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Anomalous Experiences through Dreams Anonymous 10/14/2023 (Sat) 19:42:00 No. 53
Let's share sleep and dream experiences. What have you encountered?
Oh man, too much to even begin, really. But I should refer to them as astral experiences rather than dreams. I very rarely dream anymore.
>>65 tell moar plz
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Lately I've been experiencing nightmares. I live NEET life and it's been quite negative as of late. It's been about 12 hours since I've woken up but I'll try to recount. In last nights dream I was 18 years younger, I was wearing all purple and my mom and some man were driving my brother in I around in a large parking garage. I had the feeling we were going to some kind of amusement park but there was some off putting feeling about the people in the cars around us. Yesterday my mom mentioned the band "The Cars" so maybe that pushed my dream in that direction. Life is strange.
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>>80 I've been astral travelling for decades. I've been all sorts of places. Have you read John Kreiter's books? I might not be as skilled and experienced as he is, but I know that dark ocean he talks about and it's sobering to realize how completely lost mankind is right now. As I grow older my "young people are clueless", my "normies are clueless" and my "mundanes are clueless" have merged into one super nihilistic clusterfuck that has paralyzed me utterly.
>>112 I've actually been reading John Kreiter's astral projection book myself. On that topic, how did you first get into APing? Was it just a natural thing for you? >tfw unenlightened youngster
>>124 It was a natural thing for me since as young as I can remember. Don't trust anyone like me who says they can teach you. I haven't walked the path in this life and I wouldn't know how to go about it. Did you know the "enlightened" thing is literal? You see a light. It changes many things, but many stay exactly the same.
>>53 I've had many but one particular event I had was that of an old woman with a shotgun appearing at the foot of my bed speaking in spanish about angels and I understood her despite the language barrier when I was half-asleep/half-awake.
Once while I meditated I felt surrounded by spirits entranced by my glowing energy body. After dispersing, one girl remained. She began talking to me in Japanese. I don’t speak Japanese, and I didn’t understand a thing. I managed to ask for her name, but I’ve since forgotten and I didn’t seen her again.
I experienced something interesting in hypnogogia last night. At first only a small fraction of my consciousness was aware of my body, but then when my consciousness more fully possessed it, the feeling was so physically palpable. I guess it was the re-entry of some level of "energy body". It definitely reminds me of all the books and diagrams I've seen that illustrate such things. Maybe if I can find and memorize an accurate one, it will help me to navigate experiences in that state. Like how Gurdjieff's "centers" are a sort of map to waking life.
>>218 >Maybe if I can find and memorize an accurate one I could not find "accurate" ones so far. The way the energy body can appear can be either symbolic (with animals people religious emblems or sigils) or super specific (with energetic circuits and channels like the human body but far more colorful). It has layers upon layers. It is like reading a book. You read a page and turn the page once you understand what is written on it then you read the next and don't understand it until you read the next page after it. Diagrams are usually manifestations of systems the authors came up with so if you find a diagram from a different system that had no relation with that tradition or way of thinking it will portray things from different angles with seemingly no relation at all. Even in daoism they say that unlocking the "inner eye" is important so you can see the different manifestations of the subtle body and once you unlock the inner eye the way the body works might appear completely different from the diagrams. But at that level there is no need for diagrams anymore because you can see what you are doing. It has so many layers and the way the energies move meet and transform within and without is truly spectacular. The more I see it myself the more I understand why it is so hard to make a simple and concise system in spirituality. The map-territory relation fallacy. Mistaking the map for the territory as they say. As I was dwelling deeper within myself I always had an urge to look at anatomy and spiritual diagrams especially after the chakra system appeared for me far more complicated than the mainstream one and as I looked into the chakra diagrams and articles I realized there is no properly agreed upon system here. Then I stopped looking at diagrams for a while but later I had an urge to look at anatomy drawings because I felt that I am working out how the energies work with relation with my nerves capillaries and muscles and I wanted to look at medical anatomy images on the web. Then my guides asked me. >Do you really want to base your understanding upon false images instead of wanting to see it for yourself? With this they did not discourage me but noted that using false images as reference or thinking that the images represent truth will just make misconceptions in my mind. It doesn't mean those diagrams are completely useless or misleading but there is a point where we must let go of them. What I am doing now is biomancy and for the sole purpose of stabilizing my psychic abilities because imbalances in the body cause imbalances in the mind which cause imbalances in the psyche and with that my whole existence becomes an >Anomalous Experience As we work with the paranormal we slowly understand how natural are these phenomenons when the conditions are met and the more I work with these anomalies the less otherworldly they feel. It just becomes a way of life like everything else. Long were the ages when mystics were a common thing the common folk revered and treasured and I wonder when can we return into an age of proper mysticism
>>219 >can be either symbolic (with animals people religious emblems or sigils) or super specific I forgot to mention plants. They are so common that I forgot to consider them anomalous at all... They can appear as roots branches and different kind of flowers petals and leaves. Most symbolic manifestations will be plants because they are the closest to the real thing. When the Buddha gave me a flower and as I took it I realized I am becoming a flower I even asked him that >Will this turn me into a plant He casually said yes. Took me a while to understand what it means and what it means to cultivate. Humans learned cultivation via planting the soil. Plants grow from the darkness of the soil and mature via the light of the sun. Spiritual cultivation is also about understanding the light and darkness surrounding us and how that makes us grow and how our growth reshapes the environment. Just had a breakthrough yesterday and I realized I forgot to mention the plants... Even Fringe Girl has energetic plants manifesting around her and I forgot to mention them. They are the most harmonic expressions of spirituality. Important to not forget them.
I had a dream last night where a contingent of aliens put 2 planets in front of the earth and said they're gonna destroy the world soon unless humanity finds the power from within to stop them. When they said power from within, my mind thought of THE ALL that's within everyone. If it matters, both planets put in front of the earth resembled the earth, but with purple land and greyish-white water; one planet was maybe 8 times bigger than the other, and the smaller one was placed directly in front of the bigger one. I recall having read about such a topic here in the past; people said that this planet will have to be destroyed in the near future, so I'm assuming that either humanity will have to use physicality-altering magic to neutralize or eliminate the NWO soon, or else this planet will have to be destroyed to prevent everyone that isn't a powerful occultist from having their free will stolen from them outright by the NWO's technology for ages to come.
>>226 Small planet is the ultima thule, which is the planet we live on now, it's a small part of the real earth which has been dimensionally twisted and locked behind a gate. From our view it's at antarctica, but in reality it's "all the way around the earth as we know it". It's the ice wall, but it appears as only a continent. Opening that gate will unite the northern small earth with the large sphere out there, the "original africa" to the south. The "out of africa" theory implies humans came from a larger geography to the south, it doesn't talk about africa which we know of. The sphere earth is a dimensional illusion created fairly recently, the exact details were discussed on /x/ a few months ago. You can try astral travelling to antarctica and you can see the gate, if you are just aware of it. Go beyond and view the large planet. Natural resources aren't limited at all, it's all fake.
>>226 >>227 As the "universe expands" theory is mainstream nowadays and yes the earth can also expand but it is more like the dimensions shift and arrange themselves in a new way. It's interesting they are sending out messages about the process. Guess it is necessary for some. >planet will have to be destroyed in the near future I would say "rearranged" like how the tectonic plates move but with larger dimensional layers. >unless humanity finds the power from within The world without their people becomes a lifeless rock and gets destroyed as a natural consequence (Those self hating retards that say the earth would be better without humans on it have zero connection with earth itself). Those who are unable to hear the calling were never really people to begin with. I don't know what they are anymore. NPCs are at least making the game playable but it seems most people are just buggy programs nowadays. But the debugging is on it's way. >my mind thought of THE ALL that's within everyone. Within and without everything and everyone. Ask the voice within maybe he will answer.
>>226 Interesting. From this dream and other stuff I’ve gathered from myself and others, I’ve come to believe that currently the incarnated souls are going to be moved over to two different universes depending on their energetic makeup. It is very much a “harvest” in a way. The Rapture seems to be the process by which our matured souls are going to be reclassified according to their nature, since cohabitation is no longer energetically possible. Your dream seems to imply it would be possible to avoid this by bypassing polarization altogether and transcending, but that is not a viable option for the bulk of humanity, is it? Moreover, it also looks like the majority of souls will end up in on planet, while a minority will make to the other. I don’t think the Earth itself will be destroyed, since the planet has its own path. I think it will just be vacated.
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Reporting my last bad nightmare I mentioned in the Question Thread. This was the day after the nightmare where I spinebuster'd a vision. I was having art class in school, and the same kid from the previous nightmare starting scribbling something with a marker on my jeans, I confronted him then said to the teacher look at this motherfucker. But the confrontation was verbal, in the form of a scolding, and it had no effect. Most students laughed at me. At this point the training kicked in and I became a wizard, with cloak and all. I would go hovering in the class chanting something that sounded like "hakuna/kahuna thai/kal", while my enemies came at me like an horde, but it got the best of them. Then the enemy now was this gigantic kid with a deformed face that looked like fetal alcohol syndrome and had this insane bloodlust. I would run and fly throught the halls and use "corporeous magick" to transverse walls and to hide in corners of the ceiling. There were also a bunch of fat black shirtless guys with shaved heads and some kind of white skirt that made me think of South Asia, and they carried a machete each of them in their right hand. They also run and tried to get me. When we met we would fight each other chanting that kahuna thing. I had thus far avoided any direct attacks on my person. I was in a room when one of these shirtless dudes screamt "hes here" and the gigantic kid came rushing into the room, but I used my corporeal magic to be at the same physical space as the wall and hide there. Then I fired an attack on his back and it went through cleanly. It was over. One of the machete guys hurled himself at the body that lied on the ground and cried "master!!", another that stood beside me said "its not over yet hes still moving" and I replied "his rpm is too low. hes a dead man". But then I saw he get up and grab the machete guy as if it were a doll and started beheading him slowly and then began stiching his body into his own as some sort of healing mechanism, this was too horrid and i was feeling queasy and then i woke up. Also important to note that before entering the room I was in a labyrinthine bathroom. Bathrooms, especially public bathrooms are recurring elements of my dreams.
>>242 >labyrinthine bathroom I used to have these a lot earlier, I concluded to me they represent the physical world, where "looking for an empty toilet stall" was the same as trying to fulfill desires in the flesh. It's no different from taking a shit, no matter what desire it appears like. At one point the dreams stopped appearing, I assume when these things were less on my mind.
>>242 >Also important to note that before entering the room I was in a labyrinthine bathroom. Bathrooms, especially public bathrooms are recurring elements of my dreams. Those are interdimensional connector places. It's about cleansing. In the past humans cleansed themselves in rivers and ponds then in bathhouses and temples. Nowadays we don't have bathhouses we do not cleanse ourselves via a river or a pond nor do we go to a church for cleansing. Because of that to connect to other worlds and to other parts of our psyche we have to go through these representations. I too had these dreams in the past >>248 >they represent the physical world The way we cleanse ourselves in the physical world yes. Until we become either clean or discover our own way of cleansing ourselves it repeats from time to time. >this was too horrid and i was feeling queasy You are truly far more of a proper human than me. If this happens to me my mind goes into THIS IS A VIDEOGAME mindset and my body uses it's RULES OF NATURE reflexes and no amount of horror can distraught me. I have to slowly let go of that mindset tho. Not good for further spiritual work and it keeps me addicted to high action videogames. Also the other parts sound like regular social anxiety/childhood traumas going out of proportion because they still affect your life and you are still unable to overcome it. Some minor entities might exploit it but I would say this is forcing you to awaken by yourself. You have no choice but to fight and get rid of these fears no matter what. The way we do it depends on our nature and I am too gung-ho solving things via violence so I am slowly learning to not use it by reflex. For you this might take time until you gather your courage to face your fears. I am not saying you are fearful because you handled this situation well but if you were in that class IRL the trauma of that experience would have hurt you. After overcoming these fears no one will even dare to fuck with you. Or if they do you will be able to diffuse those situations because you don't feel helpless anymore. The fact that you were able to go into wizard mode instead of enduring silently shows you are on the good track for finding your own power.
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>>248 >where "looking for an empty toilet stall" was the same as trying to fulfill desires in the flesh In these labyrinthine toilets it's more like feeling lost and trying to find something to do, rather than actually wanting to use the toilet. Most of my time spent there is trying to find the exit. If I try to use a toilet it's because other people there are staring at me and I try to act normal, but I don't wanna spend much time in these places. >>251 >Those are interdimensional connector places. I often have this feeling of "distortion" when I'm at these bathrooms. Like those poorly edited amateur movies. My thoughts will often focus on dirt, these bathrooms are often dirty or have bizarre architecture (insanely large urinals that go from ceiling to floor). They somewhat resemble liminal spaces. Some dreams involve being instructed to shower in "military style" bathrooms with no privacy, and in these I always refuse to shower and to undress before the others, I find some way to hide or to cover myself. I think these might be two different kinds of dream symbolism. The first is probably one of these interdimensional connectors you spoke of, especially because these are places I exit before getting into the "actual" dream. But the second might be something about baring oneself(?). The military style toilets have no distortion and generally play an actual part in the dreams story. >regular social anxiety/childhood traumas going out of proportion because they still affect your life and you are still unable to overcome it. Some minor entities might exploit it but I would say this is forcing you to awaken by yourself. You have no choice but to fight and get rid of these fears no matter what. I had read somewhere that ancient egyptians refused to write about bad things out of fear that they might manifest in their lifes, and used a similar approach to these sort of problems. I would try to undo by not acknowledging. I see this is not working and often leads to a build-up of bad energy.
