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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3957: Saint George Edition Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 17:54:42 Id: 99a97d No. 446310
An unexpected morning in London https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-england-london-68888725 >Four people were injured after five horses, spooked by noise from a building site, bolted through central London Angela Rayner brands Rishi Sunak 'a pint-sized loser' as she tries to bat away PMQs jibes about two homes row with under-pressure Labour deputy leader accusing the Tories of being 'obsessed' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13344829/Angela-Rayner-brands-Rishi-Sunak-pint-sized-loser-PMQs.html >Angela Rayner mocked Rishi Sunak's height today as she came under pressure over her historic housing arrangements at Deputy Prime Minister's Questions. Pictured: Migrants on the boat that capsized in Channel punch the air and wave at the camera as they continue their journey to Britain moments after tragedy that left five dead https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13345945/Pictured-Migrants-boat-capsized-Channel-punch-air.html >This photo shows migrants on the boat that capsized in the Channel punching the air and waving just minutes after the tragedy that left five dead including a girl.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:56:27.
>>446310 good lad >The Rwanda scheme's capacity is 200 people per year. It means if the scheme had been running last year, it would have deported less than 0.7 per cent of small boat migrants. based tories
>>446314 Round that number up. That's a solid 1% PHWOAR
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Look at him go.
Harry Enfield isn't funny. He's cringe and subversive.
>>446317 is he on tv again?
>>446314 Is it genuinely just money laundering? Such a shite idea that even a lot boomer mongs see through it, doesnt seem worth the political effort it took. Tories as incompetent as they are traitorous they need to fucking die already
>>446314 And it would be an exchange so do nothing or worse than nothing. It's all such a piss take. So obvious from the beginning and yet after years, the media class goes on about it as if it's some great dividing issue.
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This thread is now property of the Kersal mandem. Represent
For me lads? It's wondering what changed so much about the royal family with William IV's successors.
who here /mandem/?
>>446318 Nah, just remembered that time when /Brit/ (SA) thought he was so based because he mocked shit BBC shows in that one sketch despite being a subversive degenerate.
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ting go skrrrrraaaa mans not hot!
>>446329 He's finally coming out?
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>>446329 has he always offered such wisdoms then publicly lived his life in the opposite manner?
>SA was Tate all along
>>446334 alright this can't be real.
but keeeeeeeeek.
>>446328 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK fucking schizos will believe this shit
It's time to convert, lads.
Who here English?
Sargon will be getting a visit if he keeps this up.
I'm trying to find evidence for the origin of 23rd April being originally "Sigurd's Day" but all I can find is online atheists- sorry, pagans- quoting one another. Anyone able to help?
>>446342 my ancestors confirmed it in a dream lad
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By far the best-looking candidate. I want to marry her. We can bond over how ineffectual both of our respective political positions are.
She's Afghan so I'd also tell her how much I liked Rory Stewart's The Places in Between and debate about how aside from the whole women's rights thing the Taliban aren't that bad.
It looks like she's a vegan so I'd also forcefeed her double bacon cheeseburgers
Truly, I am an incomparable prospective husband
>>446348 verygoodlad
>>446346 Corr didnt know Afghans could look like that
>>446352 tbh Afghan lasses are usually pretty good stock
>>446351 Truss was always a fucking joke. She was shite as foreign secretary. You really have to be a special kind of incompetent to screw up being PM as badly as she did. Her cabinet was filled with women and wogs. She affects a pseudo-Thatcherite rightism, but it's just a way of trying to convince people to like her.
spotted on /v/ keeeeek
>>446351 She’s with Martin Luther King? She’s a ghost? Tbh they are so out of fucking touch no one outside of people who read a few books know who he is
ZOG troopers in Texas literally gitmoing anyone who criticises Israel.
>>446357 MLK is hip because he was in Fortnite. https://youtu.be/eSRueXArc_k?si=VT3sQhfRyzyk-NTb
>>446358 Will backfire. Huge redpill tbh
>Pro Hamas idiots at UT Austin discover what happens why you try to pull a Columbia in Texas https://twitter.com/greg_price11/status/1783202234085315007
>>446358 >uppity brownoids and libtards getting owned >will make even more people hate jews chuds winning yet again
>>446361 lol owned
>>446361 >trying to tie NRM to the event with zero evidence using underhanded journo scum tricks dirty smearing roach
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek They’re falling over backwards to suck up to jews Speaker of the house is so invested he gets the name wrong >Gerson Sayshits Or whatever. This clown show timeline They must have the goods on everyone https://nitter.poast.org/MarioNawfal/status/1783233314595148146
Seems desperate to make a video like this, they must be getting worried
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>>446351 liz truss is a fucking idiot
>>446332 What a surprise they channel the /brit/ gestalt from 2 years ago.
>>446369 None of this is true though
Good luck farming this shithole when it's dead you blood sucking lamprey
>>446372 I guess it's down to normies to question what went on in the 1930's.
>>446370 Everyone in her little Islington circle will clap. No one else. Chanelling a dead American nigger is not going to wash with her detractors or voters. She is, indeed, a dumb cunt.
>>446375 Having interacted with the Islignton crowd I can whole heartedly say they deserve her.
>>446375 Literally the first people designated and I mean designated to go are the upper middle class nomenklatura.
>>446376 >Her smarmy face Needs a good slapping tbh fucking piss taking cunt. Really hate the so called ‘elites’ always ragging on the indigenous people
>>446378 Who gives a fuck?
The k crowd trying to ban acquire TikTok is going to fucking explode in their faces. Zoomens are not going to be having it tbh and another platform will arise or existing platforms exploited. Hell hath no fury like zoomies having their social media fiddled with tbh https://nitter.poast.org/trumpcel/status/1782574899980050848
>>446375 >Chanelling a dead American nigger MLK was a communist anti-whte rapist who was in favour of affirmative action so not "race blind" like conservatives want to believe
>>446381 Tbh. She doesn’t care but everyone else does. She’ll care one day but it will be too late for her as she’s slapped around the head with her dirty nappy in a hospital staffed exclusively by Congolese chimps
>>446381 The modern trick is he was in favour of race affirmative action until the gap was bridged. I guess he assumed the gap was somehow bridgeable. More than likely it didn't matter and he was another figurehead of of the self collapsing modernity.
poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooednight everybrit
>>446385 good night, you one good lad. We /brit/ love you.
>>446378 entire Tory Party needs to be burned to the ground metaphorically obvs
Nigel Farage's SCATHING message to Andrew Neil, Adam Boulton, and Nick Robinson for GB News attacks https://youtu.be/iCwoFVclCi0
>>446390 >he's done 'em
there were lads on here that used to love a bit of ol' brillohead
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Nigel Farage Reveals Who REALLY Controls the UK Government https://youtu.be/5Gd5GCM1KUw
daymongs fuck off
long live nigel farage
>446394 >[1)
>>446389 poor old sam
>>446397 he's absolutely right. enjoy this shithole glowmongs
>>446398 >poor old sam even the corrupt paedo judge admitted it wasn't about justice it was about making an example of him
>fires herself
>>446401 Wrong clip fug
jeet scam defence force Defcon Donotredeem
>>446346 She'll win with subliminal messages: Vote Femy Amin Vote Fer me a min.
>>446402 The black lady is right.
>>446400 they don't even feel the need to hide it smdh
Morning the lads! >Didn’t know diggers were tiki torchers
>>446407 smorbing lad
smeeb smarbling chips going on a journey today to find out if there are niggers literally all across britain from lands end to john o groats (but only verifying the first part)
>this is the best useless politicians can come up with What utter desperation. He needs to get a proper job as do all politicians
>>446409 based field research >>446410 really scraping the bottom of the barrel here
>turn on PC and oven >invasive "smart" meter from an electrical provider which overcharges customers tells me I'm being greedy and using too much power wow I love the agenda 2030 intentional reduction in living conditions
>>446410 Sounds like a case for declaring war on India, if anything
>>446412 start cooking your meals on an open fire in the middle of the room lad >>446413 tbqh
>>446414 the grenfellpill
Always refuse smart meters if you don't have one
>>446416 yeah smh I got bullied into it used to have a key meter but they're purposely made to fail or something since I had to replace it nearly every month, just got fed up and let myself be talked into it instead of demanding a normal metered/monthly payment connection
>>446413 This needs to be done immediately without warning them. That part of the world needs an immediate and intentional glassing tbh
>>446414 Somali style
Irish are going to lose it big time NGO’s are handing 7k to each migrant candidate standing in local politics and the government is handing out cash to parties bringing them onboard as well >you are not being replaced! stupid conspiracy theorist! READ A BOOK!
