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Wholesome Harem Fantasy CYOA Adventurer 03/07/2023 (Tue) 11:23:26 No. 1423 [Reply]

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Royal Guardian CYOA Adventurer 05/24/2021 (Mon) 04:41:59 No. 267 [Reply]
Reborn into a world in which you have a charge to protect.
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>>1384 Wren the Spymaster >Court Rank Spymaster 5P, 6L, 12I >Loyalty Queen Vira of Sorolona, +2P. Personal Powers, 7P Whereever Needed (3) Where I need to be. Superhuman Intellect (3) Every plan, every detail.

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>>1389 Pyrrah of the Crimson Pinwheel >Court Rank Spymaster 5P, 6L, 12I >Seving King Berthold of Bleuria (+1I, 2L) Personal Powers: 5P Superhuman Agility (2) Need to move and cartwheel around Wherever Needed (1) Just to appear around behind someone's back

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The Spymaster Queen Ellen Send Prince Cael to conquer Ansanar... I give up.

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Atomic Odyssey CYOA Adventurer 02/16/2023 (Thu) 01:39:23 No. 1411 [Reply]
A blasted world but one where you can find adventure.

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Class Change Hero CYOA Adventurer 02/11/2023 (Sat) 16:43:14 No. 1401 [Reply]
A world of adventure and more than one class. Time to be a hero.
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Reality Protection Foundation CYOA Adventurer 01/22/2023 (Sun) 21:20:53 No. 1391 [Reply]
Hello citizens of Earth-21231, you have been chosen to protect your world, pick your power, gifts, and save your world from destruction.
>>1392 Having to pick these missions to get only 10,000 dollars or something of that value is pretty bad,even more since it doesnt change based on the difficulty

Quest for the end V2 Adventurer 01/22/2023 (Sun) 20:35:07 No. 1386 [Reply]
They say the end is only the beginning of something new, Tell us how your story being and end in this tale.
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Devil Trigger Adventurer 09/05/2021 (Sun) 20:02:28 No. 447 [Reply]
Unlock your inner Devil power
>>447 Devil Trigger Weapon (+1 Devil Arm) Demonic Manifestation (+1 Talent) Devil Arms Vulcan Apollyon Adversary Perks Potency Celerity Talents Skill Restoration

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Elder Scrolls Sword Saint CYOA Adventurer 12/17/2022 (Sat) 23:37:55 No. 1356 [Reply]
Magic is for Altmer, a true warrior only needs skill and steel.
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>Race: Argonian I just like Argonians, I think they're really cool. And adaptability suits me just fine. Being alien is no problem either, I've never felt at home anywhere really. So, which way to the adventure? >Birthsign: The Lord What I lack in strength, I make up for in sheer durability. If it bleeds, you can kill it. But how much do I have to bleed before you can kill me, eh? >Origin: War Orphan It was Daedra. Out for revenge? Summoned? Or passing by? ...Does it matter? Actually, yes, yes it does matter. Because that is how I met my master, my teacher, my old friend. >Training: Taught The Trade Many days spent swinging swords, many nights spent in deep talk. Wild dreams, far stars. >Warm-up style Magic: Destruction is of course not my only style, I also learned mage-light and some restoration spells, but indeed, my specialty is that of the noble school of Destruction. I prefer travelling light,and this suits me just fine. It also gives me an avenue of attack not usually seen among those of my fighting style, the Natural-Death; range. >Ansei Fighting Style: Natural-Death Adaptability is the name of the game, though mobility is at a premium. That's what magic is for, and I have more up my sleeves than mere fire and lightning...

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Necrotech Awakening CYOA Adventurer 12/13/2022 (Tue) 03:42:46 No. 1351 [Reply]
You are not as you once were. Maybe you can make the most of it.
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>updated right after I posted my old build SON OF A BITCH! >an entire page of Tomb-tank upgrades, advanced combat rules, and more I am so happy that us big boys get loved here, it's not often. Sometimes, you just find a build and then... not much for it. That said, where's the miniguns?? The advanced rules are great, love that, and the last page is great for people who like to write short stories about their cyoa character.

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The Facility CYOA Adventurer 12/22/2022 (Thu) 04:25:50 No. 1364 [Reply]
I'm quite sorry madam. Your child is what we call "Based and redpilled." He must be quarantined for his dangerous shitposts.
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A Shot Unto Eternity CYOA Adventurer 12/07/2022 (Wed) 15:14:26 No. 1322 [Reply]
The world itself warps the story to be cinematic. An impressive feat.
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Engineering >Manufacture Boons >Engineering: Resourceful >Multipurpose Specialist: Engineering: Modification >Combat Drones Sponsor >Theon Assembly (solo) I'm choosing Theon Assembly alone, since their boons agree with me the most. Being a drone handler, this will give me the best I can hope for in terms of drones and upgrades. Well worth it. 4 Companions. >Julian Quint I like this guy. Cuts to the chase, doesn't waste time, and all around friendly person. >Lance DeLac I'm sure he and I will get along. Engineering for days!

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SHINE Cyrus 11/26/2022 (Sat) 21:40:50 No. 1242 [Reply] [Last]
an Action-Horror Adventure
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>86966351 >You called out the Jews in Cerulean, so just for that I'll make a build for SHINE. And I plan to say/do more interesting things in my next works. >Also the idea that this is 'time-consuming work' to play is just pretty sad for /tg/. Did people here just not play gamebooks? I'm fairly confident very few have even read or enjoy reading books in general 😅
>86966873 >A.I. I would only use AI for... 1) Services I cannot afford to pay real artists to do (Like if I had "fuck you" money, everything I produce would be either made by me or paid/commissioned by me) 2) Minor art assets like basic environments/backgrounds, generic props, or other stock images I think should be free anyway 3) Posing/faceposing characters that I've designed and commissioned real artists to draw 4) Any of the above or related that I can do without getting a Copyright suit Especially for anything I seriously want to publish and sell to the public as my own like a VN or book, I don't want to be legally harrassed. I hate the government enough as it is. For the things I make for free, I don't care (about legal stuff). If it helps me get my work done faster and give you anoms a more cohesive art style, I am willing to use A.I.
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>>1314 Concept art, Ybba fight NovelAI

Pantheon of Pleasure CYOA Adventurer 12/07/2022 (Wed) 14:34:49 No. 1316 [Reply]
A world consumed by lust and the end that comes from it.
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Bonded Among the Stars CYOA Adventurer 12/07/2022 (Wed) 13:52:18 No. 1315 [Reply]
A close connection and the power that comes from it.

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Eternal Blue CYOA Adventurer 12/06/2022 (Tue) 15:51:15 No. 1305 [Reply]
A flooded world full of exploration.
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Abandoned Earth CYOA Adventurer 12/03/2022 (Sat) 16:55:07 No. 1293 [Reply]
The earth is in a bad shape, yet there is still adventure to be found.
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>>1293 >Raider >Augmented -power arms, legs, titanium skeleton, cyber-spine, Matter Processor >NAA-130 Heavy Support Gun >Super-Heavy Transport Vehicle >Heavy Augmentations (see above) >Medium Armor (because raider) >Eins >Stephan Vaanderhorn >Sentinel Susan Mackie >Scandinavia (home area) >Unionist Britain >Ethiopia >Middle Eastern Death Zone -capers >A Raider's Downfall

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