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The Past 6 Years of Anime And Manga Anonymous 06/24/2023 (Sat) 20:31:21 No. 3348
How have the past 6 years of anime and manga been? What have the good, excellent, and noteworthy, anime and manga been? I've been out of the loop due to personal circumstances, and haven't remained updated like I used to do, years back. And, the worthwhile, for any reason, of the past decade? Independently made stuff counts, too.
Lain and Haruko were both based off of me, and so was Franz/Klaus of Monster.
Its been alright, could be better, could be worse. Really depends on what you value, ultimately speaking. >comedy there's been good ones and good elements in other shows >ecchi No problems here imo, at least thus far that I've noticed. >mecha absolutely terrible decade for mecha, only things people seemed to like were gundam. >action/adventure shounen depends on what you think of them, personally I think they're "just okay" compared to the shounen of the past. >isekai its been a very good decade if you like this subgenre. >slice of life mixed, some good shows here and there but it really depends on what type you like. >romance I don't know as much about this genre, but there's been a lot of trashy romances if that's your thing, and some good romantic comedies here and there that people really like, so probably better than the past ones? >horror No idea about this one. >seinen Kinda broad >sports/competition/cooking There's been some good ones I suppose, but again it depends on your tastes. >westaboo/cyberpunk shit Not as much notable shit this decade, and imo that's for the best but that's just because I personally don't like it much. >edgy stuff I don't feel like there's been too much, but there's been some, probably worse done than past stuff though. Haven't been paying as much attention to this though. >mystery I don't really remember any noteworthy mystery anime. >psychological/thriller Some okay ones here and there but not too much afaik. >weird shit No idea as I don't pay much attention to it, I don't remember much but who knows. >sci-fi/space shit usually connected with mecha, there isn't much of anything afaik from last decade. >wholesome shit See slice of life, though I feel like people are enjoying the wholesome shows so yeah >fantasy See: isekai. If you want non-isekai fantasy, that's rarer.
6 years ago, Sagrada Reset (https://anidb.net/anime/12422) was still airing and it is one of the best shows I've watched. It has a beautiful soundtrack and is nothing but clever plan after clever plan, the only time there wasn't enough information for the viewer to put the plan together was the second episode; it is one of the most intelligent superpower shows I ever watched.
>>3348 I enjoyed Caligula (2018). It's a 12-episode science-fiction series focused on psychology, escapism, idol worship and music. Officially adapting a video game of the same name, the show ran with a significantly different, alternate-timeline story. I think it has its flaws for sure, but the good outweigh the bad. See: >>1485
>>3350 >ecchi >No problems here imo, at least thus far that I've noticed. The last six years have seen a major decline in ecchi. Back in the early 2010s there wasn't a single season without a tiddy anime, usually multiple. In addition, more general anime had more fanservice minded scenes. You'd even come across nudity in plenty of shows that weren't even specifically in the ecchi genre Mirai Nikki for instance). These days you're lucky if you get one anime with tits every season and basically all fanservice in the entire industry as seemingly been condensed into these few releases. There definitely seems to be an effort to sanitize anime from the studios at large, likely because of the influence of the global market the internet has brought. There hasn't been anything like the first two seasons of DxD, Qwaser, Testament or Valkyrie Drive in a long ass time. Occasionally you'll get an oddity like Redo of Healer, but those are few and far between. Go back 7-10 years and the amount of panties, skimpy outfits and jiggling massively increases, even outside the anime specifically designed with those aspects in mind.
I think Fukushima ruined anime and manga a bit. Radiation. Seems bad. Who knows what else Japan has been dealing with.
>>3407 The people involved are trying to murder me. Still.
(23.75 KB 275x400 Mushishi.jpg)

>>3350 >fantasy >See: isekai. If you want non-isekai fantasy, that's rarer. You got the adaptation of Mushi-shi this decade, though.
>>4098 >1 anime Damn impressive

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