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King of Shitposting

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G1 CLIMAX THREAD Boliever 07/04/2019 (Thu) 01:53:55 Id: af9a4e No. 144734
ALL SCHEDULES ARE ON THE PIC Hopefully I did it right this time.
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>opening day >Live for non US territories, VOD for US later Really trying to get people in the USA to buy tickets and see it in the arena huh.
Oh RAW this week was held in the American Airlines Center as well. Not sure how much they drew though, their average expected apparently is over 9000 or so. Highly doubt NJPW will get anywhere near that but hope for the best.
>>144736 >everyone with their title and affiliation >and Kenta desu Kek. >>144737 Hopefully that won't fuck with the nip stream I always leech of.
First day schedule. I don't care much for anyone in A block other than Sanada and Ospreay when he's dying.
>>144737 Nah, they're probably airing it on AXS or something
>>144736 real psyched for b blocku just wish tammer was in instead of >hiroshima justo
single-handedly sold out MSG based switchbanter working the americans into a laugh
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Press conference shot -moxley cause AEW suck dick
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Even Coach Taguchi sees Ibushi vs Naito rematch for the G1 Climax finals
>>144748 The setup sucked, the single camera angle made it look too far away and the audio from their speeches weren't that loud and clear. Also they brought out each blocks differently unlike altogether as they've always done. Who produced this shit? It's like they went low quality for the burgers, as usual.
>>144758 yeah but taguchi thought super jr finals would be shingo vs lmao >bushi and that shingo would win the whole thing. and we saw how that ended :^)
How was the first day? I didn't want to wake up early just for two matches.
>>144761 Hasn't happened yet, it's in about 6 hours
>>144762 >it's PM, not AM Well shit, I almost woke up for nothing.
Nice, the blogspot stream is working. https://njpwworldjap.blogspot.com/52a98cb8-80c5-4d61-84cf-d15d432c4642 It's starting in 5 minutes I think.
>kazoochika ohkada >once he grabs hold, it's all over, THIS SUMMER What's this gay shit? I hope the stream won't be english only.
Pretty fun match. It feels kinda low energy though, probably because the crowd isn't into it as the usual nip crowd. Is anyone else even watching?
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Fat fight.
>>144766 >i forgot that good wrestling is fun to watch outside of any gimmick. This is great, gonna eat some ice cream and watch some wrestling.
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lol this crowd a little.
Sorry I'm late, I blame sleep
I blame their shitty advertising for this shitty turnout
>>144771 To be fair it's a pretty shit day, as far as the actual block matches go.
>>144772 >To be fair it's a pretty shit day Are you fucking kidding me? Kenta vs Ibushi? Okada vs Tanahashi aka Feud of the decade?
>>144773 Okada and Tanahashi is the only actual match I'm hyped for, Kenta was just advertised as "here's Kenta" so I can see why people aren't as excited for it and Evil might be good if he actually does something instead of just being beat up as usual, but going by his last matches there's a considerable chance he won't. Everything else is just kinda shit.
>it's another LIJ kills everyone match NICE
>>144774 Evil will do fine…oh wait he's up against Fale tonight…nevermind
>>144777 oh shit those numbers too >please god , help evil
merchants going over brother
wow new hairstyle for Archer
Fucking storm forced me to use the stream
I can't bolieve Ospreay already fucking died.
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I thought this faggot was osprey filler but I guess I was wrong.
>>144785 why are you dissing archer?
>>144785 He looks like evil Ospreay.
What the fuck just happened?
>>144789 Botched canadian destroyer
Yeah this is a G1 Climax show alright, matches are showing up.
hometown boy wins
lmao manlet forgot he was George, not David.
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well that was entertaining but I feel like it went on a a little long
I like both guys in the next match, don't know who to root for.
>>144794 this your first G1?
oh right the g1 is on
>>144795 my homeboy EVIL but imma hit the hay now cause it's late and watch the rest tomorrow morning in normal human arrows. burgers ruin everything again.
>>144798 k night dude
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>>144796 Yes actually
>the fucking guy doing the LIJ fistbump next to Evil My sides.
man i like falayy but that knock off supreme general shirt is straight outta south auckland and cringe
Holy shit he actually managed to lift Fale.
>>144803 A lot of dudes can lift Fale dude.
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>tv freezes >switch to stream >it freezes
>>144805 Where the fuck do you live? My internet is complete shit and the stream is going relatively smoothly.
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>>144805 njpw world is working fine im watching both fale v evil and ospreay v that rocker dude simultaneously
>leaving the ref in the middle of that clash of giants >expecting him not to die
damn ref is always in ebirus corner
>>144806 >>144807 It just stuttered is all. We're having a storm right now in Texas too.
Also, what's with all the low blows today?
>>144800 it shows.
Piss BREAK. Does anyone actually like solo ZSJ matches?
bruh if that aint a funky g1 beat
>>144815 I'll just root for Sanada.
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>>144813 >having fun and doing new things shows maybe I should do it more often.
>>144815 nah, i would prefer yosho honestly. i only root for zack 3belts to piss people off but he is genuinely my pissBREAK JUST TAP OUT
>>144817 Sanada is pretty cool, but seeing him beat the english stickman up isn't that exciting.
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>>144820 Almost every time boring Brit beats him we need someone to beat ZSJ
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Well there's a lot of rolling around but I promise its totally not gay.