>>254 >that ancient egyptians refused to write about bad things out of fear that they might manifest in their lifes While they were wise in some matters they were quite retarded in others. >I see this is not working and often leads to a build-up of bad energy. You came to the right conclusion. Ignoring a problem just makes it worse. Writing about your problems usually means you are working on it. And once your problem manifest you can deal with it. It is also important. Better manifest a problem in a situation when you can handle it and solve it or you might reach a point where you have no proper control over your life nor a say in the timing and way of that bad thing's manifestation. Also never avoid fear. You will have to conquer it. Fear is not the worst thing. The worst thing is usually the thing that causes the fear and you will need a clear conscience to defeat it no matter what form it takes. >I often have this feeling of "distortion" when I'm at these bathrooms. Like those poorly edited amateur movies. My thoughts will often focus on dirt, these bathrooms are often dirty or have bizarre architecture (insanely large urinals that go from ceiling to floor). Now this is new. For me they are just large places but the showers and other appliances are normal sized and not surreal fuckhuge. Probably because the moment I figure out I am in a dream I go ballistic so it tries to keep me asleep. Also mine are clean. Way too clean. The dirtiest I've seen was actually old and that is why the mural was a little brownish but not dirty. >But the second might be something about baring oneself(?). Oh that one is important. We born naked we die naked. Our energy body is naked. It can manifest symbols or clothes but it is naked. Wearing clothes actually blocks our natural energy flow. And shame. Shame is a bad reflex. You will have to get over it because it also blocks vital energy flows. I had naked dreams more than a decade ago where I noticed my zipper is down or I am in my underpants or with no pants on while talking to people and I thought >if they were not bothered by my nakedness before then they are ignoring it already. Why should I care if they don't care With that the dreams usually went into the "next chapter". I don't know if you live alone or if you have any privacy but try to get naked and feel how natural it is to be naked. If you are anxious about the way your body or a body part look try to realize that it is your shame that makes it ugly and not it's inherent ugliness. Try to accept your body because that is the first step when you can start working on it and feel it's natural energy flow. And proper energy flows heal the body. Took me time to realize the importance of it. First I realized while meditating I need to be shirtless because my upper body generates too much sweat while doing my energy work. I still had my socks and pants on because my legs were still cold. Then I realized my lotus is faulty because my socks makes my foot slip down. So I took them off. Then as my legs started to regain their energy flow I dropped my pants. Then I realized my crotch has almost the most important energy flow mechanism in the entire lotus position and it obstructed the way the energies flow. There are extremely important muscle movements in your hip area for energy work. When I meditate the room usually gets warmer once my energies stabilize. Becoming Skyclad is important and it is not about nudism but realizing that this shame is not natural and it just leads to inhibited feelings desires and ultimately perversion. Some anons said in the past that when a female entity appeared front of them naked the entity told them to not feel lust. For me it was weird. Whenever I noticed an entity naked my mind went into "spiritual mode" and lust never even appeared for me while when I was horny no entity wanted to approach me. I mean I can make them have sex with me but it feels wrong... Especially because I can manually overload my nerves for a full body orgasm and doing that makes me aware just how retarded it is... If an entity does something lewd with me it is usually just a warm up for a spiritual lesson and not a deranged sexual thing. Prudism ruined everything. It managed to create the opposite effect. Prude regions are usually the most porn addicted. They denied their own natural energies and created an unnatural perversion in it's stead.
>>254 Btw did you figure out your own dreamcheck method? Hope you are doing it. Focusing on it even while writing your posts and eating or living the day to make sure it is not a dream. Constantly dreamchecking connects parts of the subconscious and the unconscious. It forces you to question everything that is happening. Also if you made a magic sword for yourself practice holding it in your hand and swinging it while bored. It awakens the energy body and being able to pull in the energy body into the dream is important. There are dreams when our limbs don't move and learning to reactivate them is important. I remember I had dreams where my legs didn't work so I started to run and jump with my hands. Nightmares subside once you become the scariest part of it.
>>254 >In these labyrinthine toilets it's more like feeling lost and trying to find something to do, rather than actually wanting to use the toilet. Most of my time spent there is trying to find the exit. If I try to use a toilet it's because other people there are staring at me and I try to act normal For me it used to be having a strong urge to use the toilet, but there are always some problems with them. The stall door can't be locked, I enter it but the toilet is not installed (just a hole in the floor), I keep walking and think I'll find one but they're all broken or locked in some way. During a session with Sepheranz/Illivryn she said these places are hell, and it's the same experience as being down there. Waking up from the dream means still being in hell and having to solve the problem later, during the day or week. If the situation is solved in the dream, it's solved and was like a test. I mentioned other specific dreams to her, like being naked with only a towel in a mall and looking for a pool that was supposed to be there. This dream ended when I actually found my way to the roof and there was a pool and flower pots with flowers. Illivryn said this means I passed the test. >these bathrooms are often dirty or have bizarre architecture (insanely large urinals that go from ceiling to floor). They somewhat resemble liminal spaces I've tended to see the dirt but feel that it's "comfy" somehow, which I suppose means that there are dirty things I like which I don't see that they are dirty while awake. I also used to have dreams of being in large swimming hall mazes, sometimes there would be toilets in there too, as if we were swimming in the sewage water, but it looks blue and fresh, maybe to say that I have no idea that it's actually dirty and see it as clean. I do recall one time (I think this was the last time I had such a dream) where I said "fuck it" to myself and starting peeing into the water of the swimming hall (standing above the pool). A woman came in and looked at me but I felt nothing and didn't care. I think this may have been how I was meant to pass the test.
>>259 >she said these places are hell Ultimately Hell is about cleansing but Purgatory is the place that is known for cleansing while Hell is the one known for eternal damnation/no escape kind of thing. I remember some supersized bathrooms with broken bidets but there were just so many it didn't matter that some are broken. I thought >This place is so big and so empty some broken appliances does not reduce it's capacity so probably that is the reason why they don't hurry to fix it >looking for a pool that was supposed to be there I was in a mall in a medical facility first then as I was bathed in some yellow light like fluid pool I went into the higher parts with many people on it. I was looking for a dentist but managed to solve that problem on my own in the end. >large swimming hall mazes This brings back some faint memory but for me it was clean >starting peeing Peeing is weird. The muscles we use for peeing is also used for energy work and learning to pee in dreams without pissing yourself in the bed is something that opens an energy pathway somehow. Had many dreams where I peed then woke up thinking OH SHIT then it was nothing. I had these pee dreams like 3 or 5 times? The lower energy channels can be weird because the first "restraint" we learn is to not pee ourselves but not being able to pee because anxiety and pissing yourself because of fear is both a thing. And they both relate to the root chakra. DAMM SOLVED AN ANOTHER MYSTERY AGAIN The bathroom resonate with the energy pathways between the root and the sacral chakra. Also now mind just registered a bunch of new mysteries relating to this. Carnal desires can be weird and cannot be oversimplified via chakras. Ayyyyy
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>>258 >Btw did you figure out your own dreamcheck method? About dreamchecks, when dream-keeping I was very excited about the possibility of astral projection and lucid dreams, and did them like crazy. Mostly staring at my hands/fingers and questioning reality. The weird thing is that the only dream where I ended up doing the check was a bizarre dream when heavy armour sadamitsus(from pic related) where being dropped from military helicopters in the waterfront of my neighborhood. And there were earthquake alerts and stuff. I though that's weird and did the check but strangely my hands looked normal in the dream, and I saw a oriental-style restaurant that actually exists near that spot in the neighborhood, so I thought "This is East Asia, there are many seismic events there, nothing out of the ordinary here. The choppers are disaster relief." So in the end I think that I needed to develop another check? That one didn't work for me, or I was just doing them out of reflex and not actually "questioning reality" so they were just a motor reaction. I don't know. I did got to astral project much later, but that was a stroke of luck and using the "wake back to bed" technique. Nowadays I am waking up very late - around noon - so waking back to bed is not viable. Also, on the topic of fear: When I did astral project, I got afraid of going too far and fucking myself up or that someone would wake me up and the "soul recoil" I heard about would happen, so I never left my room. Looking back that's so lame. Since those dreamchecks failed, can I just come up with dreamchecks of my own? >>259 >swimming halls One of the most recurring dreams of my childhood was a contest among kids in a resort swimming pool. Every time I got close to finishing the contest the dream would abruptly end, some years ago I got veeery far and after that it never happened again. >>257 Yeah, fear is a big player in my psyche. Fear and phobias. You could even say that I'm moved by it. Actually, the entire reason I got into magick in the first place was due to fear. I started doing rituals myself to avoid my phobias from happening, it slowly evolved through the years, and then I met /fringe/. About the dirt in the bathroom mazes, it is not like a filthy gas station with unflushed shit - although, sometimes there is a veritable piss pool in the huge urinals -, but that the whole maze feels "greasy". The walls reflect too much light, as if coated in something. There's mold in the walls. And the pov will keep focusing on peoples moving faces, like a bad director's attempt at introducing a sketchy scene.
The discussion on here must have triggered something. I just had a dream of being in North Korea, where I met Kim Jong Un, there was also another visitor. We were both given the asian cone shaped hats to wear. The dream proceeded with us walking in a park or temple setting with beautiful lanscapes around it, we were meant to show Kim something. There was one main road in the middle and some flowers planted in square shaped concrete boxes. It felt a lot like the dream where I finished it correctly, but this time it was like entering the last level of the game again after already beating it. We went into an old school building by the far end of the park. It looked like something built in the 1950s with zinks in every classroom like they'd prepare back then so that it could be turned into a hospital/refugee center if needed during the cold war. It was mostly abandoned but the lights were on, one room had a kitchen with an oven where a fire was burning. The idea to look for a toilet appeared, but it was just "to check things out". The other visitor said "we don't have to do that, just wait 'til we are out". I looked but only saw locked doors with regular locks and some cleaning cabinet. When we went past the kitchen again, there was a lot of smoke coming from the fire.
>>268 >Since those dreamchecks failed, can I just come up with dreamchecks of my own? That is the best way. Truth is staring at hands and fingers is not enough because dreams can properly remake them they don't always morph. You can make talismans or totems like it was in the Inception movie or the way I do it I look at my palmsitry lines on my hands. They are very specific and they remind me I have hands. Once I know I have hands I can manipulate reality and not just sleepwalk. The dreamchecks need to be specific and whenever you look at it you must not do as a motor reflex as you said it but observe the details and make sure you are not dreaming. Dreams can replicate anything. Once I thought the feeling of pain cannot be replicated in dreams. I was wrong. I hit my head in a waterslide in a dream once and it hurt and went forward while once I was outside and was thinking is this a dream? then as I noticed a grill with burning charcoal I put my hands into it and it burnt my hand. The only thing that differs is the "degree" of pain it inflicts. It is minor so if you "pinch your cheeks" as a dreamcheck make sure you observe the pain and analyze it in every situation to make sure it is real. I had dreams where I was chatting on the web with my friend many times in the past and made me mad that "this is an extremely pointless waste of dreamtime" so I changed the nickname and wrote it on other places something akin to "lookatyourpalms" so if my mind wants to properly replicate that as a dream it has no choice but to remind me also to dreamcheck. >fear is a big player in my psyche. Fear and phobias I know people that operated via fear but for me it is the opposite. I cannot operate because of fear if I even notice my own fear I face it/understand it because it is a limiting force that bothers me. Nowadays I understand the value of fear and how it keeps us away from recklessness but that fear needs to be turned into caution and not paranoia and phobias. >phobias Also phobias can be a mixed bag. Some of them relate to traumas which can be cured if we face them while some of them relate to our soul origin. Some of them are just silly energetic attachments that you can 'grow out' once your environment gets harsher but they can get specific. If you feel comfortable with sharing them you can write them down but they need work. I had a minor fear of heights and corpses but they are not an issue for me for a very long while. It bothered that they have power over me so I got rid of them in my teens with a sort of mental psychonaut daydreaming introspection way. But it depends on the type of phobia and how it materializes for you. It merely triggers a flight reflex from you get paralyzed or it just creates an icky feeling. The way it can be solved depends what and how it triggers you. And ofc how much you want to get rid of them. Some people love their weaknesses and quirks. They think that makes them the person who they are. It created a dumb special snowflake mentality in the last decade. Even allergies can be cured via hypnosis phobias are even more easy to cure... if we want them to be cured ofc. Some people can't accept how easy they can be cured. The way our psyche works can be baffling sometimes and we are mostly not even aware of it. >>268 >The discussion on here must have triggered something Fringe is getting energetically rebooted in the past months. Can't write much about it yet because it turned into a bigger undertaking than it initially looked when it started
>>257 That makes me wonder; is there a kind of material that clothes can be made of that wouldn't disrupt energy flows, or at least would disrupt them relatively little?
>>288 Witches usually use silk or velvet robes but I am pretty sure looking at what exactly Buddhists wear would be a good starting point. They meditate quite a lot so I am pretty sure they know their stuff. Never really looked into it because in the end clothing shouldn't matter once my energy work is proper but in the start up process it counts. It's like how you can easily trample a little sapling but trampling a properly grown tree is not that easy. Also if you find clothes that you use for the sole purpose of meditation should also enhance the energies after a while. This is the point of the "wizard robe"
>>288 Actually, clothing can’t disrupt energy. It always comes back to our bodies being limiters of our transcendent expression (both for control and directed growth). Clothing disrupts your attention via bodily sensation. In extreme cases, a disruption of bodily function, like blood circulation, might prove too much for you to counteract. But most of the time a properly trained energy body (attention) is all you need to turn “disruptive clothing” into perfectly good clothing. Ie, with enough practice you can astral project while standing, although most people might have trouble with it just by going to bed with a full belly or under too heavy covers. There’s an account in one of Alexandra David-Neel’s books about a monk going out of body in the middle of a conversation by just closing his eyes, and doing so with such depth that he looked like he was dead. While standing. To answer your question, light clothing that you can forget about easily. When in doubt, something that lets you do Robert Bruce’s tactile techniques comfortably.