>>446424 All this says to me is that there was never need of such a thing as poverty it was obviously engineered hundreds of years ago by ‘elites’ to force globalisation tbh How can this be a street in Dublin?
>April 24 Wonder who that 2% are?
>>446425 tbh it's deliberate
>>446427 The irony
>>446426 >over 80% of arrivals are through the north
>>446430 kino morn tbh love a bit of halo me shame that the mcc got a bunch of shit "lore" added by the spacker that took over the franchise and ruined it (4 on)
keeeek the ancient announcer lad saying milkers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Id-VZxkIYUs
this was so kino even THOUGH its by an avatarfag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P-uOCKDTAA
I hope at the very least Ireland survives. I imagine our own cunt foreigner politicians will intercede on the elites behalf if Ireland actually gets round to repat riation.
>>446431 >The refined Halo 2 cutscenes, as well as two new cutscenes created to complement the Halo 5: Guardians storyline Wew didnt even know they added anything to the mcc, cheeky cunts. Didnt even try playing 4 tbh Remember bunking off school with a mate to play ODST campaign together on release for like 9 hours or something keek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWh9l8RSkPk
>>446435 still haven't completed 3 or odst tbh I forgot about the series for a long time after finishing 2 on xbox when it first came out should really get back to it
>343 removed all references to bungie from the MCC, including the end credits and their final message
>>446434 There will be another civil war in Ireland before long
>>446438 why do we not have this here smh too much CCTV or the frog boiling was slow enough not to trigger the grugs smh
>>446389 >woke its ANTI WHITE
>>446437 They retconned a lot more than that.
>>446440 I think it's the latter more than the former. Too many people are habituated to wogs in all walks of life.
>>446440 All reasons >Demonisation >Unpersonning >Lawfare >jailing >Financial ruination Etc all the things jews ask government to implement against the citizens basically and we’ve see that recently in the US and here with Gideon Falter. It’s no conspiracy because they’re on record as saying it
>>446436 odst is decent tbh a little overhyped in my opinion but still very good >>446440 people still want to believe that as long as they keep their heads down they'll be able to avoid the worst of it
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>>446439 I think 'Queen Natalie' has some niglets running around in her family
>>446446 Sounds like it.
>>446446 tbh might have a touch of the tar brush herself
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Getting btfo big time >NOOOOOO, we’re right! >YOU HANG GAYS! WE KILL THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT KIDS! WE DINDUNUFFIN >ARREST EVERYONE WE DON’T LIKE >WE ARE THE BIGGEST VICTIMS IN TEH WORLD! EVER! https://nitter.poast.org/jpodhoretz/status/1783259762068541513
>overslept again Sneep snorples, lads
>>446450 keeeeeek >>446451 smorbling lad
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had an appetite lately, idk why. just want to eat, nom nom nom. my physique is lean, I need to move my bedtime so I can work out because I could look good maybe if I get on creatine and lift hard for 6 months and eat >>446438 beautiful >>446453 the arrests are going to create Streisand Effect. it's over for schlomoids
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>>446453 don't know who they think they're fooling when it's this transparent
>>446455 keeeeeeeeek
>>446455 disgusting, fat arms
meh I want to eat but there's nothing to eat and I have to clean my teeth and go to sleep, then wake up and only then can I eat
>>446459 eating isn't necessary anyway lad don't believe their lies
>>446460 /photosynthesis/ chads rise up
>>446410 Russia are the ones doing spam emails and fishing scams? Not Indians?
>>446464 stop being racist lad
GMB Hacks Admit The Lockdowns They Pushed Destroyed A Generation https://youtu.be/uHJyLuUNEBQ
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>>446465 >stop being racist lad never
>>446466 they admit it? oh well that makes it all better now doesn't it >>446467 based that was a test and you passed
>>446469 mad how he's still got a channel up tbh
>>446431 Still to this day think the AI in the Halo series is some of the best I've ever come across.
>>446470 They can't exactly just shut him down when he's using the government's own data.
>>446472 >YouTube don't just shut people down regardless come on, lad.
granted, they've chilled out a bit now since THE GREAT PURGE
Hamas offer ceasefire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPz1zLBC7AE Former head of MI6 : Israeli actions disastrous tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2lZqvFKGiQ
>>446473 Not without a proper terms of service violation otherwise people just appeal and it gets put back up.
>>446473 >>YouTube don't just shut people down regardless yes they do this is exactly what they do
>>446476 >Not without a proper terms of service violation otherwise people just appeal and it gets put back up. this is bullshit, they just keep on rejecting the appeal you obvioulsy have no experience of this
>>446473 he must be trolling either that or pig ignorant
>the 300 dead bodies in a mass grave….. >they were terrorists who fought Israel.. >even the ones who had their hands tied behind their backs? >especially them, they fought the hardest Same woman who said two Christian women were not killed in a church in Gaza and that there were no Christian churches or Christians in Gaza
>>446478 Yeah I don't as the ones I watch do get reinstated after a bot bans them.
fucked up a question on an online job interview and just closed the tab.
>>446484 it's over
should I rejoin the call?
>>446486 it was a call? smh yeah lad just pretend your internet went out and you had to reset the router
>>446488 yeah.
>>446489 get back in there lad blame technology
>>446480 keeek
That vidya is from outside Bibi the Butcher’s house last night btw
>>446492 got to admit drums and horns really elevate a prootest gets the blood pumping
>>446494 They say if you shine the greggs logo in the sky, he will come
>>446495 may a thousandfold carnyx horns sound his approach
>>446496 Re-mod me. I'll kill the pro-IRA faggot and bins.
keeek I was right six hour trip total and five minutes of that was the surgerylad having a prod at my vegetables and saying "yep that's a hernia i'll put you on the list and maybe we'll get to you before your kidneys fail but in the mean time here is some new barely tested wonder drug to help niggercattle like you lose weight fast (it definitely won't destroy your testes or give you heart failure or whatever)" penzance review: niggered/10 physically niggered: niggers present on the streets, also literal shit, human and otherwise in copious amounts on the streets mentally niggered: college town full of broccoli haired zoomcels and thots spiritually niggered: it was like glastonbury on sea and walking down the high street there were at least four shops selling nothing but crystals and other retard shit also a libshit bookshop with what at first looked like a kino book on the zulu wars but then I read the blurb and it was all "the SORDID and IMPERIALIST history of the CONQUEST of the INNOCENT ZULUS WHO DINDUNUFFIN" and also I saw a book about the Netanyahu family sucking their circumcised chodes so hard had to be labelled as fiction
bossman was nearly killed in a crash
also local council being shortsighted retards as usual bought a wallet from a trvd leatherworker lad and he was trying to sell his entire business on the high street was dying so fast >>446500 >nearly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h3Zx4bV0RE
>>446498 may as well tbh lad as long as you promise you'll show restraint still yttb? >>446499 smh grim lad utterly soul destroying >>446500 not fair how the big man upstairs taunts us like that
>>446502 thankyou lass, i will imediately forget and yes i am YTTB x >>446501 >>446502 keeeeeeeeeek my bossman is alright tbf
except he's marrying a chinawoman smh
>>446502 do not mod bbk lad DO NOT DO IT
what pro IRA stuff was posted?
He'd probably finish off this board.
>>446506 that one lad who posts steiner and UP THE RA to dunk on bbk's autism he's not really an IRA supporter it's just for banter
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i was a good mod who got caught in the crossfire of madlad tbh
sorry lad i trust wessie's counsel maybe some other time
>>446510 IRA support in "banter" is not banter. they must always be persecuted!
