydxw3x5zixgwfduuqq3q.b32.i2p >Gramazon (recently launched, exercise caution) http://gramazonrovjytuv2k3k2qatxsuv2thz42vnqz5jvwvdwdhfezanf7qd.onion Hectate Market (recently launched, exercise caution) http://hecatebvaggpmp6ja5tiwu7kcsyz6hsssckhftfprmo2cugaq5nqnfid.onion >Mercury Market (recently launched, exercise caution) http://mercuryum7qg6udiuhhbmzkw5462q6d6c63v3fidnruspoe6aj6q.b32.i2p >Pygmalion's Refuge http://7q25kbq2mm23qmyoiywzh5q4udmkhbbk736j3iylvfezgslhxac5qiid.onion/shop/ >Retro Market http://retrom75eccxmlh2sg6xkfv4hp7y6nwoqkdilgckxqlvon4rmefk5nid.onion >Smackers http://smack2kvjrgcyrykawxcvk27q6xurk7up6z5okbjboqiv5g6jrgrplad.onion >Sonanza Market (recently launched, exercise caution) http://sonanzazddbd3lqw2ai6uwmnb4fx7tj7h6hmdwkfqe7bnzgpuvkxqpyd.onion >Squid Market http://mvuwtdbwkaoo53q67nrpqghd4jdqzppmmdeppbdsstefxuyaxplof5id.onion >SuperMarket (recently launched, exercise caution) http://superxxx2daymhfxbxfzlg2zevkwqyvisngvphzjlwavgwl4bzn5rvqd.onion >Tribe Seuss http://eisrgs2wyyzaxemtaof3n2kqqxuxdx3y7r5vwfi7rukn3z7owxweznid.onion >Whales Market (recently launched, exercise caution) http://whalesmw7rwhw6jymotzewijn5epqrc3lwc6w72epfhauacakowilead.onion >Wizard's Palace (recently launched, exercise caution) http://dahosqhh2ch6f5h2tnomvgmik4z7gburqwlbxgthpcbe56r4jxnc74id.onion >World Trade Center (recently launched, exercise caution) http://wtc7tin3xov52dg4grb5x6ta4pvsvk3fitmqklglm2yl5kw7f6z5uiid.onion
>>30368 https://9anime.se/watch/hokkaido-gals-are-super-adorable-18853 <This would be better if it were Yuri. The first episode was decent, with the Gal only being interested in dasai MC as he was from Tokyo. Then it just goes full-dere male fantasy with the grandma with a stick up her ass being the only difficulty. The gals like MC because he's a 'nice guy' nothing could be further from reality. Director should have stuck to the gals being interested in MC because he's from Tokyo or rich, butt that was quickly dropped. OP Isekai MC is more believable. It's not even a romcom, butt a straight 'the gals fall for me because I'm nice.' So, dropped nya~
>>30370 Oh, and about GBF, Vyrn or Vee is still derpy (like a floating baloon) and annoying. Also, the airship designs largely suck. Rosetta is the most beautiful, Lyria is the cutest, sorry Cagliostro (butt you are the best), Zeta is cool, and Percival is chad nya~
>>30373 Oh, and about Narmaya, she's a good character, butt, she'd be better without the horns, so race swapped to a human or erune nya~
>>30375 It's simple enough butt, a character, real or imagined that shows 'me' interest gains attractiveness. Butt, there is certainly a lower cut-off limit, I could never see my self voluntarily having sex with my second brother's goblina for example nya~

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