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if Sanada loses again, it's gonna be a waste
>went for a snacc BREAK <this match still going
>>144826 It's actually not as bad as I was expecting. I'll still be pissed off if SZJ wins though.
>just fucking lifts the english twink Absolute unit.
TV is back up so I'm gonna be super ahead. So I'll wait for others to catch up.
zsj losing via technical rollup is kino
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Fucking finally, can't bolieve Sanada had to job to this fag for months.
Surprisingly good day. I was expecting everything but the main event to be either complete shit or mediocre. Maybe the switchblade was shit, but I wasn't paying attention for most of the match.
reminder i called that hideo itami will get injured this G1
>>144834 This is clearly your first G1.
>>144836 stop bullying the young lion
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Man that combo of blacklights and mists is a pain at the top of the ramp.
based shibby standing in the empty seats
>>144839 man i wish ibushi was around in inoki times imagine him vs crocop in pride
Gotta say the NJPW official english team ain't bad as long as it's Kevin Kelly and Rocky
oof people are saying Kenta is slow now…
Ibushi is fucking dead.
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but he's still AWWWGAWD
>>144846 CM PUNK!
well that gts was a little off but theres a match for you. Hope that ibushi isnt injured for real.
>>144847 nigger CM Punk stole his entire moveset from KENTA
Dime Limit Match
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I think I had this one down for a timelimit?
Pretty sure someone is going over in this one, probably Okada but don't be surprise from an upset.
nice psychology in this match
always love this match
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Im enjoying it
NO ACE Great fucking match, even better than I expected.
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Okada Wins Lol
>>144858 Have you never watched any of their matches. Damn you're a top tier newfag.
>>144860 I think I've seen a few, but they weren't this good.
>second day with Moxley fighting and Suzuki being pissed off That's going to be fun.
okada sounds like a downy when he spreak engrish
>>144861 Nah, they're WK matches were better, but they are feud of the decade for a fucking reason.
>Post match interview >Interviewer beats around the bush to ask Okada if he was thinking about sending a message to TNA >Translator couldn't understand >Okada knows what he's talking about and even says TNA >Interview abruptly ends shortly after that wew, also lame question, Okada's long done with TNA like hell he could care about putting up a performance to send them a message.
>>144869 They showed it here in the full video >Nothing wew, good answer
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Caught up with the matches. RIP bongspray, Sad my boy evil lost, glad my boy sanada won, interested to see more of kenta, expected Okada to win this what with the ace being fresh outta surgery but still nice to see them face off again. >>144818 that's nice and all and im glad you're enjoying this new hobby but try to lurk a bit before you out yourself to being a newfag
>>144849 I'm another newfriend, I was wondering about that. Does Punk acknowledge that he did that, or is he an asshole who pretends to be original?
>>144862 Taichi's gonna get destroyed, and then cucked.
>come back to the njpw threads after months of being bored by the product >taguchifag still being a bitch Glad I stopped making threads for you fags
>>144878 >>144878 >absorb our shitty opinions before commenting I remember when you fucks were just as dumb when you hopped on these threads, you can't be an elitist if your opinions are barely aged trash
>>144889 >Does Punk acknowledge that he did that, or is he an asshole who pretends to be original? Sorry for the late reply, but it's the latter.
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>>144914 >taguchifag still being a bitch are you taking the piss? taguchianon is more or less the only person here that doesn't make me want to shove forks in my eyes. all i can call him out on is liking purseowner.
Who else is dumb enough to be waking up in 4 hours?
>>144932 >waking up Maybe me. I'm not sure if I'm going to try and sleep a few hours beforehand or not.
>>144914 nigger where was I a bitch?
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Show is on soon in a half hour. >>144922 >all i can call him out on is liking purseowner.
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Based-Block tonite NIPPAS goto sadly finally getting his 50-50b?
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jeff gachimuchi cobbu NJPW theme
wtf is it just me or is the player fucked up?
>new safety and etiquette PSA <gravel voice honma
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>myboi uemura not in the psa >takayama knockoff is
>>144943 >>takayama knockoff is Hey fuck you, he's fine.
lmao the first bump they show was the ibushi bump
Oh shit I almost missed it.
>young lion gee I wonder who's taking the pin.
rip Ospreay, no more buttrock
I wonder how Ibushi feels going against LIJ except Naito isn't there.
>Evil is really bad >"Evil" means bad >I see kek
Ibushi and Ospreay are gonna win over Sanada and Evil aren't they?
>>144952 Looks like they're setting up Ibushi for the comeback win, dunno about ospreay. That was a good 6 man match, usually there's a fair bit of hamming it up in these matches.
Hoping for a Kanemaru HELL MASTER win.
>Archer vs Fale Oh fuck yeah!
Archer lookin like chase owens' dad
Is it just me or are the tag matches WAY shorter than last year?
>Suzuki gun is the face in this feud wat?
>>144960 Event the first day wasn't this short. I guess they're rushing these first few. Also, betting on Kenta's gaijins being shit.
>>144961 He needs to get in G1 and kill everyone for not being in G1 somehow.
>gaijin young lion oh boy
I hope Narita goes nuclear on these gaijin.
lol Tana is more hard hitting than Kenta wtf?
