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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3701: Shadow of the Corb Edition Anonymous 05/06/2022 (Fri) 23:21:35 Id: 4f09ce No. 250474
Tories lose hundreds of seats in local elections https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-politics-61235136 Sinn Fein on course for 'seismic' Northern Ireland election win https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/northern-ireland-poised-watershed-election-result-counting-begins-2022-05-06/ Healthy young people in UK may never be offered another Covid jab, says expert https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/may/06/healthy-young-people-uk-may-never-offered-another-covid-jab-expert
>>250474 guard the local flame
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>>250474 good lad first for angela rayner
So when is dorshit going to be back filled with coke and alcohol?
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no fap until the white race is saved
no fap until i have abby shapiro as my sterile coom rag.
only 5 post in smh
raise the bar any time lad.
just fapped
*poops on 979d8e's lawn*
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fresh castilian goddess https://youtu.be/kwsUWueynMc
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>wogs promoting wogs
IBELSHEMIOLEP BELIOFHELOP IMHOLEIOP warding this thread against witches.
>no fap until i have abby shapiro as my sterile coom rag >muh wogs
I see no reason not to take sterile women as my coom rags.
You're wog, you fucking snow nigger.
swing and a miss kike.
We are safe now. No witches may enter.
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I am going to rape you schizo I am going to rape you and kill you and feed your body to pigs
nigger BLM gangs are forcing random people in Boston to give them food.
more like BUM
>>250497 All this over an esoteric secretarial aid.
A schizo kike, much to think about.
>>250501 Pleased to meet you.
>>250498 Boston is all gooks attending university, black criminals, and irish fudgepackers
shut the fuck up schizo you fucking kike
>>250503 And Mexicans. America is trying to have more Mexicans than Mexico.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvyPYZv2EsU these toy mechanisms on youtube are really cool
>>250504 Seems someone is a big baaaAyBy
>hoomer gets cucked by based toady
>>250510 this video is satanic
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yeah much of what kikes do is
reminder to throw out all of your plastic clothing
Reminder to throw out plastic whites.
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>>250511 don't get on his bad side
so sick of these joe rogaine low T memes 99 percent of this shit is people having a bad screen/ good screen lifestyle and doing zero physical activity
>Putin apologized to israel LMAOOOO BASTE
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>>250514 Just wear cotton underwear.
>>250519 That sign just says jerusalem (yerushalem)
>>250517 nah don't understimate the ability for unnatural shit to mess with our endocrine system
>>250522 Well, lim
So upset world affairs are run by kikes, honestly lads.
>>250525 I doubt you care
>>250525 you know who to blame
love the kikes jumping on that, interestingly the yiddish for round is highly obscured.
>>250527 The witches, but we are warded against them, we are safe.
>>250527 dont think that niggas old enough to have fought in ww2.
>>250514 jesus christ is this real
>>250531 Alex jones warnwd you about estrogen-like compounds. Tbh, it's best not to be too masculine in society.
unironically hope sperg checks out the last thread just to see that very special gift
>>250533 how was the coke and port?
>>250533 Did you wank for her? Very nice lad now i won't have to.
>>250531 its true whenever I wear polyester panties I end up feeling really girly.
>>250533 I told her to start posting here awhile back but I don't think she listened
>>250518 Lavrov made the comments, and he hasn't apologised.
>>250537 She cannot enter this thread now, I warded it against witches.
>>250536 Ngl i'd just feel like somehow i got the sex instructions wrong.
>>250515 Use a hot match head on them. They will release.
>>250541 very antisemitic to suggest burning at the stake.
>>250542 Israel could wind up with a lot of people pissed at them, either way they go.
The Sampson Option is a net positive at this point tbh.
>>250544 Only if everyone is launching on Israel as a pre-emptive.
>>250545 >Gujrat >Eid seems like Hindoos raped a Moslem girl's corpse due to religious animosity?
but then he says "tough to be a woman in Pakistan" but Gujurat is in India, he spelled it "Gujrat" maybe that's something different or maybe he's just an idiot
oh there is a Gujrat in Pakistan, hmm so it was moslems that raped a moslem girl's dead body for pure enjoyment purposes
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>>250489 >>250549 Black hair black eye combination is subhuman, as you know.
>>250550 why do you (you) my waifu? she has light eyes and medium brown hair
lass just sent me nudes and tbh her cunt looks grim >>250536 keeeek smh
¿Por qué tú (tú) mi waifu? ella tiene ojos claros y cabello castaño medio
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>>250552 Post it
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You watch enough stevemre and you understand cargo cults.
russia better win this, i want to see my boomoids in utter despair at russian victory, although now i think about it le media will portray any outcome as jukraine victory
cook do you still have the clips of steve smoking ww2 smokes?
>>250544 Starlink is excellent. Why live in a city?
>>250561 republics are gross. why do presidents pretend like they're military men or anything other than a suit.
This is a safe thread, free from any 🧙‍♀️
>>250558 I hope they don't settle for cuck win conditions like just Donbass liberation. I want AT LEAST all of Novorossija to become a separate 'East Ukraine' or even 'Republic of Novorossija' aligned with Russia and of course the best possible scenario is nuclear war
also I wish Russia would postpone the stupid parade until the war is over instead of fussing about the stupid parade in the middle of a war when military assets are needed on the battlefield...... granted I'm not immersed in modern Russian culture so I don't actually understand the importance of the parade, surely a lot of people would be upset if the ceremony comemmorating the death of the 60 million innocent Roosians BTFO by Gitler >250565 ??????????
Am i in? Where are the files?
>>250566 The Parade is for VE day, you mong.
>>250568 Did the doctor give you anything for that day?
>>250568 I know that, but they're in the middle of a war which is more important than the parade being on the specific date. even if it's the first time since 1945 that they have not held a parade on that day, the war is a good enough reason to reschedule
>>250570 It's a holiday too.
>>250570 It's called a "special operation", russians believe it's not a war.
Reminder God made your hands exactly the right size and with exactly the right reach for fapping.
*of exactly the right
Funny, no hos showed up after I 🤴 warded off witches. 🤔
It's cool the whole army marches for a cure. But god sent HIV to get rid of the gays.
One of the fascinating things about /brit/ is everone else here wants failure. This is how I am a Cynic, whilest they are cynics.
Let's consider the idea of pragmatic life measures. Even regarding exercise and buying food, we see no fervent discipline. I find most racists are consummate slackers with empty heads devoid of any useful ideas.
One of my biggest hits was realizing there is no actual Ukraine Russia war. There is at most a stalemate like WW1. Soldiers put on a show but lack entirely any conviction. That is why there are no videos yet of soldiers dying in combat. If they start to appear, then a war may have started. Right now, it is not a war.
>>250579 Ngl i'll never care to ass-sit and stare. I don't care for your society type, incusive of your emotion-beliefs types.
Most people don't realize it's possible not to have the majority a bunch of tv watching emotional retards.
>>250579 worried my hairline is going the way of this lads, as long as the front part stays though i can maybe cover up the widoss peak sides with the overgrown comb forward. that's the plan.
The result of tv and movies is to conceive of oneself as recipient from superiors. The mere act of watching threatens to degrade the soul. Epictetus recommended avoiding the theater. If you went, you were to avoid getting swept up in it all. You would not laugh loudly, nor would you weep. From words to find the superior, this is the natural habit of a society on ascent. To not even respect the word, but instead to accept under modes, is decline. The soul of the people here is a lack of rational autonomy and a poverty of irrationality. Irrational people always fail.
wonder if we can get the gpt skynet niggerbot to kill itself
>>250583 Have you considered not being swept in passion at all?
>>250585 Violent passions are a product of the irrational soul.
>>250585 it's a person, or at least the classic schizo poster is. he's addressed a post i've made before directly. just filter him and hope he dies soon
Merely by existing I give life to all around. By speaking, idiotic nonsense trembles, the fools shake and flee, what idiocy can withstand wisdom?
there should be a code to block hidden posts from appearing as 'filtered'. just leave something blank.
