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Hey. This is the furry board. We'll see how this goes, alright? Sister-Wives of /fur/: 【Comfy】|【Vidya B】|【Fast】|【404- RIP】

Artistic Anthros - From Antiquity and Modern Times Toshiaki 06/28/2021 (Mon) 21:00:48 No. 3233 [Reply]
This is a thread for depictions of anthropomorphism and anthrocephaly in art and cultural depictions through history. Sculpture, painting, woodblock, etc. all welcome. Modern examples should be limited to "fine art" type depictions. I'm going to say that for the purpose of this thread that wildmen count as well.
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I just HAD to post this beautiful rabbit.

Help me find an archive Toshiaki 03/01/2023 (Wed) 01:34:05 No. 7512 [Reply]
What was that website with a bunch of archives including inkbunny and youtube along with a few other archive documents?
>>7512 How about torrent sites like Kickass torrents, 1337x.to, Hiddenbay, or taking a trip into the Freenet?

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Dargoneer is bowing down to leftists Toshiaki 12/05/2022 (Mon) 19:07:34 No. 7080 [Reply]
https://www.furaffinity.net/user/xexus/ This artist had about 40 pieces purged from their gallery because an SJW objected to the content. I didn't think Dragoneer would do what leftoids want, after all he never wavered on defending Zaush, but it's probably happened to a lot of galleries by this point. If an SJW doesn't like it they will purge it. Be ready to see your submissions randomly deleted over complaints. I have no idea why this is happening but I would guess he actually fears lawsuits for not bending the knee.
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>the man who defended rapist Zaush is a leftist This shit again. No he's not. How many leftists has he banned for disagreeing with him?
>wiped No. The commissioner of those pics was banned from FA for calling Zaush a rapist & spitting on known pedophiles. The artist removed them by request because if FA wants them gone then all traces should vanish from other galleries too. You don't get rewards & freebies when you shit on someone. Don't be surprised if businesses in Dragoneer's town get letters in the mail with his photo, name & the fact he defends rapists & pedos. Or just someone from Fiverr in the area hired to post copies all over instead. Fuck around & find out.
>>7825 >>7827 Nice try, Diosoth the rotten NPC.

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Old /fur/ projects 07/09/2022 (Sat) 04:25:17 No. 6033 [Reply]
Whatever happened to this anon making this game?
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>>6033 >awoo rejection simulator This strikes a little too close to home for me, guys.
they had a patreon for a while, i remember seeing them on twitter too. went by "gentledraws" https://www.patreon.com/gentledraws
>>6033 Killed in a tragic jetpack accident while fapping to furry pr0n. Press F to pay respex.

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Osmosis - a multiplatform image tagger Toshiaki 01/11/2023 (Wed) 20:09:03 No. 7311 [Reply]
hello, i have been developing an image tagging program for a bit now. i figure this board is probably a good enough place to put it, and probably the demographic that will get the most use out of it. the program is built around being able to filter things extremely well. it does this by not having static categories (eg, and, or, not, unless), but rather user created logic Osmosis is distributed in a portable format, and requires no instillation to run. currently, it has both windows and linux support. tags are stored as Lua tables in their own folder, which makes them easy to export for external use. Osmosis is open-source software, see the github for code and releases. (mind the spaghetti code) https://github.com/CrazyAmphibian/Osmosis attached are some screenshots of the program running on various screens. it currently features: gallery view that shows all filtered images image view where you add tags an image-only view mode that shows a full screen image that can be scrolled a tag implication system robust tag filtering system customizable tag colors based on custom criteria
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>>7346 https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ hydrusdev has been developing this for nearly 10 years, regularly releasing a new update almost every week on the clock. i've been using it for 4 years and its only gotten better with time. its capable of scraping boorus and multiple sites, collecting the associated metadata (tags) and create "subscriptions" to periodically search sites for artists or specific tag querys. so yeah, like i said, you had a good idea there but you've been beaten to the punch a long long time ago.
>>7311 can i use this to make a sort of private booru for me and my friends tho
>>7592 you would have to set up hosting using something else, but yes, you feasibly could do that provided you can transfer the image and tag folders.

