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BASTET~of~the~Cathouse #2 Voxian 02/28/2024 (Wed) 00:16:07 No. 30387
Welcome to the house of BASTET nya~
>>30412 >Imagine the person in the middle is you, and the 4 guys in the pic are instead females that are extremely attractive to you. Suddenly its fine even if they are "raping" you right? Women are the exact same as men, just they lie about it in public. I seriously don't get how it can be a complicated concept nya~
>>30442 >We wuz the real Hebrews nya~ At least they're somewhat pro-White, anyone claiming Yahweh the foreskin-eater to be a White deity is cringe however nya~
>>30449 https://exhentai.org/g/2841943/5eeb5f9327/ <So I left this page open and left the room for a short while... I can't believe I did that, must have something to do with the headache and nose bleed... maybe I lost too much blood, since that is such a foolish mistake. I am more than likely SAFE this time butt seriously, am I getting sloppy or what nya~?
>>30463 >>30466 So, more and more, it is illegal to even talk about anything of importance. It seems the window of opportunity for peaceful discussion, protest, and the spreading of the message of liberty and the value of the resulting truth... is over. My last serious advice for White people, move to non-Abrahamic Asia ex-China, or prepare for existential asymmetric warfare nya~!
>>30471 What can you say to people who base their entire existence on tales of magic (Jesus) that they have never experienced. It is impossible to reason with such people even 1v1. In groups they are completely resistant, the only exception is if the group is hierarchal and has a leader, then, if the leader decides to make a change, it is possible for the group to change nya~
>>30475 I'm so tired of constantly being rejected, including by my own mother despite all the affection I've shown her and all the BS I've endured from her. So you know what, I reject humanity. I honestly don't give a fuck anymore nya~
>>30481 That scene with Jinshi and Lihaku was odd, Lihaku should have at least asked Jinshi what he wanted in return for the silver... and trying to buy out a prostitute the hard way because honor seems silly, butt OK nya~
>>30482 Butt yeah, this low-fantasy historical fiction detective anime is the second best this season after Frieren nya~
>>30500 Who is the family member you hate most? For me, it is my 'daddy,' who has only ever terrorized me (and my mommy butt she'd never admit it), never admitted his mistakes, never even thanked me for trying to save his life (he ignored my advice and is suffering for it), and given me nothing of value. He literally gave me nothing even in his will. Even while sick he constantly tries to kick me out of the house, and he seemly has little understanding of the real world. He only ever thinks about himself while pretending to be a 'holy man.' I bloody hate him yet I still have to pretend I 'love him.' My mommy still calls him 'sweetheart' butt for me he has only ever been the opposite. There is no one I hate more that I know well personally nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 03/03/2024 (Sun) 04:37:50.
>>30528 If only Life would listen if you'd just vent your troubles enough times, la~ Unfortunately, it's fair in its own inherent unfairness, since it treats everyone equally cruel, la~
>>30531 >If only Life would listen if you'd just vent your troubles enough times, la~ True nya~ >Unfortunately, it's fair in its own inherent unfairness, since it treats everyone equally cruel, la~ Perhaps nya~
>>30531 In many ways, I'm just so done... Ara~ I just remembered I will add 'daddy' and 'sister-in-law' to AMAF (Avoid as Much as Feasible). The only person IRL I'm not done with is mommy, and that's only because I've never found a better woman; for her part, she uses me as an convenient emotional support blanket, I've never been a real priority nya~
>>30533 So from now on, I'm totally done with giving my mother any attention. I'm done being rejected by her. I'm going to cut her, along with the rest of my so-called 'family,' out of my life AMAP (as much as possible). I will no longer take the incentive with regards to her in anyway. I'm just done. I have been hurt, and humiliated by her for the last time nya~
>>29603 Time to ping this post again, la~ >>30534 You're just continuing to inflict pain to yourself like this, la~
>>30619 Yup, the only way would be to move out, butt then I'd be living 'pay-check-to-paycheck,' and I've endured this long, long enough to break in many ways... there is no good solution nya~
>>30621 From now on (for as long as I live in my mother's house), I'm going to focus on three things: work (acquiring $), body (improving my health, appearance, and non-existent 'sex life'), and guitar nya~
