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/co/ Pain Thread 7: Nothing new under Hollyweird Anonymous 07/05/2023 (Wed) 21:10:13 No. 35154
Apologies for the delay. My internet was out for a time. Thankfully the steady pace of this board allows for such waiting periods. We return now to our regular summer of trash. DC announces a new anime project. Suicide Squad Isekai. Wherein Harley Quinn & Joker are isekai'd into a generic Japanese DnD styled fantasy world of dragons, ogres, & rape p'orcs. Directed by Eri Osada & character designs by Naoto Hosoda. The latter known for animation work on a few productions such as The Garden of Words & 5 Centimeters per Second. The Seth Rogen TMNT movie is still on the horizon & clocking it at number 1 for ugliest animated movie of the year. Ruby Gillman was ugly but only for it's human designs. Here? Everyone is hideous. The Flash came & went. Another box office bomb for DC & the chronological end of the Snyderverse. Blue Beetle will be officially part of the new DCU cinematic universe under James Gunn. Another low effort animated movie for their animated movie universe has been pumped out. Then finally we have the recently released Nimona. A half baked movie based on an even more horridly produced comic of the same name. By a woman who was cheated on by her gf with a man, married said gf, then decided to cut off her breasts & now calls herself a man herself. Who wouldn't want a movie of a comic no one read by a lesbian with penis envy?!
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>>38678 >Autism Everyone is so open minded to the point of humanizing insults, how long until faggots appropriate the term "faggot" as their own nigger-word? >>38695 >She-Rah the sexually confused 16 year old What's worse is that it caught up with rule34 spergs, I think that shitty reboot got more porn than the original.
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>>38670 <Reed turns to Latinx >Grimm gets to stay Ashkenazi and even get played by mischling Yekke (very close to Kirby being an Austrian Jew) What gives?! Why not making Grimm an Ethiopian/Yemanite Jew? Why only diversity for the goyim?
>>38739 If it makes you feel any better, they cast a Guatemalan Cuban to play Marc Spector.
>>38740 >another Latinx disguised as a Jew No thanks https://nypost.com/2023/03/07/phony-hasidic-tiktok-dad-hayim-cohen-charged-with-molesting-adopted-sons/ "Cohen — who claimed to be a Hasidic Jew from Brooklyn despite being born Jeffrey Lujan Vejil in the Lone Star State — was busted last month after one of his sons went on a podcast to anonymously report being raped and abused, the local paper noted."
>>38739 Because he's the only cheap star power Disney has available. >>38742 >no archive Found the redditor
>>38744 >Found the redditor More like a newfag, but whatever.
>>38689 >>38691 >>38693 >literal jewish men Kirby is literally the king of comics, the man drawn and wrote comics since the 30's to 90's (with a brief break in the 80's), creating almost the entire Marvel cast and strove to create more than basic capeshit yet corporate types such as Stan Lee always stood in his way. In contrast to popular opinions, Kirby' 60's Marvel were actually his weakest work which I fully blame on Stan Lee. However, I would argue that X-Men was their best collaboration as Stan Lee' soap opera hackery finally led to something good and found something to work with and not against. As for OG 60's X-Men there was very little to none of annoying political allegory and politics in general which Claremont introduced in his X-Men iteration that was used as the base for '97 X-Men. Kirby' and Lee' (tragically) *short run X-Men was mostly insanely and hilariously wacky capeshit. Yes, there was once a random reference to civil rights movement (and I'm quite sure it was post-Kirby layouts) which is extra funny because OG X-Men was completely bantu free, otherwise the xenophobia allegory was really toned down. They were more focused on actually saving the world and fighting evil muties instead of fighting for le equality like faggot Claremont version. *The comic did continue long after Kirby stopped drawing including layouts, and like with every comic Kirby stopped working on it, it turned into shit. >He's not entirely wrong He is, the dumbass can't tell the difference between Kirby' X-men and Claremont' X-men >>38690 This Those dumb causalfags don't read comics.
>>38750 >Never read the comics The problem is that consumers still buy plastic crap, still share on their social medias drawings of their retarded Mary-Sue heros, it's all a goyslop of flashy colors by the easily impressed. The worst part is there are backers who always will be there to fund propaganda, even if that fails: just blame capitalism, that alone guarantees that their cattle won't stop sucking off their udders. It's worth mentioning the indie side is not any different.