>>446510 Oh him, yeah I never saw that as ban worthy I saw it more as a way of mocking steiner if anything because he looks like a paddy?
>>446512 ban ira-ists when you snee them
I think it's a really funny gimmick tbh
>>446517 I still kek at 22s reaction.
>>446517 i don't but i assume it will run its course and soon end
>>446519 presumably once bbk stops taking the bait
>>446520 so never
>>446520 don't do that lad the only thing worse than giving me hope is extinguishing the small hope that i already had
>>446522 can you put on word filters?
>>446522 heavy is the head that wears the crown
>>446523 think so tbh never checked got any in mind? >>446524 tbqh
>>446525 No the more I think about it the more you can't really word filter any part of that gimmick really.
FRESH EVIDENCE DISPROVING THAT SPIC IS WHITE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzmwCZlobio >>446526 if one were going to filter "up the ira" it could become "up my arse" I wouldn't advocate for it though because the unedited phrase still has humorous value
piping hot fresh clickbait Ukrainian COMPLETE COLLAPSE West of Donetsk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liNTmw9EK6Q
well don't go all silent on me
just want to set up automatic farms like in minecraft so I don't have to toil anymore
>>446530 >>446531 best I can do is partial automation except where it's cheaper to hire third worlders and incels, also constant breakdowns, contaminations and cost cutting until society collapses
>>446532 thanks bossman sounds good to me
>>446533 such a keeno pepe incredibly seethingly angry but also it's like a jew just sharted in front of him or something what with the wafting
>>446534 envisage the aroma
got weighed by a nurselass and it seems the jews have miscalibrated my scales to demoralise me because i'm not actually 22st and only a little over 21st I can still make it
>>446536 go twomad lad two meals a day BIG bowl of porridge (if you do it right dinner is just a formality and this can fill you up all day) for breakfast then some calculated meal for dinner to keep your belly full while you go to sleep
>>446537 yeah it's a good plan I do two meals usually, just need to cut down further and go rambling up the hills for a few miles a day wish I could lift heavy thing while at the desk but that's out until vuh nhs can superglue my groin back together or whatever it is they do
didn't want to poost about this because i was embarrassed about it but at the turn of the year i was twenty and a half stone since i had just recently discovered how cheap domestic wine was now i'm sixteen stone and falling and i'm not stopping there still find the time to have a nice meal now and then too >>446538 >go rambling up the hills for a few miles a day good lad even ignoring health walks are good for the soul
comfy train journey today tbh pasty and shortbread while watching the country and seaside, also lots of viaducts going over towns no wogs on train, barely anyone at all since it's not tourist season yet
>>446539 a stone a month is really good progress tbh very impressive
just emptied out my day bag and found the sample the doctor asked for but didn't take or mention during the five minute visit smh why make me piss in a jar then, just to prove my NEET credentials?
>>446541 thanks lad i owe it all to getting obsessed with vidya games and forgetting to eat self control? never heard of her >>446542 they're all jobsworths desperately trying to convince themselves that their work is important and that they make a difference
>>446539 I always imagined you to be extremely skelly tbh
>hehe! I'm going to support an anti-White, anti-British, anti-Irish terror organisation . . . ironically! *wessex sees his enemies and starts kissing their "ass"*
>>446544 *asks the bartender in kilkenny to give me a glass of half stout and half pale ale*
wew >that reaction again >i've done him
>>446545 same lad sorry to disappoint smh just love the drink a little too much for that to ever apply
>>446548 thought you said I was welcome here because like potatoes there's no /eire/ board.
>>446551 ireland is british and as far as i'm aware there's no eire board luv ireland i do wish my forefathers hadn't done so much to push them away >thought you said I was welcome here because like potatoes there's no /eire/ board. i don't remember saying anything of the sort, but i probably did say that
>>446551 Ireland is righhtfully part of Great Britain so of course fellow subjects of the King are welcome here
smh can't find the clip of colonel lynch forcing the FILTH to say GOD SAVE ENGLAND or THE KING or whatever it was
>>446553 Subjects of King ArseCancer? Nah you're alright, lid.
Ireland will become one again sooner or later anyway as it's meant to be.
>>446556 Yeah but probably as a nigerian colony and EU vassal.
>>446557 we have much in common then
>>446555 of the trve queen matilda tbh don't care overmuch for the saxe-coburgs but there should definitely be a smart fellow with a big hat in charge
>>446558 As a wog colony yeah but I think we'll most likely end up a yank vassal.
>>446556 tbh and the same for the united kingdom in the end all grievances are forgotten in the face of an external enemy slapfights between brothers pale in comparison to the real foe
would be some real kino if the orange lads and the republichuds could get around the negotiating table and shut down the NI border
we'd see the garda and the po working together against them and further exposing the globalshite regime
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>>446563 i like the way you think wessie
if ireland has to be dragged kicking and screaming into the union i'd rather not have them tbh that's their choice but geography being what it is we should at least be on the same team and that's non-negotiable and we should be taking an equally stern stance with the french, too >>446563 >>446564 bit racist lad
was only winding you all up anyway. xx
nearly finished reading some fiction about napoleon and wellington and i was getting chudly tears at napoleon's first abdication where his marshals tell him that they swore oaths to france first before him and that trying to fight on and doom the country was treasonous even if was napoleon giving the orders because anything that harms the nation is treason if only our toffs had such mettle and understanding of noblesse oblige
it was like le hitler and berlin but not based because the first set of terms proffered by the coalition were actually reasonable and would have resulted in napoleon staying on the throne to continue reforming france (which incidentally included kicking out the jews) if he hadn't had a fit of chudrage and not give in
>>446568 yeah our rulers haven't got an ounce of what the leaders of old had
oh right one more piece of demoralisation I seened today: stillbirths and babies too weak to live are becoming so common that there are new charities and NHS initiatives appearing to try and manage them, to the extent that they put up advertisements on public transport to really grind in how grim and sad it is naturally the demographic most affected are white women and it's probably vaxxie related
>>446565 Surprised there’s no oc of him in idf uniform on a Gazan background with ‘Born to Negotiate’ on his helmet
>>446573 is that stellar blade? don't know anything about it other than it's gookshit that made leftoids seethe
>>446574 Only thing worth knowing about it.
they know their audience
Think I will name my son, Lancelot.
>>446578 based if true
>>446578 yuge news
Not sure why I've been lurking on pol for the last week or so. It's the same psyops nonstop.
>>446582 You fucking take that back.
>>446583 never
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>girl from former toil who brings up her ex that cheated on her over 18 months ago literally any time she goes out wondering why the lad she fancies won't ask her out
>>446513 good lad
>>446581 /pol/ still exists somewhere? or do you mean the bbc archival board on 4shite
>>446587 4cuck, naturally
Based nooticer
>>446589 >clot adams
>>446589 it comes with a smallprint
>>446593 I absolutely disavow this post.
>>446596 but have your posts contributed to a climate where people who post that have become emboldened? some say you're not totally innocent yourself.
DISAVOW COMPLETELY don't want anything to do with it.
Judea declares war on 'zas
oh it is zoggin maate
>>446601 troon on zogbot warfare would be kino
the IRA was based, it's very simple if you look at what Ireland and Britain did in the 20th century. Ireland sent volunteers to help their Catholic brothers in the Spanish civil war, Britain burned down German cities because they wanted whites to live instead of Jevvs ruling the world. so clearly Britain is a guilty, criminal, cursed nation that should be cut down, whereas Ireland is innocent. you can't really point to anything Ireland has done and say it is wrong, since they are basically just irrelevant and want to be left alone on their island. maybe Irish-Americans are trash, but all Americans are trash so that doesn't mean anything
nigger board isn't even posting FACK OFF
>>446606 everyones out having sex with their lasses
the death of the daynigger...the respite of board clean
appreciate wessie love wessie follow wessie
I'm so angry today. it's very morning since that's when testosterone is at its highest, I think I need to take out my male aggression on a vagina first thing in the morning or I'm doomed to spend the next 6 hours seething in grumpy chud rage
good morning sirs >>446611 sexual emergency smh you must do the needful
>>446612 smorb
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the jevv fears the gaynigger
>>446614 zesty
Morning lads!
Dayyyyyyyyyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum! Das whamtalkinbout man!
>>446601 >idf anti first amendment outreach snipers
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >1:30 to 9:40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tApmG0nGC7g Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek the confusion of the creators of golems when they turn on them https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sinqc2ffqpk World’s gone mad
>>446616 smorbius lad >>446617 >sir please calm down >ooga booga every time why do these alleged people find it so difficult?
>>446622 Because everyone told them they can do no wrong and they are always right and they should revive a crown for everything they do right or wrong and because they “come from a place of oppression” nothing is ever wrong. Then reality bites.
>>446624 bernie bros we're so back
>Bernie is an antisemits, a self hating jew! >how dare yuo his family died in the holocost >Oy vey so did mine! I’m the jewiest jew here how dare you both! why can’t we have this open democratic conversation in private at work! The electorate don’t need to hear it! I am disappoint Tbh all this ‘muh jewing, isreal, holobunga’ing is for sure for sure pissing Americans off when that’s all they hear and nothing about their domestic issues. No wonder they’re trying to replace them with people who do;’t into English. All these parasites need is people who pay the taxes to keep the US war machine fighting for isreal
>>446627 tbh we owe hamas a debt of gratitude for forcing the niggercattle to speedrun kike fatigue up to and beyond the nigger fatigue that was occurring naturally
Anyone else seen the schizo bit about how we're entering the occult period of human sacrifice and that's why we get all the false flag operations (like all the self immolation) around this month every year?
>>446630 no but please elaborate lad i need to know
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>>446631 Here found it.
>>446632 interesting any literature to expand upon this? not doubting you tbh just want a reading list
Women. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee >last week woman one demands and arranges a meeting which ‘can’t be cancelled’ >At her insistence I have to arrange for another woman to attend that meeting so I don’t click the ‘accept’ tab until I do that >this morning woman two gets back to me to say she can try but really can’t attend but will try but can’t but maybe can ?????? because ‘something’s come up’. …”sorry it’s last minute…!” >Thanks for letting me know at the last minute )))) anyway so kind *start choking hang up >Fuck it! I’m here I’ve prepared everything, I’ll just I go ahead and click the accept invite not my problem >one minute later first one calls me “I’m going to have to reschedule that because you didn’t accept the invitation ‘on time’ - doesn’t define what ‘on time’ is or was and never said there was a time limit on ‘accepting’ it >tell her was waiting for second woman to get back to me and because you said it was a meeting that had to take place I didn’t bother clicking accept… >and also woman cancelled this is your fault >YOU should have clicked accept anyway without confirming the other woman who NEEDS to be at that meeting was coming, the woman I ASKED YOU to make sure was attending because I was too lazy to do it myself because the hugely attractive catchphrase ‘delegate, delegate, delegate’ is the only thing I - A WOMAN - learned at college and is competent in. I’m at fault for this *punches wall kicks cat spills coffee slaps hand over my mouth screams measures blood pressure, yep 180/100 Fucksake why do I have to interact with them?
>>446634 reminder to kill all w*men and dispose of their parts in various publicly-accessible bins in your town or city
women should work as typists and secretaries and nurses until 25 at which point they should be forcibly ejected from the workforce so that they find husbands women are unfit for any profession that requires decision making and paradoxically are also unfit for child rearing >>446636 the only thing surprising about this is that it took so long to find him innocent
They are ruining every single country and industry - with help of course Please follow for more poop in truck tricks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuBeO0nntCA
From 22 mins in when he starts talking to the fat jeetspic ? woman he’s employed as a trucker
>>446638 managerial caste being installed en masse because they both love the whip and love wielding the whip a boot on the neck of the average jeet while also telling him to oppress someone under him is just orgasmic to him it's a dream come true for them
>>446640 Tbh And this fuck you goes out to all the leaders of ‘muh free world’
>>446641 based
Fucking hell 1:45 >forget the handshake let’s do fondle instead https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=90fG_g9ZkA4
>>446643 chungus lass at 1:07 unhappy to see that he's off the hook but happy that he's still forced to play by the rules
>>446644 Based clip from sky just reinforces what everyone is thinking >nonce getting jewish privileges again He blatantly and confidently forced himself on her there and that’s assault in loads of countries Anyone seeing that will know it’s obviously a pattern especially when Hollocaustwood types are so powerful and think they can have anything They should have just stuck him in the MS13 wing and told them he was a nonce tbh
>inserts it into Harvey Winesteins arse with a paving mallet and hands console to Rishi Pajeet who is plugged into overhead railway lines
>>446646 for me it's maya
>>446651 tbh the military is just a place to play office politics now step mum is a fucking major and she's never shot anybody or been shot at just endless office bitching for years and years and now she's a god damned aide de camp
>>446651 >waaaah why do women make themselves smell good? just making shit up to get angry about now
Anylad got the clip of Mike Enoch saying "its disgusting"
>>446655 Cheers lad
dropping a bonus in since the folder is open
>>446657 keeeeeeeeek
>>446636 I guess all that #metoo stuff was all bullshit then
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'''"Democracy must fall because it will try to tailor to everyone. The poor will want the wealth of the rich, and democracy will give it to them. Young people will want to be respected as elderly and democracy will give it to them. Women will want to be like men and democracy will give it to them. Foreigners will want the rights of the natives and democracy will give it to them. Thieves and fraudsters will want important government functions, and democracy will give it to them. And at that time, when thieves and fraudsters finally democratically take authority because criminals and evil doers want power, there will be worse dictatorship than in the time of any monarchy or oligarchy." — Socrates (470-399 B.C.)'''
Some eire lads putting in work again and shite like this is only going to make them more agitated
>tfw no nocturnal ceiling gf to feed
>>446660 smart lad he was >>446662 keeeeeeeeeek
>>446652 There are very few front line soldiers in the military and I’m sick of all these airfix ones who rage around parliament like they own the place when they’ve either been accelerated through some scheme for posh cunts are just weekend warriors and the other day I read about another twat ‘rumoured to have been in the Saturdays and Sundays’. >I pushed a pencil in uniform >I engaged in some super sekrit shenaningans in a furrin country for the benefit of ‘British businesses’ >everybody clap Fuck off
>>446660 Based So Crates
>>446662 Women Parasites
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek They can’t contain it anymore
>>446664 tbh military service is worth dick unless you were on the beaches in a machine gun nest shooting the furrin cunts as they came ashore i don't want to hear it you protected poppy fields in afghanistan? you forced iraqi schools to teach women's rights? good for you nigger get a real job
>>446667 it's all coming to a head. even Joe Normalfag that just wants to grill is gonna be flipping his burgers and scratching his chin saying, "so why are the cops beating up these Palestine kids the day after Netanyahu commanded them to?"
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >slav of peace strikes again Her brother was going to go in the next day and do it as well apparently Vidya police are trying to get banned https://nitter.poast.org/darthintra/status/1783187941113934035
snorbius lads >>446671 they aren't sending their best
>446604 is is the kind of "up the RA" post that should get a banning because 1. it's spic 2. it's unironically anti-British >>446634 officetoil is just woman daycare lad actually that's any toil with women around
>>446673 night lad
>>446675 hey Wess you about for a film tonight?
>>446674 >necroing some post from like this morning to call for censorship cringe. is the british ego so fragile that it cannot withstand sober criticism by a basement-dwelling incel on a Hmong spit-painting message board with 10 active users?
>>446677 if it's on time, i've got weekend toil smh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnnAGqJoMLw Hello again. Blair and wogs literally ruin everything. Okay, thank you.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F-wQVdmuns Dorset when he sees a latinx girl with a buldge in xer pants.
>>446679 monkey man is out on HD now, but it's 2 hours long it's also trending on streaming sites which unfortunately means it's likely to ack during playing due to high demand
>>446682 tfw not the real racist
>>446682 Didn't Soros cease funding of Femen Israel because he was worried they'd be too effective? He's one of the few world elites that probably is playing 4d chess unironically.
