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Hey. This is the furry board. We'll see how this goes, alright? Sister-Wives of /fur/: 【Comfy】|【Vidya B】|【Fast】|【404- RIP】

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Who is the artist? Toshiaki 08/14/2022 (Sun) 15:41:58 No. 6287 [Reply]
Who draws like this? It's amazing!
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Should we just turn this into an artist identification thread?
>>2918 Isn't that the point of >>2918 ? How about turning it into a cute SFW thread instead?
>>6288 Well that's your opinion man, I respect and tolerate you coming out of the closet to tell me all this

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FINAL DESTINATION: Star Fox Thread Toshiaki 08/05/2022 (Fri) 22:10:36 No. 6212 [Reply]
A.K.A. Probably mostly a Krystal thread. Have fun everyone.
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This Fursona Does Not Exist Toshiaki 06/07/2020 (Sun) 02:10:09 No. 425 [Reply]
https://thisfursonadoesnotexist.com/ A virtual banquet of waifus and husbandos.
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>>4054 >It's just my artstyle!
someone gonna make a bot that automints these as NFTs
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This is very cute, but I'm not sure we can classify it as a "fursona." I feel cheated and want my money back.

Kemono.party Hermietkreeft 10/27/2021 (Wed) 18:27:44 No. 3910 [Reply]
Sup, this is the kemono.party people invading this chan. Your content is now ours.
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Here: https://t.me/kemonoparty And here the head admin of kemono party: https://t.me/shinonomeme if you stumble upon any issue feel free to directly contact him
Fix the fucking subscribestar importer already.
>>3910 theres no content here sir

I love furries Gigachad boy 07/30/2022 (Sat) 15:00:43 No. 6179 [Reply]
I love furries ( and femboys OBVIOUSLY ). When I was born I knew that I am a furry. Kids in my school bullied me because I came dressed as a furry. I got punched so hard they only let me go when the police came, my father hates me for being a furry. My mother left me when I was 5, because I was loved watching furry youtube videos. I go to school as a furry, I sleep as a furry. I will always be a furry. Some people say being a furry destroyed my life, but it just made it better than before. My boyfriend is a furry, I didnt take my furry costume off since 5 years. ILYSM FURRY WORLD
I'm a furry and don't own a fursuit. My sister owns a fursuit but isn't a furry.
>>6181 Sounds like you should fuck your sister.
>>6186 Sweet home Alabama Where balls are so blue Sweet home Alabama Sis I'm coming inside you

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80s Furry Toshiaki 06/10/2022 (Fri) 06:04:34 No. 5677 [Reply]
which were the absolute best
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>>5708 Yeah, but it was early 90s, so there was still plenty of stylistics choices from the 80s being used. Pretty easy to confuse them. Posting Felina for the sake of it.

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Accidentally furry Toshiaki 07/25/2022 (Mon) 21:53:57 No. 6146 [Reply]
ITT things that aren't intended to be furry, but... Can you guess what this paragraph is about?
>>6146 >that whole fucking paragraph
>>6148 What's wrong, can't handle a little discussion about shaving?

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A Inkbunny version of Furarchiver? Toshiaki 10/20/2021 (Wed) 00:04:07 No. 3852 [Reply]
Since it's been 1 year since Furarchiver ( https://furarchiver.net/ ) was created, I'm just asking, can somebody make a Inkbunny version of Furarchiver?
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>>3852 So does this pull from the archive of FA that was made before the IMVU purchase? I remember that archive was posted on 8chan's /furry/ board but I have no idea how to access it anymore. I want to see if I can find the original sources and descriptions for some images that are now deleted (mostly pic related).
>>6031 You mean this archive? >>3516
>>6036 Thanks! I ended up finding what I was looking for.

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Toshiaki 07/09/2022 (Sat) 04:06:42 No. 6032 [Reply]
What ever happened to this anon making this game?

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Dearest Deer Thread Toshiaki 07/23/2021 (Fri) 16:09:47 No. 3476 [Reply]
Post anything related about this Facebook sticker
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>>3477 you succeded
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Need more of her!

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FurryLife Online Toshiaki 09/02/2020 (Wed) 22:22:04 No. 1159 [Reply]
What's your guy's thoughts on FurryLife Online?
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>>1354 And we have a winner, became fediverse site a few months ago, and now its gone entirely Wonder what happened to the people who donated thousands of dollars for ranks on the original site
>>4276 Wait, became a shittier website? Fuck man I've been living under a rock all of this time
>>1159 It's just another piece of shit site the fandom decided to launch that bans everything under the sun. I'm glad it died.