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Anthromate thread Toshiaki 03/10/2023 (Fri) 21:42:50 No. 7535 [Reply]
Why aren't there more people talking about these? It's literally the closest you can get to fucking a furry without murrsuiting.
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Maybe this better for general plush thread (surprised it doesn't already exist), but I'd rather get something custom made so it's more personal and specifically tailored. Anyone have experience with that? >>7535 Fino and the black dragon recolor are cute. The price, size, and limited stock, and overseas shipping makes them pretty difficult to get, though. It's also nice that they're more chibi than anthro, despite the company name. >>7536 Those are basically humans and absolutely horrifying uncanny valley abominations. Complete opposite.
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>>7645 <Those are basically humans and absolutely horrifying uncanny valley abominations. Complete opposite. It's all so tiresome. >Though I do have to say for the maximum furry dream it is closer than the current best offering I've seen Why is reading so hard?
>>7649 You're better off fucking an off the shelf product than those abominations. My point stands.

Raeal The Protogen's NSFW patreon Toshiaki 03/15/2023 (Wed) 01:12:48 No. 7546 [Reply]
I KNOW this motherfucker has (had, actually) way more nsfw shit buried in a now-dead patreon account. I NEED to see it! or at least get conformation that it isn't lost forever...
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OrangePeels PSD Tier Toshiaki 04/05/2023 (Wed) 10:04:14 No. 7560 [Reply]
Does anyone have OrangePeels 20 dollar Patreon psd tier?
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>>7584 Nope nothing would anyone here have any of his animations psd files?

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Wings of Fire (come, dragonfags) 04/16/2023 (Sun) 04:07:31 No. 7596 [Reply]
>cartoon dragons >That age demographic where you start to like "grown up" things. >OW THE EDGE violence >comically over the top shit that is ridiculous and goofy. >Kind of fun for the wrong reasons >Sometimes has genuinely decent stories albeit flawed Did anyone else ever read these? They're not necessarily good but they're fun. The graphic novel adaptations feel like some pretty awkward deviantart drawings which kind of feel so bad it's good. Also the porn fucking sucks. At least some dragonfag autist here might get a laugh or two out of these and maybe a few reaction images.
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>>7598 Oh hey, thanks. I have all the epubs and read them all. I didn't have Moon Rising's GN in digital form though, so I can yoink that. I only have a physical copy and don't know where to find people uploading epubs of these that don't require some shit survey or other hoops that my autistic /tech/ setup blocks.
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>>7596 >deathbringer.jpg Alright, that's got me thinking, what kind of professions-turned-family-names do dragons even have? Does the hatchling of the Goldhoarder family besmirch the family name when he kidnaps maidens instead of pillaging for loot? >>7597 >>7598 Thanks for the share.

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>>7611 A majority of the time, names are just stuff that might be relevant to geography (Dune), flora (Coral), fauna (Kinkajou), or just traits focused on in a given tribe (Dazzling). Nightwings are the weird exception where they have names implying some kind of role or ability (Mindreader, Fatespeaker). Pic related. Also, found a leaked animatic of the show Netflix cucked out on because of their financial flopping. I wasn't expecting much, but it seems amusing enough and now I'm a little sad even though they're still holding out for another service to pick the project up.

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DuckTales Toshiaki 08/07/2022 (Sun) 21:34:35 No. 6237 [Reply]
Why does Della wear pants?
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>>6562 I kind of want to see her piss herself now
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>>6386 >>6387 More model sheets

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Goobysart AcornAcornAcorn 04/08/2023 (Sat) 20:38:23 No. 7582 [Reply]
Anyone have the rest of the NSFW that goobysart made? All I can find are the two still up on r34.