>>446682 nig farig strikes again >>446683 up to you
>>446686 >up to you this is your film choice lad can't really put it on if you can't be there
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jeet moose limbs attacked by bees MP: Picnic Turns Sour As Bees Swarm Youths At Burhanpur's Asirgarh Fort, 25 Injured; Shocking Live Footage Emerges 25 individuals were rushed to the district hospital, with eight reported to be in critical condition. >Burhanpur (Madhya Pradesh): In a shocking turn of events at Asirgarh Fort in Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh, festivities turned into chaos as thousands of honeybees swarmed over the partygoers, resulting in a stampede-like situation. The incident occurred during a gathering at the historic fort on Saturday, where attendees were attacked by the aggressive bees, leaving atleast 25 people severely injured. >Video of the incident is now doing rounds on social media. >It is being said that one of the youths threw a stone at the beehive, provoking the buzzers. >25 individuals were rushed to the district hospital, with eight reported to be in critical condition. The incident took place on Saturday evening, the second day of Eid celebrations, when a group had gathered at the fort for a party. However, the joyous occasion quickly turned dire as the bees attacked. >Witnesses recounted the panic that ensued as the bees started stinging the visitors. In a bid to escape, some rural residents present at the fort also got caught in the chaos. The situation escalated further when people tried to rescue those affected by the bee attack. >Similar mishaps reported in past Authorities acted swiftly, dispatching police and 108 ambulances to transport the injured to the district hospital. Every year, similar mishaps occur during festive seasons, when people flock to tourist destinations to enjoy time with family and friends. Asirgarh Fort, with its historical significance and scenic beauty, has unfortunately witnessed a series of unfortunate events recently, including bee attacks and accidents. https://www.freepressjournal.in/indore/mp-picnic-turns-sour-as-bees-swarm-youths-at-burhanpurs-asirgarh-fort-25-injured-shocking-live-footage-emerges
>he got thotswatted wewkeek >>446687 choose a different film if you think that specific one is not going to work well smh >>446688 zased, nature wins again
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FUCKING KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >that man is screaming ‘FAKE NEWS’ because he’s talking about Donald Trump lying and we are grateful for that https://nitter.poast.org/alx/status/1783693038969135583 They think everyone is this dumb keeek smh
Can’t stop laughing
>>446692 retard nigger worshipper deserves worse than just a shit autograph
>>446688 keeek have never seen swarming bees act that aggressively. they must have known by instinct that jeets are a threat to nature
What are they gonna do when they simulateously get kicked from 193 servers?
>>446696 He’s done you
Can't believe we're going to be watching Rebel Moon Part II (2024) D:
>>446701 don't even know what that is tbh
>>446701 No we aren't.
>>446702 the thing with the girl boss that knows kung fu fighting the evil white supremacist patriarchy space empire with a team of diverse heroes?
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>Ben Gvir has had a car crash KEEEEEEK
>>446708 >Ben Gvir literally who?
>>446711 He’s the one leading calls for genocide of Palestinians tbh. One of them anyway
>OY VEY! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME!? MY HEAD HURTS! >God is punishing you >OY VEY! I AM GOD! *kneels and whispers in his ear …’no CHRIST IS KING’
>>446709 damn Woes coming out swinging
>>446701 sequelchads... we won
>>446719 based wholesome woesian callback
>>446718 God I don't know if I can handle it looks like she trooned out to really shove it to the nazi space empire
>>446717 >damn Woes coming out swinging and you thought he was a burned out washed up fatt reactionary eceleb
>>446714 >pray for him pray for him to die, yes
>>446714 it's strange to think that at one time I thought Jews were white and couldn't pick them out ina crowd now they stick out like a sore thumb, so easy to spot
>>446725 Exactly what big H said
>>446725 >>446726 tbh kino >>446724 more kino
>>446726 it's like listening to my own thoughts tbh
>>446726 el rato looking really BIG and BLOATED on jewjew cum
Whoops keeeeek
I'm a snake too oh dear
Any further news on that red heiffer sacrrifice that was supposed to happen in Israel recently? everything has gone completely silent about it as far as I can see
SHOWING TONIGHT - REBEL MOON PART II: THE SCARGIVER scargiver? is that because they lopped her tits off? ack
>Gloves off curtain down
>>446735 how old is this?
>>446734 >who I spent time with at Harvard But you never went to Harvard did you Spergo? Keek wtf
>>446736 10 years old
>>446736 They went to town on him over it as well
>>446738 fucks sake the Israel lobby has grown even more powerful since then too
>>446733 Meh. I'm happy Skyrooming anyway.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@__@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@__@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@____@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#_@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@__@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@_@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/__@@@@@@__&@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.__#@@@@_,@@@@@@@@__,_____@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@%@@@@_____&_/_@__________@@@@@ @@@@@@@@(__,__,___.@______@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@__#%___%__#,&_._.____@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@__,__*_________@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@__,_,_*,_________@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@__./_#__________@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@_,___%@&&##__,_______@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@___.,___/_.____@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@____#___________#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@_*_*_&,_&(_,_*_#__@@_@@____@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@%___&_(_%___@@@@@@@@@@__@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@__.__/__*_@@@@@@@@@@@@@_@@@@_@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@%_._____*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@%___*_,_____@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@__(*__%______@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@____.____@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@__*_._/____@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@__@_&____@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@__@@_@__%____@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@__@@@_@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
>>446742 shall I not bother then? seems nobody wants to watchoom this
>>446747 What else you got?
>>446749 anything lad
Apparently 4 lads want to watch Madam Web (2024)? it's meant to be shit
fuck it, sticking it on
>>446751 Looks so naff I can't even think of an innuendo about madame web slinging me off or something idc
>>446754 even marvel fans hated it
>>446759 we should watch Akira some time
>not bashing cable street appreciator descendants instead smh
>>446763 what's this? bazza norfs vs the leftoid mongs?
Bhenchod Vomit App Might make this video into a diet app. Will stop people eating because they will feel sick https://www.tiktok.com/@eljimote/video/7266415304165805317
>>446764 Yeah. The small hats have weaponised them to hate the symptoms they imported as a distraction
>>446766 >Yeah. The small hats have weaponised them to hate the symptoms they imported as a distraction classic divide and rule tbh
https://nopussynowork.org/ Lads have a read of this, absolute gold
>>446769 TL;DR?
>>446770 No pussy (sex with a woman) no work (they won't work because they get no sex) Been pulling 12 hour shifts and that's not all I'm having to pull sadly! LOL
>>446771 isn't that just another version of MGTOW?
>Lying ? >default supporting someone without checking they were lying ? How many times has this been done?
>>446773 A Jew making up a fake story about being persecuted? I just can't believe it! this must be the first time it has ever happened
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>>446629 never realised this tune was about someone like me drinking tinnies in a shitty gooncave
>>446771 this doesn't really work though because you end up poor and un-skilled. maybe work but then sabotage things to mean you're a net drain on the system?
morb no sleep max toil tbh
>>446778 tbh inaction as prootest just means that you'll be acted upon instead of acting >>446779 stay strong for bossman lad he needs that second home
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >me me me me me me me me He’s like a woman I bet none of the sentence was given for ordering Lowles zas or whatever
Also morning lads
>>446781 tbh always has to play the martyr
>>446783 He’s a proper nasty yellow piece of work. There was a video on here where he tried to get a lad lynched by a mob or arrested by constantly calling him a nazi loudly when he felt he was safely surrounded by fellow commies and anarchists. Police should have nicked him for attempting to incite a riot or minimum for breach of the peace and serving him with an immediate area exclusion.