>>30698 >Watch the Lord of the Rings. it is a prophetic metaphor for today. Whites must hurry up (while the 'boomers' are still alive) and establish new WHITES-ONLY NATIONS for themselves out of the rotting corpse that is the 'West.' If this means abandoning large portions of territory, so be it, better strategic retreat than suffering inevitable genocide and complete erasure from history. The partition of British India into Muslim and non-Muslim is the example we should look to. Whites have proven to be good at dealing with external enemies, but horrible, absolutely terrible at dealing with internal enemies. Time is quickly running out for the White subspecies la~
>>30709 >Being excited for tomorrow instead of scared or indifferent. Being one of those people who decided to pursue something they care about instead of settling on something convenient. Doing something you're proud of and living with confidence la~ <Circumstances can crush even the brightest spirits la~
>>30729 https://enqai.com/ <Seriously wasted a day looking at 'AI coins,' well, I suppose it wouldn't have been a waste if I had done so a couple months ago nya~
You know, I've realized I love no one. I also hate so many, so much. I don't even love myself since I foolishly stayed with my abusive 'family' after legal adulthood since I allowed myself to be ruled by financial fear, and was unable to believe in my potential nya~
>>30735 https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/enqai <hard to find something that hasn't 10x already nya~
>>30736 Ah what a headache. I have to 'trust' websites with my entire brave wallet (willing to potentially lose it all) to use them. Web 3 my ass nya~
>>30737 https://myairdrops.xyz/ <No real way to tell if scam or not nya~
>>30738 https://etherscan.io/gastracker <At least ETH 'gas' isn't $100 nya~
>>30739 So I was thinking of doing some crypto gambling but my EXRD is in the trash, I wonder if it will recover some. Also, WTF happened to SNTVT nya~
>>30740 So yeah, can't send my BSOV for some fucking reason... and the internet is cut now so night nya~
>>30745 https://trynectar.ai/ <Artists as we used to think of them, are now obsolete with the exception of the most skilled. It's hard to decide what to invest effort into... butt I suppose it's still finishing what I started, the last formal education program I'll ever take nya~
>>30759 So my new take on interacting with (other) people is this: if you're not making money or having sex it's 99% likely a waste of time nya~
>>30760 The only maybe exception are friends of the same sex that you can be completely open with, and are able to vent to, butt, really that falls in the 1% nya~
>>30760 This mantra is how I'm going to live my life from now on, c'est la vie nya~
>>30768 A beautiful Mother passionately kissing her beautiful Daughter. >animerge_v23
>>30769 >anirealityMix_v1
>>30770 >aniverse_v15Pruned
>>30771 >aniwave_v2
>>30772 >B66 V3 P6-Pruned
>>30773 >breakdomain_M2150
>>30774 >breakdomainrealistic_M2050
>>30775 >breakdomainrealistic_R2333
>>30776 >brickandmortarmix_v30
>>30777 >connectmix3-half
>>30778 >countermellia_v10
>>30779 >detailedprojectv4-fin
>>30780 >hardcoreHentai13_v13NoVAE
>>30781 >hassakuHentaiModel_v11
>>30783 >HD-22-fp32
>>30784 >heavenorangemix_v23
>>30785 >juggernautXL_v9Rdphoto2Lightning
>>30787 >lunarRadianceMix_luasNight
>>30788 >matrixHentaiPlus_v26Fix
>>30769 ...,and the first image generated was best animerge_v23 wins nya~
>>30790 A beautiful 30 year old Mother passionately kissing her beautiful 18 year old Daughter. >juggernautXL_v9Rdphoto2Lightning
>>30791 A beautiful full body 30 year old Mother passionately kissing her beautiful full body 18 year old Daughter. >juggernautXL_v9Rdphoto2Lightning
>>30797 Okay enough experimenting for today nya~
>>30798 For some reason 'full body' doesn't include the head nya~
>>30805 So yeah, I've reinforced my view, by reading the news, that the 'West' is doomed, especially for White people. If I somehow acquire the money to buy a house outright, it won't be in this 'country' it will be Japan, or if that isn't far enough from the collapse of the West, Thailand. Also, I'm done reading the news and posting about it, seriously. OK I'll read financial news, that's it. Everything else is entirely to predictable nya~
>>30807 https://9anime.se/watch/classroom-of-the-elite-iii-18880?ep=121667 <Mr. Classleader-kun sure was a BAKA, how does his story mean anything to what happened nya~
>>30810 My mother pisses me off, I really hate her, for all the love I've shown her, she has given me nothing butt pain, butt, I 'have' no better woman so I put up with her. I didn't get a GF when I could have because of her. Whatever the past is dead. I don't give a fuck anymore nya~
>>30811 I'm just going to view her as something to use from now on... pretty much how she's treated me my whole life nya~.
