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Rem:Zero Anonymous 12/30/2022 (Fri) 21:27:36 No. 1781
I really enjoyed the story up to arc 6. Anyone still following the web novel? Arc 7 has been pretty bad imo due to how many characters there are. But I hope arc 8 can get things back on track.
Rem is so breedable! I want to rape, breed and then marry her. She's too good for Subaru
What is with the rape enthusiasts? Give Rem a proper relationship you degenerates. Anyways I'm an anime-only faggot, so it'll probably be a decade or so before the anime ever catches up to that point sadly, but I enjoyed season 1 very much, and season 2 was good, but less than season 1.
>>1785 Onis mate by rape, its ingrained in their very genes and culture. Anime was great but S2 not so good. Arc 6 is my favorite but sadly it may never be animated. Arc 7 sucks so far.
>>1781 pure sex
>>1809 If I was Subaru, I would have asked Rem to service me every morning by milking me dry.
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>>1994 Cool, thank anon Still funny to me that the dude's name is "Garfiel"
>>2005 Tappei can be funny at times, a shame his latest arc of the web novel has been so shit
Sales in Re:Zero have been quite bad, is this the end, anon?
>>2094 Its just dying to be revived again and then get another explosion when next anime season comes out
>>2098 I hope so, I wish they adapted arc 6. Its amazing and Shawler is so hot
Threadly reminder that Ram has been Rem's first hornjob and also took her first kiss.
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The new Rem short story translations were released. Read Death unto the weak first, then provisional Rem after Be warned that they contain Arc 7 SPOILERS!!! https://eminenttranslations.com/rezero/side-stories/the-land-of-wolves-death-unto-the-weak-mercy-be-none-7/ https://docs.google.com/document/d/17kktDI47uuhQkkdPM3rLJH06s6IkPjM_tOXn7NTU8DI/edit?usp=sharing
What do you think about my masterplan for when I hang myself and get to Re:Zero's world in Subaru's place? 1. Get to the Mansion 2. Acquire Rem 3. Convince Emilia to defect to Crusch's camp 4. Use Crusch's resources to acquire Sanctuary 5. Make contract with Echidna 6. Kill the Whale using Roswaal and Crusch's army 7. Make badass armor from the White Whale's hide 8. Acquire Reinhard and Felt 9. Use my economic superiority to acquire Anastasia by convincing her to drop and join me 10. Make a team of Julius, Reinhard, Ram, Rem and Crusch BUT NOT EMILIA to conquer Flügel's Tower and acquire Shawler 11. Incarnate Louise in the green room, then rape her and make her my trophy wife while killing Gluttony as painfully and slowly as possible, just for fun 12. Use their combined resources to conquer Vollachia, proving my might to Priscilla and making her KISS MY FEET 13. Use the time in Vollachia to acquire Medium 14. Abolish the priestess contract and become the Harem King Supreme Emperor of Mankind 15. Marry Rem, Crusch, Ram, Shaula, Felt, Anastasia, Priscilla, Echidna, Frederica, Emilia, Capella, and tie Meili and Elsa to my rape dungeon. 16. Further my royal line through Rem's bloodline. - I'm still unsure on what Shudrak I should acquire in Vollachia though. Which tribal girl would make for the best most sexual wife? Any improvements, anon?
>>2245 Please don't isekai yourself anon.

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