>>250588 You are in a "pol" yapping about superficial things, and in an idiot find company. It's incredible how stupid and useless you are, at least farts if captured could power an automobile.
>>250590 But, if only you had thought to not be swept up by womanly passion you might become a man.
Yet Diogenes walked the streets of daylight Athens failing to find a man.
>>250583 if my hairline gets really bad I plan on going with the classic 22st spike
I have a political interest. Jesus of Nazareth said not to yap about clothing and food. Yet what do we see? Superficial nonsense from degenerates.
>>250594 You don't exist. There is no "you" with even one political idea. You had best leave, you can contact the rest and have your little female idiot discussions of superficial and stupid foolish nonsense elsewhere, but never return here, not in this life, not in the next.
Is there a man?
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dumb filtered mong gave me a free (You)
The real downfall of brit was to permit womanly chatter. That anyone considers it bormal to pratt on about such things witj anyone but a wife, and with anything but weariness, shows the homo is a disease of softness which is a parasite in everyone here, it's extremely sad. Americans are better. It is better to have a big nose, big lips, ears that stick out, big feet, and a fat belly, than to never shut up aboutusic never shut up about sex, never shut up about money (the nose), never shut up about eating, never shut up about travels/destinations.
>>250598 Perfect!!!! See: >>250599
>>250583 get a microneedling pen and zap the area once a week
>>250601 Superficial nonsense, it would be better to jave pedo bulging eyes than be a loudmouthed idiot such as you!!!! Oh you disgusting and filthy degenerates.
Americans are basically more intelligent than britains, and britains than europeans. Better the enemy of everyone than a friend of one idiot.
morning lads
Giordano Bruno said the deformed animals are beautiful in Heaven. In other words, there is an inversion. Things too superficially perfect (like fake sweetener) are likely to cause cancer (to the soul, thus deformity).
>>250601 worth a try, you do this?
>>250604 Shut the hell up you useless fool. Fuck off and never return. Witless idiot.
>>250606 You should not. That you are in my presence not elsewhere means you are crying out though you don't know it, drawn to me for correction.
>>250604 morning lad, i saw lots of lassfeet today but managed not to go coomer mode and fap
>>250604 rise and shine
>hair recovery cucks
You are all quite free to be empty headed stupid immature women elsewhere. If here, I'll instruct. What is good to do? To sing hymns to Zeus, many-named!!!
>>250611 post your polished scalp lad
>>250609 You will get no reward from me. If you mast fap, fap in silence and wash the shame off. And, if you can manage it, say nothing. The reward is in itself. Why must I always remind you?
>>250613 Cease to speak of womanly and foolish nonsense at once, you infant!
>>250609 keeek good lad >>250610 hullo lad
Normal things are overwhelmingly a mistake. A pub buddy is always stupid worthless shit. So, I will always mock the ones who are superficial. You are the decline itself, not the wogs, niggers.
Your ancestors built cathedrals, because they were not superficial and stupid insipid womanly men as you are. Your very habits of speech are itself the decline. You sahme your ancestors.
>be welsh >he thinks I'm bald
>>250606 yeah, it hurts a lil and you bleed a lil but I've noticed sprouts coming back up. don't expect a miracle, but it's one of the options available for warding off the reaper. also the easiest one and the only one where there is really no reason not to do it >microneedling >minoxidil (very effective hair growth stimulate but only as long as you continue to use it twice a day, huge pain in the ass) >topical anti-androgen- in theory this should be the most effective way to stop hair loss with fewest side effects. idk much about them though, some people use research chemicals that are not well studied and that's inherently risky 'cause nobody knows what it is actually doing to your body >oral anti-androgen- finasteride crashes your DHT levels systemically which has terrible side effects so not worth it. saw palmetto has fewer/milder side effects but is much less effective
>>250619 Everything you jave done in your life, up to thos point, has been stupid. You amount to nothing, you are destined for nowhere. You should shut up, you empty talker!
>>250620 You are an idiot, just wear a fedora. Fedoras attract intelligent people reliably. All the idiots stay away. Secretly, fedoras are wizard's hats (they date to before Roman times, it's very interesting).
>>250621 You're metaphysics existence is sad.
Alone am I of those who frequent this place able to provide sage advice. Who listens gains, who practices is benefitted, who masters is thrice blessed.
>open settings gear icon on the top left >click CSS >paste this: .unhideButton.glowOnHover { display:none;} >click save that should block the notifications of schizo
>>250623 aren't you a mod?
>>250626 Well, you're a superficial retard who talks of things only women should talk about, you should also be one.
>>250625 Why not just go away? You just aren't made of manly stuff.
Chop it off, you know you aren't a real man!!
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>>250625 VERY good lad
>>250629 You would actually admire someone like him, someone most perfectly nothing?
>>250632 Get lost. You have no place amongst men.
Anyone here is crying out for my assistsnce, I'm nowhere else after all, though they may not recognize yet that their souls are crying out for nourishment.
>>250625 there's still a larger than average gap between posts but that's a significant improvement
>>250637 Garbage. Leave at once.
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>>250636 You wish for improvements to womanly things like comforts but not the soul. You are unwise and not a man at all. Homo is your name forever.
he is so desperate to be noticed
>>250639 As I am not a woman, it means nothing to me. All things ofeqning are inaccessible by your modes of contemplation. You cannot be as a man, and are eternally Homo.
>>250641 You come here for one purpose. Your soul hungers to be filled from the fountain of wisdom. Yet you are too womanly to have any spiritual understanding as of yet. Drink of wisdom. Eat of contemplation (of wisdom).
God sent me here, a man amongst the homos. It is very unpleasant!!!
>>250641 tbh keeeeek
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Might try to hit to 125kg on the deadlift this week.
Be amongst your own, you may say. The peerless is typically alone.
>>250646 Yet you are here, when you could quite easily go away as I instructed you on numerous occasions. And so your soul directs you contrary to all your womanly blather. You will notice women are absent.
Women cannot stand anything wise all women are stupid. If a woman can talk with you about it, it's not fit as a topic, minimize it to oblivion. Getting lunch? Don't ask where etc. If it is your turn, just go and get something. If people have preferences, they'll let you know after they learn that there won't be a scene about eating.
>>250649 Do not post that here. Womanly things are stupid and are useless and shpuld never be discussed. Shooo, you idiot!!
I have instructed God to send you all to hell.
madlad bros we got too cocky the spics right-hand man has turned heel and is shooting on america first steiner wins
Some people are so profoundly stupid what they say is essentially noise.
Wow that's a dumb stupid nigger fucker.
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Did someone say smug Kazakh?
Friendly reminder there is no Ukraine Russia war. If there were, there would be videos of soldiers dying in combat. A few allegedly show befor, or after, never the actual thing itself.
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>kha kha kha kha kha kha anon pidor
>>250660 Stupid crap, go away idiot. >>250661 Stupid crap a woman could post. You are an idiot.
God put me here to dispense wisdom. You were created to fail.
>>250661 your posts are so shit, schizo is unironically right about the quality of your post here
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>have nothing to post >you're posts are shit mate
>>250664 I just don't get the kazakhette appeal, people simp for that gymnast chick too, why
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is he gone? has schizotron gone to recharge his fuel cells?
>>250667 Read a book, nigger
back to bed then
Smh I've got a 50,000 dissertation for research masters due in June. The working title is Epistemological Kazakh clunge, the meta-philosophical answer to the Jewish Question: A Jew cries every time they have to pick up the phone on Shabbat
>>250669 keeek, stay up lad it's le weekend after all
>>250671 Fuck off fool.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRijHCvaWHg lads this is insane, don't know how coloured people even survive the day
>>250673 Think about something else.