>>30812 I vey well understand that she won't actually care about me unless I'm her only family. 15 years ago if the other family somehow disappeared, I would have tried seducing her and I would have forced the issue while she was drunk. She'd either have to accept me as Alpha or disown me. Instead, she's always put my tyrant 'daddy' first, like not by a little, by a lot. She's at his every beck and call, whereas she always was distant with me, fear fearful of 'daddy's' jealousy. Butt yeah, I definitely hat him more nya~
>>30814 ANYWAY FOR THE LAST TIME, FUCK MY 'FAMILY' I've lived in fear of being 'disowned' by them. Butt now I'm the one 'disowning' them. The only fucking reason I still interact with them is since I don't have to pay rent, AND because I don't have anyone better in my life. I've been on all the apps for a decade and fucking nothing. I must be doing it wrong or something, but fuck, not even a guy? AND I'M NOT EVEN UGLY. With a little work I can't be pretty. Whatever, really, I'll finish the degree and then go into work, and maybe do yoga or something. Butt I'm so done with 'meet people' apps nya~
>>30838 When does a girl normally stop being a girl? When she has sex for the first time and/or if she's 20+ ...and girls can't have sex with girls, they can make love, but that is not sex (penis in vagina) nya~.
>>30859 K, yeah, I'm fucking done, for the last time damnit, if you're not making money or having 'sex' the 'relationship' is 99% a waste of time. The 1% that isn't, is if it will result in making money or having 'sex.' This is a perquisite to all relationships worth a damn... and I'm done forcing myself to put on a happy face, when I'm not fucking happy. My mother could have make me happy easily. Butt she didn't care to, she openly says that she doesn't want to make me happy. So you know what, I don't care about you, I'M DONE. I'm not going to say it to your face butt this is it. I don't want to interact with a woman that doesn't care about my happiness, and the fact that such a woman is my MOTHER is a horrific tragedy. I hate how much of my life I have wasted on you, and you are the best of my 'family' so fuck you, FUCK IT I'm done, every-time you come to say goodnight you just make me feel this all over-again. This is my last post here except to vent when absolutely can't ignore it nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 03/11/2024 (Mon) 06:02:31.
>>30863 So today was a bad day for my investment in BSV, as Craig evidently embarrassed himself in court. I had hoped for the best butt alas. Still, I'm not selling since BSV remains technically superior, by far, to BTC nya~
>>30619 Another ping, la~ >>30879 Hope you'll have more pleasant events happening to you, la~
>>30880 >Hope you'll have more pleasant events happening to you, la~ Thanks, I wish that as well, it's been a rough couple of decades, and I'm definitely damaged nya~
>>30947 https://9animetv.to/watch/cherry-magic-thirty-years-of-virginity-can-make-you-a-wizard-18769?ep=120646 <Yeah, no way. There's no way I could date a guy like a woman unless I could pass as a woman and/or he could. What I'm looking for in a guy is 'best friends with benefits' or 'discreet lovers' which would mean passing as friends in public nya~
>>30948 'A best friend with benefits' would likely have to be bisexual and still interested in women for sex and reproduction like I am nya~
>>31009 Okay I did find something... https://www.amren.com/features/2024/03/the-last-stand-for-free-speech/ still debating if I should delete this board or not nya~
>>31014 Ah~ three fantasy anime, they were all good butt Frieren was the best. The lewd magical girl anime is in another class altogether nya~
>>31015 https://youtu.be/YUobVENA0DE?si=vnqXa6DnHQwAwCr- <This inspires rape, and isn't accurate nya~ https://youtu.be/C5oP9i_WL_Y?si=1LlqzdcOrb_dmQoa <Still inspires rape butt more gentle nya~
(125.22 KB 311x298 1645593185207.png)

>>30945 That is a yummy Furenzu
>>31021 Very yummy nya~
>>31023 Have you played Cyberpunk 2077, la~?
>>31024 No, have you nya~?