Reminder, Tana is pretty soft compared to most others, and if you're too soft for him then well rip
fucking hell
I can't bolieve Okada is going to fucking die.
yoshi still has the most bloodcurdling screams YAT-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY
>>144973 He sounds like on of street fighting enemies in Yakuza
If Suzuki gets pinned, I'm gonna be pissed.
>>144976 not nice, Vegan won
Dragon match next.
>>144976 niggums whomst've cheer for vegan marxists smh
>>144977 I give Mr. Bones a free pass this match since he was fighting for pissed off Suzuki.
come on Shingo, push Juice further into a downward spiral! >>144980 this is true too
shingo and taichi gonna be fighting for last place of B Block
>>144982 >implying Taichi won't give up after the next match
>>144982 >shitting on the savior Taichi nigger at least put him second
damn jews lookin fire, finally got rid of the jester gimmick
>>144982 >>144983 Wait, fuck, I read first. Fuck you.
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>>144983 >>144984 I was saying G1 Taichi since he went hebyQ but not gonna lie they are the weakest in power rankings
Who the fuck is this ghoul talking?
>>144988 honma
>>144989 Even when I can't see him, he still pisses me off. That guy's special in a way.
>>144988 >>144989 >listening to subs kev x rocky is where its at
fug this match
RIGGED Dragon match best match.
This was a nice fucking match.
>>144990 >hating on honma fuck off. he's everyone's kokeshi.
>>144990 nigger honma is top tier
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>>144990 He can't help it, he's applying for the little mermaid
>>144995 Fuck that tanned dark souls clothed cunt, he disgusts both my eyes and my ears.
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Pray for Taichi
>>144998 >dark souls clothed nigger
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I cant find the taichi theme dj meme so this will do
>>145001 No, he's just tan.
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>no audio or video recording allowed <fanniggas
>>145003 I meant saying Honma is dark souls clothed the fuck?
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>tfw no gf to give you a chair to get killed with
Pretty fun, but dragon was still better this day.
>>145008 That's because Shingo is top tier.
big oof taichi and shingo who will be the worst of b blocku
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>>145000 >i'll pray for those trips great match, very cute
>>145010 >Dragon >worst Wrong.
Red shoes is back baby
>>145006 eh, even so if you watch his old shit before he got the big injury he is top tier.
>>145015 Top tier or not, he still sounds like shit and looks like he sounds.
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Wow one curry sells man is in a hurry here
>>145016 looks aren't everything my nigger
this match is amazing
>>145019 No, but when you look like fucking that it ammounts to something.
>>145020 I'm a Naito fag but I'm not even upset. My sides hurt.
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>>145022 I love Naito too, but Yano is my spirit animal
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Time for big boys, feel a little bad for them having to follow 3 great matches.
Well im enjoying cobb if nothing else
>>145031 I don't like Ishii, but Cobb vs Ishii is pretty fun.
>>145032 >I don't like Ishii y the fuck not
>>145033 I just don't think his matches against anyone that isn't Cobb are fun.
>>145033 im surprised you're even still reacting to the newfags man
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Ishii wins, got good in the end
Fun match, but I'm tired as fuck so I'm going to sleep. Hopefully the main event won't be on the upper end.
If lord goto doesn't curbstomp jay white im nuking gedo's residence. all 14 of them.
>>145034 >I just don't think his matches against anyone that isn't Cobb are fun. Nigger come on, what kind of taste do you have?
>>145039 I worded that badly, it's not that they aren't fun, but they aren't fun because of him. He doesn't particularly sticks out for me except on his matches against Cobb.
>>145040 >but they aren't fun because of him I don't get this, because Ishii was the guy that got me into this company basically.
I'm glad Jay White has a beard now so he doesn't look like a geek now.
>>145041 look it's simple. the dude doesnt get strong style and is in this for whacky quirky faggots like MLP and BUSHIt
I will say Jay White looks much better now. Like he finally has his own style to him.
jay white got the byakugan
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Not sure if the have an old man nap in the middle of your match was supposed to be yano's ishii's or the main event gimmick but here it is.
>>145045 the more you talk the more autistic you get
goto heel turn
>>145047 jays in-ring gimmick is that he already knows what move your gonna do and has a counter for it
Jay White did pretty damn good in that match. Though he was in there with Goto but still. That was nice!
in other news, GOTO REDEMPTION ARC
Again, props to both guys, put on a good one imo.
>>145053 G1のGは後藤のGだ!
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The G in G1 is for Goto motherfuckers
Reminder show is on early, like in an hour
Show is on in 16 mins
it started
>>145069 rip no one here
Mox and shota on
moxley is the new izuka
White vs Ishii for never championship! If Goto had a good match with White, I'm sure Ishii would too.
>>145070 just woke up. 9:30 am is too early for me brother.
>>145074 It's fine my dude.
lol even yano got impressed by ishii not budging
The G in G1 is for Great Thief Yano
>>145077 He still has yet to get that title shot he won.
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after this match we get today's block matches >>145078 yano toru for wrestle kingdom brother
Suzuki taking out his anger on Shingo
Beeg man fight next
This dude is awesome
nobody cares what marty isami has to say lol
not even MLP's gimmick anymore lmao
If it was WWE, thw ring would've imploded from that
>>145085 superiah japanese ring materiar nevah BREAK
Damn I dont see either of these guys hitting their finishers of each other. Maybe Archer wins using the claw.