Cocaine found in a nestle shipment. Cawthorne didn't lie, it seems. The nestle cocaine was found in Switzerland, doubtless it's elsewhere such as dc.
this baldy lad i toiled with went suddenly bald when he was in his 20s, like in the space of months full hair to full bald and he was so traumatised by it he just covered up with a hat and never showed anyone the baldness, the lad wore his cap like a wig keek, never seen without it. then one day it came off for some reason, can't remember why but he literally had a bowl tan line around his skull and a fully bald noggin, i wasn't rude and supressed my laughter but i think my mouth was open in shock. he really fucked up the hairloss process
>>250676 that sounds like he was poisoned with some chemical or something, it's not supposed to happen rapidly like that
I'm never going to laugh at old--relatively old at least--Russian equipment; I believe the Industrial Revolution was a mistake
>>250676 keeeeek poor lad
>>250679 >>250677 tbh, that kind of thing ruins lads, if it happened to me i'd be in rougher shape and on the fast track to becoming a mattress stain smh. lads just get laughed at for their struggle
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couldn't sleep lads
>>250682 rip lad
>>250682 even if i were to suddenly drown in pussy, it would be too late
imagine you live your whole life as an incel and then the king tortures you by giving you full access to his B-team harem when you''re a seethoid 76 year old. bet that happened in the ottoman empire. i vaguely remember how bukowski wrote about how he had fan girls seeking him out for sex but only after he'd become le cool edgy author in his old age and he said there was no pain worse than the pain of it being too late
>>250685 tbh it's just a mockery at that point
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dorsie didn't come home last night
>>250687 kek, he's probably camping with a groomer on dartmoor
>>250687 don't get how his parents and the parents of many here are just content with letting you all do fuck all
it's a larp this is a 30 year old boomer board and anyone who claims to be under their mummy's thumb at home is a larper. /brit/ posters are wise struggling toilmen philosophers at constant war with rentberg and toilstein just to keep a roof over their head. believe it lad
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based rape bastids
>>250691 classic
>>250686 Yeah. At least Jew Heffner was a degenerate as a young man up until old age aided by viagra.
smh not had toasted bread in years... why did I deny myself this delicasy
>>250694 luv toast tbh
>>250696 good saturday morning fren
>>250696 sneed chuck
>brush and floss >teeth hurt never doing that again smh
>>250699 tbh don't fall for the floss lie smh running expensive string through your gums is obviously unnatural
any other oldlads miss their old high school drinking friends here?
smh second serving of toasts. I am addicted to the evil carbs. KETO BINS SAAAVE MEEEEEE
>>250701 smh you the 40 year old lad who's not invited to anything anymore?
>>250701 yeah smh miss all the house parties
>>250703 yes and fuck you, it was better back then
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>>250705 why don't you just get a wife who will make a home pub for you and the lads?
>>250707 keeeek
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>>250706 horrid always been my dream to build my own pub out of timber, with carved oak paneling everywhere and lots of fruit machines and diamond lead framed windows and tiled floors
>>250710 tfw material costs are up 40%
>nothing for breakfast >still obliged to do a heinous poo why are we here.... just to suffer....
>>250710 want to go back
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kind of disappointed at the low volume of Amber Heard's poo tbh
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>>250714 I don't care about celebrity drama but I wonder if the court footage is entertaining at times, just to see how embarrassed she is about the whole world talking about her scatological antics. or maybe she likes it or something idk >>250715 wew
>>250716 her defense team is embarrassing, as is her fake crying on the stand. Now there's a 10 day break
>>250717 she's the defence? so what is the trial about, her commiting domestic abuse against Depp, or defamation, or what? I thought she was accusing him of beating her
>>250718 defamation
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woke up at 12 smh, will need to go to bed early tonight otherwise my schleep schedule is back to being fucked, the last of the bourbons with milk for brekky
>>250724 waking up a noon is perfectly fine.. I've been waking up at 6pm
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want to sit on this beach for afew hours maybe a wank also
>There was an excellent response to pimozide 2 mg daily, with a cessation of both cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment. When, after 1 year, the dose was reduced to 1 mg daily, there was a rapid return of the cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment. An increase in the dose again led to a remission which has been maintained since then. Seems less drastic than lopping your ballerinos off
urge to donate to e-celebs rising
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3 terrible posts in a row there
The fat norge nonce is on a roll.
>>250730 Hey that middle one was interesting, no? Never heard of that. An anti-psychotic trannies can take that stops them from wanting to be tranny hmm makes me le think
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makes you think about how you want to be a pretty girl you mean
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>>250733 Nah I am not actually like that. Wonder if Pembs would be interested but I don't think he actually has dysphoria, but it says it also helps people who like to cross-dress, so perhaps
4 months nopoo so far, going well. though it's hard not to get the urge whenever i pass a toilet. my bumhole starts quivering and leaking like it's just raring to go, but my willpower is stronger. i can feel my vitality growing with each passing day as I reabsorb the nutrients that would otherwise be lost through shitting. truly pooers are discarding their vital life energy every time they visit the porcelain throne.
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>>250735 beware lad for the power of nopoo can be intoxicating, and overuse has harsh consequences
>>250736 that's what the shitting industry wants you to think lad. if you've ever wondered why pooing is free, it's because you pay with your soul
>>250734 That poor trampoline.
>>250738 bigger now and it still works smh bully
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>>250739 Be careful you don't get Final Destinationed bouncing on it, lad. The hooks might all break at once and the net thing may vore you with what remains of the hooks sticking into several of your arteries.
>>250741 boba fetted tbh
>>250741 keeeeeeeek. Dad flung one of those in my nephew's face when assembling it. took it like a champerino... nah he cried like a bitch
>>250740 Is this autobiographical?
>>250734 good lad
wew graham phillips is starting an e celeb feud
so obvious the azovstal copers are just trying to last past may 9th
>>250747 hey, I'll watch it now
>Graham is still bullying Patrick smh Patrick has wife and kids in Rostov.
graham is being a seething cunt and all his content is just still images or other peoples content whereas patrick is out there at least filming shit even if he is autismal in his production quality
>>250751 you can tell hes a sociopathic narcissist and he has the evil shark physiognomy
nicksisters... tell me its going to be ok.
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>Ukraine still playing BLM Also all these late-Soviet tier lies in our culture, can you lads feel it?
>>250753 it's going to be ok
>>250753 sorry lad I think its over for weimart first
>>250753 what has he been doing recently?
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>>250758 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>250758 brandon is like a character from king of the hill
>>250759 I hope biden got to smell her hair after the video >literal bomb makers god I hate shartica
I know a fag who makes missiles on government contract he is like a walking meme for a pog faggot acting all macho
>>250763 Wish I had that job tbh probably pays well smh
>>250764 yeah they larp as redneck grunts who are poorfag but they are making bank making overpriced missiles
>>250757 He had a streamed argument with mr metokur
>>250766 And Metokur and other people, among them some former closer friends, shat on him and alleged things
>>250767 Yeah, I didn't watch the stream.
e-drama shit, lmao
>>250768 Me neither, I think it's actually behind a paywall on gumroad, that thing sammy uses
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ah it's been uploaded to youtube https://youtu.be/zatnYuJmXT4
I like Nick, and these people attack him because they had their feelings hurt so I don't really think their words carry much weight, but I'll check it out. Wish Metokur'd die of cancer already though
>>250774 your e-shitter is a retard
>>250775 I don't know, he's done a lot, especially as a single person at that age
>>250774 yeah tbh he's funny but he seems to be isolating himself from literally all his friends.
>>250777 yeah it's a personality trait I really dislike in people and couldn't do myself. It's hard to cut off people completely like that but I guess he has been stabbed in the back a lot We'll see he shall adress it in... 9 and a half hour. Keeek
>>250778 if you fall out with literally every person you've publicly associated with its probably you thats doing it.
>>250779 but that's not happening
>>250776 That seems almost impossible, like he's being propped up by wealthy backers behind the scenes. That would never happen with little nicky though.