>>446784 based
>>446784 is that an AI generated image? the EUtard with the mic looks comically deformed
>>446787 he's just belgian
>>446788 a terrible fate
smh if nig farig memes weren't devalued by his gatekeeping safety valve shite I could post the "pretty much a non-country" one
The fucking entitlement brought on by the EU and everyone being shovelled in everywhere by elites. Now everyone hates everyone, surely some kind of plan because obviously this is going to be the outcome If you’re a Croat you don’t belong ‘here’ ffs that’s fucking obvious and will come with the associated risks https://nitter.poast.org/RTE_PrimeTime/status/1781071692296581213 https://www.tiktok.com/@rtenews/video/7359548070784290081
>>446791 keeps people atomised tbh
>RTE journalist doing a random story in a village mega famous for a film John Wayne made there in 1951 and in the most ‘next stop America’ part of Ireland >throws four random Nigerian boons in looking like they’re photo bombing the picture Why do liberal elites do this? Stupid supremacist bitch should have put them in front
trash isekais finally have a waifu for steiner
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Irish politicians are gonna come a cropper at the hands of their natives >open call outs and threats https://nitter.poast.org/JAMESCONWAYIFP/status/1783933703258857774
>>446794 keeeeeeeeek
>>446795 Homos every time. Nice to see viper hasn't sold out.
>>446794 >trash isekais You repeated yourself there lad.
>>446800 tbh tbh and yet...
>we’ll just omit the ‘St.’ bit, cuck our own religion and appease Islam Ireland is an infinitely easier place to track down these globalist miscreants and eject them into the Atlantic ocean Why they think that won’t happen to them especially given the temper tantrums angery Irish are capable of is beyond me. Not the best place to be choose to be an ngo, globalist or general culture changing furrin subversive. They’re either mental or stupidly brave but when the people over there snap they will have nowhere to run
>>446801 I suppose time has to be passed somehow.
>>446802 smh >>446803 sick of constantly seeing christian erasure
>>446803 They'll run over here.
>>446806 You'd think they'd just hang someone after multiple repeats of violent sexual offenses.
>>446808 Tbh I find it astonishing that after he got a 65 year sentence he is being considered for parole in 2031 or even secured a parole hearing in the first place >rapes geriatric >rapes and tries to murder someone else >yeah but I dindunuffin…
Apparently Irish police applicants have to submit to a test which is then sent to the UK for ‘evaluation’ by some kind of organisation to assess suitability for recruitment. I wonder who runs that organisation? on another note loads of European airport security is run by Isreali owned companies
>It’s ONly an aptitude test guys! >yeah they’re stupid and violent enough I bet
>>446795 Based incarnate.
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the greatest PR disaster in the history of the Jevvish race is upon us
also I'm horny for gooks today for some reason
>>446814 where was this?
>>446817 should be nice and polarising tbh
>>446818 if you watch the longer video in that thread, there's another cop fully strapped. these protests are all over the place and they are sending in the cops to bash them down, and it's radicalizing the protesters and more people are joining them. Kent State-esque incident is becoming likely, protest season just started the jevvs basically fucked themselves. how could they possibly think this would work? I don't even know what I would do if I were them at this point, like what viable strategy is there? they are going for brutal suppression but that's like the worst possible strategy lmao
>>446819 The Jews aren't some invincible, magic groups of cunts. They're just as retarded as any other group and heir to human mistakes.
>>446819 "shut it down" is a memi for a reason tbh don't think they even know how to do anything else
>>446820 they have complete control though. Netanyahu orders the protests to be shut down and the next day, cops are bashing the fuck out of people. it's just that now it's so obvious and young people have noticed it and decided that enough is enough. history in the making >>446821 yeah they can't entertain the idea of not pressing for 100% submission because they are megalomaniacs. they are too proud, their ego is too big, they would rather starve to death than eat a slice of humble pie
>>446822 The best case scenario is that this radicalises people against both the jews and the other wogs
>>446823 tbh nothing but trouble from that part of the world and everybody from there
>>446824 Starting to think it must've been Europeans that first invented maths and writing, since we did everything else. Probably 8000 years before semites. Source: my intuition.
>>446825 We all know jews sank atlantis and plunged us into the last real dark age 12,000 years ago.
>>446316 boomers still got it
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>>446820 >They're just as retarded as any other group and heir to human mistakes. they are more prone to narcissism, delusions of grandeur, megalomania, as well as paranoia neurosis and psychosis
>>446795 there is hope yet
>>446679 are you toiling on Sunday too? ack
March 1st 1996 - April 27, 2024 Thinkin' of the day, when you went away What a life to take, what a bond to break, I'll be missing you
>>446831 RIP IN PEACE
goin see dunc 2 again tbh
couldn't leave desk at toil so held in a poo for 9 hours straight then nearly blocked the loo the instant I got home tbh
>>446835 >you did die and this is your hell
>>446836 it would be nice to think so tbh
Based lads and lasses out again in Ireland today
>>446838 it's cruel edging whenever prootests happen and yet no whiteoid ever gets as far as lynching some po or a zog politician or something smh
He's only joking GCHQ aha x
>>446840 remember that time some spackers dragged a comically tiny hangman's post and noose out front of parliament before being peacefully shooed away by zogpigs
>>>/v/962977 new dating app tech unlocked
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>>446842 Keeeeeek
in the dystopian cyberpunk present, chain restaurants will operate AI GFs to psychologically manipulate incels into eating at their businesses
What a rotten way to dine.
>>446834 tonight? not sticking around for /brit/ film night?
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>>446831 Did he died?
>>446848 what sort of zogslop are you going to be streaming
>>446852 Love Actually
>>446852 was going to do that Monkey Man film that Wess said he wanted to watch but now it seems he's gone out anyway
>>446852 might put this on
zoggy iffy uh
>>446857 Mild queek.
>>446857 what is this conversation?
>>446859 in america the us military will literally cold call men on the draft list to try to recruit them
I think dunc 2 suffers from a second watch tbh since I already knew how it went there was more time to focus on le visuals and notice how fucking ugly the main "heroes" are not just muttdaya but jewmothee too, he has a stereotypically ill looking pale and sallow jew face and ugly thick jewfro hair and shapiro brows etc did keek at the budget sith lord costume scenes because it made me think that that was probably how the ancient cohens looked when they went on their baby sacrificing rituals
also the whole imagery of "jew becomes messiah figure to a bunch of niggers and mutts" keeek
What happened to Steiner?
saturday night laaads
>>446863 organ harvested by chicoms
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>>446814 <I'm a professor! fucking Lisa Simpson thinks her sinecure means she can do whatever she wants yer not a tranny luv, that dont work >>446863 he's living spic's dream and sucking the toes of some rich gookess after arriving in his workbelt and saying "hi I'm here to install some lumber"
>>446863 he'll be back
>>446869 damn that pig is cool
how does spic do it? it just gets worse every thread. it's not even funny.
>>446871 he's the most unironic chudface here. a true "shit nobody cares about" savant.
the red light treatment is actually dosing him with significant amounts of radiation he is becoming infertile and his neuron connections are deteriorating
>>446872 could we make boring posts a bannable offence? would that solve it? not sure if I prefer extreme schizoposting of the looksmaxxing shite at least it might be more entertaining?
>>446874 he should be allowed to looksmaxxpost but only if he tries heavy duty bonesmashing
anyone got the original video where this screengrab is from? the internet ought to be exposing this guy
fuck juz
Matt Wallace is proof you can take somebody out of the trailer park, but they will always be white trash
>>446879 tbh, how was snoil lad?
>>446881 got 1600 today for building some massive garden scape raised bed thing like 40 foot for this goth girl commune at the local uni
>>446882 snased, luv me a good raised bed full of carrots and spinach
you should scout out the most competent one to pignap and keep for rooting around in the brapbarn garden
"vanguard britannica" never heard of these guys before
they're pretty big apprently they will be marching on parliament and declaring a great britain wide fascist super state in exactly five minutes tomorrow
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AHHHHH SIRI CALL 911!!!! >A YouTuber is lucky to be alive after crashing his paramotor when it flipped over and plummeted into the desert at 48mph. >Anthony Vella, 33, was testing a BGD Luna 3 in the Enchanted Rock State Park northwest of Austin, when it suddenly collapsed 85 to 100ft in the air. >He bravely shared the entire video of the crash and much of the half hour he spent lying on the ground in agony until paramedics reached his remote location. >Vella did not say in the intro to the footage, posted on Saturday, when the crash happened, but his previous video was posted eight days earlier. >The video began with him in his hospital bed where he is being treated for a fractured neck, back, and pelvis and a shattered right arm. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13357837/Anthony-Vella-YouTube-paramotor-crash-desert-Texas.html
look at how good the HWD series was before sam became le zoomer tutor streamer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TlAIBy-wzQ pure kino it was
>>446873 >the red light treatment is actually dosing him with significant amounts of radiation >he is becoming infertile and his neuron connections are deteriorating the red light therapy panel produces two things- red/infrared light, and EMF radiation. the former is beneficial, the latter is harmful. but the specifications of the panel say zero EMF at 6 inches away, and I use it about a foot away. so I'm not worried and I believe the red/infrared light has significant benefits
>coloured light >benefits
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>>446892 it's true. even sunlight has some red light, which explains some of the benefits of sunlight. but the problem with sunlight is that it also has ultraviolet radiation that fries your skin, causing premature aging. so basically the meta is to get Vitamin D from your diet and use a red light therapy panel. if I had the money I'd get two full body ones and stand in between them for like 3 minutes 3 times a week, but I don't so I just do 2 minutes on my face/scalp and then 3.5-4 minutes on my groin
smorn lads back to playing manor lord
>>446896 is it any good?