>>145087 Yep claw pin wins again
>cosplay vs sandy Should be good
Well this makes bongspray the only man to ever get out of the paradise lock.
>osplay slips out of the paradise lock Impossible
>>145091 he has the power of god and anime on his side
but he can't get out of the rope paradise lock
rip Sanada
well that's an upset i didnt see coming. if bongspray can beat someone that challenged for the iwgp belt he can probably get a challenge himself down the line.
Damn sandy lost
>>145095 inb4 he beats Okada in G1
Geez and now to see Zack Super Junior beat Okada so he can challenge for the belt in UK.
man some of the new young lions look dead inside and they havent even gotten assaulted by suzuki for a year or two like their senpais
>>145098 alternatively, okada challenges for the brit belt in royal quest
Woah ZSJ lost wew guess royal quest will be Okada vs Ospreay for the belt after ospreay beats okada
rip bone man
>>145101 im guessing it's gonna be what i said >>145100
>>145103 and Bongspray vs MLP for the junior belt still hasnt happened.
>>145104 Oh yeah that could happem then
let's go Eviru!
so right now i think that grand finalists are gonna be either okada/ibushi from A block and knife pervert/naito from B block
>>145107 >The finalists from either blocks will be one of the two men from the last match of either blocks What a daring prediction
>>145108 >>145107 Reminder that this isn't always the case.
>>145109 I think Goto in 2016 was the only exception in recent years, else it's usually been like that
>>145110 Yes, that's exactly my point.
EVIL acting real EVIL
>>145108 match order is subject to change at any time tho. in a perfect world the finalists could be sanada/archer vs moxley/goto
>ibushi two losses in a row >favourite to win his block uh oh
>>145116 up until a third consecutive loss he's still the favorite. if he gets a fourth then we're in for dream predictions.
based shibata on commentary, wondered who he'd root for in this match, guess he will be neutral
shibata is the guy that has his best friend meet his other best friend and they start fighting
>>145116 Reminder Tana was in the same position in 2016, and he came close to going to the finals.
>>145120 Yeah he lost 3 in a row but then won all the rest till his final one where he drew with Okada, and then Goto got in. inb4 same thing happens to Ibushi and Tana wins Block A
>>145121 I want this to happen to Goto again tbh.
>>145121 tana isn't winning brother. his elbow is too fucked. >>145122 same
>>145123 People said that at the beginning of last year too.
heel tana?
Kenta's OC movie the corner dropkick
oh no even tana loses two in a row
aight. see ya tomorrow fellas.
oh damn tana denied the handshake
oh well, I'm really happy about Evil getting a win though.
Fuck. I forgot the third day was today. >Ibushi has 0 points Looks like Naito isn't making it to the finals. Also, how was Suzuki killing Bushi?
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>>145131 >how was suzuki killing bushi? >how was anyone killing bushi? >how was the KING OF PRO WRESTLING killing bushi? >>>>>>>>how >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>how are you taking the piss?
Missed A Block last night because was sick and not hype for anyone other than ospreay and he beat Sandals but got inured… will oofspreay I can't bolieve Ospreay already fucking died. >Will Ospreay will miss tonight's #g129 event due to injury. >Ospreay is not suffering from any skeletal or nervous issues. >His status for July 18 will be determined after thorough medical evaluation. https://www.njpw1972.com/55276
Starting in an hour. First two matches are meh, but the third is going to be something. >Tanahashi teaming up with Kenta and his gaijin >Kenta and his gaijin against Suzuki Gun Ichiban
show's on.
o i thought it started at 30
Shota's fucking pissed. He's not even a shota.
>>145165 Shooter Umino and Showtime Umino are canon nicknames
>henare match without Naito I'm guessing Nuclear Lion or Henare is pinning Bushi. On a side note, why the fuck does butter flavored popcorn still exists? I was going to make some popcorn with butter to watch but I'm left with this dried out I can't bolieve it's not butter shit.
shit I thought it was starting now What did I miss?
bruh eviletty gonna get exposed by sandals in their g1 match
>>145169 Are those the dubbed names?
>>145168 shit same
>>145167 how'd you fuck up making pop corn? also it's best to just have the pop corn plain. that way it's a snack that's not unhealthy.
>>145170 don callis calls him showtime and ambrose says shooter so basically a dub
>>145172 There's two kind of butter popcorns, the ones with an actual butter packet and the gay "butter flavored" ones with the cancer vapors. I didn't read the name and accidentally made the latter. >unhealthy >implying eating healthy would make a difference for anyone here
best friends of shibata team up with his students
suzuki killing shibata's young lions
>based archer on commentary
suzuki even mad at commentary and milano
>>145178 >even Milano got in G1 and I didn't
>tanahashi pushing Kenta back kek
>>145180 they're fighting over who gets to fight lmao
>that dragon screw Nice
>Kanemaru tapping to a boston crab not on your life
Based Kanemaru
tana and friends absolutely BTFO
>>145186 >friends
come on Fale upset the next day!
Holy shit Okada is going to BREAK his bakc.
Dragon match next.
>>145190 *Yano match next
Shingo vs Yano next. Most interested for this one
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>Yano already made the dragon lose his cool Damn.
yano taking a BREAK
damn that reminded me of playing deathrun as a kid on counter strike
Yano can strike?
Based BUSHI saves Shingo
well look at that yano was right. shingo did hit him with a chair.
