Your hatred is unfounded. God, who is eternally perfect and just in all things has punished your soul, for you in a prior lifetime did wicked things. Women, and businesses, which are both female and under the currents of the Lords of the Sky (7 planets) in accord with God's perfect and pleasing will guides them to punish you for your misdeeds.
Does a woman yell at you? God will it so.
Does a businessman refuse to give you a job? God wills it so.
This is in accord with all of the religions, including Christianity, and it is perfectly.
So, rid yourself of sense-objects (Jesus said, cut off your hand - meaning the physical object itself is to be removed from your company, thus it is "cut off").
Epictetus recommended desiring nothing outside of your control, so too did the great Buddha. So, neither desire anything nor be averse except insofar as you are able to:
>decide wisely (eg avoiding temptations)
>decide rightly (basically choose in accord with Reason - Reason he obeys, the sage - common examples include choosing to help the needy, or being kind to a rude person such as your own mother or sister, as it is according to reason rightly your duty to so do!!!)