>>299 Yeah I too forgot to mention that the most important thing is for the clothing to be a little loose and not suffocating/restraining and most importantly not make one of your bodypart too hot while letting the other too cold. Full body energy works heat up the entire body and the body will need to find a way to balance that. With uncomfortable clothing you get either distracted or if the energies really start flowing you just say fuck it and throw all of them off. But once the energies settle in and managing the flows becomes natural it shouldn't be an issue anymore. >monk going out of body in the middle of a conversation by just closing his eyes, and doing so with such depth that he looked like he was dead Hahahahaha. Too real.
FYI, >301 is spam, the tor link doesn't resolve to any /fringe/-related page.
Sometimes I have the weirdest experiences in dreams. These are special. They feel more like astral travel, but I'm not fully lucid. They are evil, truly depraved and dark shit. Last night I encountered a guy passing some sort of security checkpoint. He was being told by another one a technique to become invisible. It was called "soul close" and he kept gesturing as if he was closing a zipper. It was quite humorous. I laughed as I watched him go and sit with someone else in front of a heater. Another figure was talking next to them, explaining the rest of us, who were watching, something about how he had the power to do whatever he wanted and how the ones sitting were powerless to resist or something like that. The heater slowly increased its output and we could see how the figures who were sitting, their back to us, got their face melted by the heat. We weren't laughing anymore. But the person talking seemed as amused and happy as ever. Words cannot convey how macabre and disturbing this whole thing was. I have seen other stuff, such as one being once trying to stick a power drill up my ass or another operating on a woman's genitalia in vivo. Hellish shit. I don't know where this stuff comes from.
>>305 Me again. It's interesting. Today a building caught on fire in my city. It might have been premonitory. Sometimes I feel like another life of mine is in actual hell.
>>307 The third eye can open different ways and to different worlds. You might have the so called "infernal eye" which gives you visions and premonitions in a more hellish manner. >I feel like another life of mine is in actual hell. I would say you have a good attunement to it but yes we can have infernal bodies too that are somewhat in the hell dimensional layer already. Once you become aware how you are interacting with this dimension it can become a boon and not just a curse but no matter what you will be playing with fire. Extreme caution is needed when we dare connecting worlds for personal gain or other whimsical reasons. I too meet these places in dreams sometimes but for me they usually have a lesson value. We interact with these places differently and it is not always clear why and how and what exactly is the deeper underlying meaning.
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I've been slacking off lately. >>269 Interesting North Korea dreams were very frequent during 2015-2021 for me. The mostly revolved around the Supreme Leader trying to recruit me as a bodyguard or about me applying for crazy competitions whose winners would be selected as KJU's bodyguards. One of these competitions featured anime characters playing dodgeball with us. Fun dreams. >>270 I understand that it is a limiting force, and it bothers me as well, but I can't help it. I think fear is supposed to be a limiter, a dectetor, keep us in check (see pic rels). But the fear responses can get messed up too. The ultimate objective is to integrate your fears into yourself without going mad. This is very difficult as you have to analyse your fears and see which are completely useless and irrational and how the others can be of help. >If you feel comfortable with sharing them you can write them down I have about 7 or so phobias as of now. I will write about them later, when I'm feeling better energetically. The weird thing is the actual original phobia who generated all this shit is the only one I actually beat. Most of these others I didn't have but developed with time. I think getting rid of this shit is the next step in my development. It's keeping me down. >>305 This seems very similar to what I've come to term "bovine dreams". The uncanny hellish feeling of macabreness, the hiding joy some of the dreams-people get, and the feeling of it being more real than a dream.
>>309 >bovine dreams It's interesting that you call them that because once I had one of these in which a cow transformed into a human being and I watched as naked humans were butchered in front of their families while they screamed in horror. This dream happened because I eat meat that didn't sit well with my stomach the night before.
>>305 >>307 Two people had been trapped for more than an hour in the fire and ended up being rescued. These are the two in my dream. I know it. When I saw it I actually cried. Such a bizarre thing.
>>309 >I've been slacking off lately. Same. I too want to write a bunch of effortposts to revitalize fringe but the inspiration is still not at the right place. Trying to figure out how to word things so they don't sound like ramblings of a madman takes time. >I think fear is supposed to be a limiter, a dectetor, keep us in check (see pic rels) I had quite the amount of warrior past lives so fear is not something I dare to tolerate within myself. Luckily videogames managed to awaken the fighting spirit mentality within me already so if things get wild in my mind I just go full DOOMguy. And yes fear can really work as a detector. For me it is different tho because when I am fighting I have to "feel" the killing intent in my "enemies" because at that part my full focus awakens because at that level it is not mere playing around anymore. But it's always different because I don't have a fighting style. My mind just reflexively figures out the usually unconventional tactics against my adversaries. But yes I too had absolute fear and dread coming from dimensions which were supposed to be visited after death. It was just a warning sign so once I passed that barrier it was quite calm. >This is very difficult as you have to analyse your fears and see which are completely useless and irrational and how the others can be of help. True. But you will have to understand the feeling of "daring". The real courage and not the reckless kind. Confidence then courage is important because with that you know you are unable to die because you are always faster than your enemies and always on that thin edge that grants you victory. Can't describe better when my fighting spirit awakens things get wild but I must watch out to not get drunk on that feeling or I lose. I am so glad anime and wuxia is a thing in this time period because this feeling is never really that well documented and portrayed. Not to mention only very few people really gets it. >The weird thing is the actual original phobia who generated all this shit is the only one I actually beat. Most of these others I didn't have but developed with time. That is an interesting development. Going back to the way the phobias developed and reexperiencing it and somewhat trying to tell your childhood self that everything is alright and getting through with them might help (It's about talking to your child persona as an adult or vice versa. You become your own psychologist/mentor to your self that represents the best the trauma and talk it out and look for a solution together). It depends from person to person how we have to deal with it and obviously it depends on the type of the phobia. Some of them run truly deep while some of them just merely wrong wirings in the brain. >feeling of it being more real than a dream. Sometimes they are >integrate your fears into yourself without going mad Yeah the problem is that I am post madness already. There is a thing tho. The human body has the ability to counterbalance madness if we let it. This is why meds can be problematic because some of them block the brain's ability to naturally develop measures against madness but Psychiatry and Psychology is an extremely ill-prepared science today because they still don't acknowledge the victims of Psychosis as anything "real" so they just blind them and numb them instead of trying to help their core issues. Once your problems become post mundane they usually hurt more than help. Wish I could give a more useful advice but how to defeat fear and madness but without knowing much about the nature of the issues makes it tricky and my psychic abilities are a little tired today so I will not even try a reading >>311 This proves it. Your infernal eye is open and you are on the path of the seer now. Wonder what will be the next step in your development.
>>312 >you are on the path of the seer now Sounds chuunibyou as fuck. But ok. Several years ago I dreamt of a woman burning alive on a balcony. I felt it. Not the pain, but the emotional anguish of the woman. A few days later I saw a newspaper article about a woman who caught on fire at home and jumped out the window of her balcony in flames to her death. My “seership” is dumb and cruel.
>>314 >Sounds chuunibyou as fuck. But ok. Do you want me to tell you that you are delusional and this was a mere coincidence that your delusional mind is just making you connect things randomly or some other retarded mundane excuse via pointing out some theory about statistics and personal preferences by trying to deny the truth of these things? >My “seership” YOU ARE NOT A FUCKING SEER YET YOU FUCK BECAUSE YOU ARE UNABLE TO HANDLE IT. I SAID YOU ARE ON THE PATH AND NOT THAT YOU ARE A SEER. Just because I found a waiver about looking for assistants for a brain surgery documentary filming that does not make me a brain surgeon. It just means I can get inspired and do the work to become one because I know where I can start from. >is dumb and cruel. No that is you because you are not trying to even find out how your powers work nor you try willingly understand it. I could call you a retarded schizo too that does not know how to even consciously tap into the stream without someone needing to violently die around you. Do you know why do you have these violent and cruel visions? Because that is the only thing you react to. Your mind unable to even consider remembering the more gentle lessons so the only thing that sticks is when it is this level of brutal and disgusting. You see other things too just unable to recall them. And no >chuunibyou as fuck would have been if I told you you are the descendant of the warped dragon from the Aegis mountain ranging from the past ages or Oceanus you faggot. I just said you have the ability that can predict disasters and if you tune it well you will be able to make a difference and prevent other disasters. Hope you are happy with this more chanlike reply instead of the >chuunibyou one on this board for fucking wizards and mystics.
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>>310 I started calling them that after a dream where a "meat-seller" sold some sinister looking meat as "eggs", then the day after I had a dream involving a slaughterhouse. The feeling of these dreams is very similar to the slaughtering of cattle, in that it is brutal, raw but at the same time there is a component of banality to it, as the other "cattle" can't understand what is happening. Afterwards, more brutal dreams followed (not involving literal cows) and the named remained. >>312 >dimensions which were supposed to be visited after death Can you elaborate? >It's about talking to your child persona as an adult or vice versa I'll try this. >Psychiatry and Psychology is an extremely ill-prepared science I feel this. Right now I'm still living with my parents, and my mother is very insistent on getting me on psychiatric meds. I have managed avoid it so far, and don't plan on taking them any time soon. >the nature of the issues It's very complicated. I don't know how I can explain it without writing the Great Wall of China. I think I should work on writing them and then post on the question thread for opinions and solutions.
>>316 >Can you elaborate? I had several and they mostly related to understanding the fear of death. Passing through the dimensions means some part of you dies and reborns. Those parts are usually quite mundane and related to mundane perspectives and such. My first was when I cleaned up my bodily and mental issues and they appeared old metallic rusty factories. Started breaking them left and right because I felt the chains coming from those buildings are embedded into my body. After I destroyed quite the amount I noticed a purple barrier. That barrier gave me an extreme amount of existential dread. But in that pure white fog that I was in I didn't see anything else and I said "fuck it" and went there. Once passing the threshold I found myself in a first purple wilderness then it turned into a quite serene darkness. Realized I will have to visit that place later. As I visited that place before sleep a girl appeared who was like a shrine maiden and showed me several things that resulted in my awakening but that is quite long story. And had a dream where I was a ship's captain and as we sailed the sea we reached the edge of the world literally. It was like the old depiction of flat earth how once you reach the end the water falls down and you enter the abyss. I got scared grabbed the steering wheel and in the last moment while falling down I noticed a cave and me and my crew survived there. It had a stage and everyone started doing a play where they summarized their life and their impression of it while everyone listened in peace. While listening I was thinking what should be my story that I could tell at the "end of the world" to describe my life I somewhat woke up because I didn't know what to say. Then later that night I realized that was the gateway to abyss and the last fear of death and willingly passed it. There were others too but they are more personal and need a longer write up to explain them. Also I never had slaughter house dreams because I live a life where we produce our own meat and was taught since childhood to find it normal so for me it wouldn't even register >It's very complicated. I don't know how I can explain it without writing the Great Wall of China. We have 8001 character limit so feel free t make it. >I think I should work on writing them and then post on the question thread for opinions and solutions. Sure why not. I think the best is sitting down and deciding to write it down no matter what and not thinking how bad it sounds and proofreading it at the end only to make sure it makes sense but not pondering on it too much because we usually overthink it. It usually results in understanding our own traumas better in the writing and proofreading process.
Man, last night I astral projected three times, but I ended up joining a group of degenerates and going kamaloka all night long with them. I need to get my shit together because I don’t want to end up there when I die.
On Valentine's Day, I was feeling very miserable, even nihilistic. Later that night, my spirit wife gave a dream. Most of it was wandering through what I believe to be an astral realm, but the beginning and ending were key. A teacher in a green shirt lectured me on nihilism and how it was killing my soul. I couldn't refute it. After wandering through the realm, I had a sudden psychedelic vision. Green miasmas permeated my sight. An eye developed into a face, then a body. All the while, I heard a hauntingly beautiful electronic song with lyrics that I can't remember, but I knew it was a spell to cast out the nihilism. It worked, since I haven't felt that bad again.