>>250765 tbh a lot of redneck types i hear about seem to be actually rich as fuck. like all the demo ranch gun guys on youtube always have fucktons of land and huge houses and stuff and 7 trucks
new bazza on the block doin' up 'is 'ouse with wife, one child and dog
>>250780 who is he still with in this picture?
>>250781 right >>250784 don't know the one on the far left but he's still with the lad on the far right, but he's not really political. Lad on the far right is the lad Louis Theroux bullied keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>250784 whats he supposed to do exactly, beardson is still with him along with vince james and a few others, patrick is a retard who stabbed him in the back just before afpac2 then went around DC telling everyone to not associate with nick, Jake disavowed the movement and is trying to larp as some DC neocohen for money so stabbed nick in the back and jaden is just another annoying faggot who attached himself to nick to try and grift off his e fame, none of those people are relevant or interesting at all which is why they get zero following without nick.
>>250782 yeah its funny how they larp as free yeoman farmer types and libertarians and they make their living off government jobs or insurance cartels (demo ranch)
>>250786 >everyone he associates with and considers his close friends keep "back stabbing him" >he's completely blameless
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Patrick is on the list with Varg.
>>250788 It's game theory, isn't it? You're nice to people until they aren't nice to you, then you cut them off. Besides did you even read the post? One did a big betrayal and the other one ate out of his palm but never gave anything back
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>Center for Research of Signs of Crimes against the National Security of Ukraine, Peace, Humanity, and the International Law Information for law enforcement authorities and special services about pro-Russian terrorists, separatists, mercenaries, war criminals, and murderers >Langley, VA
>>250788 I just listed off people who haven't done that with him, power attracts the worst, feel free to disprove anything I've said, enjoy being on the same side as subhumans like andy warski KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
kino casino is literally just the cry about fuentes show, look at their entire catalogue of streams, its just non stop seethe about nick KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>250792 I dont follow or identity with any e-celebs, unlike you lmao.
>spic defence force edition
>>250795 ye luv e-celebry me. Also admire lads who actually do something, and hate detractors who only try to destroy, and in this case only trying to create drama to milk for superchats
>starts posting shit about nick >defend him NO NOOOOOO YOU ARE SEETHING YOU ARE IDENTIFYING WITH E CELEBS NOOOOOOOOO everytime, bunch of loser millennial metokur fags ITT
you can tell who's a zoomer by their emotional reaction to online shit
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mad lad? being mad? again?
>lads here pretending like they don't live their lives online bet half of you are in the bongo too
>>250799 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
lol. the little sycophants are losing their heads. go outside
smh you lads are never fair when it comes to this topic
I propose a sneethatorium on alt-shite polishitical figures spiccy gets less ribbing but so does noseley, which should save both some offensive and defensive sneethe from madlad for and against either figure after all they are both trying to save the white race
>>250806 Yeah Nosely said the same thing yesterday on the Killstream basically
the comments section of the kino casino is like reddit tbh
>>250807 he's always been good about that tbh, comes from being backstabbed and in scandals so many times himself I guess
>>250808 Their main audience are kiwifarms people, so metokur's ilk. Nihilists and shitposters who just like tearing whatever they can get their hands on apart. Kind of surprised at the donations they get
>>250721 Basic rule: all is woke Similar to: all is botnet No matter what you buy, children have been sacrificed on it. If you buy socks, they are sprinkled by the supply chain with blood of dead fetuses, via woke donations.
>>250811 Drinking bepis right now. Apparently there are traces of aborted fetuses in it
>schizbot is back, back again it's so tiresome
>>250812 ? Have you never been to church, or a school and found a metaphor?
>>250815 I don't understand
>>250814 You spent an hour yapping about an eceleb, like a woman. You don't get to represent yourself as a man.
>open choccy buttons bag >faint smell of vomit washes out AAAAUUUUUGH FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCKING YANK SHIT AAAHHHHH
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Also; >Over the last two weeks the number of Russian troops involved in the special military operation in Ukraine has been reduced from 180k to around 100k as they are enough to complete the job in Donbass and maintain control over Kherson region and parts of Zaporozhe and Kharkov regions, the number will be again increased to 180k for the final push when the Ukrainian military is expected to crumble and retreat on all fronts. Russia also was able to significantly reduce losses, from the 400/500 KIA per week of the initial phase to only 50 KIA per week over the last month, also costs dropped from 800 million $ per week of the first phase to 200 million $ per week currently. >So basically Russia has its biggest budget surplus in history due to high commodities prices and simultaneously is spending far less than the West for the Ukrainian conflict, NATO countries already wasted at least 50 billion $ to prop up the Zelensky regime without achieving tangible results.
>>250816 In Christianity you are immersed in water in the act of baptism. You are essentially cleansed of sins. But everyone bathes before baptism, so it can't be literal stains.
>>250819 there are less ORC soldiers in based Ukraine now than when they started, that means superhero zelensky is winning!
troon rape gangs are a thing now
>>250819 That Colonel's assessment is rather damning.
>>250721 Subversive, typical mega corp capitalist tbh >>250710 Plastic furniture in universities is actually a big reason they are so corrupt. Pure chemical mix vs the preserved body of a once-living plant, it's an obvious choice for anyone who actually cares
>>250748 Keeeek If they have enough drugs they might successfully starve themselves to death
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>>250826 >spends time in the vibrant gay scenes of cities and yet somehow also wants to kill all jews many such cases smh
>>250797 A taig or a spic Like this I'll take establishment politics over that
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>All women, children and the elderly were evacuated from Azovstal, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk reported. Time for the strategic bombers.
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Bald just got nicked in Kazakhstan by the Russians.
>>250833 Was he molesting the local women?
>>250834 tbh also trespassing on Russian MoD land.
>Foreign visitors need pre-approval from the Russian authorities to visit both the town of Baikonur itself and the Cosmodrome. Foreign visitors need to obtain a written approval which is completely separate from having a regular Russian visa.
>>250786 nickcucks fuck off back to 4chan
>>250826 I love him lads
keeeek smh decided to watch some normiecore shit about nikocado to see how foul it gets >he's a faggot and his partner wants an open relationship but he doesn't >he tries to convince his spic butt buddy that it would be immoral because it's against the bible to be polygamous
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>pissi dushi all! >Everyone, piss in the shower! Estonian isn't a real language.
>>250840 kino >>250841 KEEEEEEK that louis faggeaux looking crisis actor type very hard to believe he'd ever be anywhere in a warzone but I guess that is the type of redditor that might actually fall for the propaganda and go there
>>250839 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>32 y/o Belarusian fluff nice
https://youtu.be/OP89pDTkgVs keeeeeeeeeeeek this video is so much more kino if you pretend the raccoon is a nigger
>>250848 kieeeeeeeeeek american tv
>>250847 I thought he liked the younger.
>>250848 >he keeps calling it a coon keeeek
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>In the area of Snake Island, a Ukrainian Su-24 bomber, a Su-27 fighter, three Mi-8 helicopters with troops and two Bayraktar-TB2 unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down. The Ukrainian assault boat "Stanislav" was also destroyed. That's ~112 highly trained professionals that Ukraine needs, gone in one attempted symbolic victory off the coast of Romania.
>>250850 Most likely if the Roosh forum posts are him. Also he was also acquitted for charges of rape on the Isle of Wight.
>>250826 It is just an edited joke.
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>>250852 >words Lmao you suckers believe words. Funny war, no videos of soldiers dying in combat.
>>250857 smh you're home and inside now lad
>>250837 I can't even post on 4chan. They ban at&t mobility (cellphones)
>>250830 Can't cry for a gf haver
>>250830 >racemixing gook yeah nah good riddance
>>250861 tbh a shame he didnt stab both of them
>>250861 >mixing If you add white it's the same color.
Schizo is such a boomer.
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Get your tickets, lads. Sonic 2 tonight for Film Saturday
Russian Space Agency released a Victory Day video using the RA3 OST. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqIAKbHPX68&
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All this shit coming out about Nick Funtes, steiner was right unironically. I kneel
>>250867 good lad.
