Still haven't found it, but I think I can walk you through it. I believe in you.
Let me explain how CSS themes work, on the user-side:
>click on the gear icon that is near the CSS Theme Wheel
>you will enter the Settings sub-menu. Click on CSS
>the user would paste any CSS theme they made or like into the box
>click Save
>presto, you have a custom theme that carries with you wherever you go on the site
The process is a bit different if you're the board owner, so I cannot go in-depth, but I assure you there is a setting where the board can have its own unique theme that anons won't have to keep copying and pasting, plus it will not carry over with them whichever other boards they go to.
It is possible to create more advanced themes but you'll have to learn more about CSS. For the time being, you can just simply change the colors & images to what you like with the two attached CSS files. The difference between the two templates posted is that 'Hispa Styled' has all borders round as opposed to the classic Futaba edge.
Now, it helps if you use a desktop browser like Firefox
(other browsers might work, never tested them or their mobile counterparts) to edit the CSS files as you'll be able to edit your theme live as opposed to guesswork.
>on the browser just right click, select Inspect on the context menu, and you'll spending most your time in the Inspector & Style Editor tabs for editing
You can change the colors by either changing their hex color codes or clicking on the colors themselves & adjusting their values.
To add some unique touches to your theme, add a specially made wallpaper, board mascot, and/or font. All assets must be uploaded to
>>>/res/ in order to work.
You can also check out the themes this site has for inspiration by visiting its git repository:
When you're happy with your theme, save it as a CSS file. You can also save it as a txt file if you want.
If you're the board owner, upload the CSS theme to your board. If not, share it with the anons, discuss the theme with them, & hope the board owner likes it enough to use it.
Got any questions? Need help in creating a theme? Let me know.