Huefag here, allow me to explain.
Lula had an actual good first term as president. He "betrayed" his far left supporters at the time, continuing his predecessor's "Plano Real" ("Real Plan", which introduced a mix of austere economic policies and reforms along with a new currency - the Real - in parity, at the time, with the USD). He followed the plan to a letter, and got in bed with investors, banks, and all those jews. All the economic growth and "good times" people enjoyed then was because of said plan, which healed the economy after decades of fuckery and crippling inflation/debt.
Then, on his second term, we said "fuck it" and started printing money, getting into debt again, and enlarging the state. In Lula's 2nd term (and Dilma's term, for that matter) they created not 1, but 3 unprecedented gigantic corruption schemes by buying almost the entire congress through money laundering, state companies, banks, infrastructure contractors... it was impressive. Said schemes led to Lava Jato ("quick wash", the massive operation that dismantled the schemes and arrested a fuckton of politicians, including Lula). Then the supreme court, bought and paid by him and his lackeys, went to work to undo everything.
Bolsonaro couldn't enact almost any reforms or do anything resembling a sane economic policy. Congress is a shitfest of small interest groups and lobbies, and incapable of actually doing anything actually good and helpful - it's why Lula bought it in the first place, to actually get his shit through. The economy is fucked due to incompetence, covid, political stalemates and, still, corruption.
People are being gaslit by the commies that, when Lula was president, thigns were better. People could buy food, have bbq parties, and had overall happier times - they just fail to mention that all economic growth was due to Plano Real and a commodities boom at the time... and that shit done at Lula 2/Dilma threw the country into this shit-filled pit. So yes, Lula and the commies have a very real chance of getting back into power - by gaslighting the sheeple along with the media, who treats Bolsonaro just as US media treated Trump - And Bolsonaro himself can't help but fuck up and look incompetent at every chance he can.
If Bolsonaro wins his second term, MAYBE he'll get around to do something actually useful. But we'll be still mostly fucked. If Lula wins, then we're definitely, positively, completely and absolutely fucked beyond measure. And the supreme court right now is the de-facto power, shamelessly reaching out into the legislative and executive branches' to do as they please, doing blatantly illegal "investigations" and arrests, and almost every decision made during these elections were in favor of Lula.
We always said that BR elections were about choosing the lesser of two evils. But this time, it's even worse.
Oh, and they took away our guns too.