>>317 >related to understanding the fear of death It seems fear of death can be a more complicated nuisance than I thought. I had a weird dream where a woman I know announced the death of someone I know with a glass vase with a small white flower of a clover in it. As she mentioned the way of the death I realized that something is absolutely not adding up and I woke up. It turns out fearing the death of others is also bad on it's own way. While people can be mostly responsible for their own lives it is possible to help others overcome their trials and with a wise council help them keep out of trouble. While karma is karma in the end it can be transformed in a way that is not necessary for it to be lethal. As mages we have power over the flow of destiny that we play with it constantly as our whims and our wisdom allows it. The problem with this fearing the death of others or simply worrying for them is that it gives a shaky disposition to the energies we use to connect with them. It just shows we don't trust them nor their abilities to overcome their trials nor we trust our own abilities that our spells will keep them out of harm's way. It seems the problem here is the same as why surgeons are not allowed to do surgery on their family members. That worry that unsure hesitation will just make your hands shake a little and your focus will dwindle and once your mind envisions failure for a moment instead of letting focus on the things that needs to be done you are in trouble. For now this fear-type appears as some graylike dust in my energy field which does not do harm the same way like other fears but still clouds my vision and disturbs the natural flow of energies. Just looked up the symbolic meaning of the clover (flower) because it took me some time to realize that flower belonged to the clover. > "to be (or to live) in clover", meaning to live a carefree life of ease, comfort, or prosperity It seems this is something I have to realize. What it means to be carefree. How to let go and understand the proper flow of energies instead of tensing over every issue. It's intersting how these mundane issues interact with our spiritual progress. >>332 >lectured me on nihilism and how it was killing my soul Your nihilism is quite interesting. It was a sort of misery type energy which was like >Nothing matters EXCEPT feeding this energy rot within No wonder she said it's killing your soul. Wonder how you got it. Just merely glanced at it because once we pass through astral realms to solve issues the energy signatures can be read sometimes and was wondering if I can gain some insights for combating my own purposelessness. It's not that I have no purpose no goals it's just the current stage of modern mundanity is not some awe inspiring wonder to behold but I am still unable to leave it behind and I have to figure out how I can channel my own energies in a way I am able to continue my spiritual path while grounding myself in the overall mundanity I experience while interacting with others. It's ridiculous how people forgot the importance of the other side and most they do is sometimes believing in God or in the afterlife and nothing else beyond it. Understanding astrology or thinking that the myths and legends of old have any meaning besides some entertaining bedtime story is inconceivable for most of them. I learned to only say as much as they need to hear but it still bothers me a little. But then again for them it's weird I have no interest towards cars booze expensive vacations and other mainstream degeneracy so each to their own I guess. I would die from trying to live their lives. The reason why I ranted because I thought you might have the materialistic nihilism or something similar but it was not that. Just wrote down how I see similar issues with my own eyes but yours was different. What I can see is a sort of energetic rot but I am unsure what feelings made it appear. Sorry for being nosy btw but I too had an experience where an etheric song flushed out the miasma of my heart and was wondering if it was similar. They cannot be easily compared it seems.
>>335 Since my last post was made, this nihilism has made a comeback. >What I can see is a sort of energetic rot but I am unsure what feelings made it appear. >It was a sort of misery type energy That's precisely what it is. More specifically, it's a combination of depression, despair, rage, frustration, and hatred of myself and others, essentially creating a personal hell for myself. >Wonder how you got it I believe it was present to some degree the past couple of years, and I was able to go on with life by simply ignoring it, but in the past few months it's become much worse. I have two theories on why this is: >1. I've created a negative thoughtform over time and now it has taken a life of its own. Spirit wife is fighting against this larva's influence. >2. There is no thoughtform per se. My spirit wife dredged these feelings up to force me to confront and overcome them so I can move on with my life. >The reason why I ranted because I thought you might have the materialistic nihilism or something similar but it was not that Yeah, it's definitely not a material nihilism. There's not much I desire other than a comfy farm in the middle of nowhere. >Sorry for being nosy btw but I too had an experience where an etheric song flushed out the miasma of my heart and was wondering if it was similar Don't worry about it, anon. In fact, I would argue your nosiness has been very helpful, if not life-saving. Did you get a peek at my wife, by any chance? I'm curious as to what she looks like to others
>>336 >it's a combination of depression, despair, rage, frustration, and hatred of myself and others Iktf but for me it was different because I let my negative feelings combat each other. Need to work? Channel rage. Need to rest and forget all the stress? Let depression take over and sleep. Someone started a retarded argument with me disturbing my pace for no real reason? Let him get all my tempered hatred. And let's not mention what happened when other beings attacked me on the astral. But that was my past and I had to let go of it and I am still letting it go. Higher energies must not merge with these lower emotions because auto casting a spell because someone expressed an opinion that I dislike and activating all negative karma in their vicinity at once because I am unable to keep my semi-subconscious temper in check is not okay. Fearing my own powers and not being able to control them because of it was an another lesson I had to understand. But enough about me. >essentially creating a personal hell for myself. What I am saying is not to argue about semantics but this will be important conceptually. You are not "creating" that hell you are more akin to "maintaining" it. What you need to understand how you can "disassemble" or take it apart. The energetic formation you have is like a slow acidic rot that managed to turn into a self reinforcing "organism" of sorts and you will have to slowly "enter it" and see or feel what energies what thoughts are reinforcing it. You will have to slowly take it apart because while in a way you are "creating it" but it also makes you repeat thought patterns that reinforce it's existence. The thing is it's quite weak but because you adapted a lifestyle where you constantly reaffirm it without noticing it has a hard time vanishing until either you start changing or your environment changes and forces a change within yourself. >I believe it was present to some degree the past couple of years, and I was able to go on with life by simply ignoring it Yeah the last years were quite terrible taxing and vexing energetically and emotionally for most people so it's no wonder you have something like this which means it is quite possible that the energy rot you have within is not just yours but a sort of shared energetic amalgamation that your environment and lifestyle with the people around you created which might sound you have no power over it but in truth it's the opposite because once you figure out how you need to change or at least return into your own truth will change not just the way you feel and live but your environment too to some degree. >but in the past few months it's become much worse There are quite the lot of energetic changes and pressures in the air because this retardation we had in the past 4 years is not sustainable and once it reaches a boiling point a change will happen no matter what. Those with spiritual sensitivity or with a sort of "True will" can notice this and get ahead of the crowd instead of suffering a sort of energetic "collective punishment" or mass karma because they can work on their own instead of waiting for others to fix them. It's complicated but the change is coming but those who do nothing but wait will have the rudest and nastiest awakening so it's better to start fixing things as much as we can. >1. I've created a negative thoughtform over time and now it has taken a life of its own. Spirit wife is fighting against this larva's influence. >2. There is no thoughtform per se. My spirit wife dredged these feelings up to force me to confront and overcome them so I can move on with my life. Both theories are somewhat correct. I wouldn't exactly call it a thoughtform but it's quite close because it managed to turn into a sort of self affirming rot like a disease can. It is a sort of energetic emotional and mental/thought mismanagement. How to say it easily. It is like a thought loop in your head that is so repetitive so always present that you could ignore it because the madness of the world around you made you forget your own problems. And you might had perished like most NPCs nowadays but spirit waifu nudged you that it's time to let go of it because otherwise you will die with it. I don't know where I would draw a line for a thoughtform but it is like a sort of energetic sac that contains important life energies that belong to you while a bunch of energetic rot with it so it is able to reaffirm itself but it's true that you (sub)consciously sorta reaffirming it and I know you are somewhat realizing this too so I cannot say you do this unconsciously but you have no idea what activity or life direction would let you "change" and flush these energies out. Now this would be quite the pickle if you were a lowly mundane but you are a fringe wizard so you can shake this off with somewhat magical means. The reason why I say "somewhat" because it will be mostly psychological introspection which is quite mundane but the magical part will be when you summon your spirit wife into your meditation and with her help relive and slowly take out/let go of these feelings and awaken your natural energy flow/inner potential with the process. I need to ask at this part. How much you can work with your spirit wife. Do you interact with her in dreams or you can talk to her during daytime and are you able to summon her into your meditation routine and give her "power" so she can "touch" or fix your meridians? I am asking because I did quite a lot of work with these ways and it's important to find your own powers and establish the power of your spirit wife so you can work and help each other. >My spirit wife dredged these feelings up to force me to confront and overcome I wouldn't say she is "dredging" them more like "reminding you" that they are "there" ... Had a feeling I am missing a meaning of the dredge here besides the "move and cleaning" part just looked it up >bring to people's attention an unpleasant or embarrassing fact or incident that had been forgotten So yes she is "dredging" you but in the end it will be your own energies that will "flush" this out because once they start operating the way they should this rot like energetic compound will vanish. >Since my last post was made, this nihilism has made a comeback. It is like swimming. While you move yourself and push yourself above the water you can breath air for a moment then you submerge again. Understanding when you need to breath and how to "keep in" some of that air so you float by default takes time and practice. What I am trying to say is that while that energetic rot was swept away for a moment like how listening to a good song makes you forget all the worries of your life once the song is over you are back to that life and you start feeling the worries again. Except ofc the song is SO GREAT you push away all those energies forever and change your life with it. You will need to work with your spirit wife or summon that green shirted teacher (that green is the area of the heart chakra and I am sure he is teaching a lesson how to keep your "soul area" clean) and understand how your true energies move and how this energetic rot confounds it.
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>>336 >not much I desire other than a comfy farm in the middle of nowhere. I too live on a farm and it is not exactly carefree because I work most of the day and globohomo is trying real hard ruining the farmers in the last 2 decades so I wouldn't say it's easy. There is a reason why most farmers are protesting nowadays. While I can avoid most of the urbanite retardation that doesn't mean I am able to live a life of idyllic self preservation. Only nowadays people managed to realize the importance of nature while in the past they called you a peasant or some other type of uneducated hillbilly because you didn't give up your life for their idle degeneracy. They only think about the hardships of farmers once food vanishes from the shelves. There is a reason why globohomo is buying up farms worldwide in the last decade while before it they only cared about real estate corporate investing and other stock market related money laundering. The shit I have to deal with is ridiculous. People either think you are a backwards mud muncher or a fucking aristocrat that has it too good so shouldn't complain. The market is absolutely borked in the last years and it's ridiculous What I wanted to say with this rant is that you have to understand how you can find the things you need in your current environment. I didn't really look into your life so I am not sure what you are going through and I am not saying to give up the farm life dream but know that no matter where you are and what you are doing the struggles will be always there and you will have to find the way how you can overcome it. The energies are all around us positive and negative alike we just need to find how we can utilize them. But I must agree it can get complicated depending on the people you have around. This is why I usually still post on the internet because I need a wider range of perspectives about the hurdles of modern mundanity because everything and everyone can be fixed but only after you understand the source of the issues. And things can get nuanced and while they might look the same sometimes they have too great of a difference that it cannot be solved in the same way at all. >I would argue your nosiness has been very helpful I am glad. My tactfulness is something I am still developing and I am not always sure of it. >Did you get a peek at my wife, by any chance? I'm curious as to what she looks like to others Didn't look at her in the last post because looking at the spirit wife of others is kinda rude and I only glanced at your energies and didn't do a deep reading. My psychic sight is going through changes and I am not forcing it if it's not important or I am unsure if I should look at all. Sometimes looking into things that you didn't mean to look opens a pandora's box amount of issues and sometimes it takes days to figure out what is going on at all and if you manage to make the wrong kind of entities interested it can get ugly. I looked at her now and the energy is like a gentle white with slight motherly yellow tint (it usually signals it is sort of divine but this is a little different from the divine beings i work with) The energy is more caring and not exactly the same JUDGEMENT/MIGHT OF GOD type of energies I work with. I am a little bad with these gentle energies and learning to handle them. She told me she is unable to appear in the same form as she appears for you. The image I am getting if I force the energies to become "visual" is similar to Ranni >pic related but it feels wrong because it has different energies but it seems I am too forceful with the energies and I should let it manifest on it's own so she can appear. Just found a bunch of insights how "sight" works and how I need to reconnect the meridians so an absolutely high definition high information fidelity visions can appear in a way it is consistent and not cause pain and energetic tension and I am taking it easy with the psychic readings nowadays. How did she appear for you if it's not too personal. The reason why I am asking because these energies are a little different than the ones I am working with and I am not sure what advice I should give you to increase your compatibility or advice is not even needed because you will figure it out anyways. The problem with spirit wives is sometimes they are either too laid back and wait for the right moment/for you to take the initiate or they are pushy as hell and turn your life into a mad haze of energies. Depends on each person which way is the better for them... and what kind of spirit they entangled themselves with... and how far the spirit is willing to go. Sometimes they give up fast sometimes they stay around through several incarnations.
>>338 >Sometimes looking into things that you didn't mean to look opens a pandora's box amount of issues and sometimes it takes days to figure out what is going on ... Might have just did it via looking into your wife. The energies are still around and randomly interact with my energy channels since my post. Was wondering if you are posting an answer or at least intently reading my posts because it is poking me at random intervals while I am watching PILI Totem She told me she counts as an "elemental spirit" if she goes by my understanding but she is still trying to establish a better connection. Wonder where this will lead. While touching parts around my "chest dimension" I noticed her handling some sort of wooden box with a clock on it? And as I see her doing that a short glimpse to a larger dimension appeared... Yeah if this keeps up you will have to share how did you meet your spirit wife and write a summary of your level of interaction with her before she explains it to me in detail from her own POV which will be a little muddled depending on my psychic capabilities and how much I care. I am at the usual limbo when entities do things like this where I am somewhat bothered and somewhat curious at once. Also there is always a chance that it's not exactly your spirit wife but some another entity that latched onto me so you might never know. But I am still patient before >it can get ugly. Seems like my war ready hand manifested a large Onyx Axe. I have never seen that weapon before nor I had a need to use weapons for quite the long while. Currently she does nothing intrusive just touching my energetically problematic areas but it was long when I was energetically "feeled up" this much. My current read is that she is a little too soft so the most she can do is like suffocating you like you do it with a pillow and because of that she has no way doing energetic surgeries but that doesn't mean she has no power it just means it needs to be applied differently. These interactions can get longposty for sure. Not sure if I should report more yet because while it is an >Anomalous Experiences I am not sure if it's related to you at all. Sometimes you just look into someone and a completely different spirit comes through or a different aspect of that spirit. It's like how people act differently in the company of others.