Most insufferable pfp types? Toshiaki 02/11/2023 (Sat) 05:14:14 No. 7441 [Reply]
What are the most insufferable sad pfp for "people" to have meet online? Please do post.
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>>7491 I can sense cringe coming off of your video without even needing to click on it, so I hereby disregard you and your claims. Take it away for me Mr. Khan.
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>>7448 >Zyklon B Gas chambers ONE PROBLEM THERE: Zyklon B isn't that good at killling people, plus the "oven for burning people alive" stories are lies pushed and promoted by the Holohoax Lobby. There is no truth to the 6,000,000 Jews bullshit. Ditto for the Supposed 5 million or so Gentiles that were "gassed". >>7472 >You're furries. So quite uncomfortable in being human. How would you know about that for sure, doctor dipshit? being a furry DOES NOT automatically mean that said one is an otherkin. Why are you so excessively proud to the point of smug and hubristic egoistism about something you are born with (in this case, racial bloodlines and ethnic makeup) Mr. douchebag? Being born white is something but how is it an achievement, though? You are correct in that ancestry is nothing to be ashamed of, but who in the fuck made you the expert on what makes someone worthy of being called a human, asshole pinhead? >muh race differences between peoples are the same as species differences WRONG, race and species are not the same thing. Race is more akin to subspecies, something which other animals and some plants already have been proven to have. Indeed, its more than skin and eye color, no knockback from me there. However, having a smug, asinine, domineering, and hubristic attitude, truly pride bloated to that of a stage 3 or stage 4 tumor is gonna end badly in the long run, Fucko.
>>7526 >Zyklon B isn't that good at killling people That and the stories (even if it's 100% BS) is why it's perfect, it creates a multiprong feedback loop of terror. Also my interest in thermal dynamics long ago clued me into the basic facts that what the juden claimed is fiction. >How would you know about that for sure, doctor dipshit? being a furry DOES NOT automatically mean that said one is an otherkin. 1. How would you know that it's NOT the case, hmmm? 2. Considering the level of interest in NOT being human that furries have it has to be an adjacent form of otherkinism at bare minimum even if it technically isn't "proper" otherkinism. >but who in the fuck made you the expert on what makes someone worthy of being called a human, asshole pinhead? I never said furries aren't human, but as usual I am forced to behold the "awe" "inspiring" mental "power" of the average furry. Heh. >However, having a smug, asinine, domineering, and hubristic attitude, truly pride bloated to that of a stage 3 or stage 4 tumor is gonna end badly in the long run, Fucko. Sorry but, 1. I'm not into tsunderes. 2. Even if I was I already outlined in the comment you replied to that I'm NOT a furfag.

Kemono Toshiaki 04/01/2022 (Fri) 09:37:22 No. 4861 [Reply]
Now that April 1st is over anyone wanna just turn this into the kemono thread? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attention faggots, porn addicts and sex-crazed degenerates! As of today, this board will be dedicated exclusively to Kemono, or in other words eastern art featuring animal characters. Since I am a generous BO, I will leave you with a 24-hour grace period to save what you like, before wiping this board clean of ugly western filth. Any new non-kemono posts made from now on will be deleted on sight. Thank you for your attention.
Edited last time by MisterE on 04/02/2022 (Sat) 06:40:33.
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>>7504 Did it become more active? The last few times I was there there wasn't a lot of activity.
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>>7506 I uh, I think. It's more active than I expected and seems to have one or two posts on most days.
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>>7507 Looks like it's a bit faster than I remember. Neat.

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Red Panda Thread Toshiaki 02/10/2023 (Fri) 00:22:06 No. 7434 [Reply]
WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH RED PANDAS? They aren't raccoons but they aren't bears either.
Edited last time by MisterE on 02/10/2023 (Fri) 00:29:48.
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Seinfeld thread?
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This is all I have. LOL
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>>7469 What's the deal with interspecies breeding? I fucked my own red panda thread with the OP image fuck.

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Flip your canvas Toshiaki 02/13/2023 (Mon) 10:56:43 No. 7452 [Reply]
This took me one hour.
Did you mean to post this in the sketch thread?

Scalie Squad Toshiaki 06/13/2020 (Sat) 11:00:49 No. 488 [Reply] [Last]
The time of fur is over! Only the cool, dry hiss of scales nao!
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>>7166 >>7167 These seem to be broken.

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