>>145201 >>145200 >bushi >based choose one
>>145203 You may not like the spanish jobber, but you have to admit he's a great support character.
piss BREAK
>>145205 Nah dude, Goto is awesome.
juice vs goto next interesting since both are going through some kinda redemption arc, though goto is more on a high from his win over switchblade than juice is
>>145204 he aint spanish and it's not that he's a great support character, it's that he's ONLY a support character. as a wrestler he is useless.
>>145207 goto popped off properly, juice has yet to say a word backstage. he's knee deep in the depression arc.
>>145208 >he aint spanish Fuck, I mean mexican. I mixed my spics up just like the spics themselves.
>>145209 yeah but juice still seems to come out with his jovial self, except it's all mechanical, dances around but with no smile on his face
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>>145210 he's not a spic either. here's an old pic of him. he's just a jobber ass support character that wears a mask cause he has no character and failed to inherit anything else on his mexican excursion.
>>145212 his first name is also Tetsuya, the same as Naito
>>145211 >yeah but this only reinforces what i said about juice being knee deep in depression arc. he's doing his routine WOOs out of habit. he looks dead inside.
>>145213 it's not exactly an uncommon japanese name.
>>145212 He's brown and wears a mask, that's close enough.
>>145214 yeah also since that fight with moxley he looks more fierce in the ring, likely will see that in this match too
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tfw need to cook food but there's no piss BREAK match for me to do so in. my stomach is gonna eat itself by the time main event is over.
>>145218 Just get some snacks between fights and cook after.
>>145216 so someone took a dump and put a mask on it got it. >>145217 well he's out for moxley's blood. he seems to feel worthless without the US belt.
>>145220 You forgot the goth lipstick.
>>145219 trying to stay away from snacks and fast food. gotta get healthier. >>145221 my bad, let me drop some black nail paint while im at it
>>145222 >trying to stay away from snacks and fast food Just like eat an apple or some shit.
>>145223 i ran out yesterday. gonna go buy some at the farmer's market tomorrow.
holy shit those headbutt/punch hits based big match juice did it
also didnt goto say if he doesnt win this one he doesnt deserve the G1?
Moxley fight next.
>>145228 It's not G1 (Goto1) anymore it's J(Juice)
poop time, no offense to the next combatants but I really gotta go
shota still carrying moxley's belt. young boomer dont know how to wear belts.
what does death rider even mean
>>145233 Anything english sounds cool to nips.
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>>145233 use your imagination
ven the moves he used in WWE look much better here, with actual intent. That diving elbow there looked fine, in WWE it seemed like shit.
That was anticlimactic.
well that was abrupt.
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>winning with a hangsman ddt good job dean
>>145239 that short yano match and now this, saving time for Taichi and Naito to go the distance
jay white said the old fuck ishii will never win the iwgp title, well time for rock dog to btfo this zoomer
after this match and the rest that moxley has done i can only assume that he only does shoot wrestling and the ROH Cobbuta just can't survive without a script.
>>145243 Cobb is fine for the first few minutes, I guess he just runs out of steam afterwards because of the heavy burden he has to bear.
>>145243 It's not shoot dummy, more death match/extreme stuff
the pitbull has a hostage
gedo is the japanese jew and watch how the eternal anglo jay white rushed to save him after skinhead ishii attacked him
>>145246 Fuck I'm tired.
>>145249 >>145246 yeah you missed half
nice to see jay being manhandled by ishii. this is pretty refreshing.
Holy shit this match
bruh i thought tombstone to blade runner was gonna be the finish oof
Rin on suicide watch
Rip kiwi dude
holy shit ishii did it and once again the supposed favourite of the block gets two losess in a row like ibushi, heck my prediction there is going real fast at this point Great match
Man is it just me or does B block have the better matches.
>New Zealand lose the criket world cup yesterday >Now Jay lost his match sad times to be a kiwi
>>145259 Plus Fale lost yesterday
Now time for the main event. Here's hoping they pick the Taichi-Naito storyline back up. I really wanna see Taichi join LIJ.
>>145261 for the newcomers that dont know what im talking about: a few tours after shingo had joined LIJ going on and on about how Naito gave him the courage to take the next step in his career, Naito was taunting Taichi and telling him to take that step too unless he wants to be someone's follower for the rest of his life. They had a very interesting storyline but it didn't arrive to a conclusion other than "we'll meet again"
>>145262 me thinks naito sees a tag partner in taichi
>>145259 nz cant catch a BREAK
heh naito on the lookout for an attack like in New Beginning in Osaka earlier this year
>>145266 the weather forecast for today is cloudy with a chance of iizuka
Taichi just wanted to know what was coming.
On the previous match, I know late, but again. Jay White is much better without some lame Gedo shit.
>>145269 agreed. but hey the lame gedo shit is part of his character.
>>145270 It also helps that the beard helps hide his baby face.
I'm guessing Taichi will summon the stealthy DOUKI assist. speaking of did anyone get a drawfag to draw femdouki?
>>145272 /v/ let us down, thought the thread was already dying by the time I requested. I guess we could try again next thread since the current one is already auto-saging.
>>145273 it's tricky since you also gotta do it when a drawfag is on the thread too
the size of taichi how was he ever a junior more egregious than shingo being a junior
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is naito gonna NTR taichi
naito always begone thots abe
Taichi is fucking pissed.
