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Hey. This is the furry board. We'll see how this goes, alright? Sister-Wives of /fur/: 【Comfy】|【Vidya B】|【Fast】|【404- RIP】

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Here we go again Toshiaki 12/16/2021 (Thu) 05:43:20 No. 4085 [Reply]
A new furbait movie from Dreamworks, The Bad Guys. Has an anthro wolf as the main character and a vore joke in the trailer. It's 3D animated, but it looks like it uses elements of 2D for accents, motion lines, smoke, wrinkles on characters' faces, and maybe the eyes, that gives off a rotoscope feel. There's already a ton of porn. Although, it's sad that we have to wait for a new movie to get furries to draw something other than sparkle dogs.
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(31.84 MB 720x300 The Bad Guys v2.webm)

>>5455 >>5513 Through various tricks I managed to improve the audio massively without re-encoding the video.
(31.84 MB 720x300 The Bad Guys v2.webm)

>>5455 >>5513 Through various tricks I managed to improve the audio massively without re-encoding the video.

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Toshiaki 05/12/2022 (Thu) 08:17:47 No. 5258 [Reply]
How did the "open and accepting" myth start? Most furries are hate-filled assholes who rage against and obsess over anyone who doens't agree with them. Popufurs will ruin anyone who disagrees with them. Anyone who has a moral code is all but booted out. "Free speech" basically doesn't exist because if you say even one thing someone else gets offended by you are a pariah. All the furry sites are run by wannabe fascists known to ban people who they don't like even if rules haven't been broken. Pedophilia is rampant, if anyone openly speaks out against it they're turned against by the masses. The only reason furry cons don't erupt into mob fistfights is because you're too afraid of jail to carry your internet rage out in person. You're really a bunch of intolerant dicks, honestly.
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>>5417 Why is this "Let me school you, naive child, on how the world REALLY works" monologue always comes from frustrated failures? Also, if might makes right is the sole principle of "the universe", then I can just kill you, Mr Pedo, and not bother with an explanation. Pray to Darwin I don't come across you IRL.
>>5423 scawy
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>>5423 >Also, if might makes right is the sole principle of "the universe" your thinking is too narrowminded. might DOES make right, but its not as simple as comparing the might of me vs you, there's the might of groups, the might of tools, the might of wealth, etc. >hurr pedo evil i kill u yeah see, you're shielding yourself in the might of public opinion. you're fully aware that in a physical fight between a pedo and a non pedo the population will be on the side of the non pedo and probably help, which makes the nonpedo side stronger, hence might making right. you wouldn't threat murder if you were in a minority group faced with a force larger than yours. truth is always what the majority of the population/the strongest want to believe in, even if its not objectively truth. >why does this always come from frustrated failures because happy successes don't need to think about these deeper concepts of logic and morality, you've already won so you just go through life enjoying your victory without much need for deeper thought. also calm down janny, im just pointing out the hypocrisy of the whole "you're intolerant dicks!" line. going through this branch of reasoning was necessary to do so, but thats about it. OP is a faggot, picture unrelated.

Toshiaki 05/15/2022 (Sun) 23:16:30 No. 5333 [Reply]
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Arbyssser 05/14/2022 (Sat) 22:57:44 No. 5294 [Reply]
It says "script by anonymous".

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Deception Storytime Toshiaki 02/21/2022 (Mon) 20:46:15 No. 4500 [Reply] [Last]
You know it, you love it! Come to the plot, stay for the plot.
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Double Boost! "Yeah, we've got unstoppable speed and timing!"
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is this the real life is this just fantasy caught in a landslide no escape from depravity
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Brand reveals his Shiatzu technique and brings the situation back under control. But then things take a turn for the worse.

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kekitopu Toshiaki 06/09/2020 (Tue) 01:22:51 No. 457 [Reply]
Doggo~ Post all your favorite lewd kekis here.
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>>457 kekitopu makes the best doggo
>>1785 really now? I've never seen them link anything in an inkbunny post
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Shortstack/ Sizeplay Toshiaki 05/31/2021 (Mon) 18:22:15 No. 2852 [Reply]
A thread for small girls. If you want loli/cake/cub, go here: >>860
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inb4 Boogie dump
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U18-chan onion link Toshiaki 02/07/2022 (Mon) 14:41:32 No. 4332 [Reply]
I need a bit of help regarding U18-chan's onion link. I can't access the normal u18-chan because it was censored by the gov and the onion link only give me this prompt. Is there anything I can do to fix this issue or does this came from U18-chan itself?
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>>4332 >going to U-18 yiff party is where it's at
>>4350 >yiff.party is where it's at >>please disable your adblocker Glow in the darks detected. I'd steer clear of that shit a million miles.
Can someone (or better yet, a few people) use an email account to ask support@u18chan.com to generate a Tor v3 address to allow people like OP in other countries to access their site. Tell them the current Tor address is v2 which no longer works.