>>446897 worst complaint I've seen is the scottish seether thinking the guys that made it aren't based enough because they sell it at a variable price (so first worlders (whiteoids) pay more) and that they engaged in access journalism (free copies for reviewers so they get good PR) the game itself? mechanically, nothing special as far as I can see le gridless system and combat is okay but not groundbreaking
>>446898 small complaints all in all >>446899 he seems frustrated
Auslad = Fat Wessica = Fat Bins = Fat 22st = Fat Manx = Bald Mancs = Bald Dorset = Bald Steiner = Mixed Race Spic = Mixed Race >this is the state of the white race defenders
>>446900 I think he makes some decent points amid the seething about not being given freebies tbh >There's a streamer (non-English) that "did everything in the game" in 4 hours wew
>>446901 saving the white race is a stressful job smh
>>446901 working on it lad >>446904 smh never trust an early access game
>>446901 I'm not fat or bald, and both my parents are white. Do I win a prize?
>>446906 Ash Pookar will shag you
conceptualise the crusty curry slurry slit
>>446908 The hairy brown lips on the face are bad enough keek
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>>446877 the they already are lad, but actually weird that he hasn't been named yet.
lad could you not? nobody wants to post next to that
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Laura Joomer triggered epic-style by baste Hezbollah flag >>446901 I'm not mixed race, mixed nationality sure but racially I am fully Evropaen
>>446906 No, you "win" the bare minimum.
>>446912 >the American patriot is a spic who still has the spic accent Holy dysgenics what a scene!
some fresh bossmanjack
>>446901 >Mancs = Bald False.
>>446886 yeah never heard of them before where did you find these?
>>446910 Jocko behind Dorset at the /brit/ meetup.
>>446920 keeeeeksmh
Mark visited Finland and did a BIG pose
>>446903 tbh, in a white Britain we'd go down in weight as the stress decreases
>>446901 Bins isn't fat why do you think that?
>>446901 speaking of which i gotta fresh one for you
fresh basedtentaclesman-adjacent review of a book by steiner's favourite wignat carcel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7TclMWLmWs >>446927 based fuk juz
>>446901 glaring omission of the bbk...
>>446928 good lad
>>446931 keeke is this old or did dickie do something to retvrn to the pooblic conciousness?
>>446930 His majesty's holy name burns on the tongue of trannies, as if they had dared to tongue his snanus yet found the fires of hell within.
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>some HNH spy saying I'm fat don't believe their demoralisatino tactics lad
How New Labour & the Tories Destroyed Britain: David Starkey https://youtu.be/_cRacMUZ1EE
>>446926 He is fat, I can sense it. >>446927 je qoooooooooooooooooq
>>446933 je double qoooooooooooooooooooooooq
>>446935 he puts willies up his bum so I don't care
*survives anuclear attack* That's why they call me FALLOUT THE AMAZON PRIME TV SHOW
Make posts for my amusement!
>>446938 One might assume by his small stature and womanlyish behaviour that he is a bottom, but SA has informed me that his passion is a moist, warm, younger homosnexual's neghole.
>>446936 >He is fat, I can sense it. he isn't ack
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>>446938 >he puts willies up his bum so I don't care it's this kind of small minded thinking that hinders a successful movement
just remembered we have a books sticky and saw poosts I didn't know existed for the past 3 years
>>446942 >he isn't typical salad dodger denialist comment smh
recall this top zogbot cringe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTs6a0ORdQU
bet there's subliminal lyrics just outside of human hearing that inculcate listeners with the message that "israel is your master, to die for israel is the greatest honour"
No. You don't get it. I literally shit myself inside out.
Yes, yes. I can sense your heads growing larger and your eyes growing more and more bloodshot as I repeat my truth: Mr. Bins is a tubster.
>>446912 Same incident different view filmed by the mad wog in that clip
>>446957 now this is kino
That incident where cops bashed a load of female protestors in that Irish town has resulted in 3000 odd descending on the place to demonstrate https://nitter.poast.org/TezTruth81/status/1784582954099876226
Can smell that poost from here tbh
>>446959 it's a nothingburger unless a piggy gets roasted
Get a load of this ‘Irishman’ with the typical Irish surname arguing for massive increases in immigration into Britain. True Oy a subversive race https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdLzo67ZyQA
name them
steiner's short stories that he will never write
>Smug little batty boi resorting to ad hominems in internet punch up Hate him lads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_A6PYYqAP14
>ufc fighter adopts two nigs >everybody clap…. Keeeeeeeeeeeeek. Rekt https://nitter.poast.org/ArtOfDialogue_/status/1784382060641005950
>>446970 If you're rich and famous having kids is as much work as owning a dog. When they're bored with with the nigger baby after 5 minutes they can just leave it with the nanny.
other gaylo keeksmhs >police lights removed from ODST >SA/african union shit (whatever the gay green and red and black is) themed banner added to celebrate the end of slavery >it's named "bonobo" as in ape
>>446969 now this is podracing
https://archive.org/details/recollectionsofr00harr/mode/2up Finished reading this book the other day and I recommend it to any of you who are interested in this period >The field of death and slaughter, the march, the bivouac, and the retreat, are no bad places in which to judge of men. I have had some opportunities of judging them in all these situations, and I should say, that the British are amongst the most splendid soldiers in the world. Give them fair play, and they are unconquerable. For my own part, I can only say, that I enjoyed life more whilst on active service, than I have ever done since ; and as I sit at work in my shop in Richmond Street, Soho, I look back upon that portion of my time spent in the fields of the Peninsula as the only part worthy of remembrance. It is at such times that scenes long passed come back upon my mind as if they had taken place but yesterday
>>446970 become the BBC
>>446975 EXTREMELY good post lad I'm reading another work which references this currently, Oman's history of the Peninsular army 1809-1814, among many other primary sources was immediately struck on opening the book just how rigid and well sourced and reasoned etc he is- 40 pages at the beginning explaining sources and methodolgy alone a great reminder that when post-long-march "historians" tell us that historians and writers from previous ages are biased and untrustworthy what they mean is that they want us to only consume their biased and untrustworthy modern works
>Oman's history of the Peninsular army 1809-1814 Good lad I've been thinking of reading that now that I've finished this or purchasing a volume or two of the waterloo archives
>>446979 it's especially good because he cites all of the first hand material so you can find other books like rifleman harris' haven't even got to the juicy part yet which seems like it's going to be lots of correspondence and diaries, with a focus on how wellington was perceived as well as army life
>age of mythology is getting another remake they'll make arkantos a nigger ACK
>>446980 Might have to see if I can get the complete set then since there isn't much else I'm interested in reading at the moment
Nothing but seethium out there
KEEEEEEEK NFTs, non-financially-viable tulips Tulip Mania, a speculative frenzy in 17th-century Holland over the sale of tulip bulbs. Tulips were introduced into Europe from Turkey shortly after 1550, and the delicately formed, vividly coloured flowers became a popular if costly item. The demand for differently coloured varieties of tulips soon exceeded the supply, and prices for individual bulbs of rare types began to rise to unwarranted heights in northern Europe. By about 1610 a single bulb of a new variety was acceptable as dowry for a bride, and a flourishing brewery in France was exchanged for one bulb of the variety Tulipe Brasserie. The craze reached its height in Holland during 1633–37. Before 1633 Holland’s tulip trade had been restricted to professional growers and experts, but the steadily rising prices tempted many ordinary middle-class and poor families to speculate in the tulip market. Homes, estates, and industries were mortgaged so that bulbs could be bought for resale at higher prices. Sales and resales were made many times over without the bulbs ever leaving the ground, and rare varieties of bulbs sold for the equivalent of hundreds of dollars each. The crash came early in 1637, when doubts arose as to whether prices would continue to increase. Almost overnight the price structure for tulips collapsed, sweeping away fortunes and leaving behind financial ruin for many ordinary Dutch families.