>>145276 [when you say 'daddy' as a joke but he actually into domme]
>>145280 he's a man of culture who despises NTR
>>145281 oh look rin continues to out himself as an ultrafag
>>145283 gottem
Who is taichi calling out?
oh shit he put it on, jope he won't become a tormeneted sould now like izuka was now
damn i was hoping for a izuka distraction
ibushi and taichi both hit n old school neck move on naito love it
Taichi is top tier man
>>145291 and this is why he needs to be in LIJ i think the suzukigun spotlight should go back to the boss
rip red shoes
lmao no ref
red shoes is fucking dead
third time's the charm?
And another favourite goes 2 down!
Taichi fucking slammed him down so hard his shorts almost fell out.
Man god damn G1 is shaping up to be a great bunch of upsets left and right. and now taichi also as an intercontinental shot
Man I can't handle all these surprise wins got damn
>>145307 *has the other one being yano lol
Taichi says this isnt the G1 Climax, it's the Jigoku 1 Climax
>>145310 TL Note: Jigoku means hell
BRUH he dropped the iron finger
Evil vs Sanada next day, not hyped for anything else other than to see Tanahashi dragon screw the fuck out of vegan boy's legs. Anyway, fun fucking day and good night.
Moxley vs Huwaito is going to be fucking based.
Starting in six and a half hours.
show's on in a hour
>>145366 Don't worry I'm watching.
It's on
here we go
Moxley with his young lion Moxley Junior
Young lions holding them back wew
The rock wants to fucking die.
Moxley showing off his son.
Yoshi Hashi hazing the Young Lions
Yano gonna pull off another upset, Jay white 3 losses in a row
Why did they switch Takahashi's slut for Jay White's slut?
>>145376 He only brings her out for the big shows.
>>145377 >Yano match >not a big show
The kiwi fears the japanese salesman
yano producer > knife pervert
Narita taking these BC jobbers solo
First "LIJ just fucking dies" match I'm okay with.
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post yfw Taichi wins the G1
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Axe Bomba vs Pumping Bomba
bah gawd look at this heavyweight matchup
KENTA looks tall enough to be archer's son
>>145387 and main event is a junior vs an ex junior
Archer more over than kenta
>>145391 That's because Kenta is new and was once a Noah guy. Archer is well known to the NJPW audeince.
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i cant bolieve he called him hideo kojima, even i would be upset by that.
>>145393 He had a slave name in WWE called fucking Hideo Itami, KENTA hates that.
>>145394 i know it was a joke
>>145395 rip my joke catching skills, I kinda knew but wasn't sure you knew it fully.
>>145396 i mean just imagine being called hideo kojimbo
>>145397 You mean being called a westaboo?
>he tapped out to that that's… pretty fucking lame gedo what the fuck dude
>>145398 nah i mean being called a dude that only ever writes games but gets credited with making the whole thing too
>KENTA stealing the Yes Lock
Sanada's new titantron looks lamer than his previous one.
>>145399 You don'to undestando, big man tapping out to small man hold, gureito match. Don'to make me sendo Howaito afta yuu.
>milano wearing a sanada t-shirt but raising his evil toy fucking fencesitter
i dont get why we sometimes have a different table for stream commentary instead of getting the ringside commentary
>>145406 because tv probably
>evil saying that fighting against his partner hurts his heart
Holy shit the tables have turned
>>145407 shame to not hear milano lose his shit over this match
>>145409 It's a joke, he was grasping his chest right over his heart
>>145413 damn we all sucking at getting jokes here
>>145414 Telling a joke then having to explain it is pretty much this board's gimmick by this point.
the ref is evil's new tag partner. already practicing the magic killer.
are they just practicing how to get out of G.O.D. roll ups
dont get how sanada lost this tbh
Fuck yeah Evil!
If Sanada and Evil ever want a real single run then they need to leave LIJ
>>145420 Sanada beat Evil last year. Got his revenge here Evil friendship regained with Sanada
Good end. >>145420 FUCKING GEDO
and that was for all you smoothbrains that thought evil was leaving LIJ for denying fistbumps
>okada's already dead I was going to sleep but I guess this is fun.
>3v1 i see yoshi and rocky in commentary so they better assist okada
Wait wtf happened how did okada get jumped when he didnt even enter
>>145428 presumably fale attacked him from backstage and brought his corpse in the venue
Kek, I didn't even see Chase, I thought he was going for a Naito taunt.
>>145429 Well that's new
Based red shoes.
Okada's not dead anymore, I'm going to sleep.
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>>145433 >doesn't like goatkada
>>145427 Superkada beat them all solo
gedo what the fuck is up with the shitty finishes today
>>145436 It's the same finish as okada vs jericho
>all these matches that are less than 15 mins >all so we can have 30 minutes of commie vegan that's what's going to happen isn't it gedo. isn't it you rat bastard.
Both these two haven't won a match yet Tana better move this bongstar over
>>145439 last time they had a singles it didnt end so well
>>145440 Yeah at MSG when Zack put Tana's elbow out of commission. Tana ought to get his revenge now.
Based Tana outgrappling zach
This reminds me more of their NJC match this year, which Tana won
vegan commie btfo
AH YES HE DID IT BROTHER zack utterly btfo 3 matches in a row, almost out already
Based Ace btfo of commies
Zack on suicide watch
Okay, good luck to Ibushi in the next match though.