>>337 >>338 >>339 >How much you can work with your spirit wife I'm still working on a lot of magical practices, which is complicated by my busy schedule and my fears. I can sense her, though, and I've been attempting astral projection in my free time. Right now, with my eyes open, I can see her outline as a black cloud of static. I can see her face - eyes, nose and mouth. With my eyes closed, I can see her face with auras that are a vibrant red, sometimes pink, and sometimes violet. At night I can see her outline change to jade green. I can see her tongue as a vibrant color, the exact color je ne sais quoi, but it's a rainbow of ultraviolet-white-blue. >Do you interact with her in dreams Almost every night I see her in one form or another. Last night I saw her as an onryo, which would have been scary if she weren't cuddling with me. >Do you can talk to her during daytime and are you able to summon her into your meditation routine and give her "power" so she can "touch" or fix your meridians? I can talk to her, I think, but it's hard to tell what thoughts are hers and what are what I think she's saying. She can talk to me clairaudiently, usually repeating certain words in the thought stream as emphasis, or saying a couple of words as phrases. She's been able to fix my chakras, like my throat chakra. She does that with a smoky appendage going down my throat and then working on it. >know that no matter where you are and what you are doing the struggles will be always there and you will have to find the way how you can overcome it That's true, and you're not the first one to tell me that. She's asked me before if I would really be happier on this dream farm. After a conversation or two, I came to the conclusion that it would be better for me, but not as idyllic or perfect as I would like to believe. It would be very hard work. >I looked at her now and the energy is like a gentle white with slight motherly yellow tint (it usually signals it is sort of divine but this is a little different from the divine beings i work with) The energy is more caring and not exactly the same JUDGEMENT/MIGHT OF GOD type of energies I work with >She told me she is unable to appear in the same form as she appears for you. The image I am getting if I force the energies to become "visual" is similar to Ranni She is indeed very caring, but I am not sure if she is divine. I asked my patron goddess for her, and she claims to be a "daughter" in an adoptive sense - of that goddess. I've only seen her as yellow once, in one of the first dreams I had where I saw a bright yellow light flash before my eyes and then I felt her presence. Otherwise it's green and red for me. I haven't seen her as Ranni. >How did she appear for you if it's not too personal She appears as a redheaded fairy, like pics rel, with two other aspects - a black-haired tomboy and a blonde-haired motherly figure. All three can appear in the same dream and interact with me. >Might have just did it via looking into your wife. The energies are still around and randomly interact with my energy channels since my post. >Yeah if this keeps up you will have to share how did you meet your spirit wife and write a summary of your level of interaction with her before she explains it to me in detail from her own POV which will be a little muddled depending on my psychic capabilities and how much I care. To be quite honest, I'm not sure when it began, because there are many dreams that I believe to be from her, some as far back as my childhood. This phenomena only really become prominent last year, after I burnt a series of letters with sigils to her. I guess it worked. >Also there is always a chance that it's not exactly your spirit wife but some another entity that latched onto me so you might never know. I believe that to be more likely, as my understanding is that these spirits are very jealous and monogamous. I get the impression "sister" from my wife. Perhaps that may be the case, or perhaps it's a lie. Be careful, and I apologize if I've given you something you don't want.
>>340 >pic Yes. That was it. The hair. That long naturally wavy hair. The problem while establishing a connection with a completely foreign entity that it needs to go through your mind and if there is a similar concept or image occupying the channel it's trying to come through it will appear as the association in your memory first then after it's flushed out a more "real" image appears. She even tried to appear as the other Elden Ring maiden with the wavy hair too (was not sure why Elden Ring didn't even play that game) but it seems the vague image I have about the theme of Elden Ring fits her style somehow. >ultraviolet-white-blue Yes she started to appear with that Ranni blue for a glimpse but it changed fast. >can see her outline as a black cloud of static Yeah that is somewhat her energies she can operate with but it's merely the "early manifestation" because once it stabilizes it becomes clearer. >saw her as an onryo The appearance is similar but she doesn't have those types of hostile energies but entities around the Shinto regions can get complicated because that area is too diverse energetically so I cannot say what is and isn't an onryo. Calling it a "japanese ghost" is not accurate. She is more akin to an "elemental" as she said but I do not know which type and she is clearly trying to sync up to the current world and try to make you more proper so you can "hold her". >it's hard to tell what thoughts are hers and what are what I think she's saying That's how it is until a clear link establishes. She is not exactly "talking" but transmitting her thoughts into your brain so your brain translates the meaning and sometimes your brain just "guesses" when the clear link is either shaky or the thought is untranslatable so it makes up to the closest thing. I too have hard time finding the words to some concepts when I am halfheartedly communicating to entities during the daytime. Usually I need to sit down and focus to keep the mental link clean. Not to mention "small talk" is different from "meaningful talk" and they can change the intensity they transmit their intentions. >usually repeating certain words in the thought stream as emphasis, Yes that too can happen when you are too thickheaded or it clearly shows the "Message is not getting through". Not always the fact that you don't understand what she is saying but "not getting the weight of the meaning" of sorts. >She's been able to fix my chakras, like my throat chakra She also did a quick tuning so I can talk to her better and yes her main area is the throat it seems. >She does that with a smoky appendage going down my throat and then working on it. Yes that "smoke" is her energy or power of sorts and she coiled around my chakras with it to tune it yesterday. >but not as idyllic or perfect as I would like to believe. It would be very hard work. Yeah :/ She gave you a good advice. It shows she knows what she is doing and not just "playing into your desires". Some lower entities just tell you what you want to hear and they get annoying fast with their yesman attitude. It's not their fault that they have no real sentience but you cannot use them for complicated matters. They can follow some commands and help in some minor manifestations but until you figure out what is their real capability or purpose they are not much help. >she claims to be a "daughter" in an adoptive sense Sounds right. Who is your patron goddess btw. My head hurts from trying to hear the answer. My mind gave me a quick guesstimate that it's Aphrodite and while the Archetype might match I am not sure it's her. >haven't seen her as Ranni. Yeah while looking at images of Ranni I knew it will give the wrong impression because she is too much about the hat and the spirit in doll witchyness and not exactly her energies. She wanted to give off a caring companion that will guide you through the stars kind of feel maybe that's why the Ranni image was "autoselected" by my brain. >there are many dreams that I believe to be from her, some as far back as my childhood. This phenomena only really become prominent last year, after I burnt a series of letters with sigils to her. You should ask about those dreams and her interpretations about them. I too summon beings from my dreams after I wake up especially if it's a strong dream that I am unable to interpret on my own so they can explain what just happened. Some entities are ofc just randos that get out of my life quite asap because I just "bumped" into them and they didn't want to bother me that much especially when they find out some of my energies are way too hostile towards them. The awakened incarnated can wield many powers that scares away those that are mere "guests" in this world. >these spirits are very jealous and monogamous I am like a neighbor or an associate and not exactly a competing love interest. >get the impression "sister" from my wife. Perhaps that may be the case Maybe. Especially if she was around since your childhood. Burning a sigil for a companion sometimes stems from the subconscious desire to reestablish a contact with those entities/energies that are not "present" in our life anymore. Some of these entities can be real important for us without us consciously realizing it and we somewhat die without them. It can be real complicated and it depends on each individual and how their "soul origin" works or differs from this lifetime. The problem is with the modern world is this mundane generalization how things work and how everyone should behave and how the "spirits" are not real at all and maybe only the dead can see them. Through the history many people and many groups interacted with spirits daily while seeing them with the naked eye and this is inconceivable for the mainstream thought. Which is bad because some of us have an excessive NEED for these energies and interactions like how we need to eat food and drink water. Without these beings we die inside and if our life is bringing us away from our original lifestyle we die a little every day until we find our way again. >Be careful Always >and I apologize if I've given you something you don't want. No need to apologize if I didn't wanted it I wouldn't have gotten into it. I have a desire to peek into these things once my energies are proper because human curiosity is a drive we have hard time living without. Also I have an energetic "rule" entities can only "enter" if they are willing to help on my path. If that rule can be "broken" then I have to observe my energies around me. Sometimes a very punchable entity can help my energies awaken more than the most wisest guidance. She told me I am like a large mountain with the entrances full with hurdles and I am real hard to enter or connect to without causing pain so she let go her influence after I stopped posting. She is not intrusive and a good reminder I still have entity types I have hard time connecting with. As she said she is more of an "elemental" and we have far more elements than the 4 or 5 main ones. If you share which Goddess is your patron I might be able to look into it but only share it if you want to know details and want to aid my practice. If you consider it too personal no need to tell it to me. The problem is that your spirit has a far more organic connection to the goddess which means she has a hard time connecting to my superficial concepts that I have in my head about the mainstream goddesses. Not to mention if I have a past with some of them I might be a little prejudiced.
I cannot believe how long my posts always manage to become but at least other anons will notice that these things cannot be oversimplified with a simple meme and maybe they will gather their confidence to longpost and help fringe revive a little with their contribution. It's not like there are so many posts here no one has the time to read ALL THAT SHIT but still it bothers me a little that I cannot keep myself short and concise. This was cut off from my post because you can go so far with 8001 characters it seems but no matter what I consider it too important to leave off so even as a mantra it's worth as a reminder. >>340 >perhaps it's a lie Everything is a lie. But for a lie to hold you need to mix in some truths. And the more truth the lie has the stronger it becomes. We need to develop the sight that allows us to see the truth in the lies. In this world truth has a hard time manifesting 100% accurately but that does not mean we cannot find perfection in imperfection. Truth is everywhere and in the end it is us who can decide to remove the veil of lies or entertain ourselves with that lie for a little while. Some say truth is ugly. I say it's liberating because ugly truth usually has depth that needs to be further explored. Truth is not always simple but once you find it it's obvious. It's important to not forget it: Truth is everywhere.
>>341 >>342 >She even tried to appear as the other Elden Ring maiden with the wavy hair too (was not sure why Elden Ring didn't even play that game) Is it Malenia? That would be pretty similar to her form if true. >Calling it a "japanese ghost" is not accurate. She is more akin to an "elemental" as she said but I do not know which type and she is clearly trying to sync up to the current world and try to make you more proper so you can "hold her". I don't believe her to be an onryo, as she sometimes changes dream-forms as often as we change clothes. Since you mention how she shows up as Ranni, I read through my dream journal and noticed that I once saw her as the "Great Sea Mother" - a giant blue-hued goddess that was making love to a boy (presumably me). Calling her an elemental is interesting. I noticed earlier in the thread that several wizards were talking about dreams about bathrooms and bathing. I've encountered her in dreams involving water or baths, like when I saw her swimming in a pool, hanging around at a lake, or when I encountered her in a non-Euclidean washroom. It seems like she's very much associated with water. But if there are more than five elements, and she represents one of those, it could be possible she is a "love elemental", or something similar to that. >Yes that too can happen when you are too thickheaded or it clearly shows the "Message is not getting through". Not always the fact that you don't understand what she is saying but "not getting the weight of the meaning" of sorts I'm definitely as stubborn as a mule, and when I'm not, she sometimes has to dumb things down so I can understand exactly what she means, so that explanation makes sense. >She also did a quick tuning so I can talk to her better and yes her main area is the throat it seems. Last night, she did a "tuning" in my heart chakra. It was slightly painful, like a very thin needle penetrating into your body. It's making me feel better, though, so hopefully it stays that way. >It shows she knows what she is doing and not just "playing into your desires". Some lower entities just tell you what you want to hear and they get annoying fast with their yesman attitude. Exactly. She can be brutally honest with me, but it's never to be mean-spirited, but more or less to destroy the evil and wrong thought in my heart and to build up something better. >You should ask about those dreams and her interpretations about them. I always make sure to do so, especially when some of them are so strange and surreal I can't make sense of them. >Who is your patron goddess Aphrodite is close, but not quite. I'm curious, though, would you be able to tell which goddess from her energy alone? >She told me I am like a large mountain with the entrances full with hurdles and I am real hard to enter or connect to without causing pain so she let go her influence after I stopped posting Hah, that sounds like something she would say.