>>38756 IDK, I mean biggest consumers are childless shitlibs in big cities. I do miss how in the 90's when we were allowed again to have all-white cast cartoons/shows and bantus had their own all-bantu cast ones after two decades of forced diversity. If only Bruce Timm would just finally make that Kamandi cartoon and maybe New Gods mini-series and then move with Shane Glines to work for the rodent and make character designs for 60's X-men and other Kirby' marvel stuff with former DCAU and JLA writing staff work on these, that would be beyond awesome! I would also love to see somehow Rouge and Gambit (he kinda looks like Kirby design anyway, they could make him a beatnik) being added to 60's X-Men. >>38757 I doubt that dumb culture war nigger buys anything, I wonder if he is going to call next Batman and Superman proto woke too after finding out they were also created by da literal juice. >consumers still buy plastic crap Dying adult collector base isn't enough to sustain the market. The American Comic industry has been slowly and steadily getting killed by Karens and shitlibs since the 60's, with capeshit being the main and dominate genre shifted from kids to men-children and infantile normalniggers. My nephew has been brainwashed to like Niggers Morales and female Pakishit knockoff of Plastic Man, but he doesn't care that much anymore of Spiderman, like all kids he is mostly into video games like Minecraft and shit like Captain Underpants. As a plastic crack addict I do buy occasionally some rare good Marvel Legends based solely on character design as the stuff I like are quite obscure and don't get good toys (for example Boss Fight Studio' Phantom is dog shit or Kirby's characters will be never done in his art style and instead of looking like 3DPD abominations) and it's just beyond pathetic and sad at this point how bad DCAU offerings are, even the Nips dropped the ball with them I really need to continue studying 3D sculpting , the only decent ones are *stupid Barbie size or le "soft goods" shit that can barely be posed without tearing the fabric. *Though technically, BTAS shouldn't be considered as part of DCAU as it is different art style and a whole different personality for Bruce. We also starting to see capeshit fatigue among the normalniggers which would end up, hopefully soon, in complete collapse of the Big Two as they're now only exist as scripts for Hollywood movies and general IP farm.
https://archive.is/XX3jv >"A picture of the cast of Superman: Legacy was shared by the director, writer, and co-DC boss James Gunn on Instagram today. Among the actors in the photo is Nicholas Hoult, who is portraying Lex Luthor. The title role of Superman is being played by David Corenswet, while Rachel Brosnahan is taking on the role of Lois Lane. The photo also includes Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific, Nathan Fillon as Guy Gardner, and Isabela Mercad as Hawkgirl." Wow, only Hawkgirl is raceswapped! And Jimmy is actually played by a freckled person! Louise is mid though, but oh well. However, while Superman is going to be kept white, the movie isn't focused about him, it's going to be another quirky superhero team movie by the one-trick pony, edgy pedo, James Gunn. If they're not willing to let Superman be Superman, they should just let him fade away, but of course they can't let their IP ever expire. Mr. Terrific probably going to be obnoxious smart nigger like he always is and Metamorpho will be CGIshit abomination. I still feel bad for Henry Cavill, he actually cares about the source material, but always get run into shit writers and directors, he could've been an amazing Superman. I would've posted the picture of the cast, but apparently all torfags now are considered CP spammers and the site owners couldn't be bothered to find a better solution. archive.is, etc only works on my Tor for some reason and I need to solve goolag cuckcha for it…the internet just keeps getting worse and worse each year…maybe one day it would become so bad and unusable that I could for the most part quit it. Soon the internet would be only for normalnigger activities: working and shopping, with occasional "free" music and AI generator for bread and circuses. it'sallsotiresome.jpeg
>>38794 >Capeshit cashcow dried up into dust I'm surprised they still haven't made an animated series based on the explosive dyke (forgot her name, Bettybombshell something) a female version of Superman bad and somehow she doesn't face the consequences on the shit she causes because her cat shows up to the rescue. Completing the holy trinity of reddit's goreslop with no thought limited to only "imperalism bad, capitalism bad, too many white characters": >Invincible >The Boys <And that gurl power comic However my main concern is that Amazon might extend that capeshit trend in where both DC and Marvel fall into that rabbi's hole where they just bastardize the shit out of their characters just to cater to the blunt edgelords at reddit.
>>38805 >However my main concern is that Amazon might extend that capeshit trend in where both DC and Marvel fall into that rabbi's hole where they just bastardize the shit out of their characters just to cater to the blunt edgelords at reddit. Does anyone actually watch this shit for anyhhing except the gore?
>>38805 So exactly what Snyder cultists want?
>>38750 But the thing is - they never have their "straight" characters like Miles Morales representing pride month because they're that token. Hell, if they had Black Panther wrapped up in a pride flag, it would be considered problematic.