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Ospreay already killed himself before this match, had to miss the last show So who's getting concussed today?
>>145450 Ibushi's best opponents are safer ones, even though Ospreay has toned down his style a lot. I'm still worried.
Osplay more over than ibushi, huh
>>145449 ironically enough better than his actual theme
>>145452 >>145450 bongspray has killed ibushi in singles before for the never belt. he can do it again and kill ibushi's g1 run at the same time.
rip ibushi's knee, now he can be just like his God Tanahashi
Pretty technical and a lot less flippy and explosive as their WK13 match.
>>145456 And just as I say that they decide to kick it up a notch and start flying around
He dropped him on his fucking head Ospreay is dead
>>145458 these guys are always dead. they might as well be zombies.
damn. wanted ibushi to lose.
shit, that was close to a draw…
k time to go shit finally
show's on in 15'
I'm here
>>145466 just in time
"0 score" ZSJ
Zack btfo again
ZSJ getting desperate
Zero Saber Jr
>honma vs suzukigun well that's bound to remind him of his trauma
>suzuki and archer Cleaning up the young lions already.
Open season on these young lions
It's a massacre
Lion's kingdom more like lion season. they're being hunted for sport.
>>145476 Plus the gaijin lions are there now too. Just more livestock for Suzuki gun Also damn that Tana cosplayer did the good job there, fooled me for a sec
can't wait for Bushi to pin the gaijin
>>145478 alternatively kenta or ibushi pin bushit
>>145479 >>145478 OH MY GOSH
>>145480 literally the only thing he can pin is young lions :^)
>>145481 But in the BOSJ he won 6 matches out of 9. The only ones he lost too were MLP, Ospreay and Taguchi, the group toppers.
Sanada/Ibushi popularity contest
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>>145482 and not one of them looked like a fight. what talented men he must have went against for them to be able to pretend they're being damaged by his blows. :^)
chaos using heel tactics? how many ages has it been?
lol cosplay triggered by okada mocking his pose
>>145487 heel tactics against one of their own?
>>145489 well mostly against henare
>>145491 if this wont be MOTN then moxley will
Marty legit glanced at Miho's ass when she got out of the ring
>>145493 can't blame him. who wouldn't?
Taichi's gonna kick shingo's brains out his head
I could watch AKUSU BONBA vs PANPINGU BONBA all all day
Damn that was good. Shingo winning where Naito couldn't.
Nice, rip axe bomber
shingo avenged his LIJ bro
Cobb gets his first win in G1. Fine match.
Cobb is finally on the board
>Yano vs Switchbladd >Yano is built as the deadlier of the two
what is it will jay and his vampire cosplay
>Jay >G1 favourite >3 losses on the trot
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/r/ing Gedo version for this
Yano gonna win the whole thing brother
Goto gonna beat Tetshitya Fagito
>>145513 it'd be a fair guess to say whoever wins this might be the true favourite to win b block
Damn split chants for both of them, in Tokyo to boot
Well first points on the table for Naito >choko
rip goto's G1
>>145518 eh, he's better off than White and I bet White is gonna at the very least reach top 3
>>145520 he'd have to beat moxley and naito for that
>>145521 He's gonna beat Moxley for sure
>>145522 i cant imagine anyone beating moxley to be completely honest
>>145524 Moxley isn't going to the finals, dude.
>>145525 i know man i just can't picture in my head a scenario in which moxley loses. look at this fucking madman he's manhandling ishii.
>>145524 Juice revenge and Yano
>>145527 >implying moxley doesnt crush yano's hands with his balls of steel
>Gedo: yes moxley, you american wwe superstar, use table in every match
>>145529 hell he probably loves using them
>>145529 Cody was the same
>>145531 lmao who remembers cody matches
Holy shit flying pitbull. First time i saw him jump like that.
>Ishii highspot wut
Since when does ishii fly?
Moxley is in his element against brawlers
yeah i cant choose MOTN between this and axe/pumping bombers. they're both 10/10
bruh ishii finally hurt his neck
Probably Ishii's toughest opponent since Shibata.
lol fist bump shota. it's his son now not yours red shoes
"tomohoro ishiiii"
Mox shootin on VKM
Shit is he concussed. Looks all woozy.
moxley lowkey dissing AEW, and wwe ofc
give moxley his own stable tbh
>>145545 He should takeover all the young lions and pervert them with his gaijin brawler influence
>>145546 just have him have the brawler faction, shove ishii in there while you're at it since face CHAOS doesnt fit him that much.
>>145547 My picks for now: Moxley, Ishii, Shingo, SHO, Shibata
>>145548 >sho, shibata but they're not in the g1
>>145548 >>145549 He's talking the stable dude
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>>145550 oh right, im retarded
we'll probably hit the thread limit tomorrow so get ready to make another one
gonna need a new thread soon tho
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>>145511 Made it myself
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>>145507 That was fucking hilarious, I hope Yano does the same shit to Skinny Sabre some day. Obviously they won't meet in the tournament so it will be a while. I can wait.
New thread when this one gets full >>145560 >>145560 >>145560
yall miss him yet
>>145562 I still kinda do tbh, but not the faggots that rode his coattails.