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Canine Thread Toshiaki 09/13/2021 (Mon) 19:55:00 No. 3736 [Reply]
What the dog doin?
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Ima post this. Think this is a little....... hot?
I've never seen a sneeze-induced orgasm before. Are there any other odd cause of orgasm fetishes?

/tg/ Tier Fur Toshiaki 03/09/2022 (Wed) 01:21:09 No. 4650 [Reply]
A place for magical realm creatures and MGs that have too much snout for /monster/.
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>>5667 Just remembered a better thread to put that. Janny please remove this.
>>5668 Sure if you want.
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GeneSys Labs furdev 06/03/2022 (Fri) 22:55:17 No. 5623 [Reply]
Been working on a game idea for some time, geared mostly toward furry content (also could include sex robots, loli/shota, gay, bondage, and so on). Finally putting it out there, to see if there is enough interest and potential crowd funding, that it would be worth putting more time into actual software development, and move past the concept stage. TL;DR: < Unlock the secrets of life, by creating genetic experiments, and fucking them. STORY: Due to some tragic loss of life in your past, it has been in the back of your mind to seek the secrets of extending life - even defying death entirely - you seek the fountain of youth, immortality. That is what led you to studying genetics, but now you are unsure about your safety with your current employer having you in a secret underground base. Your mentor (a friend), inside the shadowy agency you work for, has warned you that some of the staff will soon be purged. This warning allows you to avoid an unfortunate "work related accident" and get out while you can, to continue your work in secret. Will anybody else make it out in time, or has your escape made things even harder for them? Someday you may find out, but for now just be glad you are still alive. You find safe haven in a remote location, start a small secret lab of your own, with some cash and basic tech that you "liberated" from the lab you used to work at (/escaped from). Depending on how you treat the (((normies))) in nearby towns, they may protect you, extort you, or come to kill you. If you do risky things too often, like kidnapping of human subjects, or sending nonhuman experiments to the surface, you may also attract attention of law enforcement or others. Sell too many advanced services like cloning on the black market, and you may be found by your former organization. You may find, over the course of your work, that some of the experiments are rather... appealing :) that may have even been your goal the entire time - you wouldn't be the first scientist who wanted to make "cat girls". You may fall in love with some of your experiments, and choose to make love to them, not merely breed them for offspring. Perhaps even trust them enough to allow them to run some of the systems in your laboratory. Recruit some of your experiments to provide the basics: food, water, electricity - and to defend the base, when you get raided by the mob, cops, assassins sent by your former coworkers, etc - but beware, if you don't have trust from (or at least control over) your experiments, they may rebel during these incidents, or initiate an attack of their own. How will you pay for this operation, long term - and stay under the radar? Maybe by selling cloning services, or cat girls, to the black market? But that could be a sting operation... Selling food to the local (((normies)))? If you use some of your experiments to prioritize farming and food production.. could even prioritize water or electricity, and output enough that your secret lab is under a water or power plant.. Can you balance all of the threats, and conduct enough research, that you live long enough to find the secret to immortality?

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>>5623 Always need more degenerate fur games but not giving you money
>It could be nice at some point to get community involvement for graphics, sound, dialogue, coding, etc; oh so you're just another talentless "ideas guy" who wants the actual job to be done for him. the fact that you keep bringing up "funding" makes it obvious you just want to get money and run.
What do you have so far? For a game the mechanics you described are nebulous and the scope seems very wide. Really most of it reads like a wishlist rather than a concrete goal. I think the most grounded approach would be making something like Free Cities but with furries and gene experiments, and maybe putting in some artwork later. Only once there is a fully functional build, that should be the earliest moment to think about expanding the scope.

Are Muppets Furry? Toshiaki 05/29/2022 (Sun) 22:46:41 No. 5575 [Reply]
Depending on the board's consensus this thread may or may not stay.
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>>5575 The ones based on animals are. The ones that look like stylized people aren't. The characters I imagine you're asking about (e.g. Elmo, Grover, Oscar, Cookie Monster), I personally don't consider them furry at all. The don't really have animalistic traits or characteristics. They're more like really hairy people.
>>5585 What about broader definitions of muppets like Skexis for example?
>>5586 Looks like they're based off animals so into the furry pile they go.

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Space Jam Toshiaki 03/04/2021 (Thu) 21:17:32 No. 2164 [Reply] [Last]
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I better start seeing some technicolor Looney Toon cunt getting posted in here.
>>5581 hey now calm down no balls schizo

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