>>31025 https://youtu.be/Fd-14IJkr_0?si=mtY72Z8eGSRsLrnO <Woke up thinking about this song... how I hate the situation I've been in for over two decades, and how I hate the decisions I've made thinking I was being smart, when I was instead a fool that condemned myself to great loss and daily torment. Also a good song to describe (((evil clown world))) we all live in nya~
>>31026 Time to do some work nya~
>>31027 Just do it nya~
>>31028 Ahn~ nya~
>>31033 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20240324_17/ LOL if I couldn't read manga for free, I wouldn't (read it) nya~
>>31035 https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2760516/2-new-zealanders-banned-from-thailand-after-attacking-phuket-cop <Never hear of anything like this in Japan, butt in Thailand non-Thais can be easily targeted so I'll take it with a lot of salt nya~
>>31036 https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/israel-embassy-singapore-palestine-facebook-post-shanmugam-4219541 <Religion is politics, the concept of separation between the two was a novelty attempted by the founders of the now finished (as in dead) 'USA' nya~
>>31037 If not for the ever more likely WW3, Japan would still be the most appealing country now that the West has fallen nya~
>>31038 Oh well, I guess I have to just accept that there isn't any paradise left on Gaia nya~
>>31039 Time for fun nya~
>>31040 What to do nya~
>>31041 I will unfollow any account that posts niggers in any positive light nya~
>>31042 Ah~men~ nya~
>>31069 MUST WATCH: https://rumble.com/v2q0at0-david-martin-covid-is-premeditated-domestic-terrorism-an-act-of-biological-.html Suggested viewing (not officially endorsed; agreement optional): https://freedomrising.info/ https://freedomcells.org/ https://www.jccf.ca/category/news-releases/ https://canucklaw.ca/recent-posts/ https://druthers.ca/neighbourhood/ https://www.globalresearch.ca/ https://takeactioncanada.ca/ https://canadahealthalliance.org/ https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/ https://donoharmmedicine.org/ https://peckford42.wordpress.com/ https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/ https://nationalparty.ie/ https://expose-news.com/ https://www.theepochtimes.com/ https://www.zerohedge.com/ https://naturalnews.com/ https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/ https://metatron.substack.com/ https://unjabbed.dating/ https://edwardsnowden.substack.com/ https://reclaimthenet.org/ https://infogalactic.com/ https://yandex.com/ https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ https://freeread.org/ https://www.gnu.org/ https://www.fsf.org/ https://www.fsp.org/ https://amfreeparty.org/ https://www.amren.com/ https://littoria.substack.com/ https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/ https://nationalvanguard.org/ https://nordicresistancemovement.org/ https://nostr.com/ https://i2pd.website/ https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd/releases/latest/ http://lm.i2p/nojs/ http://trocador.i2p/en/ https://anarkio.codeberg.page/agorism/ https://monerica.com/ https://www.getmonero.org/
[Expand Post]https://moneroj.net/ https://kycnot.me/ https://kyun.host/ https://moneromarket.io/ https://monerometals.com/ https://gupax.io/guide/ https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/ https://cakepay.com/ https://coincards.com/ https://coingeek.com/ https://academy.bsvblockchain.org/ https://wiki.bitcoinsv.io/ https://www.satolearn.com/ https://craigwright.net/ https://bop.run/ https://electrumsv.io/ https://bitkey.io/ https://www.rockwallet.com/ https://handcash.io https://centi.ch/ https://chainbow.io/ https://relysia.com/ https://signavera.com/ https://ide.bitauth.com/ https://relayx.com/ https://www.stastoken.com/ https://www.tokenized.com/ https://tswap.io/ https://dxs.app/ https://www.bittrade.co.jp/ja-jp/retail/bsv_jpy/ https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/bsv/ https://wagecan.com/ https://www.egifter.com/ https://www.blockpress.com/ https://canonic.xyz/ https://musicart.io/ https://jamify.xyz/ https://www.spheretrax.com/ https://www.peddlr.io/en/ https://pickle.help/ https://bikefair.org/ https://local2local.nl/ https://www.movegenius.com/ https://weathersv.app/ https://www.satoshimaps.com/ https://www.nbdomain.com/ https://etched.page/ https://sym.re/ https://windbell.app/ https://dastafilez.com/ https://upfile.space/ https://bitcoinfiles.org/ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.art3ficerx.ledger_eye&pcampaignid=web_share https://programonchain.com/ https://sentinelnode.online/ https://www.gate2chain.com/ https://www.slictionary.com/ https://treechat.ai/ https://bitchatnitro.com/ https://memo.sv/ https://1satordinals.com/ https://raspora.com/ https://ark.page/ https://omniscape.com/ https://transmira.com/ https://www.cryptofights.io/ https://www.fyxgaming.com/ https://www.tegment.com/ https://mintblue.com/ https://app.gather.town/ https://www.britevue.com/ https://www.coinsurvey.io/ https://www.jurisdictional.org/ https://tipstampers.com/ https://www.my2cents.io/ https://pow.co/ https://www.powchess.com/ <YAY NYA~
