/cyoa/ - Choose Your Own Adventure

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Tarot CYOA Adventurer 06/14/2022 (Tue) 15:01:26 No. 999 [Reply]
Pick a card, any card.

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Comfy Mobile Home CYOA Adventurer 06/01/2022 (Wed) 05:25:35 No. 978 [Reply]
Traveling around the universe on the back of a floating turtle doesn't sound so bad.
... Any pants, or a specific one?
>>997 Nope, they were the price you paid to get a trailer.

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The Hobbyist CYOA Adventurer 06/10/2022 (Fri) 02:26:07 No. 996 [Reply]
Please, take something from my collection.

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Multiversal Adoption Clinic Adventurer 06/05/2022 (Sun) 04:29:05 No. 991 [Reply]
Made this a while back with nowhere to directly post it, only just now remembered that this place exists. Is toddlercon cyoa. Open at your own risk, but please do share your build if you do end up playing it. I love reading people's builds
Okay... Oldest bracket since I'm not actually a toddlercon but that overlaps with my area of interest. Since I want one who stays young, that means celestials or elves. Since none of the celestials really specifically caught my eye, I'll go elf. Girl, since that's my preference. Natural/normal physicality. Relaxed would fit best with me, and cuddly would be nice. Excitable and demanding but accepting would be good too. And lustful, for the obvious reason. Oh, I can pay a point for immortality for both of us anyway. Well, I'll take that even if she'll reach puberty in a hundred years, that's fine. After enough time, I'll probably be ready to adopt another anyway. As for the others, I guess reincarnating as an oni would be a power boost to me, and also normalization is needed. With the rest, I'll take the money. That's still enough to buy a house, most places.

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Restoring Love CYOA Adventurer 06/04/2022 (Sat) 17:38:48 No. 990 [Reply]
Someone got to your waifu, can you get them back?

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Fantasy Corp CYOA Adventurer 11/09/2021 (Tue) 02:54:01 No. 619 [Reply]
Mind the balance sheet, lest you be turned into a Newt.
Investor: Abdul Qayyum "Silverfoot" Holdings: 2x Lowlands Plains Double Sized (30), and 1x Lowlands Plains Double Sized with Large Warehouse (25) Product: Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker (Winemaker) -Facilities- 2x Small Cotton Plantation Cashcrop (30) 2x Large Grape Plantation (20) 1x My Own Caravansary with guards (15) 1x Manufactory, Winery (35) Skills: Extraction I, Manufacturing I, Oversight I, Management I, Logistics III, Bookkeeping I, Acquisition I, Network I, Marketing I, Lobbying II, Monopolization III Quirks: Underhanded Practices

Outer Goddess Waifu CYOA Adventurer 06/01/2022 (Wed) 09:55:51 No. 986 [Reply]
Sometimes Eldritch beings can make things interesting for you.

Propaganda Department CYOA Adventurer 06/01/2022 (Wed) 09:35:46 No. 983 [Reply]
The Ministry requires you to work your magic on the public perception of your Liege.

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Team Builder CYOA Adventurer 06/01/2022 (Wed) 06:31:10 No. 979 [Reply]
Comprehensive list of powers, items and waifus for when you need to save a world.
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For the Love of Bloodlines CYOA Adventurer 05/22/2022 (Sun) 17:13:55 No. 975 [Reply]
Women of high status and it's up to you who to choose. Try to come to some arrangement that leaves everyone happy.

Romance of the Four Elements CYOA Adventurer 05/17/2022 (Tue) 01:57:08 No. 969 [Reply]
A template for your own adventures set in the world of Avatar.

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Rainbow Knight CYOA Adventurer 05/17/2022 (Tue) 01:42:44 No. 966 [Reply]
Bring some color back to the world.
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Vacation Eternal Adventurer 05/09/2022 (Mon) 19:58:08 No. 959 [Reply]
get away from it all

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Womb Tattoo CYOA Adventurer Board owner 12/05/2020 (Sat) 02:28:16 No. 4 [Reply]
For when you want to have a lewd mark on a girl and give her powers to go with it.
7 posts and 14 images omitted.
>>941 >.json >O0AQn~N? This a link to something?

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Space orgy Adventurer 04/06/2022 (Wed) 19:13:13 No. 938 [Reply]
fuck the planet. literally.

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SCP Database CYOA Adventurer 11/03/2021 (Wed) 08:11:17 No. 580 [Reply]
Time to contain some lewd.
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Last one.
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