The Tyranny of Pants KrisSnow 02/23/2022 (Wed) 01:08:23 No. 4514 [Reply]
In the wake of a mass transformation event, a new skunktaur tries to find a support group. How far will she go in the name of fitting in and getting along? Commission for stellarvulpine!
>>4514 It's a good story anon. Where do you post your other stuff?
>>4607 Thanks bro!

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Madame Malin Toshiaki 02/25/2022 (Fri) 02:12:04 No. 4529 [Reply]
"We Baby Bears" came out 1 month ago and it's Furry Bait character still has no R34...: https://kisscartoon.info/episode/we-baby-bears-season-1-episode-11/

Toshiaki 02/14/2022 (Mon) 13:18:02 No. 4428 [Reply]
why is the squirrel and squid considered a furry but not the sponge i thunk the furry community was antiracialist
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>>4445 >I'm guessing that a lot of people don't even know that sponges are real
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>>4451 I'm quite certain that there are people that have never had a concept of a sponge being anything than a rectangular, puffed up piece of yellow polyester. That's even the joke with Spongebob himself and in Minecraft the sponge is basically the cubic version of the same. Those are the two biggest pop culture sources for sponges, yeah I have no doubt that there's millions of people that have know idea that there are creatures called sponges that live in the oceans and rivers.
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>>4428 >why is the squirrel considered a furry Because she has fur, retard.

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PBooru Toshiaki 02/13/2022 (Sun) 11:07:53 No. 4419 [Reply]
Is e621 taking down art you like? Try PBooru. https://github.com/kycklingar/PBooru
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>not hydrus >not the software developed by anon on this very site >>>/t/6469
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>>4419 >>4422 >Permanent Booru Whoops, I had it confused for something else. It's a great site, with far more functionality and usability than other booru sites that scrape e621 (Furrybooru, TBIB). The only reason I don't use it regularly is because I'd rather leech bandwidth from sites that deserve it.

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Dog Abuser .j.l. 02/11/2022 (Fri) 14:59:32 No. 4406 [Reply]
Dog abuser, expose him, dog may have broken his pelvis. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLjJbjpa/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLjJvQbV/
>>4406 dogs are shit thats why calling someone a dog is an insult in every language and culture around the world pathetic creatures, vaccinate them all with their owners
>PETA Doesn't that stand for People Euthanizing Trusting Animals?
>>4406 >nigger Typical >PETA >tiktok i sleep

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Toshiaki 02/04/2022 (Fri) 14:02:11 No. 4283 [Reply]
>donate money to artist on Patreon because am convinced they need it >find out they're using that money to buy crap for their geek collections as well as funding other Patreon members The latter especially pisses me off. They're begging money from Peter to turn around and give it to Paul, while giving the impression the money will go to their own needs. That's when I cut my support. If I wanted Paul to have my money I'd give it to Paul. And what if I don't care for Paul's content, attitude or views in the first place? Am dealing with this now, someone I thought needed it for medical expenses is turning around to give it to Youtubers I refuse to watch for any reason. What a load of bullshit. If you're so well off you do not require a Patreon, then don't beg for it. If I find out the money is going into your toy collection instead of expenses, then you aren't getting a dime. Needless to say I'm no longer funding a lot of people because they treat it as a luxury and are often straight up dishonest about their reasons for needing the money. If you aren't pissed over that, you lack brains. Shit, the more I learn why Patreon was founded as well as about the people who run it, the less interested I am in supporting the platform at all. They get a cut of whatever payments I donate, maybe I don't feel like financially supporting them in the process.
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>donate money to artist on patreon First mistake. Last mistake. >They're begging money from Peter to turn around and give it to Paul Next mistake. No more mistakes.
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>>4283 >giving money to an e-beggar
>>4283 >donate money to artist on Patreon because am convinced they need it >because am convinced they need it How new are you

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Toshiaki 01/27/2022 (Thu) 22:56:47 No. 4218 [Reply]
>Waaah I hate this fandom member so much! I want them gone! I'll make everyone hate them! >Baaaw! They left the fandom! They took all their art with them! Don't they respect their fans? What a prick! This is why you deserve chlorine gas attacks at cons. You people are insane. That and the rampant pedophilia. You are not entitled to free entertainment especially from the people you give shit to.
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>>4225 based dyslexic
>>4224 I've been waiting for that for a long time, but instead being a furry is more mainstream than ever thanks to twitter.
>>4228 I've actually known a few edgelords who've bragged about having dirt on woke popufurs and the like, but they've all ended up going full troll's remorse and the like for vr sex and the continued secrecy of their feral fetishes. Nah, the only thing that'll make it collapse is twitter declaring yiff is killing the environment.

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Toshiaki 06/12/2021 (Sat) 01:26:47 No. 3035 [Reply]
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Good job king.
If someone can find and post the other koopa doujins by this guy, they'd be doing a bigtime service. Don't even have to translate them, just post them.

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