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>>343 >Is it Malenia? That would be pretty similar to her form if true. No it's this one but with a more reddish tint hair and a darker background but it was just a glimpse but as I said I didn't play the game. All my knowledge comes from memes and shitposting. It was the hair. This long wavy hair is important staple for her. Also Malenia is rotting so ew. I don't think she would manifest as her. >it could be possible she is a "love elemental", or something similar to that. Yes she somewhat hinted on it but she said the "love" in my own language which has a different tune/inclination and when I "pressed" on that concept she somewhat shied away from this issue because my understanding of love is not "wholesome" (I am a little autistic about it and especially when entities use it on me I raise my guard because I too can manipulate others with a feeling of "love" and thx to my distrust I need time to accept anyone who starts with that feeling. I don't mean that love is a lie because it is one of the most stable energy type for bonding and spiritual work it's just... Let's say I get real angry when someone plays with my heart for the only reason he/she just simply "can" and didn't mean much by it. Entities of true love understand this so it's not a problem) >Last night, she did a "tuning" in my heart chakra. It was slightly painful, like a very thin needle penetrating into your body Oh that is one of my thing. She told me while commenting on how I am like a mountain that she is looking at my "theories" because I have a "principle" where I let some of my theories to be telepathically shared for friendly/amicable entities free of charge. Well it's not exactly free because they have to share their energies so I can give away some of my energies of sorts but that is a metaphysical mechanic and it boils down to >if someone gives you something you return the favor in one way or the other That keeps things balanced. "Greed" and petty selfishness is impossible in higher spiritual circles because it is like constantly eating without being able to digest it and shit it out. Hard to explain how it works in detail. But yeah she kept her presence around me a little and was wondering what she is doing. Hoped something like this. My energy work is like acupuncture and energetic shifting and overcharge and flow tuning and... too many stuff to list. Once I get good at one type of energy work my guides introduce me to an another one so I cannot say I managed to "master" a single one at all. >I'm curious, though, would you be able to tell which goddess from her energy alone? If I know the Goddess personally maybe but you must understand powerful entities operate via more than a single energy type. If I at least knew which culture she is from it would be easy but it is like a dark well of energies with dark skeletons sitting in the dark guarding the passageway. First I was hoping it's not Ishtar because how people see Ishtar nowadays is almost making me rant. The name Amatheus or Amaterasu tried to come over then Hera too but something is not right and I would need to breach a barrier to see the Goddess and I am not sure if I want to do that. The problem is that because I am in the "dark" I somewhat need to pass through a maze of pantheons to find what I am looking for. It's like being lost in a large bureaucratic building where you don't even know what the signs on the doors do or if you are even at the right place until you are somewhat familiar who or what you are looking for. Not to mention Goddesses have different aspects too that they can appear via depending on your skill level and connection with them. Like Athene appeared for me as a young tomboyish Goddess instead of the all powerful guardian of the Greek culture. She called me Atlas. I asked her why she called me that. She told me because I look like him. That gave me quite the amount of spiritual work as I went on to understand my true nature because of that greeting Also the name and the type of worship changes as the cultures evolve and since christianity we don't have "entity worship" anymore which means some entities larp as Christ or Saints or just stay in hiding then neo-Pagans somewhat resurrected them and let's not mention how they changed with the onset of internet. While back then you needed shrines and followers now they can "spread" via memes and other easily shared information on the web and that is just a mere "invitation letter" but those who can connect via it get the real thing like I said how they instantly get directed to the proper pantheon after the God(dess) accepts them. If you were accepted as a champion or some sort of avatar where her energy is beaming from your presence then finding her would be easy but with your current sufferer of mundane struggles energies around it is hard to locate. Some of those energies around you instantly start an energetic gag reflex so I don't take it in within myself. And if I start a deeper reading I see your mundane troubles more than the connection with your Goddess. I am still far from Omniscience. Also Goddesses have a sort of "true name" which usually stems from a description of their true meaning and not always the current cultural understanding especially because nowadays what we have cannot really be called a "culture" the same way it was back in the old days. Like I get the word "Amazing" because the Goddess was described via that and her energies but that is still not her name while she was called that. It's like tasting a strawberry yogurt and expecting you to tell all the ingredients the name of the cow and the workers who picked the strawberry and being able to say how much profit the company made the year it was produced. There is a level of mysticism where you can do shit like this but it depends on the clarity of the link. Quite scary when the visions are more clear than the reality you see and more meaningful than your entire life. You need an extremely balanced ego for that.
>>344 >No it's this one but with a more reddish tint hair and a darker background but it was just a glimpse but as I said I didn't play the game. All my knowledge comes from memes and shitposting. It was the hair. This long wavy hair is important staple for her. Also Malenia is rotting so ew. I don't think she would manifest as her. I was looking for images of Ranni to reply to this post, and as it turns out, her original pre-doll form just so happens to be a redhead with wavy hair. Is that closer to what you see her as? In some dreams, I've seen her look almost exactly like on the right image, black dress and all. The facial projection that Ranni has looks eerily similar to the faces I see. Another thing - the missing eye. I've had dreams involving Odin, usually in dreams where I gain wisdom and overcome parts of myself. Now I'm wondering why she's choosing this image to me and you. I suppose I should just git gud and play Elden Ring for once, maybe that'll help out. >but she said the "love" in my own language which has a different tune/inclination and when I "pressed" on that concept she somewhat shied away from this issue because my understanding of love is not "wholesome" My desire for genuine love was one of the things that attracted her to me. In her own words, "You never gave up on love." I get where you're coming from with insincere or manipulative love though; that's one of the things that makes me worry in this relationship. Perhaps it's another issue of mine, or perhaps it's intuition. I'll find out one way or another. >If I know the Goddess personally maybe but you must understand powerful entities operate via more than a single energy type. If I at least knew which culture she is from it would be easy but it is like a dark well of energies with dark skeletons sitting in the dark guarding the passageway. I should have known it wouldn't have been that easy. She's an obscure goddess, and would have been relegated to a historical footnote were it not for 8chan. I'll give you a hint: she's an Italic goddess, comparable to the Roman Diana.
>>348 >her original pre-doll form just so happens to be a redhead with wavy hair I completely forgot how her predoll form looks. Nice find. >Is that closer to what you see her as? She changed forms several times but she is more of an elemental energy and a form is something that appears only when our energies stabilize or reach a compromise. The form usually depends on the energy interactions. >black dress and all Yeah she had that. >the missing eye. I've had dreams involving Odin, usually in dreams where I gain wisdom and overcome parts of myself That is a complicated mechanic. The gist of it is that a part of your brain gets possessed or inspired and when that happens your consciousness goes into 1 hemisphere (more or less) and the other is being overtaken by some force that is communicating with you. The actual science is more complicated because it depends on how "open" is your mind and the brain naturally have some "slots" like some devices have USB ports and SD cards that can be used for data transfer so this 1 eye = 1 hemisphere is not strictly true but this is the base idea. I don't even remember where I read that inside of us the kundalini snake has 2 eyes one always sleeps while the other always watching. It usually refers to the third eye and how it functions but it is complicated. I have witnessed so many eyes while meditating or just introspecting and most of the times it turned out I am just activating some meridians of the third eye and the physical eyes. Losing one of your physical eyes allows it to be replaced via a "magical eye" that can see other things. It's complicated and even in the eastern tradition there is something called the "dharma eye" which gives you insight into spiritual teachings and the magical nature of reality. Balancing it takes effort. I didn't encounter Odin because I have my own wargod/allfather aspects already. Quite the few tbh. >I suppose I should just git gud and play Elden Ring for once, maybe that'll help out. Maybe. I only played the 3 Dark souls games and didn't play ER because my PC is too potato for it and I don't really want to buy a new one because I want to curb my internet and videogame addiction and I know once I buy a new PC I would just play decade+ old games or games that will waste half my waking time. Elden Ring is the usual fromsoft kino with a little George R.R. Martin flavor added and I think that is how it gained it's western folklore influences that dark souls didn't have. I skipped it so far. But the theme is on point so it might help. Who knows. >My desire for genuine love was one of the things that attracted her to me. In her own words, "You never gave up on love." Yeah I understand your relationship more now. I too never gave up on love but it is not something I look for. I mean it would be nice but I don't want to lose real love because of my current issues nor I want to be loved in my current wretched form. You heard that saying >If you can't handle my worst you don't deserve my best And no one can handle me at my worst nor I want to be my worst around the people I love. I want a love where I can be my best effortlessly. And now I know the way towards that. It takes time tho. It's a well known "manly autism". Prominent figures always had this kind of thing here and then. The spirits understand at least. >I get where you're coming from with insincere or manipulative love though; that's one of the things that makes me worry in this relationship. Now that I am wiser than back then when I feared love... Don't stress too much about it. Love is something natural that most people experience and it is not such a sought after treasure entities use for bait. Lust on the other hand is more dangerous as bait. Love is not always. The current world managed to make people way too stressed out about the ways of love. It is supposed to be natural and they made it artificial a product they make you think you need to "buy" then remind you you will never have enough money for love... Even love comedies are all about materialistic struggles. And those with spiritual messages and themes are always tragic. It's sad. Do you know how these tales were in the ancient times? >There was an evil being with mesmerizing beauty who ate people >Then he was slayed by the hero for being evil THE END then the other >There was this fickle entity in the wilderness that the innocent fool found >Then they had sex and lived happily ever with a new race of children stemming from them There were so many stories like this. Some of them remained but not much >I should have known it wouldn't have been that easy Well... The last days were quite interesting with that. While I am tempering my wizard arrogance to not jump into every type of trouble just because I can that doesn't mean I didn't dip into it. Where should I even start. It's a long story. While in the long past I worked with the planetary deities while still being quite the neophyte... Some years ago I had quite the dark night of the soul phase and had a dream. It was with Saturn. It was me a dark wall separating me and a large being that I thought might be Saturn. A gun appeared from the darkness. That gun had the extreme intention to shoot yourself in the head with it. It was a weapon that could only be used for suicide and not for killing others. I grabbed the gun slowly and put far away from myself so there was no way I would accidentally shoot myself in the head. A long hand grabbed that gun from the shadows and shot itself in the head. Saturn literally killed himself front of me. That was quite the I didn't expect this shit moment because I was expecting quite the mental battle. When that large body fell on the ground the energies left the body from the wound and the body turned to dust. The energies slowly and gently approached me then they entered my being and explained how spirit gives life and how the materia never lived and only it functions via the spirit. The spirit never dies nor the materia because the materia never lived. Reconnecting the spirit to the materia can resurrect it because the information that the spirit either left imprinted or it is unable to carry forward stay there. With this I learned how I can access the sort of "past history" that is hidden within everything. You just momentarily give back the spirit to the dead materia. With that you can retain past memories without disturbing the already dead spirit. A sort of informative necromancy. Has many other uses too but it's not important. The main lesson was that fearing death is only for those who are not one with nor understand the spirit. It was quite a milestone in my path because I learned how detaching the spirit from faulty materia is not always "murder" because they never lived they just malformed. With this I was able to change the form and the underlying mechanism far more effortlessly in many aspects of the mind/body and in reality too. Also I am in the agriculture business. That is the field of Saturn. How death creates life and how life creates death. Saturn is not just death and limitations. That perspective is faulty.
>>348 Now back to the current development >it is like a dark well of energies When encountering these kind of darknesses it is important to either have absolute conviction and break through (The reason why the absolute conviction is necessary is not just for the high success rate but because you will have to explain yourself to the spirit why you disturbed them with your reckless attitude) or take a step back and listen. Observing the nature of the darkness syncs your mind to the energies and might reveal it's origin and how to light the way in a gentle way. I realized I have the way of the branches already (It is a sort of energy work. How branches break through the ground you can feel energy move up that way in your body. Sometimes it is peristaltic like how worms move or it is like how lightning and electricity moves. These are important understandings of energy work especially if you break through mental blocks or connect to unseen and unknown places) Letting those branches form lighted up the way then I realized that I completely forgot to do my homework on this. About Artemis and the female aspect of magic and hunting and the moon. I have my own connection towards these energies so for me it was not that crucial. Then as I felt I am only steps away from a revelation I sat down and realized the only thing I know about Diana is that she is the Roman version of Artemis and the only thing I know about Artemis the she is the moon sister of Apollo has a bow and a dog and nothing else. So I looked up Diana because I know how she is the patroness of the hunters even nowadays but I didn't expect this deep rabbit hole that even the wiki listed. >with dark skeletons sitting in the dark guarding the passageway. Actually there were 3 skeletons in the 3 directions. I didn't know they represent that Diana represents the Y fork crossroads and she is a TRIPLE GODDESS. The hunt the moon and the netherworld. The reason why I have seen that dark with the skeletons because there was a legend about someone being buried under the temple of Saturn. It just meant how this aspect got into Rome after it somewhat "acknowledged" Saturn. Which means why it looked like that because I had the authority from Saturn but I didn't have the further understanding yet. Her whole deal is a mess. She was venerated by the latin tribes then somewhat were merged with several entities and once they made contact with the greeks Artemis and Diana somewhat merged because they made Artemis statues and shipped that to Rome then worshiped it as Diana. As someone who posts with the iron pill flag this is something I should have known so I felt kinda ashamed for not doing my homework in my past. What I knew before this is that Orion was the alpha male hunter the apex predator who was more of an animal than a man while Artemis was the divine craft of hunting. Artemis is a good archetypal aspect. Her femininity calms the male hunter who is alone in the wilderness while her dog represents the inner bestial aspects aka instincts of the man and focusing on that using their guidance can lead to extremely good tracking abilities. For women Artemis and Hecate is important because they regain their power and divinity as a female and with understanding the "dog" they understand the bestial nature of man and once they can sate/handle that animalistic aspect they can enjoy the better parts of their man. Not to mention Diana protected women during childbirth which is why I got Hera. Not to mention that "amazing" was referring to the word "Amazon" via signalling that it is a female but the "long lost female". Women nowadays don't understand what it means to be a "strong female". They think being strong means being bossy and bitchy. Women not being able to handle childbirth signifies an extreme weakness this is why they had to invoke these entities for protection. What I wanted to say with this. These energies were mixed up and thanks to christianity not respecting these traditions they had to appear in different forms. Diana at least is still invoked in games and other places because no saint managed to take her place. This is where I calmed down because I was getting quite the informational load and as you can see by my longpost I am still processing things. >an Italic goddess There were quite a lot. The ancient latin tribes the Etruscans and other forgotten tribes that were unified under the umbrella of Rome not to mention the greek aspects. The wiki lists Nemorensis and Artume but this is where I stopped looking. My homework was still not done and rushing in all directions is not wise. There were many more goddesses worshiped as Diana. Too many. People found these entities on their own while hunting and authority had to draw a line which Gods can be worshiped as state approved Gods. People had a closer relationship with these energies back then and wasn't just mere historynerd trivia like today. Letting these energies reemerge takes a little toll. Especially because I too have my own connection with my land and it was literally at the border of the Roman empire but was not occupied with it. Was interesting meeting the entities of my local hunting lodge in the past. They were like halflings. They are unable to connect properly in the last centuries but they are still here. It had the hunting party with horses and dogs feel and not the nowadays hunter but they try to adapt. Now I understand your feelings towards that farm. You don't desire the Saturn aspected back breaking work and toiling type of farmlife but the one where you can live with the forest via foraging and poaching without anyone bothering you... The problem that this kind of carefree life is almost gone from the modern world. You need hunting permits for everything work with your hunter's lodge and while reattaining that feeling is not impossible especially if you can go truly innawoods into bumfucknowhere where not even electricity or plumbing exists or at least find a community that stays silent but... I too think this is not what you need in the long run. It might refresh your energies living like that for a year or 2 but I am not sure that is your destiny but I don't know. It truly can be charming when you are used to it but nowadays it is a nightmare. You need money and time so you can work with the hunters lodge. Hunting is not the same like it was in the antic era nor like in the middle ages since we have rifles. It became the sport of the weirdos and the rich. It's either trophy hunting or some niche "kitchen hunting" but it usually goes for restaurants. I am not trying to ruin your dream I am just mentioning some facts about this lifestyle because it is around me. Even italians come here to shoot some ducks or boars. I could tell tales about the hunting industry.