>>250867 It does sound pretty bad smh
>>250867 what came out about him? that he is a malignant narcissist? you can visually see it when he talks
Still have only reluctantly learned what he looks like and heard him talk for a few seconds because of /brit/'s obsession with shitting on him to simp for Steiner and posting about him tbh.
>>250870 Uses people and ready to throw them under the bus if he feels slighted the least or if he just doesn't need them anymore, if we're to believe what they allege. And a large faction of his core supporters are jumping ship. It's all alleged though so we'll see when he responds later today
>>250871 i liked nick fuentes streams now and again, stopped when he moved to his own site and became paywalled. the problem is britnat bros really leave a e-content nigga hungry.
>>250873 Read a book, nigger.
>>250873 They're not paywalled
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>>250870 I watched him years ago when he was first starting out and he seemed fairly normal. Now he is just acting weird and bizzare, telling his followers not to have sex or get a gf as well despite being a 'trad catholic', also started hating on anglos and saying he's a mexican
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>>250876 I guess that's one of the reasons I defend a lot of what he does: it's a lot of irony and I hate it when it's interpreted as a serious thing. Like I can tell you context on the cawthorn thing and the part about him telling people to not have sex isn't true.
>>250877 banger >>250878 the "lol he's gay" thing is dumb. its more about him being a narcissist and burning bridges with all of his friends and allies for practically no reason.
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>being a trad cath >post Vatican II >also likes cat boys
>>250880 >2 year old kiwifarms meme cringe boomer cook
>>250880 mexican catholicism will save america
>says he won't date a lass with brown eyes >literally mexican
>>250876 A lot of people are attracted to the fringe because they have a failure demon. All possibilities of success are attacked wildly. It is hilarious to watch. I presented Teeline as hopeful. So, they rejected it, instead of just taking it as a joke. The demon of incompetency, and which thirsts for failure seized control of them and they screeched madly.
>>250879 I agree, Jaden and that other lad seemed to have legit grievances, but it's muddled by all the shit from the others in the stream who just use them for views really, also to stroke their own ego since Nick hurt them
>>250870 tbh you called it
Fuentes has collapsed. Only Renew Britannia marches on.
>>250887 keek >almost no good british e-celebs because everyone here realised politics was beyond hope long ago
>>250882 Except the Vatican church is losing to Pentecostalism and Presbyterianism in Latin America.
>>250888 also because we don't have le free speech
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>that time joe fought woes smh
>>250884 based teeline
I like to play around and act aloof with you guys but im not gunna lie... it hurts bros...
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>>250894 getting zero pussy rn
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>lass told me to give her space and that she'd get back to me when she has time >week later wish they'd just cut me off lads
>>250896 Same lad. 4 years of groomin and only had 1 gf smh. Not that the goal is to have many but
https://youtu.be/j9mPFGPCs_c Yeah, I would, if a cinema close by was showing it. Smh why is it such a limited release
>>250897 you cut her off when they do that lad it means they are seeing someone else
>>250900 just hurts when they're pretty lassies who at least feigned interest before, but yeah. smh
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>Graham seethe posting like the fucking passive aggressive ex-civil servant he is
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>JUST IN - Monkeypox case confirmed in England.
>>250898 Get out gf have'd'had'er
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>>250905 At least you didn't have a b*sexual exerino.
>>250903 What do you think of the collective mind concept, like where fear creates reality? The football reporter lizard lad suggested it. Icke.
>>250906 Great it's this lad again
>>250902 >all because he said the battle was over they've taken like 90% of the russian troops out and are just mopping up, it was perfectly reasonable to say that
>>250908 What do you have against smee, lad?
>>250905 The belief of the Cynics is that you only liked her for the status she gave you.
After all, you prefer yourself having lost her than to have never had one.
>>250910 Nothing, lad I just do that sometimes idno >>250911 had oneitus forever after losing her tbh, she was older but she was the sweetest lass, also based. Had me keeking when we talked about jews on are first date
time to put in some work steiner
>>250913 Yes, but do you ever wonder what the thing itself is? Like, not exactly a feeling. It seems I am the first and only to wonder, but this can't be right. Needless to say, it is as important as physics, since the feel-ish things govern the man's soul (will/choices).
>>250915 shut up, retard
>>250914 I worried about that. The left is going to ge NUTS now that getting rid of Trump in the whotehouse changed nothing. We saw in NYC with the subway shooting just how bad it is in the CIA, NSA, FBI. Those woke losers turn a blind eye to leftist rhetoric with disastrous consequences. No doubt there will be many more murders by leftists. Remember the worst shooting in peacetime world history, at Mandalay By Vegas? He was a leftist attacking rightwingers. Ie he was a Democrat DNC terrorist.
>>250917 your posts arent as awful as usual schiz, see meddies are good for you ;)
>>250916 The unexamined life is not worth living. You are not a man but a vagina hole.
>>250918 You opinion doesn't count, you don't have the iq to Teeline. So you can't evaluate the mental health of your superior, a Teelinist.
>>250872 yeah I decided I hated nick when I saw him trash talking 50 something xoomer white nationalists and dissidents like he was in xbox live chat, it was pure cringe and I don't want to be associated with faggots like that. also he is a mexican so him and striker are problematic to the success of "white nationalism" in america and canada because they will necessarily define the essense of "white" as inclusive to spics and dagos who are not related to the cultural history of british diaspora which created north american civilization
>>250921 yeah but any know-nothings 2 movement is kinda over already tbh, sad to say.
>>250921 Who the hell are you? As far as respect, or opinions, you can't Teeline. As Teelinist, thus the superior, I'll make the final determinations.
Imagine respecting some knob who can't even Teeline.
>>250882 tbh I would convert to protestantism overnight it if became a bit more based and unified a bit more, its too easy for american prots to be ruled by organized groups like jews and papists are a bit more unified in defense against jewry. in my headcanon the prots will eventually form a christian dominion of america and have some kind of non elected council of presbyters who protect protestantism from masonry and jews
>>250922 I disagree
>>250710 Sodding drunk
>>250927 white-Americans are like 50-60% of the population, British Americans gotta be in the low 30s now.
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>>250926 so you're not actually catholic then if you could convert just like that? smh these hecking lads
>>250914 never been to armada michigan, its lake saint clair bros, they usually take care of business keeping the niggers from moving north of shitroit via the juggalo white working class suburb called rosebush. its literally just foids and beta male troon types reacting to propaganda in their 99 percent white town like typical faggots. almost thought it was at the saint joseph church in howell michigan and then I would have actually put in work since that is where almost everyone in my family has had their funeral and marriages
>>250925 They are shooting at nothing, for the cameras. Understandable, because the cameraguy isn't a real soldier. However, something in the video should stand out to you, and be EXTTREEEEEEEMELY CONCERNING to you and the uke and us and roos perspective. It flies contrary.
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Goodnight catshite
>>250930 catholicism is not really "american" lad, its foreign but I like its rituals and its what my ancestors believed and I like catholicism philosophically but protestantism and preachers and baptisms in the river and "feeling the sperit" is more proper american
monday's hangover already shaping up to be one to remember hahaha get in i say *cracks tinnie*
>>250926 tbh just go with a church that isn't Zionist.
>>250929 Bought a piano from a ameribrit the other weekend. They had some britbong speaker for sale too, they sounded nice, but i mostly use headphones these days.
>>250936 So a mosque?