>>38809 >they Who are they?! Most famous Jewish comic creators were born before the 40's and are long gone and dead, most, if not all of their characters are white. >they never have their "straight" characters Icemen and Tim Drake. >they're that token >it would be considered problematic The elites (which are not just consisted by Jews) are pushing now that Africa wuz queer n' shit until white Christian colonialists came. The real reason they, as in the executives, corporate heads, etc, are not faggotwashing black characters is because they don't like to put all the brownie points in one character, they want to spread it and have an entire cast full of diversity . Being a bantu is already a brownie point in itself, hence no need to add another brownie point. >Black Panther Nigger, he was created in the 60's, his creators; Kirby has been dead for three decades and Stan Lee for 6 years. Black Panther is just one of Kirby' many characters, his real passion project was New Gods, not that you stupid casulfag would know. Even if Kirby was still alive, you think he had any say?! He has been eating shit from both Marvel and DC during his lifetime. >Miles Morales I doubt the quislingstein would mind if they added another brownie point to his nigger latinx character. BTW, you could've also added Blade to your stupid short list.
>>38812 You're not understanding what he's saying at all. He's saying that comic companies with their brownie points addicted, fart huffing, SJW cowtowing, retarded out of touch people still around wouldn't make a straight character do the gay shit. Now he's actually wrong about that since DC's done this multiple times with Nightwing, actual Superman, & Wonder Woman already.
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>>38812 >Who are they?! The slack-jawed idiots trying to appease tumblr faggots, dykes, and other whathaveyou that don't even read comics in the first place. >Icemen and Tim Drake. What about Aqualad? >The real reason they, as in the executives, corporate heads, etc, are not faggotwashing black characters is because they don't like to put all the brownie points in one character Bullshit. Fag gag - "Who we say, when we say." Again. Batwoman was made the best of both worlds and what was the reception? Is she currently portrayed as being a proud and black homeless dyke. Or did they revert her back to being a narcissistic white one, and isn't the latter to be considered a serious no-no? >I doubt the quislingstein would mind if they added another brownie point to his nigger latinx character. BTW, you could've also added Blade to your stupid short list. Because of the trans flag in his room, "fans" were speculating that Gwen was actually Glen, and this was quickly hushed up for reasons. But I stopped caring back in 2009. You're that Kamandi guy which comes here every once in a while. When he makes a come back as a nose ring wearing twink, don't you dare get mad. >>38814 I'm aware of that and them shipping Cheetah and Wonder Broad. All that's the reason why I stopped trying to get back into reading capeshit.
>>38817 Aren't you the same anon who wrote >>38693 and specifically replied to >>38750 which was in discussion regarding how supposedly X-Men was woke shit to begin with because it was created by Jews? >Batwoman That was live-action, not comic. >You're that Kamandi guy WTF are you talking about? >don't you dare get mad You dumb nigger, you think I like characters being raceswapped, faggotwashed etc?! Do you even read what you are replying to?!
>>38814 If you follow the reply chain >>38693 >>38750 >>38809 it's safe to assume the "they" he refers to are Jews. He also specifically talked about black characters which also were created by Jews. Otherwise, his reply to >>38750 makes no sense.
>>38817 Well not just the Cheetah thing. They're literally had a lesbian Valentine's day pride special comic with Wonder Woman. >>38820 Jews still work in & control the industry. Maybe nowhere near where they did to begin with but they're there. Really though "they" should be more broad.
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>>38819 You're the one banging on about the Jews, shekel daddy.Yes I wrote >>38693. But do you see anything written about Jews? >That was live-action, not comic. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, and I'm therefore not going waste anymore time conversing with a plebbitor. >>38821 That means she's officially LGBT now.
You're both schizophrenic
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>>38824 It'd be big news if they ever made Wonder Woman officially gay or even bi. Right now all we have to deal with is Tom Taylor's gay medieval AU fanfiction.
>>38824 Wow you're truly illiterate schizophrenic nigger who don't understand basic context. Let's go through it slowly so hopefully your retarded mind could follow; you wrote >>38693 in follow of >>38690 which was a reply to >>38689 that talk about Jews, also taking to consideration your sentence "They have the whole world bowed in their direction" you're most likely referring to Jews in context to the previous replies, then it was safe to assume it was the same when you wrote "But the thing is - they" in reply to >>38750 which was about >literal jewish men. Who would think your "they" in those replies refer to general comic editors, executives, etc when you retard nigger reply to posts that specifically talks about Jews?! Your so called "they" is completely fucking random and out of context! >shekel daddy I shat on Stan lee and Brian Michael Bendis because they deserve it, Kirby doesn't. Go ahead and shit on the creators of Batman, Superman and Phantom too while you're at it, you braindead nigger
You're both schizophrenic
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This is your new Crow from The Crow reboot played by Bill Skaarsgard. No I'm not joking. They Donte'd Eric Draven.
