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(786.15 KB 480x360 osaka is angry.mp4)

(1.29 MB 640x360 Heychu.mp4)

(729.60 KB 720x720 Osaka floats away.mp4)

Osaka Anonymous 04/12/2023 (Wed) 09:07:54 No. 3087
Osaka. Or just azumanga daioh

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You know what I am going to post Sakaki because she is the best and that is non negotiable.
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I dont know where these models are from.
>>3093 >>3094 I'd fug.
>>3095 Possibly garage kits >tfw I have zero painting skills So many garage kits out there I wouldnt mind having. If only...
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>>3120 >Garage kits What are garage kits? I have heard the term before but it was in the comments section of some guy doing these super high quality Anime figures. His name was Sukima Sangyo, Highly recommended. The models I posted look way too low quality to be anything like that. Might be bootleg models now when I think about it. >Zero painting skills. I know your pain. I have been trying to get better at painting my minis but the only ones that look good are the traitor guard models. But thats >>>/tg/ related.
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>>3125 Also more Sakaki
>>3127 Sakaki is love, sakaki is life
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(3.27 MB 854x480 Osaka Knife.webm)

Is osaka really absent minded? Or does she hides inhuman thoughts?
gondola with a knife
>>3251 Clearly, Osaka is an evil genius hiding behind a cute exterior. Dont believe her evil lies!
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(1.29 MB 306x347 Eternal Loop of Osaka.gif)

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