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>>145563 i miss the vtriggers
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Shota's basically become the most famous young lion ever just from his association with Moxley. Whenever he goes on excursion, likely it will be a successful one and when he returns, Okada will be in his mid 30s while Shota will be prime and ready to become the new up and coming ace. Shota shock, coming soon.
>>145562 no. good riddance gaymer. he was so fucking cringy in anything he did. he CAN wrestle but he chose to be a drama bitch instead.
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show's on in 5'
Mox vs Shingo will be equally as insane as Ishii's match was
>A block again Fuck, I keep missing Based block. Juice rematch will be fun though.
Wait what, Juice vs Mox already? They have their match at tje end at Budokan. Juice vs Yano is next and Moxley vs Juice. Weird they're having this.
>juice's WOOO has turned into growling well fuck
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>>145572 preview it twice and sell more tickets you stupid gaijin
Don't pin me or my son ever again.
moxley going in to save his son Shooter
>>145572 The schedule is kinda fucked, yesterday they had a schedule saying they had Tana and Ibushi going at it in a tag.
>>145577 >>145572 or Yano is in a tag with Ishii and Goto or something
Dunno when they will have their rematch for the belt but if they have it at the Tokyo Dome, then I absolutely wouldn't mind, I kinda want that.
>>145578 >or yano tag with goto well lookie here
The fucking screams of that nip lady.
Yuya with a death wish going after Suzuki
I guess when yano said "BREAK" suzuki thought he meant to BREAK his face in.
>faggots saying Jay White looks worse not better with the beard what losers
bruh henry cant get a win
I can't wait for Narita to pin Bushi.
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Gayest bushi mask
>>145588 Nice pleonasm.
>>145574 Speaking of which, the final day at Budokan is already sold out. Incredible simce nothing's been officially annouced for it and especially since it is on a Monday. While the other two Budokan shows on the weekend still haven't sold out.
oh look a piss BREAK match
>>145591 It's the fucking finals dude
>>145592 Yeah but only because ZSJ is winning
Based Fale better win and keep it Zero Saber Jr.
>>145592 >vegan boy vs heavy weight It should be fun as long as stickman doesn't win.
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>>145591 it's a holiday i think
>>145593 Rare to see it happen so early though
>>145597 Oh that explains it >Mountain Day wot
>>145599 nips have a lot of weird holidays
>>145599 the japs love their mountains. it's said that if you see a hawk, an eggplant or mount fuji in your first dream of the year, you're going to have great luck al year.
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If Fale let himself fall back Soy Jr would be fucking dead. >>145599 Nips are autistic over mountains.
At least he didnt pin/submit Fale with some wacky move
>>145604 Fat guy not being able to run seems like the only good way for Zack to win.
I love this dude
I love this dude too!
Tana on the offense, neat
i went to do the dishes and zsj match is already over, what the fuck did i miss?
>>145609 They fought outside on the top. ZSJ ran in the ring but fale didnt make the xount
>>145610 Archer chants too. Dude got over like hell in recent months.
>>145609 >bullet club fucks zack up >zack runs away >fale goes after him >20 count starts >zack does his gay grapples then runs back >fale is fat and doesn't make it in time
>>145611 bad luck fale
>>145614 God fucking damn it.
>I'm the ace now lol this dude is great
Archer more over in Japan than he was in his hometown of Dallas
>>145617 That's because western wrestling fans have shit taste.
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commentary: "It's a traffic accident!"
this match is great
>>145622 im glad archer is getting singles. you can only go over so much with tags.
Holy shit Archer jus BROKE Tanahashi's back.
What was that move damn. Archer is sick.
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this is some anime shit
that was awesome
Tanahashi's been getting most of his wins with sneaky pins.
oh my god I cant bolieve it but super tana overcame the gigantic odds seriously though Tana always has good matches like this against giants. Dunno if it's his experience against Giant Bernard or what but always a good show against giants.
Remember to go the 2nd thread once we hit the limit on this one >>145560
evil never had lego as a kid, so he's using chairs to build a grave for kenta instead
Imagine being a fan there and the wrestlers are fighting among all your stuff
dude is milking the heat
imma agree with the jap crowd here. kenta isn't growing on me. i saw some of his older matches before g1 and he looked cool there but he's wrestling kinda lame now.
>>145637 He really does seem like an outsider
>>145638 To add, the NOAH guys that participated in 2016 G1 climax were similar, particularly Katsuhiko Nakajima, Marufuji at least was accustomed to the NJPW ring.
>kenta call after doing shibata dropkick but fans probably dont know kenta created it
>>145637 >>145638 >>145639 I think the NOAH shit is a big factor
>>145641 yeah but kanemaru and ishimori were also noah, and people dont boo them.
>>145641 Also he basically just waltzed into the G1 and was built up as a huge deal but too soon for fans to fully accept him. It took a while even for Shingo to get over.
>>145642 This >>145643 is also a factor
>>145643 not really, a JR tag league was all it took for fans to love shingo. BOSJ only boosted his popularity.
>>145642 Kanemaru is a vet and suzuki gun helped. Ishimori also has that high flying style which everyone loves.
man i hope kenta doesnt keep winning. he's racked up a lot of wins but his matches still seem stale. there's better people to win A block gedo you fuck trying to appease westerners by giving them a face they know
>>145645 Being the new LIJ member also must've helped
aight kill this thread and go to >>145560
>>145647 Kenta vs Moxley in final! How you like that gaijin?

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