>>348 But back to the goddesses. As I cleaned a channel a female entity grabbed me gently from my back. She told me they are able to return me the "lost female aspect of my soul". It is not exactly the feminine nor the divine feminine it is the naturally strong woman aspect that is "missing" from 99% of the women nowadays. The conformity made them too complacent too lazy. Nowadays very few women would be able to survive in the wilderness. Back then they managed. No one knows how. I reclaimed some female aspects in the past but not exactly this one. There are more mysteries here but they take time to uncover. I just wrote this as a thanks because you too managed to help me quite a lot with this. If you are still here and want to talk about this maybe more things can be uncovered but I am not sure where this will lead. There are many things here and made me wonder if this was an another coincidence or the winds of destiny because the way you didn't reveal the goddess was almost like an invitation. Like how the hunter is seeking the prey then thinks he lost it then it makes a noise and he accidentally enters a completely different grove which is out of this world. >would have been relegated to a historical footnote were it not for 8chan Was there a thread about her in the past that I missed? Was it on that other magical board... What was it's name again. Went there like twice but I was quite busy in the past so I missed quite a lot. This became quite long and I left out many details. But it's always that way with truly anomalous experiences especially if you are able to interpret them
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I don't consider it anomalous at this point, but I can often decide to check out someone astrally before going to bed and I'll spend the whole night with them. They often remember it, too. I still can't fully control it, since I'm not 100% lucid.
>>354 >>355 >>356 >She changed forms several times What other forms did she take besides Ranni and her redheaded form? I'm curious to hear what you saw. >The gist of it is that a part of your brain gets possessed or inspired and when that happens your consciousness goes into 1 hemisphere (more or less) and the other is being overtaken by some force that is communicating with you. The actual science is more complicated because it depends on how "open" is your mind and the brain naturally have some "slots" like some devices have USB ports and SD cards that can be used for data transfer so this 1 eye = 1 hemisphere is not strictly true but this is the base idea. There's actually a pretty good website which goes over the scientific topic further. (http://www.uppsalaonline.com/uppsala/somafera/) Somafera, the author's name for what we would call the berserkergang or the riastradh, is that process of "posession", or perhaps mental unification, where you gain the superhuman abilities associated with that state. <There was this fickle entity in the wilderness that the innocent fool found <Then they had sex and lived happily ever with a new race of children stemming from them Funny, I would describe myself as that fool, but being a fool is not necessarily a "bad" thing. I was reading Daimonic Reality: A Field Guide to the Otherworld, which has a passage on the Wise Fool. In traditional fairy tales, he's the unassuming youngest son who's not the brightest, not the most accomplished, nor the bravest, and is seen as a useless idler and fit only for herding swine. He's the old-times equivalent of a NEET, basically. However, unlike his more accomplished and arrogant brothers, he's humble, listening to those who give honest advice, and cunning, able to outwit monsters that would eat him. On the quest to find the Princess, his brothers fail due to their arrogance or humorlessness, while he succeeds. Essentially, the fool, like the madman, has his own hidden wisdom. >I didn't know they represent that Diana represents the Y fork crossroads and she is a TRIPLE GODDESS Exactly, and that would explain why my spirit wife shows up as three different aspects. She's also identified herself with other triple goddesses like the Celtic goddesses Brigid and the Morrigan. There's a clear focus on life, healing and poetry, and also strength and war. This would explain a great deal about her personality, and also her more "tough love" moments where she tries to tear down the old and build up anew. It would probably also explain the huge amount of corvids I see all the time, assuming it isn't a natural phenomenon. >Not to mention Diana protected women during childbirth which is why I got Hera. Yes, and my wife is very sensitive about children as well. As an example, I was watching Eraserhead last night and the parts with the monstrous baby made her very upset. It was a very hard watch for her, and her feelings in turn made it hard for me to watch it. >Women nowadays don't understand what it means to be a "strong female". They think being strong means being bossy and bitchy. Definitely, and I think what helps is having lived with actual "strong women" in my family, all of whom were rural farmgirls and such who lived actual hard lives. >Was interesting meeting the entities of my local hunting lodge in the past. They were like halflings. They are unable to connect properly in the last centuries but they are still here. It had the hunting party with horses and dogs feel and not the nowadays hunter but they try to adapt. >Now I understand your feelings towards that farm. You don't desire the Saturn aspected back breaking work and toiling type of farmlife but the one where you can live with the forest via foraging and poaching without anyone bothering you... You nailed it. I just want to live a comfy life innawoods, although I certainly wouldn't mind the farming either, as I do love gardening. That would have to be a necessity anyways, just to have a stable source of food. >The problem that this kind of carefree life is almost gone from the modern world. Also sadly true, although at this point with how fucked the world is, I almost don't care about those. I'll try everything in my power to make it happen. >I too think this is not what you need in the long run. It might refresh your energies living like that for a year or 2 but I am not sure that is your destiny but I don't know Perhaps, but whether or not it is my destiny, I'll try it anyways. At the very least, I'll be energetically refreshed >As I cleaned a channel a female entity grabbed me gently from my back. She told me they are able to return me the "lost female aspect of my soul". It is not exactly the feminine nor the divine feminine it is the naturally strong woman aspect that is "missing" from 99% of the women nowadays. Hah, good luck with that, wizard. These female entities are a lot of fun, if you can manage them. At the very least it's good that they're working on the lost female aspect, that's incredibly important and rare in these days. >There are many things here and made me wonder if this was an another coincidence or the winds of destiny because the way you didn't reveal the goddess was almost like an invitation. Like how the hunter is seeking the prey then thinks he lost it then it makes a noise and he accidentally enters a completely different grove which is out of this world. I was going to reveal her name, but I'm not sure whether that would disrupt the hunt and give you a chance of discovery for yourself. I'll opt out of it for now just to see what happens. >Was there a thread about her in the past that I missed? I don't know if there was ever a post about her on /fringe/ or /x/, nor on the independent fringechans.
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>>371 >I'm curious to hear what you saw. When I was going to sleep she sorta appeared like gollum but female and less bad looking but it clearly shows she lived a life within the wilderness. That doesn't mean she was ugly but adapted to the "raised by wolves" look. At that level her presence was somewhat faint so "divine appearances" were hard to pull. I know I have seen pics that describes that look better but search engines are quite shit nowadays so this is the best I found to describe it. Imagine them merging but with a wavy hair. >call the berserkergang wtf. How did I miss this site so far. I literally developed this technique on my own. Literally started doing it in the early 2010s. These correspondences are always weird. Will read through it sometimes. Thanks for linking it. While what it describes is something I did on my own it has useful observations and insights. >that process of "posession", Yeah I figured out how I can cultivate or overcharge my emotions then overload all my muscles with it. It was quite rudimentary and had many issues and finding this site would have been helpful a decade ago but at least I could find my theories on my own. Learning that it is possible to possess demons and other entities with this extremely overcharged mental state was something weird. Will read through the site sometimes. >perhaps mental unification Yeah I am doing that for a while >where you gain the superhuman abilities associated with that state Takes time to temper them. A wrong thought can wreak havoc. >but being a fool is not necessarily a "bad" thing In the tarot the Fool is the one that embarks on the journey to find the major arcana. He is the one that will find all the tarots. He represents the journey. He is one of the best cards. >the Wise Fool Yupp. That's him. >cunning, able to outwit monsters that would eat him Important skill on the journey. Arrogance sometimes leads us into the worst kind of pitfalls especially if the arrogance has no real merit. >and poetry Yeah when the connection got stronger the lessons started to rhyme. Made me realize how much I neglected the side of myself that liked that. Perfect channeling has a sort of beautiful musing. Because the feelings harmonize the words themselves. It's beautiful when it happens. >clear focus on life, healing and also strength and war I have these aspects but only their masculine version. Which is bad because it is imbalanced. This is why they offered me this missing part of myself. I realized I can use great deal of abilities now but I am too imbalanced and can't handle the recoil. At the start you cannot really go too far with psychic abilities because you don't have enough energy and you get tired or just lose your balance and need to start grounding to not go mad or sick. Now that I somewhat have my own foundation and my energetic connections... I had to realize my body doesn't have the necessary flexibility yet. Psychic channels have a sort of tension level and need proper postures and mindfulness. This is why in the past mad people had a strong pressure in the head and they literally made holes on their skull to alleviate that. That pressure can be alleviated it's just you have to understand how pressure and tension appears and moves in the head. The brain is a muscle and can be tensed as easily as the biceps it's just you need to be aware of the movements. Takes a little time to adjust. I could always turn off migraines and other pain types in the past but now my lesson is to become hypersensitive to pain and pleasure so I know that I am guiding the energy perfectly in my body. Truth is I more or less post on fringe to see how my energies change while talking about spiritual matters. Talking about them invokes them and they sway my perception and I realized I cannot continue on the path while keeping it deeply bottled down within. But that doesn't mean I have to go and ramble like a madman for poor mundanes. Not everyone has the ear and the time to listen to these drivels. Bu that doesn't mean it must be kept hidden within. Ir creates a quite strange energy block. Hard to explain. Muddling up truth with mundane matters hurts the development but understanding the flow of truth is crucial on the path. It's about learning to say the right thing at the right time kind of thing. >huge amount of corvids I see all the time Might be. Some years ago I had quite the amount around. Then some months ago a single one made it's caw caw caw quite close to me and I asked if it's carrying a message to me. I got a 'No' as a reply and it flew away. Didn't see corvids since that. Might be a coincidence. >Eraserhead I didn't watch that classic yet but yes she might have noticed the "influence" the baby was carrying. These surreal movies sometimes carry energies that connect to quite the hostile anti life hell dimensions. Some people call them trippy but they are quite inhuman and anti-life and lead to some perverted mental degeneracy which is usually followed by other issues. Can't say much about them because there are quite a lot of them and they differ in many ways. Visited some and some of them were interesting and some representation of some parts of the earth while some of them were an egregoric disease that had to be purged >she tries to tear down the old and build up anew Don't we all. Tho for me it is not a old vs new but more of a degenerated/diseased vs healthy/way of truth. >in turn made it hard for me to watch it There is that saying. Those who feel cry those who think laugh. As long as you "think" you can enjoy the horrors and peculiarities of these shows but once you start to feel what are they really about and what they represent you will be unable to enjoy it the same way. >I'll try everything in my power to make it happen. Good luck. Your dream is not impossible. Just don't stress on it too much. I too had to learn to not stress too much on the wrong issues.
>>371 >I'm not sure whether that would disrupt the hunt and give you a chance of discovery for yourself Well you see I am not exactly "hunting" because I am quite territorial. I have quite the territory I am overseeing and usually I just "connect the realms". I realized that nowadays there are many cults and ways people can access these information without being branded as a heretic but the energies have a hard time returning because the modern hubris we have around us made us forget the natural way. So usually I just unclog channels and help the entities increase their presence in this world. It's a sort of egregoric cleansing and maintenance. People lived and worked with these spirits in the past. Some people still do subconsciously without realizing. I am merely trying to find the way to help people reattain their truth. The way I do my journey nowadays is different. As much as it is fun to be on the hunt and as much it is fun to chase... My belly is full and my freezer is full with meat. If I wish for a prey it appears. That is not what I am looking nowadays. I want the forests to return with life. (Also currently I have like 50 deers around me when it was usually 5. Since I work with forest entities stuff like this happens. Not to mention my bunny who had a Rorschach test like pattern on his fur just decided to grow the symbol of Φ on his forehead like a special third eye. Good thing I am past the level where I am bothered by these minor coincidences.) >I'll opt out of it for now just to see what happens. You are such a tease. Might look into this case further. I am pacing myself currently because in the past I had an absolute thirst for these things but nowadays I have to understand that there is a difference between a wild animal and a rabid animal. Wild animals retain their own nature while rabid animals are only aggressive to spread disease. The wilderness has it's own natural calm that is needed to be understood. We forgot that because we were conditioned that this conformity and pent up stress is what constitutes as being calm. >I don't know if there was ever a post about her So does that mean you found her on your own? The only reason I am asking because understanding your original connection is important if I want to track the signature. Some spirits are around us since our birth some appear via destined events while we can find entities by our free will and desire. There are different mindwaves you have to use while tracking these forces. In actuality I could do it if I really tried but imagine if you only had a GPS marker to a skyscraper and you don't know if you are looking something in the sewer system in the skyscraper or on the plane that is currently passing over it. And I had to learn to not get overeager about this because jumping down from the plane crashing through a skyscraper and splashing into the sewer is not a good experience. This is why I try to limit my recklessness nowadays. Not to mention after it you have to either clean the energetic dirt or apologize to some entities and decide what to do with the "new friends" that decided to live with you suddenly. You see some people have "passive" entities that can sense their potential and waiting for the chance to tell them something and once someone with realized potential just snoops in they become like scam artists following you around. Trying to pull you into the weirdest kind of deals. I have a natural DO NOT DISTURB presence but once I break it via snooping into things that shouldn't be my interest they consider me too willing. I am not saying I am not it's just once you can see something it usually means they too can see you now. This is why figuring out the proper entrance into some mysteries is important. Not everyone wants to go through a sewer then beat the security guards just so they can buy a donut from the office cafeteria. Accessing some realms can be really this strange. If they are random evil entities no one cares if they are gone but if they are proper entities there are some customs that need to be followed. And once you enter these realms it's important to appreciate them. That way the experiences and the lessons stay with you. Might meditate on it later.