>>250929 do any of these supposed white "ethnics" speak anything other than english and venerate people other than anglo saxon founding fathers? they ceased to be "german" imo, sure they are not proper englishmen or whatever but they are not krauts or dutch or eytyes anymore. and preservation of cultural traditions is key to preservation of race
what verse or whatever is it in the bible that evangelicals point to explain their support for the jewrinos? >>250934 yeah I feel the same way, I find it really cringe when Nick talks about catholic nationalism or to pray with his beads or whatever. Just feels so jarring
>>250931 >As of the census[3] of 2010, there were 1,730 people, 607 households, and 425 families residing in the village. The population density was 2,276.3 inhabitants per square mile (878.9/km2). There were 656 housing units at an average density of 863.2 per square mile (333.3/km2). The racial makeup of the village was 98.0% White, 0.3% African American, 0.1% Native American, 0.1% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 0.4% from other races, and 0.9% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 2.6% of the population. wew, pretty nice.
>>250940 I will bless those who bless you, curse those who curse Roughly. It's prayer of jabez quality exegesis.
>>250940 yeah spic is so full of shit, I doubt he goes to catholic church the real midwestern chicago area catholics would probably bar him from the church or never speak to him for being vulgar and all that. he acts like he is some SSPX guy. I am not that hardcore at all but there are franciscan friars around here and since nick is a "confirmed bachelor" he should join the church like a proper catholic
>>250943 I don't think Fuentes can even Teeline.
>>250938 If you think that, then you know very little.
>>250940 Genesis 12:3 says God will bless Abraham's seed, and curse those who curse them. But St. Paul, in Galatians 3:29, says this applies to the Church - to believers in Christ.
>>250941 yep, actually that lake saint clair near there is world class fishing, the small villages there are all named after napoleonic/ admiral nelson themes for some reason like gibraltar michigan and nelson
>>250946 oh right so they put a lot of weight on the old testament despite the new covenant for some reason
>>250948 I always attached it to the masonic schofield bible translation tbf
>>250925 I'm in favour of abortion for blacks tbh
>>250948 God never goes back on his promises, even if they're from the old testament. But Evangelicals just don't understand what God meant with those promises. One piece of proof that they're wrong, is that Europe was blessed when it crushed the Jews, and cursed when it "emancipated" them. So if Christianity is true, St. Paul must be right about his interpretation.
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>>250949 Baptists in particular also subverted the Creed too with really bad eschatology. Any Christian can reject the creeds and councils of the first millennium isn't Christian.
is it time for sonic yet?
that can just*
>>250952 thank you lad
>>250954 nearly lad, kosmi is all set up get in https://app.kosmi.io/room/oa0g97
>>250945 Sure thing habibi
>>250956 Bye never return
>>250953 Yes habibi, and what is your position on Codex Bezae?
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>>250952 Get in bois
>>250830 >white gf based muzzie tbh
>>250946 The flaw with that is that Christians believe they themselves are (by faitg) sons of Abraham. Also, any jew whom He has turned his face from (so all of them, since the temple sacrifice is not in operation) don't count.
>>250961 Lmao furries are tards
https://youtu.be/MyNCqQjwvP4 keeeeeeeeeeeeek keep watching these and pretending its 1830 and they are catching runaways
>>250961 cute tbh
>>250966 No. Die in a fire, furry.
>all this anti nick posting this is who you are believing btw
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>>250969 Fuck off furry retard.
>>250968 unironically both look more trustworthy than nick
>>250968 The former america first people sound believable, but then again they also obviously has it out for Nick,so.
>>250971 Don't care. You and your tard idols can't Teeline. Amazing you have any hope in the fools.
>>250971 >ltierally both kiwifarm people who take people's word for it whenever they can milk it for money err, lad. One is an unreliable druggy who threw his former show away because he has no work ethic and the other is a shitposter who shows his arsehole on screen. Just lads who like to tear apart things, who believe nothing and create nothing
>the 'pancake mix' connoisseur is defending his catboy lover
>>250974 Name 1 reason why you watch.
>>250976 watch what
>the unifag is a devious little snake who could have predicted this
You don't need kiwifarms to tell you Nick's a fag when he hangs out with some one who calls himself lolisocks
>>250975 Shut up ab0
>the unifag is a devious little snake who could have predicted this
You don't need kiwifarms to tell you Nick's a fag when he hangs out with some one who calls himself lolisocks
Think I'll just sit these seethe fits out in future tbh because nobody here argues in good faith, this is the 5th "AF IS FINISHED" event since 2018 and in 6 months time it'll be something new for the kiwifarms subhumans to make up
has spic fuentes finally revealed himself to be anti anglo
>>250975 Shut up ab0
>>250977 Or read etc ecelebs. One of use auron macintyre. Today he is pointing out that appointees and the deep state (the unfirable bureaucracy) are by their nature and existence oppressors against the right. What he doesn't seem to realize is leftists tend to be inept in a certain dimension. And so merely by growing they tend toward collapse, the purer they are of ideology, the more prone.
Think I'll just sit these seethe fits out in future tbh because nobody here argues in good faith, this is the 5th "AF IS FINISHED" event since 2018 and in 6 months time it'll be something new for the kiwifarms subhumans to make up
>>250987 yeah most of the gayper gestalt is beaner incels seething that they can't shag blonde midwestern/southern women
worried about thread quality. can you lads tell me which IDs you have filtered?
>>250989 Oh no lad, don
>>250993 schizo is attention whoring and hopping IPs as usual smh
>>250993 727267 388ba7 06ab6d 629461 633a3c also, add this css: .unhideButton.glowOnHover { display:none;}
>>250993 schizo is attention whoring and hopping IPs as usual smh
https://youtu.be/4yN7ocDm3MY >no 5/10 english woman to think my guns are cool smh too bad she shot guns with a glockfag, lmao he is trying to explain the difference between glocks instead of having kino guns like an AR or a 44 magnum or any more fun and safer guns to shoot instead of self defense pistols
>>250992 doesn't surprise me since a lot of brownoids are like that, especially arabcels
>>250993 schizo is attention whoring and hopping IPs as usual smh
https://youtu.be/4yN7ocDm3MY >no 5/10 english woman to think my guns are cool smh too bad she shot guns with a glockfag, lmao he is trying to explain the difference between glocks instead of having kino guns like an AR or a 44 magnum or any more fun and safer guns to shoot instead of self defense pistols
https://youtu.be/4yN7ocDm3MY >no 5/10 english woman to think my guns are cool smh too bad she shot guns with a glockfag, lmao he is trying to explain the difference between glocks instead of having kino guns like an AR or a 44 magnum or any more fun and safer guns to shoot instead of self defense pistols
>>250993 schizo is attention whoring and hopping IPs as usual smh
Ban that nigger spammer.
Be like madlad who's body was found defending Nick Fuentes on /brit/ because the groypers forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a seether.
>>250996 good lad >>250997 smh he'll be dead soon anyway
Hey cool. My "one way ratchet" meme caught on, and has been improved!!!!
>>250993 schizo is attention whoring and hopping IPs as usual smh
>>251005 keek good lad
>>250998 come on if you're in america might as well get the fun stuff out, i've been reduced to looking at this shite (cant even own guns really since id need to bolt a cabinet into my flat) https://youtu.be/q3Q_5HOEz0c
Westie has low emotional maturity. On sign is the need to be the center of attention. What a big baby wahhhh!!!
said it before and saying it again: .22 calibre automatic glock with biggest drum magazine you can get is the theoretical perfect gun. would possibly need some heat sinks on the barrel for cooling
>>251011 tbh I hate epic tacticool glockfags and ARfags, smh my mini 14 is way more kino to shoot than some poorfag version of a mp5. HK is richfag only in north america unfortunately
>>251012 yeah its a bad habit
>>251015 Wait, which one is the red flag one?
me? I'm eastie
peabrain schizo can't even tell the difference between posters
>>251014 like it because you can do the le heckin mp5 slap but yeah especially the stock looks like absolute shit
Argentina is a strange place.
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in the UK mini 14s are converted to bolt action
>>251021 if i go to the falklands this year maybe i can get a trip to argentina
>>251013 What barrel length would you prefer? The us military has something similar, a 9mm basically glock mag handgun machinegun, but with a popout shoulder rest. There are Ruger 10-22 target pistols, that take the excellent Bx25 banana mags. They tape together well.
