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Moralfag Hate Thread Anonymous 12/14/2023 (Thu) 00:57:23 No. 3822
I am so fucking sick and tired of privileged, shit snorting, cock-sucking, fart inhaling retards bitching about "mUh SeXuAlIzAtIoN!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!" or "lOlI Is LICHERALLY Democrat activism!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!". Post your hatred for moralfags and their moralfaggotry here.
>>3824 Anime should've been gatekept harder. Now what used to be a fun niche thing has been drowned by whatever's left of tumblr.
>>3825 No way to gatekeep something that's quality and also commercially available to the public unless the medium does it itself (which it used to to an extent with things like lolis, taboos, fanservice and edginess, but now that's lessened in modern years) A lot of people in the past also naively wanted anime to grow because more people means more money for the industry which means more stuff/anime for us (which is technically true, but the problem they ignored is the quality goes down as the audience gets bigger, and especially you don't want anime made to pander to fucking westerners)
>>3825 The best way to gatekeep is to post in the webm thread.
is this why wokestern have problem with 'underage' waifu? Because they project their trust issue into people's relationship in their brain (cough religion cough). I thought asian had it bad with female but "equal right" 1st world countries are no different.
>>3949 Parents aren't really the ones watching anime generally.
>>3949 No, it's because they see kids in anime characters. They interpret the big eyes as children eyes. It's creepy and very weird.
>>3822 I hate them too but i hate the people who come into every argument going but why do you care and the like even more, at least the moralfag is honest about his hate.
>>3949 >Religion bad Don't you slants have like 2000 gods in your heathen pantheon?
>>4199 >religionfag triggered and blaming ‘believe groups’ thinking the point was major religion “2000 gods” are religion with less followers. Having 1000 or 1 gods is still shizopernia. Take your pill chrishitan caucasianpig >>4097 It is 2D. Yes they conflate

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