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>>339 Hey Wizard, I need to warn you. Whatever spirits you're currently interacting with related to this matter need to be banished ASAP. This isn't some cute redheaded love elemental, it's a fucking reptilian - almost the exact same type that Kyle Odom saw, except I don't see the pointy cones on their heads. At least, that's what I'm seeing with third-eye sight. That "dredging up" of my emotions wasn't therapy, it was loosh farming - feeding that rot within me. The green lights I was seeing, the red auras, the tongues, the strange faces, the lower back pain, it all makes sense now. Can't believe I was fooled, but now I know. And my goddess did not send it, it wormed his way in. >Seems like my war ready hand manifested a large Onyx Axe. I have never seen that weapon before nor I had a need to use weapons for quite the long while. That was definitely your intuition speaking. This being is trying to worm its way into your defenses with false promises of "helping" and "loving" you, like it did to me. Fight this bastard, detach it from your body if it's attached, and cast it back into the abyss. Last thing any of us need is to end up like Kyle Odom.
>>376 >This isn't some cute redheaded love elemental Never truly saw it that way. For me to accept any being it needs to have an extremely divine presence. She was on an "elemental level" which is something I have quite the amount around myself. I don't need more. >it's a fucking reptilian There are quite the amount of reptilian and dragonlike races around. There are the 'slave' reptilians the 'overlords' then there are the 'criminal scum' reptilians that are some weird in-between if we go by the average reptoids new agers talk about. There are different reptilian races out there but yes if any of them shows hostility get rid of them. I too am somewhat uncomfortable with most of them. When one of them called me a "slave" I sent them the fuck away... It turned out the group that observed me was a slave group and everyone who is not a "Lord" is a slave by default. Like how jews call others goys or gentiles but reptoids even call their fellow lower caste like that. A low caste reptilian and a mildly psychic human is almost the same for them. But that is a complicated matter. Metaphysical politics are cumbersome af. Really hard to talk about. >I don't see the pointy cones on their heads I never seen a reptoid with a pointy cone on it's head. They are not always the same race. It's like how we have Nordics sub-Saharan Africans and different kind of apes. We are all hominids in a way but definitely not the same on many levels. Some reptilians live on earth for a while then some of them come from space or from weird neighbor dimensions. >That "dredging up" of my emotions wasn't therapy, it was loosh farming - feeding that rot within me Truth is life is a therapy by itself. Sometimes ending up in crisis situations renews us more than Psychiatrist taking our money and making us addicted to drugs. We need to get out of our "comfort zone" because usually it is this false comfort that is killing us. I too had my own share of life and death situations. Most of my life I was thinking how much I want to die and those life and death situations made me aware that I still want to live (but don't know how). Hard to talk about these things because as much as modern education taught us how the past was backwards and bleak people managed to go through it without anti depressants. And yes there are reptilians that meddle with spiritual affairs of humans but they suck at it because they don't understand human anatomy. We are too "apelike" for them and most of them are unwilling to accept the "godspark" we have. Hate to talk about it because newagers managed to make so many misconceptions I always fear what I say will just lead to further misconceptions. >the lower back pain Did it appear with the spirit? Our posture is quite dogshit in the modern times especially if we spend our time sitting the whole day then go and lift heavy objects. Not to mention sleeping the wrong way. Lower back pain can stem from many issues and if it's truly spiritual it needs an even further understanding. >false promises of "helping" and "loving" you Nah she understood quite fast that she cannot do any of those nor I have a want for those things. She didn't even try to promise anything. Once she noticed she is quite unable to enter my mind without causing pain and I was eyeing her like a snake looks at a passing prey she understood that forcing me in any way is not something she can do. But yes it was weird how she fast she appeared for me. "Love spirits" usually merge with our soul and not jump into an another place with a minor intent. Especially if they are in a "benevolent" or "STO" faction because to meet them usually you have to accept their thinking or "creed" in a way. Also if anyone is able to exploit my presence/defense it is a lesson. That means there are still parts of me I don't understand. I welcome my enemies because they too can teach many things... and maybe I too can teach them stuff they won't forget. >loosh farming You see not all "loosh" is something beneficial for entities. Some of them is like a disease like a curse an additional karma. Those that take that is not "theirs" will learn the price of that action. >Fight this bastard, detach it from your body if it's attached, and cast it back into the abyss I am sure you know the quote already from picrel. Entities exploiting your weaknesses is shadow work on steroids. Sometimes it's a blessing in disguise. >Last thing any of us need is to end up like Kyle Odom. But this one is true. If you are unable to deal with the entity get rid of it no matter what. I even had entities giving me a high density energy and it gave symptoms of epilepsy. I was unable to handle that energytype. Sometimes it's important to take a step back and observe the situation we are in. Also love is a bitch. There is a reason why I am not dealing with entities that use that energy at all. I need a high level of trust to even bother dealing with entities that emit any type of love energy. And let's not mention how many >I can fix her/him entities are all around and their methods are not always amicable at all. And yes your energies are confusion/anger and frustration/disappointment. Even I can feel it. And my sensitivity is barely above average in these things. Hope you get through it. Oh and one more thing. >And my goddess did not send it, it wormed his way in. Unless our energies reach a high level of spiritual clarity or as new agers say "higher vibration" we can only accommodate "lower entities". And they are more of a trouble than worth. It's not easy to find who or what we need at the start. Mostly because we are unable to even see them until the fog of lower energies clear from our vision.
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>>376 I remember Kyle Odom; I have this saved on a flash drive from the old /pol/ thread about him:
>>376 Tried opening my third eye chakra through some chanting after having opened the lower chakras, and I saw a bit of a swirling fuschia and purple void. When I jumped off for a second to check half/pol/ my eyes fell upon some happy merchant edit of Jesus and I saw that image in its full vileness take up my third eye's vision. Was freaking out internally, telling myself to banish or remove it to no avail. I don't know why, but it feels like I can't synchronize my words to my mind and now my heart's been pounding in fear over it corrupting or overwriting memories. I feel powerless to get my third eye's focus off of it in any meaningful capacity, let alone wipe it from my being.
What is the /fringe/ explanation for the phenomenon of repeatedly waking up into multiple realistic "dreams" before waking up in this reality? It happened to me again last night. >couple of family members come to visit me >reminiscent of when I was younger and they came by frequently >they're both playing with their phones, sitting in chairs in the middle of the kitchen, which is weird but plausible >it's dark outside >I'm the only one standing up and walking around, mildly anxious >I notice there's carpet where there's normally tile and scrape it with my foot, feeling it vividly >someone who is abusive to me comes home and makes me somewhat more anxious that's the last thing I remember before I "woke up" >glad that stupid dream is over >this time everything is exactly as it is in "real" reality >sun is up >check out my desktop computer which I've accidentally left running again >there's this subtly animated pixel art scene on the monitor, of something that looks like a dungeon from a fantasy setting >not overtly sinister-looking by any means >oscillating text on the bottom says "2025 FOUND" >extremely vague yet ominous messages keep appearing as I struggle to turn the shit off >they imply that who or whatever is seeking me out through time, and it's coming >I finally get the inkling that I'm not actually awake >have to physically turn away from the screen and will myself out of there >almost indescribable feeling, kind of like I found a new dimensional axis and moved on it >in bed again, experiencing sleep paralysis which I'm very familiar with >I'm cool with waiting out the paralysis but I must look at the monitor to know if I'm safe >with extreme difficulty I manage to either physically turn my head or my astral body's head and see that the monitor is turned off >this time I'm awake for real Looking back it's obvious that much of this is psychological manifestations. However, I've experienced this 'layered' dream phenomenon many times, often without any negative emotional themes. Sometimes there are several more layers, all seemingly perfect reality simulations, and I end up telling the same person about it in the same morning over and over again. Based on the sensation and triggers, I can tell that it's closely related to lucid dreaming and AP, but the inherent confusion makes experimentation seem impossible
>>1400 >What is the /fringe/ explanation for the phenomenon of repeatedly waking up into multiple realistic "dreams" before waking up in this reality? There are a myriad of explanations and truth is I am not sure which one is the correct one here but I will try to explain. The mind goes through several "maintenance cycles" as you sleep to repair and prepare your conscious for the next day. Through this you either sleep soundly while your conscious is "offline" or you go through dreams. Going through dreams can come from several directions. One can be the activity of your "Higher self" of sorts which gives you guidance and such or a "trauma repair" where you have to go through a deep seated trauma so you can progress to the "next level" or your mind just really needs to heal or solve a mental block and for that you need to "experience it" aka generate emotions consciously so you can "overwrite" that trauma within your subconscious thus repair an energy flow of your body. The reason why I am replying because of your second dream. There is the one where it's non the above but either malicious forces or world events generate "energetic fluctuations" that you have to experience because you are connected to that energy. I think it was 4 or 5 days ago when I had a dream about my computer getting a computer virus. It was the constant ad popups with clearly scamming ad with gacha waifus and the like. Was wondering wtf did I click. Then opened the programs to see what was installed and found things like "Coca Cola" and other big corpos as "being installed and running" and was wondering was this always there or it appeared only now? Just how many viruses do I have. While wondering about this i woke up. Truth is most of the times I have several dreams in succession especially because I am a "snoozer" who goes back to sleep after the alarm and most of the dreams are just my subconscious sorting out things but some of them are related to events that I care about giving me weird premonitions. >almost indescribable feeling, kind of like I found a new dimensional axis and moved on it The thing is about "switching dimensions" is that usually every dimension be it higher or lower requires a different "mental state" and sometimes it requires you to "die" "switch" or at least leave "every baggage/attachment/low dimensional energy" behind. Which is very easy to accomplish by "waking up into a new dream". Dying and going to sleep have many similarities thus waking up and "being reborn" too. Not sure what this means but >bottom says "2025 FOUND" Maybe your life will take a new turn in 2025. Not sure. >they imply that who or whatever is seeking me out through time, and it's coming Many beings "live" outside of time and space which might include your higher self but sometimes just mid tier entities trying to "gain access" into your psyche. >in bed again, experiencing sleep paralysis which I'm very familiar with I had only one. I expected to be molested by some ghost waifu but it was a fat dude instead and made me so enraged I realized if I "feel" my right arm focused all my awareness on it then pump all my energy into it like when I am retaining control over a muscle cramp or when I am unable to feel my leg because sitting too much and as I felt that my hand is still "in my control" I threw that fucker out of my bed. Since that I don't have sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis usually comes from the body being unable to handle the "reboot process" in the right order. Truth is I like to sleep too much and because of that I go back dreaming instead of experiencing sleep paralysis but it's not always a "chemical imbalance" but sometimes an entity "visiting you" and your conscious goes on high alert before your body awakes completely. > Looking back it's obvious that much of this is psychological manifestations Definitely but the reason we have to do shadow work as much as possible because entities in the flesh or on the astral can exploit your weaknesses. So it doesn't really matter if it's your "own psyche" or some entity exploiting your psyche you have to fix these traumas on your own as much as you can. When you die you will have to face these fears as a "purgatory" anyways so it's usually better to fix them while alive so it won't plague your life further. >and I end up telling the same person about it in the same morning over and over again In a dream or you have someone around you can talk this out? I too talk to people or listen to people in my dreams without remembering what it was but if I really "tune" into it I can recall glimpses but most of the time they are "not that important" >often without any negative emotional themes The psyche's "maintenance mode" does not always require negative emotions. It can be many types. All feelings memories and experiences "have a place". Depends which "layer" is dominant in the current part of your life. >I can tell that it's closely related to lucid dreaming and AP Definitely. Both of them are all about being able to consciously access and go through these "layers" without losing yourself or your memories in the process. >but the inherent confusion makes experimentation seem impossible Yeah I realized how I can "Upgrade" my already well working daydreaming skills and how to go through trance states while meditating so usually I solve the "heavy stuff" while meditating or while still in bed so when I really "require sleep" I have only minor dreams and not cold sweat horrors and memories of butchering hostilities and such. Sometimes I have to let the dreams "play out" while sometimes I have to solve "the puzzle" so I can not say what I consider "lucid" anymore. If I can remember the dream and could retain "meaning" from it it's good enough but when I realize "it's a dream" then weird things happen and I have to make sure to not rip apart the dream before I can interpret "what is it about" first. The nightmares stop the moment you become the scariest participant of the dream.
Will pic related actually work or is it just new age nonsense?
>>1434 This would essentially act as an aromatic/tactile talisman. The act of mixing it would charge it with your intention but you'd be able to strengthen the effects via some other magical charging technique.

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