It was a text based game, that catered to my fetishes. No, it was not worth it. Right now I am going through all the doujins, that cater to my fetishes, from all the months I stopped, then probably go back to nofap.
>Even if you don't moan, you're bound to make some noise and be woozy for long before you feel emptiness.
I never made noises while fapping, I am not a woman, and I am not on medication. I do sometimes feel tired after fapping, and used it in the past as an excuse to sleep better, but overall it was just a lie, and I would sleep worse after fapping.
If anybody is interested in doing a long streak, I highly recommend this book.
>does it guarantee to "|cure" me from fapping?
Obviously not, but it will give you a better chance.
>do I really have to read this entire book?
You have to go from start to finish, without skipping chapters, but you do it in your own rythm, even one per month
>will it try to scare me will all sorts of "facts" like going blind if I fap?
No, in fact it will tell you to fap all you want while reading this book, and even advices against going on no-fap while reading the book.
>then how do it even work?
Well, the fool effect will happen after reading the book, but it basically argues the point that you don't need to fap, and that you were happier before you started fapping. That you don't loose anything, by not fapping, instead you gain everything.