>the rarest tulip bulbs traded for as much as six times the average person’s annual salary at the height of the market >The obsession to possess tulip bulbs was so great that the ordinary industry of the country was neglected, and the population, even to its lowest dregs, embarked in the tulip trade. A single bulb of tulip cost as much as 4,000 to even 5,500 florins – which meant that the best of tulips cost more than $750,000 in today’s money. >By 1636, the demand went so high that regular marts for sale of tulips were established on the Stock Exchange of Amsterdam, and professional traders got in on the action. Everybody appeared to be minting money simply by possessing some of these rare bulbs. It seemed at the time that the price could only go up; that the rage for tulips would last forever. People began using margined derivatives contracts to buy more tulips than they could afford. literally bitcoin
seethe tight lads
hope you lads are getting by out there. it's a spooky difficult to navigate world out there. and the loving embrace of a femoid seems further out of reach than ever
>>446695 monkey-tier gayfaybe social media nigritude >>446732 I literally don't give a fuck, they've been bringing it up for decades as a method of eschatological brinksmanship to give yankoid low church prots stiffies. >>446966 execrable cunts
>>446995 smorb lad >>446997 keeeeek btfo
>>446998 it just keeps getting more absurd
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek smh
>>447002 There should be a converted effort to mass evict them all tbh. >you’ve stolen a house, go live there
>>447000 Yeah I guess it is a little crazy now that you mention it
>>447003 tbh sick of these desert slapfights erupting in what are supposed to be huwhite countries >>447005 keeeeeeeek
>>447006 Would have smacked that fucker so hard on his nose if he’s spat at me tbh. Filth. Hopefully he’ll spit on a spic one day and get Colombian necktied for it
>>447007 we can only hope >>447008 good riddance
>first thing he mentions in his resignation speech is the fact that the UK currently has brown rulers Needs to be killed with a gun that I own in my house right now!
>ok ok ok! I will not let them poo here I will threaten to send them to Rwanda to poo but secretly that will result in them running to Ireland to poo! Cunning plan no!?
>>447012 based
>wake up >finally some good news
>going on and on about multiculturalism Fuck. Right. Off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jC-1Krfk_nk
HUMZA YOUSAF HAS RESIGNED!!! https://youtu.be/tiLK2wJrD1o
>>447001 I simply can't believe that a Jew would invent a story about being persecuted in order to justify violence against someone they don't like
>>447018 Why would they tell tall tales?
>the closet racists have come out…..reeeeeeeeee….why are there no brown racists! t. Humming Yousaf
>>447021 truly the aryan spirit of the huwhite race is RISING today my brvthers
UH-OH Setback for Norn Iron. Fewmin’ they are. Palpable hate all around. Fuck off back to Africa and build your inclusive society there and see if they don’t murder you. Not wanted here tbh https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BDFmlPw624Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TDXgxRnQ6c
>>447024 >they felt we were westernising the girls and depriving maasai men of wives wonder why
>>447025 Should have just chucked a spear through her annoying head. Am very disappoint in Masai men
>>447026 tbh letting the whole team down smh
>>447024 >doesnt even have an Irish accent keeek fucking hell they are speedrunning the replacement
Aleggs talking about it jej
>>447028 >>447029 If she thinks she’ll be the first black mayor of Norm Iron wait until she hears about the Royal Blacks or the black bastards as the Catholics like to call them )
>>447008 I hope Kate Forbes becomes the new First Minister. Anti abortion, anti premarital sex, anti LGBT Calvinist mummy.
>>447033 nice that the niggercattle are finally getting sick of wog-worshipping footy mongs tbh took long enough
>>447034 They know it’s not worth it and people want to see players that represent them not foreign hordes or it has the opposite effect tbh
>>447034 Favourite reply has to be >say! Them niggers work good! I’m a get me some more!
>greasy Slovak gypsy threatening Irish with bombs Keeeeeeeek Needs a history lesson. Hope some based lads shove a pipe bomb up his dravidoidic arsehole
>>447038 They can all leave.
Fucking shit that comes out of their mouths smh https://nitter.poast.org/JamesCleverly/status/1784876507455762782
Really hope Ire doesn't fizzle out and they fully fight back with any amount of force required. Put us to shame and give us an example to follow.
>>447043 this webm is becoming a classic
sassanach bros...
>>447046 the taigs will have to genocide all pooskins for me to concede defeat
scott steiner recently went to manchester
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vaqN9IFPxM austrailian fords gooner bros...
bunch of mudshits and kikes have invaded the local uni campus lads. was toiling last week and there were all these 30-40 something kikes stomping around with their shitty kike flags. wish they would all fuck off
'It's to conceal from the world that this has been a FAILURE' | US Colonel SLAMS Ukraine aid bill https://youtu.be/AvK5eWA4ZhA
>scott steiner will never suplex mancslad until he is incapable of simping and gooning over his ethot >>447052 do a drive by and gas them with your exhaust lad
>>447055 the deanoidic frat boys were blasting meet her at the love parade to drown out the wog/kike arguement from their party house it was kino
fresh seethe harvest the Tice Lice are really making sure it'll be a labour victory keeksmh >>447056 tbh good notmyproblem lads
>>447057 Are they not demolishing reform a bit prematurely?
>>447055 We're soulmates, lad. I have the soul of a filthy whore enjoyer.
>>447060 Does it surprise me, no not really.
>>447061 Didn't know cate middleton did tasteful nudes.
>>447063 This is the outfit that made Willy stiff. Just goes to show that to arouse the slightest interest in men they will stoop to this kill shot move
>>447061 she is peak white woman tbh
>>447066 her mother is jewish, lad. Only joking but it wouldn't surprise me.
>>447054 >8 mins in >to find out whose behind the wars you should look at who funds Tony Blair and David Coomeron and how they became millionaires Well Cameron has some interesting lifelong friends and he’s a chosenite himself so
>>447068 It's only every single time.
Well do feel free to fuck off then
>>447070 Wonder how many monuments, plaques or anything commemorating it are scattered around these isles. There's one at Liverpool St. Station I noticed the other day. Think it's the only commemorative piece in the whole station. Certainly ground level.
>leave the house still can't escape the psyop.
>>447071 Went to Germany once and they literally have stones like blue plaques ‘so and so Weinberg schnitzelstein lived her with his 6 million relatives you German bastids killed them’ embedded in the pavement reminding everyone. Intolerable state of affairs
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>>447057 Tice spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)
>>447074 >the beaten, emasculated man staring down at the pavement while he walks around to avoid eye contact >still gets psyop'd
Wish I owned a factory producing fake Canada Goose and Stone Island goods. tbh
I just shit myself real hard today!
>>447078 in pooblic?
>>447076 >>the beaten, emasculated man staring down at the pavement while he walks around to avoid eye contact >>still gets psyop'd god dammit
>>447047 By the looks of it the new Irish battle cry will by Tiochfaidh Allah!
>Look lads! There’s some Choccy Allahs coming over yonder horizon! Bring those 16 pounders to bear!
I think the new bread might be an Up The Ra Edition I can feel it in my bones.
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>>447085 I'm more of a nog dick for christmas guy myself
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Absolutely dedicated
Someone should infiltrate the march and wave an England flag to see how fast they can be the only one battered to oblivion by cops and nicked https://nitter.poast.org/TPointUK/status/1784199558139904163
>>447087 a downs nigger?

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