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All you need is old faithful anyway
Hope guns stay illegal so I never have to deal with gunfags tbh, including gunfag wannabes like westie.
>>251018 They don't have a representative concept, goal, slogan, or idea. Steiner at least steals hammers from jobsites.
>>251021 >ERP >FAP >GEL
guns arent illegal, you stupid fucking mong
what a mong
>>251029 then why don't you have one
*filters cook*
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>>251026 Us americans are pushing for 2a in all countries, including the uk. We are looking to help uk mps communicate. We want an mp to stand up and give a speech about how important it is for asian women to have handguns to defend against rape. Then she won't have to choose between keeping or killing a rape baby.
steiner if he was deployed
>251031 because i havent applied for a licence
>we have the mi5 chatbot meme in the thread smh
>>251036 I also did not apply for a license, yet I can have guns hmmmmm
>251034 >Us americans
>>251038 <it's mi5 to get mps to stand up for rightwing goals. Lmao are you that cucked truly?
Why is westie even here, he does his bongo homosex camping rituals then drops in here with his smug aloof attitude when he pleases, fuck off.
>>251040 Yes, unlike japs and limeys, us americans have guns, we are FREE.
>>251042 he's the tranny that was on university challenge right?
guns are overrated though
>>251044 think thats just one of his friends
>>251046 tbh a nice hedge to hide behind and something pointy to chuck was good enough for are ancestors
>>251042 agree tbh
There are as many America AR/AK rifles as Western european active duty soldiers, I'll bet
>>251046 i am fine with my air guns tbh but i'd definitely like a basic shotgun or a lever action for hypothetic situations..
>>251051 1 american shows up with a gun and is instantly shogun of postapocalyptic london.
Show-gun. It's that easy.
I want a rail spike gun capable of securing track and tie directly to bedrock for when I am put in a self defence situation in parliament
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>>251043 we can own some cool stuff too
>>251051 yeah a shotgun and a .357/.38 revolver is all you need unless you have some body resupplying you since you can make .38 special primers from match heads and can basically convert your shotgun into a musket and cast your own foster slugs like in the depression
>>251055 You can just 3d print magazine housings.
>plastic 3d print mags i smell kringe
Also cut shells turn any shotgun shell into a improvised slug.
The atf is now processing tax stamps for suppressors fast.
>>251058 Most mags are polymer.
>>251059 True, but single shot, or however many barrels it's got.
>>251056 noting this down
Can you gear queer larpers fuck off if I wanted to read this shite I'd go to /k/
https://youtu.be/bg9BHbu3mPo just buy this tool for casting them
>>251059 tbh better to just get the casting block and cast your own slugs like people did in napoleonic times with muskets and on the frontier with rifles
still want to cheekily modify my air rifle tbh hehe
>>251067 those are more useful IMO since they are really quiet
>>251068 no they arent maybe in comparison to firearms
>>251064 /k/ is better than /cow/
for me it's /b/
>>251069 yeah you mean the BIG BOY ones? yeah they can be decently loud but they don't do that report crack like a gun
What's going on in Moldova?
>>251072 my little 177 is too loud for me to use in the garden smh
>>251074 yeah those do that pop sound
>>251074 Get a good compound bow and leqrn to quickdraw.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26wcKJmUYX0 >all he has left are memorieeees, memories of love
Crossbows are kind of lame, because they are only good for the first shot in a fight.
>>251078 i will make a repeating crossbow.. one day..
seething at how fat the average american girl is and how plenty of lasses would be 7/10s if they weren't fat
>>251073 Drinking, probably. Chad d Fucking Stacey.
>>251080 leave them to me
>>251079 >>251079 Tesla solar powered fully automatic man portable trubuchet.
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>>251080 what if there was a dating app where you could date fat women but they had to sign a contract to go to the gym 3 times a week while with you so you'd be making a long term investment into a future fit lass
>>251083 nice flag
>>251085 tbh this is a good idea also bring back dowrys
In all seriousness, the future belongs to the dronefighter, not the gunfighter. Close quarters combat with drones hasn't been even attempted, forget perfected. But basically you just need a way to launch a drone quickly enough and the drone intelligently avoid blasting you. Weaponized drones are illegal, mostly because they will need to carry a small charge. The drones are disposable, obviously.
>>251079 Repeating crossbows are too weak, so the Chinese tipped their darts in poison.
>>251089 They could be powerful with modern technology.
Westie is straight tbh
didn't a paki kill 3 people with a crossbow here a few years ago
If you think about it, electric motors are perfect for cranking back crossbows. You only need a battery for the first few shots, after that your position would be known anyway, so you could use a small engine like from a chainsaw, to power the mechanism.
>>251093 no that was some crazy lad in the fens wasn't it? i think he killed lasses
also that norge convert who killed 5 with a bow and arrow, think there was a crossbow mass killing in shartica or canada a few years ago too
>>251096 There was a German.
>May 18, 2019 - The man killed in a crossbow murder-suicide pact in Germany is believed to have led a cultish group devoted to medieval folklore and treated the women around him like slaves, reports say.
https://news.sky.com/story/man-guilty-of-shooting-heavily-pregnant-ex-wife-dead-with-crossbow-11867108 its this curry cel I'm thinking of, I was sure there was another about 10 years ago though and he was a paki
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>The People's Militia of the LPR is fighting in the suburbs of Severodonetsk. The Ukrainian army was kicked out of the children's sanatorium, in which they made themselves a military base
>>251099 That's 'orrible
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRijHCvaWHg& watching it again lads. bit jealous of the freedom tbh, couldn't do this here
>>251102 I believe that is illegal but they do it anyway, though running from the cops was how nascar started
aussies do it better https://youtu.be/6jJmL3u6z9w
>>251104 always found the australian imitation of yank car culture a bit cringe tbh. that is a cool car but it's just not as authentic as a peng 1996 chevy impala on nig spec 24s doing donuts in its natural habitat
>>251105 smh lad hope no aussies see this, they always bully amerisharts for not doing proper burnouts. aussies still do the whole blowers and super charged to the gills big blocks whereas its mostly diesel trucks doing that stuff here now
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>Aussie V8s are cringe
https://youtu.be/-Tbe_UAtVI0 my favorite video of muscle cars
>>251107 didn't say that lad
fingers in fannies
anyway niggers stole the riding the whip thing from white factory men driving their factory cars like they stole them around the trailer park in the 1950s-1980s
>>251108 good lord
>>251111 smh too many turns its making my head hurt, me like big circle loud noise racing
>gun talk >car talk Steiner has contributed literally nothing since his last rant and is just turning this place into the most boring shithole with the help of cook and westie
yeah don't talk about manly things here
>>251116 what even is there to talk about lad?
>>251116 Wait until the markets open on Monday.
>>251118 he just likes to complain
>guns and cars >manly
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRijHCvaWHg& >>251116 /brit/ is a motorsport board. boomers were correct to devote their lives to le hotrod culture
complaining about shit on /brit/, now THATS manly
>>251115 It's the perfect synthesis of NASCAR and BTCC
>>251125 yeah it seems like a fusion of both like you say, simplistic nascar style BIG motor cars but doing more complex tracks more spaced out
>>251124 don't you cry constantly over some ginger slag who shagged you
well at least i've been shagged
He's been shagged KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
soo politics and stuff, yeah and the economic collapse anyday now
er, you're a yank
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im actually a girl
>>251132 they'll leave you to me
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Guns and cars are pretty boring, we should be talking about Lion King brap and vore tbh
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>>250789 I fucking hate ukrainians so much, take the grain!
been weightlifting for months and i just look like ellen page still
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>>251139 you have to eat big to get big lad
>>251140 152lbs at 5'8' guess ill gain another 10lbs
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god, why is everybody here so short
5'9, btw
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me standing next to ab0578
>>251146 have a cousin who's 5'10 and he's the giant of the family. gets good fanny too which makes sense i suppose
>>251143 like 4lbs of muscle ahead of you lad at same height
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>one of Helmers youtube videos came up in the algorithm Miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
>>251150 link?
wew the dirt on CRP goes deeper than I though https://kiwifarms.net/threads/gonzalo-lira-coach-red-pill-expat229.36610/ >the original version of that website was free for anyone and Steve Keen was beginning to be unable to manage it due to its size and growth. That is when Gonzalo Lira aka CoachRedScam proposed a "subscription-based website" where subscribers would pay $40 dollars a month and Gonzalo would manage the website for Steve. Based off a website that CoachRedScam made previously, that website does not exist anymore but it was called LiraSPG.com. CoachRedScam stated "He would Maintain the entirety of the website as long as it got 300 new subs a month" that was his only stipulation. >Professor Keen was notified from his Payment Statement from the website itself, Debunkingeconomics.com and the amount of payments were only half from the expected amount of the number of users. Keen notified CoachRedScam Multiple times during this event of the issue, while Coach Stated that he was incorrectly calculating expected revenue (Yes, yes a google pro failed economist telling a real economist his figures were wrong).