>>31082 I'm fucking broken and fucking 35, fuck everything. Seriously feeling too old for anime these days. That's why I watch on 2x unless it's really good nya~
>>31083 Clearly I made some wrong turns in life, pointlessly enduring my (((family's))) BS for the sake of saving money and peace... what a fool I was, what a fool I am nya~
>>31025 Yeah, I'm currently playing it, la~ I've added quite a lot of random mods into it as well, la~ What's stopping you from being able to play it, la~? >>31085 Should've accepted this long time ago, la~ And have sweet dreams, la~
>>31084 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-backed-itself-corner-blaming-isis-moscow-attack-just-hours-after-kremlin?commentId=a4dff4a7-fb25-4044-9fc6-ede1ff3e8ef3 >>31088 >What's stopping you from being able to play it, la~? Nothing? Why should I play it nya~? >Should've accepted this long time ago, la~ Yeah, I've been telling myself this for years, butt guess what, I am who I am. I've been stuck in a bad situation forever with 0 support, and I can't help butt regret wrong turns I've made, since my life could have been so much better than what it has been. FUCK IT ALL NYA~
>>31093 https://9animetv.to/watch/classroom-of-the-elite-iii-18880?ep=123003 <I was the top of my class through high school and university... and that didn't make me popular with the gals, that is yet another reason why these anime are unrealistic nya~!
>>31101 https://www.amren.com/news/2024/04/scotlands-new-hate-crime-law-comes-into-force/ >It is tragic to see one's racial homeland suffer the same fate as all territories ruled by the anti-White banking cartel. 'Red state' USA declaring the D.C. government unconstitutional (and and obviously unelected) and establishing their own 'constitutional federal government' with silver restored to the position of constitutional money, is truly the last (slim) hope for Whites as a collective... but really the time to do that was back in 2020 when the treasonous 'supreme court' wouldn't even hear the case about election fraud put forward the real red states states. Unfortunately, the red state leadership were (at best) fools and cowards nya~
>>31286 My 'mommy' has always been extremely devoted to my 'daddy,' and I really have no idea why, especially after he essentially quit working like 20 years ago.... well, besides being her preacher idol, and so maybe it's just that. Meanwhile, despite how much love I have shown her over the years even while she has never loved me... it matters nothing to her. In fact, she constantly belittles me. Honestly, at this point, I have only hate for my 'family' and for most of the humans of this world nya~
>>31287 I really regret not just ignoring my my parents anti-GF policy in HS, and not taking HS so seriously. I've always lived in fear of them, my so0-called 'family' nya~
>>31288 I endured great suffering for decades, still am... all because of lingering attachment to my passively abusive mother especially since I have no better woman in my life... also partially because of her, my chronic illness, and fear of being a slave (just working meaninglessly to pay for rent and food). Whatever nya~
>>31290 Butt, again, whatever... it is long past time to just use them as they have used me, and just to not give a fuck and live a more chill life. I've been at war with myself for decades under my 'father' the Jew-worshiping tyrant, and I'm weary nya~
>>31319 What is the only way to achieve immortality according to 'Jewsus?' Eat his flesh and drink his blood. Oh, butt it's just a metaphor 'they' say. Why use a cannibalistic metaphor? Jewsus also never forbade circumcision, which is ritualistic mutilation and vampirism of infants by Jewish elders. It is clear that one of intents is life extension of the Jewish elders via consumption of blood and foreskins. Human sacrifice and cannibalism lie at the root of all Saturnian/Abrahamic worship nya~
>>31322 https://9animetv.to/watch/as-a-reincarnated-aristocrat-ill-use-my-appraisal-skill-to-rise-in-the-world-19127?ep=123161 <Another 'cheat skill,' fantasy butt it's better than the last one, made me strangely giggle at one point. Still, will likely drop it nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/04/2024 (Thu) 03:25:51.

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