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>>38830 >dmc the motion picture
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I don't wanna make a thread for this but Kent Melton has died. He made 3D sculptures for Pixar and other companies in the 90s and 2000s. He'd make these Maquettes of characters that the animators could use as a reference, his last movie credit was Paranorman. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_Melton https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1913604/ https://www.cartoonbrew.com/rip/kent-melton-disney-and-laika-maquette-maker-dies-at-68-238476.html
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>>38839 >Meeting and working with some of Walt’s “Nine Old Men” while sculpting for the Walt Disney Classics Collection was extremely educational for me. As you probably know, those guys literally wrote the book on feature animation. The artist that most inspired me was Marc Davis. He was a soft spoken Renaissance man. A master of design, drawing, painting, sculpture, storytelling, and basically everything else he ever put his creative mind to. I can truly understand why Walt valued him so highly on so many of his various projects. >As I steadily sculpted my way through the list of his characters at WDCC I met with Marc at his home studio to get his insight on each piece. I remember the time I was showing him my sculpture of Snow White for his notes when he called his wife Alice in to take a look. She pointed out that Snow White wore a wool dress and that I’d put too many fine wrinkles in the drapery making it look more as if it were made of cotton. Where else could you ever get that kind of invaluable information? That was the day I found out that Alice was not only a very talented artist but she’d also worked on costuming the actors for the live action reference of Snow White. Thankfully, it was just impossible to visit them without learning something new.
>>38839 >>38840 Yeah that's unfortunate. Even if he was an animator, he had a vital role in reference material.
https://archive.md/LHNWa >A ‘Batman Beyond’ Feature Is Being Pitched By ‘My Dad The Bounty Hunter’ Co-Creator Patrick Harpin And ‘Spider-Verse’ Artist Yuhki Demers t. The artist of "Spidernigger, Spidervagina and Spiderfat in 10fps" and the co-creator of "What if Boba Fett, but nigger family man in Pixer art style" pitched new BB Film, urgh. Oh boy, so there might be an animated Batman Beyond film by nigger worshippers...sigh. I was expecting live-action shit of BB, but didn't imagine there would be any attempt to make a cartoon after Kevin Conroy's death. On the bright side, it looks like it will be full reboot rather than the usual cursed reboot-continuation situation we keep seeing. If it will be greenlighted, will it be worse than Epilogue? No. Could it be as horribly awful as Epilogue? Maybe, the only way it can reach its level is by making Terry date Max, aka worst girl or faggotwashing Terry. However, those scenarios unlikely as Dana is peepo of color, but then again it didn't stop the shitty BB comics from gypsywash her, so there is a possibility. >Another factor that could help the odds of a Beyond reboot getting a greenlight is is that animated Batman titles have sold well for WBD I see, so the niggercattle bought the shitty Blu-Ray version without the grain and the gay brighter colors for dark cyberpunk setting show (how come no one got mad when worst girl became few shades lighter?! Where are the woketards when you actually need them?). The only things they should've done for the Blu-ray is removing the green lining from "Black Out" and properly upscale it, but the narcissistic assholes always feel like they should give their own touch as if they're creating something original and new but what they actually do is destroying past creations. Thank goodness, I bought the DVD and rip it and even got another copy as spare. >… two seasons of Bruce Timm, Matt Reeves, and J.J. Abrams’ The Caped Crusader. When is this shitshow comes out? It's been around three or more years since it was first announced.
>>38847 Stop reddit spacing sentences for no reason. And no there won't be a Batman Beyond movie because it was shot down at the concept stage. So nothing to worry about. For now. Terry will show up in Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 2 voiced by Will Friedle again. With Kevin Conroy showing up in Part 3. Not good either but it's better than an entire shitty movie or SSKTJL being Conroy's last performance.
>>38848 >spacing sentences for no reason Anon, there is a thing called paragraph, it's divided by sub-subjects. No spacing is just as bad as too much spacing. >it was shot down at the concept stage Souce? I want to believe! >Terry will show up in Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 2 voiced by Will Friedle again Ugh, at least it's not in DCAU style. The character designs for this movie are really ugly and complex though, I can only imagine how awful the animation is. >SSKTJL being Conroy's last performance Truly tragic
>>38869 A paragraph is multiple sentences in on. You basically spaced every sentence or sometimes 2 for no reason. But back to Batman Beyond, nothing is officially said it's cancelled or shelved but it's basically just stuck at the concept stage. So unlikely it'll happen considering everything going on at WB & the mentioned Tomorrowverse movies. Which aren't exactly doing well but it shows DC WB will greenlight of lot of crap. If they haven't done the same for Batman Beyond then it's not happening.
>>38739 >Reed turns to Latinx He is more closer to average europeans than hispanic people (culturally).
Baking new thread.

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