>>251153 >4 years ago
What's Daftie's discord?
>>251153 keeeek wish there was more, didn't know he had a channel. i remember helmer coming in to a thread with his trip not long ago so i think he still lurks
>>251155 dinkle#4646
>251155 >251157
>>251157 Thanks, love. I can actually see that it's correct
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is stj a /brit/ poster?
>>251156 >i remember helmer coming in to a thread with his trip not long ago so i think he still lurks Do you have a link for the thread lad? Havent heard about this til now
>>251162 maybe he lurked a bit because of the DRVIDS and brit/pol/ uncooked
22st still has pics of underage daftie hes a legit nonce
>>251163 it was probably 2 years ago knowing my memory but seemed more recent. i'm quite sure he was itt more recently than you think though
>>251165 report him to norge police
that never happened, the janny logs showed he was jannying a bit 2 years ago he never posted
When Jeremy Beadle masturbated, his penis was quite small. But, on the other hand, it was quite large.
When Jeremy Beadle masturbated, his penis was quite small. But, on the other hand, it was quite large.
>>251169 a sensible but slightly scandalised middle-class boomer chuckle tbh
>>251169 keeeek
i remember the daftie incident you were all begging for those chebs you cant judge
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>>251174 looks like kingcobraJFS
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He will return.
>>250944 I would be surprised if he could too smh.
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>>251182 that arm twirl move he does pisses me off so much, zoomer tiktok tier but he's a 30 year old yoomer boomer (nothing wrong with that but spare us the gay dance moves)
>>251162 >>251164 stj is active in funny youtube circles and on tumblr I wouldn't be surprised if he lurks here, hello jive
>>251177 good pic lad
>>251184 hes a weirdo
>>251143 eat more red meat after lifting
>>251186 aren't we all.
Hate british lasses, they are so daft
>>251186 would you say he's also a freak? or that he doesn't belong here?
>>251189 brtish women seem kino
>>251093 no that was the crossbow cannibal. killed at least 3 prostitutes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradford_murders
>>251192 Typical bongoloid female
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>>251194 >tiny eyes
>>251197 BEADY
>>251189 >>251192 >>251195 why do bri'ish women look like this?
>british women
>>251202 ah, northerners..
>>251195 where did you get this pic lad?
>>251202 reckon a lot of that is going on right at this very moment on a saturday night? or does the boozing stop later than midnight
>>251200 because they are peng.
>>251205 peaks around 2-4am
>>251205 night is only just beginning. clubs don't shut until about 4 or 5am
>this is real
drinking cheap lambrusco wine on the gianicolo hill overlooking rome at sunset
>>251209 >1k fine for killing a rat with wings
>>251210 gay meme from a shite poster, kys
>>251194 looks like adam wallace
>>251200 if she lost weight she would be a 7/10 easy
>>251202 god I wish that was me fighting with her
>>251207 >>251208 ah... normalfags... >>251209 >>251211 meanwhile wogs are killing british children and getting away with a few months in prison
she probably smells like strong perfume and liquor and is making shallow breaths
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>ywn wrestle in a grotty shite lane tier street with a nice slag and then she voms on you and you get stomped out by normalfag white knights
last time I went to judo this lass was trying to wrestle me because I had shaved before so as not to give people stubble burn but then the black belt made her wrestle an autismal dbz nigcel who was charging up his qi before wrestling
Anime niggers are a strange bred.
going to clubs is just too expensive and i dont like staying too late tbh smh
never once interacted with a nigger tbh, can't imagine having to share communal spaces with them.
>>251220 tbh >>251222 god I wish this was me
>security guards deliberately not letting the wogs into the clubs keeek
Modern Clubs were invented in the 20s by jews and women and should be banned, never been in one never will.
>>251224 KEEEEEEEEEEEK yeah I've heard stories about darkies constantly complaining about that in edinburgh and glasgow
>>251224 based I wish that could happen here
https://youtu.be/WBZcXOxm4UU >this thumbnail keeeeeeeeeek she is watching her own butt but seriously like 90 percent of our cultural output is butt matrix shit thanks to youtube and porn now
>>251228 we are just regressing into a more primitive society and thats a good thing! unironically
>>251228 >the opening pose not even pretending
>>251228 compelling to watch very talented individual
omg sex sex pusssyy pussy pussy!!!!!!! :OOO
you just know shes been fucked in that position at some point, nasty slag.
>>251233 this is the cultural artistic movement of 2010s/20s , literally just coomer butt matrix front page of youtube shit
>>251228 >check comments to see if "what are we going to do about the women question" has been posted >just boomer coomer simps as per i absolutely fucking despise everyone born before 1983. their brains are irreversibly infected with the idea that women are an oppressed class, it's going to take decades before women can be reigned in
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smh was playing deep rock galactic and forgot
Do you think she assumes that position so she can watch her fanjiita getting rammed from behind
>>251235 its bizarre as well because men could easily just go and watch porn instead of this
>>251236 perfect explaination of kikes >>251237 >hey jimmy you tuggin your pecker to the broads over on 5th avenue?
>>251242 surprised i haven't seen this in porn yet
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porn is like a drug but poo, absolutely horrible.
>>251237 >boomer coomer simps as per thousands of them
>>251249 wish i had friends like this
>>251251 you don't. they're fucking retards.
>>251253 exactly easily exploitable for social gain
>>251249 you mean where everyone just stands with their roommates or immediate friends and plays with their phones and fixates on their drinks and these little isolated campfires never interact over the din of dark negroid jungle rhythms? yeah don't need to experience that "fun" anymore, and the best part is most of the time incels are the only thing those faggots talk about "X is so weird like omg" fucking normalfaggot retards
the fag on the far left and center is like the type of dumbass who has a rich dad who hooks him up with some faggy easy job in sales, the onther lads look redeamable
Just remembered how covid rekt the little social life that I had and fucked my life for 2 years and destroyed what little was left of the social fabric in my area and the cunts who did it are going to get away with it like it was nothing.
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need a new thread
>>251257 they all look like williamoid backstabbers to me tbh
>>251258 yeah gym toil is my little attempt at having friends but its a waste of time probably gonna quit because every normalfag is even more phone autistic than they were 2 years ago. literally nobody does casual conversations but if you can break the ice they are all desperate for convos.
>>251261 yeah good lad
good to see lads not missremembering the zoomer friend period with rose tinted glasses. you never fit in at the time and you know it
>>251244 Never understood posting that. Nobody here is that rich.
>>251264 yeah good lad exactly, hope other zoomers don't lament not being "cool" its for faggots who break down and cry when somebody unlikes them on faceberg. so many normalfags I know irl who were "chads" back in zoomer age turned into gold fish brained pussies who think doing anything other than deanobox life is like travelling to botany bay or the new world in the 1800s
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I miss getting $1200 when Frump was president.
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